Chapter 243 The road to immortality opens
In front of the gate of the Ji family, the Holy Prince was going to fight, and Shen Ming's attitude was uncertain, and he couldn't ask for anything if he fought, but since he said that just now, it's not just talking, and he can't change it again.

"Engagement is important, let's stop here for today." Ji Zi and An Pu both spoke and said.

Ye Fan looked indifferent, staring at Shen Ming, he really wanted to punch him, but today is really not suitable for him to make a move, and he doesn't want the monkey to do it for him.

"The more I talk about it, the more it seems that I am bullying others. How about this, today's confrontation between life and death will be avoided. It is better to kill 10 people than break up a marriage. Then let's have a literary fight today, and leave it to the younger generation, so that they can live together." Compete against each other, just think that I am adding to the fun of this engagement wedding." Shen Ming said.

"That's it." God King Jiang Taixu said.

Ye Fan nodded in agreement after hearing the words. He didn't want to be rebellious after the white-clothed god king spoke like this, so everything can be discussed later today.

In fact, if this duel continues, it may be very terrifying. Some emperors will fall, blood will be splashed in the southern region, and the ancient supreme beings in the restricted area may even be provoked!
In the end, under the intervention of various forces, the final battle was replaced by a duel between children.

I saw that Shenming called his son and elder brother to play, and Ye Fan's side was Shenwa and his daughter.

Accompanied by a farce, in the end, it ended with the absolute victory of Shenwa and Nannan.

After Shenming and the others left, Ye Fan's engagement banquet directly turned into a wedding banquet.

Although there were other turmoil later on, Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue went through the process of getting married in the end.

After Ye Fan's wedding was over, at midnight, there was a loud noise from the entire Big Dipper.


The sky fell apart, and a sound that shook people's souls came. The entire southern region was trembling, and most of the Eastern Wilderness was in turmoil.

The entire Big Dipper was so turbulent that all the monks were shocked!

"The road to immortality has collapsed, and the road to immortality is about to open!"

"The Immortal Realm is about to be opened up, and the two worlds run through. This life is not an illusion, it is about to become a reality, and someone can take that step!"

"Xianmen exploded, it really penetrated the fairyland, and the fairy fell from it!"

The whole world was shocked, and the saints of all races shouted.

At the same time, rays of light in the seven forbidden areas of life tear apart the heavens and the earth, penetrating through nine heavens and ten earths, shaking the human world, and all the ancient supreme beings in the forbidden areas of life are resurrected!
The seven forbidden areas of life shone into the sky, and the supreme breath permeated the air, penetrating faintly, just a little bit, a wisp, which made the heroes in the world terrified, and a great fear was born in their hearts, almost lying on the ground.

Is the change of eternity about to start from now on?All the monks were shocked, all trembled, this day is finally coming!

No one dared to act rashly, they were all paying attention to the seven forbidden areas of life, if they took action, it would undoubtedly prove it.

In fact, there was a roar in the forbidden area of ​​life, and there were sleeping ancient beasts awakening, and it seemed that they were going to travel with the Supreme.

"Come on, it's really manifesting the world, oh my god, the immortal road has opened, and another rare prosperity has come after the world has opened up. We may be able to see the great emperor-level characters, and there are more than one!"

"What a prosperous world, a catastrophe is about to appear, it is clearly a troubled world that will bleed and drift!"

Up to the top of the snow-capped mountains, down to the great abyss, in the vast wilderness, in the infinite desert, wherever there are people, all are full of heart and soul.

This day, like the end of the world, everyone in the world is extremely nervous and uneasy. This atmosphere is so oppressive that it makes people almost suffocate.

A creature appeared from the ruins of the gods. It was a big unicorn with a silver back and red horns. It was majestic and mighty for hundreds of thousands of miles. It had already restrained part of its aura, but it was still so intimidating!
The whole world was shaken, this kind of aura spread and permeated the road ahead, making the whole world tremble, and it roared because of it, the terror was overwhelming, and all living beings trembled in shock.

"Is this... the ancient supreme being in the Shenxu, it actually appeared!"

"No, this should only be his mount, not the real master!"

It was a long time after the mighty unicorn passed away that the saints discussed it, the blood in their bodies was surging, and their hearts were shocked and excited to the extreme, which was too amazing.

If there is no accident, it seems to be an ancient horse that has surpassed the Great Sage. A terrifying creature appeared in the restricted area, although it was only a mount.

This desolate beast looks a little hazy, and its whole body is shrouded in immortal light. Any heavenly eyes are ineffective and cannot be seen at all. In fact, no one has the courage to offend.

Only when the Chaos Qi is blown away, if you look closely, you can see that some of the scales of this big silver-backed red-horned unicorn are actually stone, which is very amazing.

