Chapter 242

With a burst of monstrous fire.Yu Huatian, the deputy leader of Shenting, died.This shocked many leaders in the Big Dipper Starfield.None of them thought that a quasi-emperor would fall when the road to immortality opened.

"Hey, good kill, those shameless villains in Shenting under the guise of forming the Heavenly Court of the Age of Myths have created countless murders in the universe, and I don't know how many forces have suffered because they are unwilling to submit to them. massacre!"

Seeing the deputy leader of Shenting being beheaded and killed, some people were extremely shocked, but some were extremely excited, because their own self-interest was because they did not want to be the minions of Shenting, which led to their bloodbath.

"Do you think the Emperor will come to Beidou to settle accounts with the Immortal?"

An elder saint has spoken out for you the issues that everyone cares about.

"I don't think the emperor will come to Beidou. As far as I know, since the emperor established Shenting, there has never been an expedition. All things are left to the deputy leader Yu Huatian and his adopted sons. And he himself sits cross-legged in the divine court all day long, trying to prove the way!"

A great sage who knew a lot about Shenting said.

"Even if the emperor is here, so what? Now all the existences in the restricted life zone above the Emperor Burial Star have been revived. People like him will only become blood food in the mouth of others when they come to the Emperor Burial Star!"

Suddenly a different language appeared.It pointed out to people that the more powerful a person is, the less he dares to approach the Zundi Star.

As soon as this remark came out, some patriarchs and great sages outside the territory seemed to have thought of something, and no longer spoke.

"How dare you refuse my offer, but dare to kill the deputy leader of my sect, and settle accounts with him after I leave the customs!"

In the distant star field, a roar suddenly came from an island floating in the void.

At this time, the instigator, Xu Yu, returned to the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, arranged for the retreat of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, and followed batch after batch of disciples of the Purple Mansion to be sent outside the territory.

But before leaving the Big Dipper Starfield, he still has one more thing to do, and that is to hold a wedding with Zixia.

A year later, Xu Yu and Zixia held a big wedding!On this day, the Holy Land of Zifu sent out many invitations, inviting Yao Chi, Jiang Family, Feng Clan, Zhongzhou Daxia Dynasty, etc. to attend the engagement ceremony.

For Xu Yu, Zixia's elders were very satisfied, and no one objected. Now that he is the quasi-emperor, the young supreme of the human race, he has a great possibility of proving the Tao in the future, and he is definitely a good match.

In addition, Xu Yu is also from the Holy Land of the Zifu, and is the future leader of the Holy Land of the Zifu, and some traditional rules of the Holy Land are the combination of the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden. Although Xu Yuzao and Zixia broke through the last step, they have been Because of the reason of being on the road of human trials, there was no time to hold a grand wedding.

Now that he has returned from the ancient road in the starry sky, he has overwhelmed the radiance of all the young supreme beings in this world with the realm of quasi-emperor, and is known as the young supreme being closest to the throne of the great emperor.

In addition, his speed of practice is astonishing. Since his debut, he has never been defeated in the same generation. If he continues to develop like this, not to mention that he will definitely become an emperor in the future, but he will definitely become an existence like the Dacheng Holy Body, able to suppress the world. ten thousand years.

In today's Beidou, among the many outstanding people in the world, Xu Yu and Ye Fan are the most famous, but Xu Yu's voice for being able to prove the Tao in the future is even higher.

After all, Ye Fan is a sacred body of the human race, and there are countless people with such a physique since ancient times, but no one has ever been able to prove the Tao, not even a single exception.

All, what the world expects of Ye Fan is that he can achieve great success, have the strength to challenge the Great Emperor of Bangu, and live for 1 years, but no one ever thinks that he will prove the Tao.

On the other hand, Xu Yu, whether it is the speed of practice or the combat power of talent, is a peerless existence among the young generation.

Among the many talents who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him, there are only a few people left such as Yaoguang and Zhonghuang, but these people seem to be quiet now, and their reputation in the starry sky is not obvious. I don't know if it is low-key or because of other things. .

In addition, only the emperor's son, Huangxudao, Shencan Taoist, Jizi and other emperor's relatives are qualified to be compared with Xu Yu.

However, these descendants of the ancient great emperor and the ancient emperor's bloodline, strong is strong, but they have a fatal flaw.

That is the Tao of their fathers, which will become the shackles of the Dao, and the shackles on their way to enlightenment, preventing them from taking the ultimate leap.

Throughout the ages, the only one who has broken free from this shackles is the Great Emperor Wushi, who combines the two physical advantages of innate Taoist fetus and human holy body.

