Chapter 244

On this day, it was not only they who made such a decision, after in-depth understanding, many big forces of Beidou made up their minds to leave temporarily!

And there are not a few people like the Ji family who started to retreat many years ago, and now this has formed a consensus, Zhu Xiong was really shocked by the terrifying big crack and the Chongxiao immortal light in the seven forbidden areas of life!

From this day on, the Great Xia Dynasty, Jiuli God Dynasty, Feng Clan, Jiang Family, etc. all began to make strategic shifts, and they will leave this star field to find a way out.

Inheritances like this have deep roots and endless heritage, and now they are finally no longer hidden. Some ancient sages were born and took their own people to the outside world. Some even have their own ancestors, and they still clearly remember where they are.

In the end, even Yaochi moved away, taking the divine fetal stone and leaving.

This is a big retreat, and everyone is soberly aware of the crisis. The so-called golden age, the so-called biggest change in the ages, is not their feast, and there is not even blood and bones left.

But does retreating help?Not even!
Many saints from outside the region have come. During these days, people in the Big Dipper Starfield were shocked to learn that dark turmoil had also occurred on some glorious ancient stars, which came from the so-called "outside the sky".

The more you know, the more dignified you will be.

The road to becoming an immortal is opened, and the ancient supreme beings are born, not only the most intense immortal battle, but also the most terrifying dark turmoil in history.

But in any case, the most important thing is to leave first.

Even Zixia was persuaded to go away by Xu Yu, and the great changes that followed, with his strength in this turmoil, it is easy to be targeted by those who are interested.

Xu Yu didn't want Zixia and the people in the Zifu Holy Land to become the blood of the ancient supreme, so he used his great magic power in the quasi-emperor realm to cover up the secrets of the small world where the people in the Zifu Holy Land lived.

After doing all this, Xu Yu returned to the Big Dipper again. He was looking for an opportunity to collect the immortal fire, and prepared to light it with the immortal fire in their weakest state after those ancient supreme beings failed to break into the immortal road. One of the ancient Supremes of Sendai.

According to the records in Xu Yu's mind, Changsheng Tianzun, one of the Nine Heavenly Venerables, was already at the end of his battle when he withdrew from the road to immortality.

In addition, he was attacked by a god organization with a third of the Immortal Cauldron, which almost caused his immortal platform to collapse and his primordial spirit to die.

If Xu Yu used the immortal fire to make up for it at this time, it would be the most severe and deadly blow, and it could even destroy the Celestial Lord of Longevity forever.

In this way, the Dacheng Holy Body of the ancient holy land can also suppress other ancient supreme beings who launched dark turmoil.

Although Dacheng Saint Body and Changsheng Tianzun have a hatred higher than the sky and deeper than the sea, but compared to his grievances with Changsheng Tianzun, he cares more about all living beings in the universe.

If Xu Yu could send Changsheng Tianzun to reincarnation, even if it is a pity to achieve the holy body, at that juncture, I am afraid that he has no choice but to suppress other ancient supreme beings.

Just do what you want, just when the whole Beidou is in a panic, Xu Yu directly tore the void with a clear purpose and came to the top of the Southern Territory.

Just when Xu Yu went to the southern fire area to collect the fairy fire, the major inheritances on the Big Dipper resolutely made a choice and went outside the area.

Of course, there are a lot of people who stay, not even a few. The general inheritance has no choice. In addition, the saints who are about to end their life and death don't care about life and death. Even if there is no hope, they have to give it a try.

In fact, almost all of the "background" that escorted the major inheritances away will eventually return. Many of them have already exuded a decadent aura, and there is not much time left.

I'm about to die, and my life is going to die soon, can there be anything worse than this?What about staying in Beidou, no matter how bad it is, it's just death.

In addition to them, there are more saints from outside the realm, and many people come!