However, along the way, the world only saw a back, it disappeared in a flash, and in an instant it arrived in front of the great crack of the fairy road outside the ancient forbidden land.

There have been people here, and there are many, thousands of people are lying on the ground, only two people are standing in front of them, looking at the "Xianmen".

That is the real quasi-emperor, truly surpassing the great sage!

After so many years, the person with the emperor character finally appeared in such a vivid way, standing there, no one can approach, and no one dares to offend!
After the silver-backed and red-horned unicorn from Shenxu came, the eyes of the two people became deeper, and their whole bodies glowed, and they also made themselves in a state of nothingness, unable to see through.

"Something really fell out..."

The silver-backed and red-horned unicorn talked to itself, uttering divine words, very ancient, few people could understand them, but that kind of spiritual fluctuations were common.

Now in this place, even the Great Sage is far away. As for the other saints who did not have time to leave, they all came from the surrender of their souls. Many people directly couldn't bear the coercion and fell to the ground.

The eyes of the two quasi-emperors were deep and misty, and they couldn't see clearly, so they didn't speak.And this big unicorn with some stone scales also began to watch silently. It is a traveler in Shenxu, representing the attitude of a restricted area, no one dares to move a little bit!
On the lofty mountain peak, the big crack has expanded to two thousand feet long, and it increased sharply during the night, almost exploded, which is very amazing.

From time to time, a ray of material similar to the arctic fairy light flew out, making the eyes of all saints extremely hot. Unfortunately, there were two quasi emperors and a wild beast standing in this place, which made people dare not move.

The chaotic qi burst out, and Ruixia bloomed. Some objects fell out earlier, but no one dared to pick them up. They were wrapped in immortal fire and burned on the ground.

In addition, the terrifying residual power of thunder tribulation is spreading, which is shocking.

"What's going on?" A quasi-emperor asked, and finally spoke.

Obviously, the two quasi-emperors came not much earlier than the big unicorn, and they haven't understood the situation yet, and they are still observing.He detained a holy king and asked him calmly to tell him.

"Just now... the fairy road... collapsed, and something like this fell out, like a thunderbolt split here..." He spoke intermittently, his voice trembling.Because he really couldn't bear it in front of Emperor Zhun, even if the opponent restrained some of his coercion, he still felt like a mole.
The ants are facing the sky.

The fairy road collapsed, and there was a thunderous explosion, and it erupted from the inside. The huge noise was one of the fundamental reasons for alarming Donghuang.

"Heavenly Tribulation from the side of Immortal Realm? How is this possible!" the god-like Zhundi said to himself.

And at this time, his mind trembled even more, he looked towards the ancient forbidden land, and vaguely saw a figure, he turned around quickly, not to wait and see.

"Yes, it really... exploded from the inside, maybe it was the Immortal Tribulation, or...someone stepped in first... Maybe!" Pity this saint king who is so confined, he can't help but speak. Trembling, severely suppressed by Emperor Wei, the instinct of the body betrayed the will.

Someone broke into the fairy road and went in early?It's not impossible!
At this time, the two quasi-emperors and the head from the

All the unicorns in Shenxu opened their celestial eyes and carefully watched the artifact wrapped in chaos and fairy light.

At first, people thought it was a fairy falling out.

"A fairy? No, it seems to be a wreck, with a part of the torso missing."

The expressions of the two quasi-emperors changed drastically, and the unicorn was also frightened. It was either a fairy or a great emperor.

"Destroyed the body and died in it, it's shocking!"

With a soft sound, the chaos broke open, and the fairy light also transpired, revealing the corpse inside, the flesh and blood was blurred, but it made all spirits suppressed and could not help but worship.

I don't know how many strong people kowtowed on the ground, even saints, etc., and even felt it more deeply, and they all felt like the end of the world was coming.

Is this body a fairy corpse?

This is everyone's doubts. It is too powerful and terrifying. The blood is so bright red that it is peerless and amazing. The aura emitted by any drop of blood can alarm the ages.

Moreover, the more you look at it, the more you can feel the vicissitudes of life, as if the age is extremely long, spanning the ages.

What kind of person is this, is he really a fairy, and fell out of the fairyland?

"No, he is an ancient emperor!" The big unicorn with a silver back and red horns opened his mouth and said such a sentence, which made people even more creepy, how could this be?
An ancient emperor fell out of the fairyland, what happened? Could it be that he was driven out by the immortals? Has anyone ever become a fairy and entered the fairyland?
Everyone looked at the deep crack, feeling more and more unfathomable, and felt that there was a world that was too mysterious and unknown behind, and the courage to explore was gone.

"It wasn't the current supreme being who entered, nor was it an immortal, but the former emperor, who fell at the end of the road to immortality, lay in a pool of blood, and stopped before the threshold." A quasi-emperor sighed softly, revealing the fact , it made people even more hairy, it was so cruel.