All the emperor's blood relatives like the Holy Prince, Huang Xudao, Ji Zi, etc. are actually similar to Ye Fan's situation, and they do not have the opportunity to prove the Tao in the future.

Although many people in later generations have escaped the shackles and used the ID card of the second generation of the emperor to speak, it is actually the reason for Ye Fan, the future emperor of heaven, otherwise there will be no exceptions.

Therefore, among the countless outstanding people who have tried Beidou several times, Xu Yu will be the one who will be the most vocal in proving the way in the future.

The combination of him and Fairy Zixia has made many forces lament the good luck of the Zifu Holy Land. With such an amazing holy son, the future Zifu Holy Land may rule the whole world.

The interior of the Purple Mansion is full of spiritual lands, towering mountains, suspended in the sky, surrounded by clouds and mists, flying spirit birds, and surrounded by clouds.

On this festive day, countless powerful forces came to congratulate, no matter it was the local forces of Beidou, or the saints who came from outside the territory.

"The emperor of Zhongzhou Daxia, Xia Yiming is here!"

"The Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace, Yaoyuekong, is here in person!"

"The Queen Mother of the West, the Holy Land of Yaochi, has arrived!"

With the sound of voice transmission, one after another the leaders of the top powers came, even if some of them failed to come in person, they sent people to send generous gifts.

Even if forces such as the Taikoo Clan had some unhappiness, on the day of Xu Yu's wedding, they had to send someone to present a gift.

Try to resolve some old grievances, and don't want to be hated by a young Supreme who is very likely to prove the Tao in the future.

In addition to the Beidou Human Race forces and the Ancient Clan, saints from outside the region also appeared one after another, descending on the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, each expressing their opinions.

This is simply like a grand event, with giants from all walks of life showing up one after another.

On this day, the atmosphere was lively, people exchanged cups and chatted happily, whether it was the saints from outside the territory or the powerhouses of the Big Dipper Starfield, they all gathered together.

Almost all the holy places have arrived, and important figures from many immortal inheritances have come to express their congratulations.

"Congratulations to Brother Lu and Fairy Zixia for their successful cultivation! Old friends like Li Donglai, the First Son of Dao, and the Holy Maiden of Yaochi, who have known each other since the past, stepped forward to congratulate them one after another.

Even Long Xiner, the princess of the dragon clan who had opposed him in the world of gods many years ago, also came to his wedding banquet.

I haven't seen her for many years, but the former dragon princess is now a young supreme in the realm of great sages.

After Xu Yu and Long Xin'er nodded to each other, they chatted a little like ordinary friends.

In fact, Long Xin'er was the first woman with whom Xu Yu had a physical relationship. Although the relationship between the two did not go to the last step, the situation at that time was as good as it gets.

For this reason, the two had a very unpleasant quarrel in the world of gods for a long time, but they never met again after they finally cooperated and left the world of gods.

According to what Long Xin'er said at the time, she was going to retrieve the treasure left by his father. Since then, she relied on the teleportation circle left by his father to leave the Big Dipper Starfield and return to their homeland. The main star, to accept the inheritance left to her by her father.

Now 200 years have passed, and when the road to immortality is about to open, she once again came to the Big Dipper Starfield.

She never thought that as soon as she came to the Big Dipper Starfield, she heard that the wild boy of the human race who had a physical relationship with him in the God Realm back then was about to get married.

For this reason, she specially went to the Holy Land of Zifu to send a blessing that was neither a friend nor an enemy.

In the past 200 years, the mortal dynasties in the world have changed several times, and there have been generations of mortals, and their previous grievances have faded away with time.

After greeting each other, Xu Yu continued to entertain other guests.

Even Ye Fan, who is now well-known in the Big Dipper Star Field, has come.

In fact, logically speaking, Ye Fan and the Holy Land of Zifu do not actually have any life-and-death enmity, but the relationship between the two is not so harmonious.

Of course, all this is all because of that big black dog who speaks nothing. In order to inherit the inheritance of Emperor Wushi, that big black dog kept provoking Zixia, and even took action for it. As a result, the relationship between Zifu Holy Land and Ye Fan is not so harmonious.

"Thank you for coming!" Xu Yu greeted everyone with a smile all over his face.

Amidst the blessings of everyone, Xu Yu and Zixia finally achieved a positive result.

After the big wedding, many important figures in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion also began to gradually withdraw from the Big Dipper Starfield.

And Xu Yu and Zixia also started their unfinished journey in Beidou after a hundred years.