On this day, the auspicious spirit of the Eastern Desolation was surging, and the sound of iron chains in the ancient forbidden land shocked the southern region, and the sound reached tens of millions of miles, shocking the world.

It was as if a gigantic monster was moving, and at the same time, abnormal changes occurred in the seven restricted areas of life, and the rays of light piercing the sky became more intense, tearing apart the vast universe.

"The road to immortality is about to appear!"

The world is shocked. The saints from outside the realm are full of blood, but they are also extremely nervous. Death may be inevitable. Everyone has already expected the worst outcome, but they have to fight!

There are countless strong people, tens of thousands of races, and many sages and sages who have not much Shouyuan. If you don't go for a fight, how can you be right with yourself and this world that you only see?
There are some people who are still at the peak of their lives, standing in space, looking down, not approaching, waiting for opportunities!

If you don't give it a try, how do you know there is no chance?Becoming an immortal, the dream of all monks throughout the ages, has never come true. All the ancient emperors and emperors jointly speculated that there will be the only way to become an immortal in this life.
This may be the only chance!
The people in Beidou are almost suffocating, and the restlessness in the heart of the strong is getting more and more intense. At this moment, the ancient supreme in the restricted life zone does not need to express, and people have already felt it. It must be that the immortal gate is about to grow. opened.

The first thing that changed was the ancient forbidden land. On this day, the nine majestic holy mountains shook violently, and large terrifying cracks appeared.

The holy mountain in the restricted area is about to collapse, not caused by the immortal road, but by the people inside!
The mist filled the air and spread outward, and a slender figure stood there, peerless and arrogant, with loose hair, clear eyes like water, and light mist like gauze, making her hazy and still unable to see through.

However, people can see that standing in the emptiness is a woman, proud and independent, with a slender body and a peerless beauty!
Is she just Huang? She is going to do something, will the forbidden land be broken?!

The green gold of fairy tears, the red gold of phoenix blood, the purple gold of god marks, the black gold of dragon pattern... Several iron chains clattered and blazed, emitting rays of light soaring to the sky, rushing up from the depth.

They wrapped around the woman's body, restraining her and restricting her movement. Some people said that this was her self-declaration, fearing that her physical body would be too strong and cause the sky to collapse, so she locked her body.

In fact, she was really too powerful. A long time ago, a quasi-emperor once observed from a distance, thinking that it would be useless to fight with the revived imperial weapon.


The nine majestic holy mountains vibrated, and large cracks appeared one after another. The black gaps seemed to be connected to hell, dark and dense, and an inexplicable force flowed outward, devouring the source of heaven and earth.

In the distance, all the heroes outside the forbidden zone felt their hair stand on end, as powerful as they were, they also felt their own energy flowing out, turning into streamers of light and sinking into the big black cracks.

Everyone was shocked, especially the sages outside the territory, this was the first time they saw Huang's power, and they were all terrified, and they all flew back, away from the big crack in the fairy road.

The nine holy mountains are cracking, and the big crack expands from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. This is a forbidden area for life. How has such a thing happened before? It has never happened before, and it makes people's souls tremble.

There is a mysterious mist there, condensed with the years.Deprive everything, and any living beings who approach it will inevitably die of old age, turn into dry bones, and finally become dust!
What is that woman going to do?This is an awe-inspiring forbidden zone. I don't know the origin of the owner, I don't know what is below, it is the most mysterious.

"chi", "chi"...

The rays of light soaring into the sky flew up and sank into the sky, very gorgeous, and it was like nine galaxies falling from the sky, connecting to the tops of the nine holy mountains.

The earth and rocks splashed, the rays of light exploded, and an accident occurred on the top of the mountain. All the nine magical medicines rose from the ground, turned into blazing balls of light, and left the surface.

"Oh my god, are the magic medicines going to fly away, are they causing the cracks in the nine holy mountains?"

In the distance, all the heroes were shocked, all staring at Ruiguang above the abyss, all of them were excited, it was a magic medicine, no one would want to get it.

