Chapter 241
"The big world is about to rise, and some terrifying forces in this world are also surfacing one by one!" Xu Yu couldn't help but sigh, although he is a "prophet", he can't change this turbulent trend.

Should the road to immortality be opened or started, should dark turmoil happen, or will happen.

Even if he proves Taoism and becomes emperor immediately, he can't stop the coming of all this, and even telling the truth of the fairy road to those restricted zone supremes is useless, because they have waited for millions of years, and no one can shake them.

Half a month later, the grand gathering of all ethnic groups finally came to an end. Although all ethnic groups wanted to discuss some rules and regulations, the result was very unsatisfactory.

Xu Yu and Zixia returned to the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, but as soon as they came back, they learned a piece of news that shocked him.

A top-level powerful force from outside the region came, named Shenting, and sent a decree to recruit Xu Yu as the guardian of the sect.

"Shenting!" Xu Yu knew this power, and the ruler was the Emperor, a quasi-emperor who would become enlightened in the Ninth Heaven, and was rapidly expanding their power in all star fields in the universe.

If there were no accidents, the Ziwei Dynasty, the number one immortal force in the Ziwei Starfield, should have been destroyed by them, which shows the great ambition and power of Shenting.

Now that their power has expanded to the Big Dipper Starfield, Xu Yu, the most outstanding arrogance in the world, naturally entered the eyes of Shenting.

The emperor has great ambitions, trying to rule the world in vain, and he will be king in all directions of the universe. Naturally, he will recruit the most amazing people from each domain.

"The ruler of the divine court is said to be about to become enlightened, and the edicts read out all reveal the breath of the emperor." The old sage of the Zifu said solemnly, looking worried.

A person who is about to become a Taoist is only one step away from the supreme Great Emperor Realm. No matter how amazing Xu Yu is, he is still a little short of that realm at this time, and he is far from being able to compete with such an existence.

They expanded their power in various star fields, recruiting peerless powerhouses to join them, and how many people dared to refuse!

Even the Ji family, the Jiang family and other immortal extreme powers might have to bow their heads in the face of a person who will become a Taoist, because the threat of the emperor's army to such a peak quasi-emperor is no longer that great, and there is nothing to do with such an existence.

On the contrary, if the other party intends to make a strong move, it is entirely possible to destroy the extreme forces.

"If an existence like the emperor really comes, can the power of the two emperor soldiers, Tianzun Killing Formation and Yuan Shiyin, be able to stop him?" Zixia also asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, although I don't have the strength to defeat a strong man in that realm, but if I have two pieces of extreme emperor soldiers, I should be able to match him."

"And" Xu Yu shook his head, but he didn't worry too much, and said: "This should not be the emperor's will, it should be

It was done by other people in the court. "

"Also, even if it is the emperor's will, there is no need to be afraid of him. Although he is about to become a Taoist, he will never dare to come to Beidou in person. As for the other strong men in the court, I have no fear!"

Xu Yu naturally understood the emperor's situation roughly. Now that the road to immortality is about to open, and the forbidden areas of life are about to recover. With the emperor's character of greed for life and fear of death, he naturally dare not come to Beidou.

After Xu Yu returned to the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, the strong man who famously claimed to be the messenger of the God Court came again.

This is a great sage in the prime of his life, full of vigor and blood, quite arrogant, with a sense of looking down from above, and his tone is cold.

"You are Xu Yu, welcome the decree!" He took out a letter, flowing with radiance, and a ray of imperial power flowed out. Although it was peaceful and not murderous, it had a kind of intimidating spirit. feeling.

It's just a piece of letter paper, but it exudes the majesty of a great emperor, as if it contains the will of a supreme being, and has the potential to rule the world.

Its breath is very soft, but it makes people feel awe, and many strong men in the Zifu almost kneel down.

"It's really the aura of the emperor!" Xu Yu's eyes were condensed, and he took a deep look at the letter, and felt the aura above it, it was really the Taoism of a high-ranking quasi-emperor.

"If you don't kneel down to accept the emperor's decree, when will you wait?" The blond-haired great sage who came from Shenting had a cold and arrogant expression, making people feel no kindness at all, and the gaze in his eyes always had a look of looking down. feel.

He is full of blood, and it should be said that he has a boundless future. If he fights hard, he may even ascend to the quasi-emperor state in the future.

Now that Shenting's power is rapidly expanding, recruiting peerless talents from all domains, they have naturally inquired about Xu Yu's reputation, but the attitude of this letter is still arrogant, obviously with Shenting's backing, he is not afraid of Xu Yu's reputation, It is clear that there is nothing to fear.

"The emperor's decree, a joke!" Xu Yu shook his head calmly, and said with a sneer: "When the emperor really proves the Tao, then come and put on his emperor's posture, now take your decree and get out!

