Chapter 240 Goodbye Ye Fan
In the distance, Xu Yu and the others watched the disturbance quietly.

"he is"

Feng Xuan looked at An Bo's actions and asked in puzzlement.

"It should be descendants of the restricted area of ​​life. They have an irresolvable feud with the Ji family and the Saint Body!" Xu Yu explained to him.

"Is it a descendant of the Undead Mountain?"

Feng Xuan replied affirmatively.

It's no wonder that Fengxuan said this, because there have been rumors in the world that the Void Emperor's lineage and the Undead Mountain have an endless enmity, and An Bo himself also said that his home is in the middle region, not very far from the Dark Holy City. Therefore, many people present speculated that he should be the descendant of the undead mountain in the restricted area of ​​life.

"Are we going to take action? The Void Emperor's lineage has a great favor to the human race, we can't watch his descendants suffer humiliation in front of us!"

After reacting, Feng Xuan asked Xu Yu.

"No, there are people who are willing to do this kind of heroic saving of the beauty, so we don't want to add to the icing on the cake."

Xu Yu had already sensed Ye Fan's aura, and knew that he was nearby. If he was there, Xu Yu and the others would naturally not need to take action.

"We just need to quietly watch the situation change!"

An Bo beckoned, and a servant came back, held a cup of fairy tea on a jade plate, and wafted a burst of fragrance, walking towards Ye Fan.

Ji Ziyue and Ye Fan were sitting in the gazebo together, her big eyes were crescent-shaped, and she was smiling brightly, so she naturally knew who it was.

Ye Fan got up, looked at An Pu, and said, "Thank you for your kindness, if you bring two cups, we will accept it."

Not far away, An Bo shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, there is no solution to the feud. If I don't take action, I can't explain to my elders. I can only offer you immortal tea."

"So, I can only thank you, what if we are feuding, you will regret it." Ye Fan said.

"It's okay, I'll give you this cup of tea!" An Bo said calmly, but there was a kind of strength on Yu's pale face, which was quite different from before.

This made people feel a burst of horror, and felt a kind of aura of swallowing thousands of miles and dominating oneself, sweeping away the sickness, making people tremble with tremors, and send chills down their backs.

This is a remarkable character, without any power fluctuations, without seeing the depth of his realm, just a natural spirit, which makes all ambitions tremble.

"Tea, is there any more forcible delivery?" Ye Fan shook his head.

"This kind of fairy tea, ordinary people can't drink it even if they want to drink it. It can be called a kind of fairy fate. You don't have any hesitation." The servant said coldly.

Ye Fan ignored him, and only spoke to An Bo, saying: "Before, you gave me tea, and I thank you. If you send me away like this, you will be an enemy."

Although it is said to be a cup of divine tea, such a forceful delivery has a sense of coercion. Since his debut, no one has been able to oppress him like this.

Anbo looked indifferent and didn't say anything.But the servants holding the teacups are even more persuasive. Where do they come from?The real forbidden zone of life, all the power and inheritance in this world are a joke to them!
Since ancient times, which strength can really compare with their elders, unless there is a real emperor, everything will be a passing cloud and nothing.

Ye Fan ignored him and sat down directly. He was just a servant, no matter how powerful he was, he was still just a servant. Instead of talking and arguing, he would lose face anyway.

"Everything in this world is under our feet, and I rule over the ups and downs of the world. For tens of thousands of years, no one has ever dared to decline our kindness like this."

The servant said with an accentuated voice.

Ye Fan looked directly at An Bo, and said, "It seems that you are not very satisfied with this servant, do you want to use my hand to cut it for you?"

His words were not loud, but his imposing aura went straight to the sky, everyone's ears were buzzing, and everyone's heart was jumping with fear, knowing what kind of a powerful person this was.

The words shook the sky, and contained an invincible martial arts will, which made people feel that this kind of character must be peerless and difficult to rival among his peers.

"Crack", "crack", "crack"...

An Bo clapped his hands, and said: "For so many years, you are the first person who is so strong to me. I remember that since I was born, there are not many people who have resisted me."

He made the servant back and asked him to bring back the Enlightenment tea.

"My lord!" The servant was unwilling, and stared at Ye Fan indifferently. He really couldn't bear this gesture, because Ye Fan had never glanced at him from the beginning to the end, and even if he spoke, he was directly talking to An Bo.

Although this is regarded as self-respect, he doesn't care about his servants, but where does he come from?It came out of the undead mountain!Even as a servant, he was powerful in the outside world back then, who would dare to underestimate him, Ye Fan's attitude made him furious!

He didn't return, he stepped forward, looked down at Ye Fan, and a powerful breath rushed towards Ye Fan, wanting to kill him.


A cold light flickered, followed by a splash of blood, and everything was over.

Ye Fan didn't even blink, sat there cross-legged, still calm and composed, and killed this person without saying a word.

Everyone was shocked, and there was a surge in their hearts. How powerful was that servant just now?
Even they couldn't say it well, like a stormy sea, they never wanted to be smashed by someone in an instant, exploded directly, and turned into a pool of blood.

People didn't even see what kind of weapon it was, how did that person do it?It was too fast, and it killed everything in one blow.