If they could fly out of the restricted area... the eyes of all the saints became extremely hot, their mouths opened wide, and their hearts were beating violently.

The immortal medicine, the plants are brilliant, the leaves are clear, and it is different from the usual appearance.

"Why is this happening? What kind of turmoil is going to happen?" People were all suspicious and puzzled in shock.

At first, those who still had thoughts in their hearts gradually cooled down. There was absolutely no hope. That woman was standing on the top of the mountain, how could she let such ants succeed.

That's right, even a sage is probably just an ant-like existence in front of that woman. If she really wants to do something, she may be able to destroy the world and all races with a snap of her fingers.

The fog was even thicker, and the mysterious power was still circulating. Fortunately, it didn't surge out, and it was all surrounded by the mouth of the abyss. Otherwise, it might be a catastrophe that would destroy the world, and all living beings would be stripped of their lives.

But the nine divine medicines that rose from the ground were even brighter. They seemed to be melting, becoming a light-quality thing, and no longer existed in their true form.

Does she want to destroy the elixir?Everyone was shocked!

"She is concocting medicine. According to legend, this is the method of the ancient emperor. Concocting the world's great medicine in the void can prolong one's life!

An old sage was amazed, the more he knew, the more he was afraid of that woman, she didn't move, just stared with her eyes, paying attention to the photochemical process of the medicine.

The road to immortality seems to be opened immediately, otherwise why would she act like this, perhaps to continue her life, to fight against the ancient supreme in the peak state!
This is the guess of many old sages, all holding their breath and paying attention nervously.

It was invisible in the past, and it is impossible to see it again in the future. The existence of this series is awe-inspiring to the bone.

It's a pity that everyone guessed wrong. The big medicine was not taken, nor destroyed. They hung in the sky like nine suns, and then turned quickly.


With the roar of the avenue, countless fragments of the avenue flew out, separated from the light, arranged in the virtual space, and reassembled to become a light rain like a flying fairy, extremely brilliant.

Everyone was stunned, and wished they could rush over immediately, let the rain of light pour over them, and collect the infinite fragments of the Great Dao in their bodies.

This process lasted for a long time, and then the nine light groups rushed together, colliding with the most dazzling light, and the fragments of the avenue were also smelted together.

At the center, it condensed into a light group, huge and dazzling, and the pressing void was about to collapse.

In the end, in the eyes of people's astonished eyes, an immortal medicine took shape and metamorphosed, and the nine plants were combined into one, becoming a complete fairy medicine.

It is divided into nine branches, each of which has different leaves and nine colors in total. It is translucent and radiant. The whole plant is less than one meter high.

This is what it really is, called Jiu Miao Immortal Medicine!
Back then, the whole plant was divided into nine parts and planted on the nine holy mountains, but now it is finally united, allowing the world to see its true form and manifest itself in the world.

At the same time, the nine holy mountains were collapsing and rumbled and destroyed in the smoke and dust.

This is a big change!
Huge cracks spread out for an unknown number of miles, and the nine holy mountains finally fell down. During this process, the fairy gold on the woman's body made noises, and all kinds of lights danced.

It was as if a heavenly sword energy was sweeping out, and with a clanging sound, all those immortal iron chains were broken, and she completely broke free from the shackles, standing proudly in the human world, overlooking the heavens and myriad realms.

With a bang, the ground sank, hundreds of miles away from the abyss collapsed, and there was a huge abandoned city below, and there was a huge monument standing tall, with three large characters engraved on it: Road to Immortals!
That kind of word is very ancient, and not many of the saints know it. Some people say that it is the script of the heavens and the sky, and some people say that it is the script of the age of mythology.

"How could there be such a monument?" Everyone was stunned.

Could it be that the fairy gate will really open here in the end?Because there were rumors many years ago that the road to immortality would appear under the abyss of the ancient forbidden land.