Shen Ting's move seems to attract Xu Yu, but the sinister intentions contained in it can be seen. If he really joined Shen Ting today and bowed his head to the so-called emperor, there must be a flaw in the invincible Dao Heart. I am afraid that if he wants to prove the Tao in the future will be hopeless.

"Bold, you dare not accept the decree, but you know the consequences." Seeing Xu Yu's attitude, the golden sage said coldly: "Don't think that you have some talent, so you dare to defy the gods, how many peerless people in the universe Tianjiao, you have to submit to the emperor's decree, otherwise you will be wiped out in an instant, don't make mistakes!
Since the birth of Shenting, it can be said that he has been invincible, and no one in the world dare not follow him.

The Ziwei Emperor Star, the number one immortal force above the Ziwei Dynasty, was so prosperous, but they blocked the expansion of the Shenting, and the vast Celestial Dynasty was directly destroyed, passed down through the ages, and turned into ashes in the end.

Now, Beidou, a young junior, does not respect the decree of the court.

Going against the will of the Lord Emperor angered the blond sage.


Xu Yu's response was simple and direct. With a wave of his hand, the blond sage was so shocked that he vomited blood and flew upside down within the range of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion.

He is not afraid of Shenting at all. If the emperor personally descends on Beidou, it would be quite a tricky task, but he knows that this quasi-emperor who will become a Taoist will not dare to come to Bury the Emperor Star because there is a terrifying power here. The seven forbidden areas of life.

As for the other people in the Shenting, they themselves are the quasi-ground, the supreme master of the sixth heaven, even if the deputy leader of the Shenting and Yu Huatian came to him in person, they never returned.

"Okay, okay, okay!" The blond sage spit out another mouthful of blood in the distant sky, his heart was extremely angry, and he shouted: "What young lord, you don't respect the emperor's decree of the gods, just wait for your death!"

After speaking, he looked at Xu Yu bitterly, and flew up to the sky, wanting to enter the starry sky.

"If you want to leave, stay!"

Xu Yu let out a low growl, and the golden-haired great sage who had just entered the starry sky suddenly felt the sky shaking. After he opened his eyes, he returned to the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion by himself.

"Junior, what are you going to do?"

The blond-haired sage said hurriedly.

"I really don't know, how dare a trash like you talk to me like this. The reason why you came to me is that you have already inquired about it. Am I also the quasi-emperor? How dare you threaten me like this?" Xu Yuhan said in a cold voice. Speaking of.

"Now you will pay for your arrogance and ignorance!"

Xu Yu waved his hand and pointed at the golden-haired sage's Lunhai. The subtle voice of "Crack!" resounded continuously in the blond-haired sage's body, and then the five secret realms in his body were all shattered.

"You ruined my cultivation, you are so vicious." The blond god looked at Xu Yu resentfully.

"Don't say it's you, it's the emperor himself, both quasi-emperors, it doesn't matter who is stronger and who is weaker!"

Xu Yu clenched his fists together, and said confidently with high spirits.

"Not to mention that the emperor dare not come to Beidou at all. As for the other people in your Shentian, they are just like ants in my eyes. I will kill as many as you come. Now I will leave you a little life to carry the emperor's decree Get out, don't look at me with such resentment anymore, I left a restriction in your body, I am afraid that there are only other emperors in the world besides me who can lift this restriction, look at you Whether his life is long enough, whether he can return to the court of God alive."

Xu Yu's expression was calm, looking at the mountains and rivers in the distance, he knew that the emperor's heart was lacking, and he basically had no chance of becoming an emperor.

Xu Yu guessed right, even if he violated the decree of the court, the emperor would not be able to come to Beidou in person, but when the blond sage went back to report to the meeting, other strong men rushed to Beidou.

After the golden-haired saint was sent out of the territory of the Holy Land of Mercy by Xu Yu, because he was deposed by Xu Yu, he himself did not have a trace of mysterious support, so he was unable to return to the court of God.

But this is not a problem for him at all. With Shenting's current reputation in the universe, naturally many people are willing to help and bring him back to Shenting.

Sure enough, when the blond sage asked for help from the monks who came to Beidou from outside the territory, many sages were willing to help him return to the divine court.

After the blond sage was carried away from Beidou, everyone in the Holy Land of Zifu also let out a long sigh of relief.

They didn't expect that their own holy son would be so powerful that he would even become a Taoist.Landlords don't care either.

However, there are also some elders of the Holy Land of Zifu, whose faces are still full of worries. They are afraid that the landlord, who will become enlightened, will come to Beidou and start a liquidation with them.

In fact, they were indeed worried a bit too much. Xu Yu knew very well that with the character of the emperor who is greedy for life and afraid of death, at this point in time, he would never dare to come to the Big Dipper Starfield. He would only dare to fight in the Divine Court. It's just a mouthful.

However, other people in the divine hall might come to Xu Yu, but in Xu Yu's view, except for one emperor, everyone else in the divine hall is rubbish.