In fact, the more important thing is that because the road to immortality is about to open, dark turmoil is likely to erupt. They want to remember the mountains and rivers of the past.

Because they know that after the opening of the road to immortality, it will inevitably lead to the most feared change in the history of eternity.

At that time, even the star of the Big Dipper will not be spared, and the most serious situation is that the entire five stars of the Big Dipper will be blown up.

Time flies, Xu Yu and Zixia set off from the central region, and saw the fairy fire that never goes out all day long in the southern region.

He also walked on the Beiyuan Glacier, returning to his unintentional actions back then.

In the world of Beiyuan Immortal Mansion, the pattern that Xu Yu laid down here back then has long been obliterated.

At that time, Xu Yu didn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth. Relying on his mastery of one of the nine secrets, the secret of the group, and his proficiency in various formations, he delusionally tried to refine the entire world of Beiyuan Immortal Mansion.

Now it seems that it was just too ignorant at the time.

Today's Beiyuan Xianfu world still hasn't changed much, but someone has opened up a small chaotic world on the collapsed road to immortality.

It was the old woman from the same era as the old madman.

"Sure enough, they still came here!"

Xu Yu, who entered the depths of the world of Immortal Mansion, looked at the two light cocoons that were constantly ups and downs in the chaotic small world, and he knew that unless he was still brought here by that unreliable big black dog.

However, he also got a blessing in disguise, and obtained the inheritance of Nirvana Tianzun in this place, and finally turned into a quasi-emperor!
With Xu Yu's current height?Naturally, he would not take advantage of others' danger, after all, he had already obtained the inheritance of Nirvana Tianzun.

Without disturbing the old woman and Tu Fei, after Xu Yu collected several arctic lights, he took Zixia and left the fairy mansion world.

In the days that followed, Xu Yu and Zixia also saw the heyday of the contending schools of thought in Zhongzhou.

I also saw those ascetic believers walking towards Mount Sumeru with three steps, one kneeling, five steps and one knocking in the western desert.

He even discussed the Dao with the Southern Demon Qi Lin in the Demon Emperor's Palace in the Southern Territory, and explored the footprints of the Nanling Heavenly Emperor together.

In this way, a year passed without knowing it.

During this year, Ji Haoyue also brought a six or seven-year-old child back to Ji's house from Xingkong Ancient Road.

Then Xu Yu and Zixia, who happened to be guests at the Demon Emperor's Palace, also received invitations from the Ji family.

It turned out that Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue finally got together and planned to hold a wedding like Xu Yu and Zixia.

After receiving Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue's wedding invitation, Xu Yuzixia and Nan Yao brothers and sisters went to Ji's house to witness Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue's engagement together.

Today, their cultivation bases are extremely powerful, so naturally they don't need to use teleportation circles to cross regions like ordinary monks.

Zixia and Nan Yao brothers and sisters who saw Xu Yu stepping out of love went straight to Ji's house.

It's just that the scene they saw after arriving at Ji's house was a bit shocking.

I saw that Ye Fan was fighting with a young Supreme in black armor in the field.

"They are."

Next to Xu Yu, Qi Qi, the pearl of Nanling who came to Ji's house with him, looked at what was going on in Ji's house with some surprise.

"He is the descendant of the restricted area of ​​life!"

Xu Yu glanced at An Bo, who was hiding in the crowd, and knew that the man in the dark iron armor was the supreme descendant from Undead Mountain.

"Do we need to help?"

The Southern Demon Qi Lin spoke.

Today's Nan Yao, after the trial on the ancient starry sky road, his combat power has also reached the realm of the Great Saint. In addition, their brother and sister Ye Fan have a very good personal relationship, so they decided to help.

"It's not necessary. Now it's in the territory of the Ji family, and the people of the Ji family will naturally make a move!"

Xu Yu said nonchalantly, because this is in the territory of the Ji family, the members of the Ji family will naturally not sit back and watch someone make trouble in their territory.

While the Nan Yao brothers and sisters were still in astonishment, the situation on the field changed again.

Ye Fan's right hand is like a stele, covered with golden runes. This is his way, ancient and complicated, and it is an eternal way, eternal and unchanging, rumbling.

Landslides and ground cracks, seas dry up and stones rot, under the palm of this golden monument, everything will be destroyed, everything will cease to exist, the void will turn into a black hole, and chaotic light will burst out, as if it is opening up the world!
This place was about to be completely destroyed. If it wasn't for the emperor's pattern engraved on Ji's family, which spread out immediately, there might be big problems in the boundless wilderness ahead, as well as the sun, moon and heaven and earth.