Wouldn't it be too heaven-defying for this woman to occupy this place and become the master of the restricted life zone? !

"It's finally confirmed that Tianxuan Holy Land was crazy back then, and it was to break into the immortal road! Everyone in Beidou sighed.

In that era, there was a violent fluctuation in Donghuang, and there was a big crack in the void that collapsed, which must be a sign that the road to immortality was about to open!

In that life, the most glorious holy place in history built a grand formation that reached the sky, and rushed in with the emperor's weapon, hoping to break into the fairy gate in an instant and fly to the fairy at the right time.

Unfortunately, they were wrong!
The immortal gate has not been opened, and the prosperous Tianxuan broke into the sky and collapsed. They couldn't exit at the first time, and they couldn't keep them safe with the emperor's weapon in hand.

The power in the ancient abyss completely wiped out their lineage, and only a few people escaped dying.

"There is another monument!" Everyone was surprised, who moved these?It is said that at the earliest time, the owner of this place was not a woman, she came in later and replaced him.

It was a huge ancient monument, with runes flashing on it, and avenues flowing, turning into wisps of invincible fists, bursting out from there!

"Six Paths of Samsara Fist!"

Someone exclaimed, seeing such a few large characters, as for the specific practice methods, they couldn't see the shock, and they were excited at the same time, wishing to pounce on it immediately.

The invincible boxing method recorded on the road to immortality.

This really true, right here! "People were amazed and thought of those legends.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist was recorded on Chengxian Road, and was later brought out by Lao Tzu and passed on to Ye Fan. All of this is true, there is no falsehood, and it is consistent.

Huge ruins, collapsed palace, what kind of place is this?No matter how you look at it, it looks like a sky tower in the fairyland, which seems to have fallen from the fairyland, and the aura is terrifying.

What is that woman going to do? Everyone is wondering.

The nine holy mountains collapsed, revealing the real scene under the abyss, making the world speculate that the eternal secret land has finally seen the light of day, and let everyone see the truth, but everything today is too weird.

On the ruins, a five-color altar was suspended and did not fall.

The woman descended with clouds and mist, followed by the nine wonderful medicines, followed behind, and came to the huge stele engraved with the words "Road to Immortal".More than a dozen people greeted them, and there were actually people in the ruins!
"Yes, they are all desolate slaves."

One of the women in white looks like a modern person, and her clothes are no different from today's.

Another woman was recognized as the number one beauty in the Eastern Wilderness more than 6000 years ago—the Tianxuan Saintess.Because, that kind of clothing is exactly the saint's Xiayi that should be taught.

In addition, another person was also recognized, who was the ancient sage Xia Feng more than 1 years ago, who had seen Emperor Qing several times!
The rest are hardly recognizable anymore, the costumes are so ancient that it is impossible to discern their origins.

The clouds and mists swirled around, and even the eyes of the sky couldn't see through them, so it was difficult to see their true faces.

The owner of the restricted area in the world of the world, her eyebrows flashed, and the bang seemed to shatter the world. There was a huge door of light out of thin air, and she stepped in like this.

This is jaw-dropping!
What is even more surprising is that the Tianbei engraved with the three characters "Chengxian Road" and the ancient monument engraved with the "Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist" turned into a pair of huge portals, blocking there and closing the passage.

This woman led a dozen or so wild slaves into that road, disappeared, and a mysterious world was cut off!

Everyone was stunned!

"God, is that the road to immortality?!" Everyone was in an uproar, and the monument was clearly written.

Cultivators all over the world wanted to set foot on the road to immortality, and she let her in like this?This woman failed to wait until the most correct time, so she was going to... become a fairy? !
The southern region was boiling, and there was a big earthquake in the eastern wasteland. I don't know how many people trembled. This is unbelievable!
But no one dared to approach, dared not step on that road, because a large amount of mist rose from the ruins and drowned it, which could deprive the power of time.

(End of this chapter)

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