On this day, a hazy light appeared on the sky of Donghuang and descended on the Holy Land of Zifu. It was a tall figure that manifested, and filled with the violent pressure of the sea, making the whole world tremble.

The terrifying aura, powerful power fluctuations, and fierce murderous intent indicated that this was a powerful person, like a mythical true dragon descending into the world, which made countless strong people in Beidou terrified.

That kind of conceit and aloof and invincible posture are a bit dazzling, he does not hide his edge, full of imperial aura, extremely terrifying.

This is a quasi-emperor, an extremely terrifying figure, coming with obvious hostility and murderous intent.

"You are Xu Yu?" The quasi-emperor stood on the sky of the Eastern Desolation, his voice shook ten directions, he looked down at the world, and his words came directly to the holy land of Zifu.

"Are you the deputy leader of Shenting?" Xu Yufei went up to Cang Yu, his eyes flickering, staring at the other party and asked in a deep voice.

"That's right, this seat is the deputy leader of Shenting—Yuhuatian." His expression was indifferent, the fog outside his body was hazy, the chaotic power was surging, and the powerful aura surged forward, shocking people's hearts.

If an ordinary great sage faced him, his body would collapse immediately, turning into blood mist and broken bones. This is the mighty power from Emperor Zhun, and it can definitely crush all "ants". No matter how amazing you are, As long as it has not reached the quasi-emperor realm, it is impossible to compete.

There are barriers and gaps between the sage and the emperor that cannot cross the domain. No one has ever been able to defeat the quasi-emperor in the realm of the great sage, even if he entered the realm of the forbidden gods.

But Xu Yu is also the quasi-emperor, and his strength is much stronger than Yu Huatian, the so-called deputy leader of Shenting, so he is naturally fearless.

After feeling Yuhuatian's quasi-emperor's aura, Xu Yu also released his quasi-dimension's sixth-level heavenly aura, pressing towards Yuhuatian.

"Go away! There is a landlord in your court, who can make me look up to me. The others are just a bunch of thieves."

"Hehe, I didn't expect that there are really people who are not open-eyed, and dare to talk to me like this. The last person who dared to talk to me like this, the grass on the grave has grown several feet high!"

Yu Huatian, the deputy leader of Shenting, heard the disdain in Xu Yu's mouth, and said indifferently.


The real Zhundi is a person of another realm. Although Yu Huatian has just entered the Zhundi realm not long ago, he is terrifyingly powerful.

He took a step forward, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and he immediately made a gesture to kill.

Unexpectedly, the thunder in front of him was deafening, Xu Yu emitted a bright light, and the breath of Emperor Zhun's sixth heaven permeated, and he punched Yu Huatian.

Xianxia is gorgeous and Ruicai is ten thousand.Sweeping over, the terrifying aura was overwhelming, and the small stars outside the shaking area were all shattered, which made Yu Huatian, the quasi-emperor, change color and quickly dodged.

"Junior, I didn't expect you!" Yu Huatian frowned.

But there was a shock in his heart. The other party was also a quasi-emperor, and his realm was much higher than him, which made his heart feel cold and full of shock, but he didn't show it on his face.

The realm of Zhundi is different from the realm of great sages and saints, and the gap in each realm can be said to be the difference between heaven and earth.


Xu Yu used the incomplete sword art he had obtained in the world of gods.The twins pointed like swords at Yuhuatian, the deputy leader of Shenting.

The brilliant sword light spanned thousands of miles and reached the starry sky outside the territory. Countless meteorites shivered and shattered one by one.

The blood-red sword light, like the blood of all spirits dyed red, exudes a murderous intent to destroy everything in the world. Xu Yu swung his sword, and the world trembled. retreat hundreds of thousands of miles.

However, even so, Yuhuatian didn't have time to escape from the range of the sword glow's attack.

At the same time, the countless top powerhouses of Beidou were also extremely shocked. They did not expect that there would be a legendary quasi-emperor coming to Beidou, and there were not many such existences in the vast world.

It can be seen that something is wrong with the current situation, but the quasi-emperor is being chased and killed by the son of the Zifu. He really deserves the name of the young supreme, which is beyond common sense.

In the endless starry sky, Yu Huatian is constantly tearing apart the space, trying to escape from the Big Dipper Star Field.

But his thinking is outrageously wrong, because he has just entered the quasi-emperor realm not long ago, and he doesn't understand the power and fear of the quasi-emperor realm at all.

Zhundi Jiuzhongtian, the gap between each level of heaven is equivalent to the gap between the sky and the underground, and Xu Yu's cultivation is five small realms higher than him. The gap between him and Xu Yu is really too big.

Even though he himself was the quasi-emperor, he didn't dare to compete with Xu Yu, so he could only run away.


"If you dare to kill me, sooner or later someone will settle with you"

In the end, Yuhuatian was caught up and blown up by Xu Yu. In the end, amidst the sound of curses, Yuhuatian's life came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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