An Bo's expression turned cold all of a sudden, like a demon god, his whole body erupted with a breath of Ling Tian, ​​which directly shattered the sky.

"I respect you as a character, but your servant doesn't know how to advance or retreat. If you and I change positions, what will you do? Don't you kill him?" Ye Fan asked calmly.

"Da da da"….
The sound of rhythmic footsteps came, and the great sage of the Ji family appeared, with a mirror hanging above his head, standing in the distance and looking over here, staring at Anpu.

Everyone's expression was stagnant, what kind of background this person is, it is worthy of a great sage to wait and see with the emperor's weapon, this is really shocking.

An Bodhis expression was extremely indifferent, and it took a long time to calm down, and he said: "Forget it, he is the one who brought on the trouble himself and disrespected my decree, so he deserves this calamity."

No one expected that he would calm down in the end after such a fierce posture, and become calm.

"Who is this guy?"

Everyone stared at Ye Fan in amazement, but some people already knew who it was, and even how the servant died.

Ye Fan swung his sword coldly and beheaded the armored servant of Undead Mountain. It was impossible to hide it from Huo Lin'er, Jiang Yifei, Princess Yueling and others. They saw it clearly.

"Human Saint Ye Fan, it's been a long time!" Shi Zhongxuan said.

Ye Fan smiled and raised his glass to signal, his face was covered with mist, and his true face was restored in an instant. Now that he was recognized, there was nothing to hide.He doesn't want to be troublesome, but he is not afraid of trouble.

Sure enough, when Ye Fan's real body appeared here, there was a commotion immediately, many people exclaimed, and many people rushed forward, talking a lot.

"Brother Ye heard that you entered the ancient road to the starry sky and killed enemies from all directions. Is it true that you are invincible to the starry road?" Someone asked eagerly.

"Senior Ye, what are the obstacles on the ancient road, and what do you need to pay attention to? Do you think I can embark on that road?" A newly rising junior asked hopefully.

Ye Fan was helpless, he knew it would be this scene, but he had no choice but to answer them one by one. It took a long time for the crowd to disperse, which really made him tired of coping.

This is still his hint that there may be a battle here, and it will probably be the result of bloodshed, otherwise they will not be able to get rid of everyone. Now that he is famous as the Big Dipper, once he appears, it must be the result.

Of course, the hostiles are also indispensable, standing in the shadows, watching indifferently.It's just that the current Ye Fan, how many people can be killed, who dares to take the lead easily, he is no longer the little monk in the past, and his power shakes the world.

Huo Lin'er smiled, walked forward, and said softly, "You can see it too, do you know where that one is from?"

Ye Fan nodded and said: "Wu Dao tea is freshly picked, it is definitely not blown out by strong winds like in the past, and only people from that place were born."

"Now that you know it, you still killed his servants. It's much more terrifying than us and other royal families. There are real emperor-level powerhouses in charge!" Huo Lin'er said.

This is a reality, who is immortal in this world, who is the real master, naturally is the supreme in the restricted area of ​​the seven lives!
Ji Ziyue held Huo Lin'er back with a smile, let her sit down together, and poured her a cup of tea with her own hands.

"Little sister, you want to harm me. If you pull me to sit down like this, what if Immortal Mountain will be charged on my head by then?" Huo Lin'er said.

"Sister is a member of the royal family and the daughter of the ancient Qilin Emperor, what are you afraid of them doing?" Ji Ziyue said indifferently.

"You evil-minded guy, you clearly want to drag me into a chariot, and you say this, there are real emperor-level masters, and we are like your family, the most glorious era has come to an end."

Huo Lin'er poured out bitter water, saying that there is Enlightenment tea to drink over there, but he came here to make enemies for nothing.

"It's just a normal relationship. I don't think that guy is a stingy person. It's okay." Ji Ziyue laughed.

Jiang Yifei also came over and greeted Ye Fan. The two had known each other very early, when Ye Fan was still a young monk who had just learned how to practice.

"It smells so good!" Ye Fan's followers came out of the central heavenly palace, smelled the fragrance of Enlightenment tea, and then saw Ye Fan again. They were overjoyed and said, "Quickly brew a jar and drink it to your heart's content."

Ye Fan's forehead was full of black lines. These masters used to drink from big tanks, and all of them were big-bellied men.

He took out some Dao Enlightenment tea leaves, boiled Gu Tianzun's Mingquan Divine Liquid, and then started to make tea. The group of people in the distance were stunned.

When did you realize that tea leaves are so worthless?How can anyone be able to make a pot, so please invite people at will.

Especially seeing that the number of tea leaves that Ye Fan put in is really not small. It is estimated that if they are scattered, they can really brew a tank.Everyone is envious, this kind of peerless fairy tea is rare, and it can be drunk like this, leaving people speechless.

Many people know what happened. Back then, Ye Fan fought hard against the emperor, beheaded him and shocked the world. Then he raided his lair and got a thousand or eight hundred leaves of enlightenment tea.