The misty mist spread, and Ye Fan's golden palm turned into an ancient monument tens of thousands of feet thick, suppressing the sun, moon, rivers and mountains!
Shenming's expression was dignified, and he had already shot at the first time. The divine clothes were crystal clear and gave off a halo, making him look like an ancient god who came from the prehistoric years, exuding a monstrous coercion.


He slapped forward with a palm, the red bird flew, the real dragon crossed, the white tiger split the sky... all kinds of fairy spirits appeared together, it was terrifying, like a peerless supreme being angry, or like a heavenly emperor making a move!

Shenming's aura is too powerful, confident and powerful, and has the capital to say that, like a lower realm of the supreme god in the heaven.

Everyone trembled. This kind of coercion made people feel as if the end was coming, as if they were facing a supreme ruler and wanted to kneel down, worship and submit.

People have been mentally prepared for Ye Fan's power, but Shenming, who has a mysterious origin, is also so powerful. His sudden appearance today shocked the world, and naturally made people tremble.

With a bang, there was a violent collision between the two, the runes flew and disappeared quickly, and the Tianbei fought against all kinds of fairy spirits, emitting a fairy light that swept across the world, swallowing a hundred thousand miles!
This was a fierce battle, extremely terrifying, as if the Nine Heavens were about to be blasted down, the sky trembled, and it was about to fall down.

No one thought that the two of them would be so peerless and powerful after their first strike. This was a confrontation between the young Supreme Heavenly Chosen, which had not been seen for many years.

Inside the Ji family, one after another void pattern spread out, holding the ground, fire, wind, and water, protecting the world of mountains and rivers, and stabilizing the heaven and earth, otherwise a catastrophe might really happen in the southern region.

After all, this is the great saint-level emperor's son fighting for the front, destroying the world at every turn, even smashing an ancient star of life is nothing.

The only reassuring thing is that Beidou is too different, and it is very difficult to hurt the root of this star!

Ye Fan pressed his palm hard in the void. Although it was such a random blow, it was smashed down with infinite palm force, and in the end it turned into infinite sword light, which was densely distributed in every corner of the world.

Some rose from the ground, some fell from the nine heavens, and some were born in the void...

The thick sword glows are like pillars supporting the sky. They are huge, boundless, boundless, murderous, and startled all the creatures in the heavens and myriad realms to tremble!
This is a very terrifying secret technique. A speck of dust can fill the sea, a blade of grass can chop up the stars in the sky.

Everyone was horrified, even though they had already escaped far enough, they were still terrified, their bones were chilled, their whole body was chilly, and their hearts were terrified.

Shenming's expression was solemn, without any carelessness. Although he was very conceited and strong just now, he was extremely serious when he really fought, confident but not arrogant.

His body shook, and an ancient imprint appeared on his back, like a god, or a vision, or perhaps a special law condensed into a Taoist map.

A fiery red Suzaku soared into the sky, across the three thousand realms, shattering a large area of ​​void, burning the world with its wild aura and endless fairy fire.

Too scary!
He used this to fight against the ubiquitous sword energy and stop Ye Fan's peerless attack.Moreover, there is offense in defense, and a blazing brilliance flashed between his eyebrows, condensing a terrifying talisman, which turned into an ancient character that is difficult for the world to distinguish, and suppressed it.

This character rapidly became larger, and each stroke was like being made of fairy gold, dazzling, translucent and shiny, full of cold metal texture, and weighing more than hundreds of millions of average.

This is a kind of Taoism, which is written by the Heavenly Immortals!

As soon as it appeared, a few people recognized it, and they were all shocked. It is rumored that this is the law of killing that the ancient supreme used to open the road to immortality and kill to the immortal realm.

The offensive power of this kind of word is extremely powerful, otherwise it would be the most terrifying to break the barrier between the immortal and mortal realms!when!
Ye Fan's palm and fingers overturned, shaking with his body, the golden fingers flicked repeatedly, and runes appeared one after another, all of which hit the word, and in the bright fairy light, this place exploded.

Shock the world, shock the world!
How powerful is the body of the human saint's body, it's too terrifying to dare to make such a move, directly brushing it up with the palm of your finger.

If it were other great saints, just this one touch, not to mention the fingers, even the arm and half of the body would directly rot all day long, turning into blood mud and bone scum.

With a loud bang, the two passed by, and the first confrontation ended.

In fact, there were only two blows, and both of them happened between electric flints. It was so fast that many people didn't react or even see it clearly.