This is an ancient emperor-level character. In order to break through the pass and live forever, he went in, broke through the barrier, and embarked on the road to immortality, but finally fell down.

Now, the immortal road is broken, he fell out of this barrier, and manifested in this life.

"Is it the Demon Emperor Xue Yueqing?" For so many years, with the continuous arrival of saints from outside the territory, the story of the ancient road of the human race has finally been passed on.

By now, everyone knows that a generation of Tian Xueyueqing has traveled a very long way on the road to immortality, if not for his old age and frailty, he might have entered it.

"No, it seems very old, maybe it is the Heavenly Venerate in the age of mythology!"

This is a shocking speculation. This road has buried the hopes of many people. Even Supreme Tianjiao has fallen down and buried in a pool of blood, which is too cruel.

Buried in it for a long time, and only falling out now, this is really a kind of sadness, and it is not a problem to die on this road.

"Not long ago, why was there a thunderstorm, and it was so powerful that it broke the road?" The second quasi-emperor frowned. The ancient supreme was already dead, so why did he survive the catastrophe and cause such changes?

Is it helping the world to open the fairy road?
At the same time, people are also very hopeful, hoping to find the imperial weapon, even if it is the remaining weapon fragments of Tianzun, it must be regarded as a kind of fairy burial.

Soon everything has an answer. The laws of this place are intertwined, the sky is falling apart, and it will almost expand to the entire ancient star, and it will also rush to the vast universe.This power is too majestic, and it is the emperor-level figure who is transforming the Dao!
Every drop of blood from the fallen corpse was glowing, and even the bones burned, not to mention flesh and blood, all of which belonged to the rules of the universe.

The broken body is transformed into the Tao, so the thunder tribulation is triggered. It is not a natural punishment, etc., but a natural reaction caused by the fusion of the corpse of this series of powerhouses and the laws of this world.

Perhaps this was the wish of the ancient supreme being before his death, that the world where he was born and raised would return to dust and earth to earth, so after returning, it was easy to transform into the Tao.

With a "Boom", the power of Dao Transformation has all converged for some unknown reason, not destroying the Great Wilderness, not rushing towards the pale-faced saints, nor rushing towards the extraterritorial galaxy, but directly introverted into the corpse.

In the end, a flaming fairy fire erupted, the corpse became dust, and the light and rain flew like a feathered flying fairy. There was only robbery ashes left, no blood or corpse, and it disappeared.

"It's sad, the emperor was invincible in his life, invincible in the heavens and the earth, invincible for a lifetime, but in the end it was such a result, the immortal road left the supreme being desolate!"

The two quasi emperors left one after another, and the big unicorn also returned to his life. Only then did the saints breathe a sigh of relief.

However, in the restricted areas of several major life, the rays of light shot into the sky, but they did not disappear, but there was no more coercion sweeping the world, and they were indeed resurrected!
Maybe in the next few days, maybe in the next few months... The road to becoming immortal is destined to open, otherwise there will be no terrible weather in the restricted area. !
The opening of the road to immortality has attracted too many people's attention, and those monks who came from outside the territory rushed to the ancient forbidden land one by one.

He intends to seek that one-in-a-billion chance to enter the Immortal Realm.

But how can ordinary people be qualified to enter the Immortal Realm? I don't know that the ancient emperors have fallen at the gate of the Immortal Realm, let alone the quasi-emperors who have not been great saints all these years.

In the past few days, those who tried to enter the road to immortality with their own ancestral artifacts, without exception, all turned into clouds of light rain near the ancient forbidden land, and then fell.

After carefully observing the road to immortality in the ancient forbidden land, Xu Yu took Zixia back to the Holy Land of the Zifu to see if there are any people left on the Big Dipper in the Holy Land of the Zifu. Many mortals in the ancient country also moved to the stronghold prepared by the holy land of Zifu outside the territory.

Although this will cause a certain amount of panic, it is better than leaving them on the Big Dipper to wait for the arrival of death.

They also check everywhere on the Beidou to see if their friends and orthodoxy who are better with them have withdrawn from the Beidou?

In the Wind Clan, they saw Feng Xuan who was leading the retreat of the clan, and now he has officially become the Patriarch of the Wind Clan.

The Daoyi Holy Land was also completely evacuated from the Big Dipper, leaving only the prosperous castles in the sky in the middle of the world.

Other big forces are also withdrawing from Beidou, such as the Holy Land of Yaoguang and the Holy Land of Yaochi, as well as those ancient families who have already started preparing.

Now with the opening of the road to immortality, those holy places have basically evacuated from Beidou, leaving only some backgrounds with little longevity, and want to fight to the death when the road to immortality opens.

(End of this chapter)

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