Who left that?Immortal Emperor!
Wudao tea only produces one hundred and eight leaves a year, and only in special years can it grow thousands of leaves. When the immortal emperor caught up with it, the whole plant was cut off, the main body was made into a coffin, and the branches were left to future generations.

As for the poor old tea tree, it can only grow again.

"It's not a disadvantage, I can drink a few more cups of good tea here. Alas, it really makes people think endlessly. When my father was alive, he drank this tea every day and picked fresh ones every day. Things are different. " Huo Lin'er sighed.

When the people next to him heard Huo Lin'er's exclamation, black lines appeared on their faces.

"Holy Son of the Purple Mansion, are you willing to make a deal with me, I am willing to pay the greatest price in exchange for my clan's elixir of immortality!"

Suddenly, Huo Lin'er turned around and said to Xu Yu.

The people in Huolin Cave have been inquiring about the whereabouts of Qilin's magic medicine for these years, and finally confirmed that it was Xu Yu, who had been aliased as Mu Qing back then.Cut out in the Shakestone Workshop.

The people in the Huolin Cave also wanted to ask Xu Yu to take back the seeds of the unicorn medicine, but at that time Xu Yu was no longer in the Big Dipper Starfield.

"Oh, all I got were the seeds of the magic medicine. I have spent a lot of money cultivating him these years. I don't know what you would exchange for them? You must know that even the seeds of the magic medicine are of immeasurable value."

After hearing Huo Lin'er's words, Xu Yu said with a playful face.

"As long as Daoist brother is willing to speak, whether it is immortal gold or emperor's scriptures, our family will pay all the price to exchange with you!"

After knowing Xu Yu's words that he didn't mind the deal, Huo Lin'er also agreed wholeheartedly.

"Nowadays, with my strength, there are many things in this world that are beyond my consideration. You should think about it carefully. Is there anything that can impress me to exchange the seeds of the unicorn medicine with you!"

Hearing this, Huo Lin'er was stunned. The current Xu Yu is a quasi-emperor who has become famous in the universe after abandoning the ancient supreme. They did, because with their own strength, it was too easy to obtain some fairy treasures.

"Don't worry, I believe that there is indeed a secret technique that I need in your clan, but it is impossible for you to use it now. You can only come to me for a deal when you discover that secret technique yourself in the future. !"

Seeing Huo Lin'er's perplexed look, Xu Yu explained to him that there was another ancient technique in their Qilin clan that could attract his attention.

"I don't know what kind of secret technique brother is talking about? I know all the forbidden magic techniques left by my father, maybe there is what brother Dao needs?"

After knowing that what Xu Yu needed was only a secret technique from their Qilin royal family, Huo Lin'er's face was full of confidence and a smile as if the sky had cleared after the rain.

"I have also heard about the forbidden secret technique left by the ancient Qilin emperor, but the secret technique I want was not created by the Qilin emperor, but an invincible secret technique that has been passed down deep in the blood of your Qilin clan!"

"The power of your current bloodline is not enough to discover that secret technique. Even your father, the Qilin Emperor, did not obtain that secret technique from his own bloodline inheritance, so it is impossible for you now to know that secret technique. What is the secret technique!"

The secret technique that Xu Yu wanted was the precious unicorn technique that had been passed down to the Xiangu Era.

In this day and age.Because of the changes in the environment of the world.Some ancient and long-standing supernatural speeds have long since disappeared in the long river of history, but there are also some races whose inheritance is passed on through the power of blood.

For example, his follower, Guxuan, has now awakened the innate supernatural powers of the Gu clan, mastering time with one hand and space with the other. Although it is only a prototype now, as he grows, he will definitely be able to shine in the future.

"It seems that Brother Dao has done some special research on our Qilin family. What is the secret technique that Brother Dao wants to talk about that is passed down in the blood? Can you tell me the answer?"

Xu Yu's words made Huo Lin'er wonder what kind of secret technique he was talking about?That's why I asked Xu Yu directly.

Xu Yu didn't refuse when he heard the words, but gathered wires to transmit sound, and told Huo Lin'er what kind of secret technique he needed.

"I see."

After listening to Wang Xuyu's voice transmission, Huo Lin'er's face turned bitter.Then he returned to Ji Ziyue's side in silence.

"Sister, what kind of secret technique is Zifu Shengzi talking about? Why is your face so ugly?"

Ji Ziyue, who was beside him, noticed Huo Ling'er's change, and quickly asked Huo Lilai about it.


Huo Lin'er replied to Ji Ziyue with a forced smile, and then a huge wave broke out in her heart.

It never occurred to him that what Xu Yu told him was the secret technique left by the legendary fairy unicorn.

Moreover, Xu Yu still firmly believes that that kind of secret technique exists in their bloodline inheritance, and they need to obtain it from the bloodline inheritance through their own bloodline power after their own realm has reached an incomparably high level.

This made him very surprised by Xu Yu.Because of this ancient and secret thing, even in their royal family, there are not many records, but she occasionally heard his father say such words when she was a child.

"It's a scary crossroads, and ancient self-esteem doesn't have a lot of options"

An Bodhisattva from the restricted area of ​​life has left. This is a sentence he said before leaving, which made everyone present immeasurably daydream.

(End of this chapter)

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