Although the attack power was enough to shock the world, it was not a life-and-death duel. This was a tentative attack. Both of them had reservations, and did not use the most powerful backhand.

The more peak duel is about to begin, and it must be a life-and-death battle, a peerless battle!

However, at this moment, both the Holy Prince and An Bodhi suddenly moved, thrusting forward and blocking at the same time.

The holy prince wanted to fight on Ye Fan's behalf, and he didn't want him to fight again, because today was his day of great joy, and the monkey wanted to fight against the gods for him, fighting to the death.

And An Bo also traversed the middle, temporarily isolating the two of them, not wanting to let this battle continue.

Almost at the same time, the void broke open silently, Ji Zi appeared, and silently came to the center of the field, obviously he would have to intervene, not to mention his relationship with Ye Fan, just saying that this is Ji's place, he couldn't sit idly by.

However, when he appeared, An Bo's body shook, and an incomparable aura erupted, which was more terrifying than before, shaking the world!

"Emperor Void!" he exclaimed, losing his composure for the first time.

As soon as these four words came out, everyone was stunned. This name is too old, how could it be called out on this occasion, even in front of Ji's house, it shouldn't be like this.

Everyone looked shocked and looked forward.At this time, Anbo's pale and slightly sickly face showed incomprehensible shock, staring at Jizi, his eyes unblinking, as if he had seen the most incredible thing.

Everyone is in a daze, what's going on?

"Are you talking about my father?" Ji Zi asked calmly.

"Aren't you him? It's too similar!" An Bo shook his head after finishing speaking. If it is the real void, how could there be no emperor's prestige? , will be even worse.

At this moment, everyone understood that Ji Zi was exactly the same as Emperor Void, both of them showed strange colors, and it was rare for a father and son to look like this.

"The descendants of the Holy Emperor, what do you mean, do you want to fight with me? You can stand aside first, and come again after the battle between me and him is over. I will take over as many people as possible today!" God is open
He is still as conceited as he was not long ago, making Li Heishui and others' teeth itch with hatred, but he has to admit that he has absolute strength.

"I'll send you on the road with a stick, so you don't have to make a fuss here!" the monkey said violently, too lazy to say anything more.He took the first step and stopped Ye Fan in front of him, wanting to confront Shen Ming.

When the Holy Prince and Shenming met together, there was bound to be a life-and-death battle, and they were all powerful.

After An Bo came back to his senses, he continued to take a step, and then stood in the middle, blocking Shen Ming, and said:

"In terms of urgency, I am more urgent than you. The grievances between my Immortal Mountain and the Ji family are well known in the world. The agreement in the past is about to expire now, but there is no rush at this moment. A decisive battle at this engagement wedding is a bit overwhelming. pass."

"When you say this, it seems that I am petty." Shenming retracted the foot that was stepped forward, and said: "I said, I am very direct, what I think in my heart, and what I say, that is my true heart." The idea is to fight."

The armor of the gods on his body, the black light flows, and the blazing flames are restrained, but there is still a layer of halo, which is no different from the fighter of the gods.

"Forget it, if you miss today, I will teach you one by one." His eyes were blazing, and he said, "There will be no blood today, let's be more festive."

"Just say what you want?!" The Holy Prince sneered, refusing to let it go.

And Li Heishui, Dongfangye and the others were also very angry. They could come and leave as soon as they wanted to this kind of occasion, and they wanted to just say a word if they caused trouble. They couldn't calm down their anger.

"Fellow Daoist Huntuo, it's your turn!" In the distant sky, a strong man with a frightening identity joked.

"That's right, senior Huntuo, please take action. If you persuade them, they will definitely be able to fight together quickly." Some people are more direct, hoping that Shuaishen will step forward and make this battle fierce.
If an emperor dies, the Beidou will probably be swept away, and a supreme being will be born!

"You fellow daoists are just joking, the old man is sick today, so let's not get involved." Hun Tuo said.

"How can there be less brother Dao, that's the pride of heaven fighting for the top, we should persuade them to leave, we need fellow daoists to step in."

"God has the virtue of good life. Today, old people don't need to be persuaded, and they don't have bloody disasters. God can't bear it. In everything, harmony is the most important thing. They will be peace in ten years." Hun Tuo said seriously.

Everyone: "..."

Even Hun Tuo flinched, afraid of kicking the iron plate, afraid of smashing the gold signboard, of course, the so-called golden signboard seems to be viewed in reverse.

 Weekdays are not like weekends, and the update efforts may not be as much as weekends, but try your best!
(End of this chapter)

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