Chapter 250 The Upheaval of Immortal Road
The five continents glowed, condensing the power of the cosmos, attracting the fragments and essence of the Bafang Avenue, and building a vast immortal formation, and then a monstrous light erupted, hitting the road to becoming immortal, and attacking the door!
This is a terrifying attack. The vast universe is enough to shock the world. Such divine power can threaten the emperor. This is an incomparable magic circle.

With a bang, the huge beam of light entered the door flooded by chaos, hitting the most brilliant rain of light. The sky and the earth shattered in this place, expanding to the extreme far.

Everyone was horrified. The cracks in the southern region spread to the outside world, tearing open many stars and engulfing many big stars, which was too terrifying.

And the ancient land of life in the Big Dipper has not yet been destroyed, because it is guarded by the Great Emperor's magic circle, and there are rays of light transpiring from various places, protecting the ten directions.


The seven supreme beings roared loudly. At this time, they also brandished their imperial weapons and launched an attack on that door. They wanted to see the final result, and this life should come to an end.

All kinds of imperial weapons flew, smashed the universe, slammed into the pair of stone gates, and made various sounds of chanting, which was deafening.


The sky shook, the door cracked and opened in an instant, but it was closed again in the end, and it still didn't fall down, it didn't collapse.

"Dust labor locks the lock, and sees the gods in the bright way!

The eight characters turned into a brand again, and they reverberated in this place. Although they were very weak, they were about to be wiped out, but they were real.

"I'll use you to teach me!" Shi Huang shouted, holding the black halberd, he slashed down, using his unparalleled divine power.


The Great Halberd collapsed into the sky, bursting out a string of sparks, each spark rushing out of the territory would make dozens of stars go out, and the horror was extreme.

Pity all beings?That has nothing to do with him. He used to be one of the biggest initiators behind the dark turmoil, washing the heavens with blood, just to better wait for the arrival of this life.

This door can't be opened, even if it is as powerful as the ancient Tianzun, the emperor and the emperor are also very difficult, and it can't be shaken in a short time!
The five continents are still glowing, but this time the light coming from the impact is a little different. The five elements of the beam reversed and became a chaos, merging various avenues fragments, and ten thousand Dao became one.

And at this moment, the avenues of the seven supreme beings are paralleled, and there is a tendency to become one, and they will really join forces to attack that door.

Previously, they could not attack together, and could only attack one by one, because they were mutually exclusive and incompatible, and it was not until this moment that they really joined forces to kill this door.


This is an earth-shattering conquest, the blue unicorn staff, the bright long-lived sword, and the dark and dark halberd all erupted, and the Seven Emperors made a move, shaking the world.


In this world, if the seven supreme beings can join forces, there will be no roads that cannot be opened, and no obstacles that cannot be eradicated!The five continents condensed into a special brilliance, realizing the unity of all Taos, and their Taos seemed to merge together!
"Back then, all the races had put in a lot of effort into this great formation. The real chaotic body was sacrificed and refined by the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, and then it was built with the blessing of the world." Changsheng Tianzun said.

At this moment, the light beams of the seven supreme beings condensed together, piercing through the stone gate and shattering it. The past, present, and future were all reduced to powder.

The emperor-level powerhouses are supreme, and they don't need others to preach, and no one can be their teacher. They just kill them and break into the fairyland.

Outside the territory, the people were shocked, almost speechless, and it took the action of the seven supreme beings to open the door. No wonder some supreme beings in the past would eventually fall down, blood splattered on the fairy road, it was too difficult to open.

The result of this life has come out, they succeeded, and they killed it.

"Are they right and I wrong?"

In the ancient mine in the early days, some people whispered, and some people were never born!


With the help of the magic circle, the seven supreme beings shattered the fairy gate and directly rushed in. After arriving here, a grand fairy world seemed to be in sight, and they could vaguely see a piece of vitality.

There is an aura coming from it that seems to slow down the decay in the deepest part of their bodies and prolong their lives.What is that for someone of this progression?Only the things related to the fairy are left!

"At the end of the fairy road is a chaotic hole!" Finally, they came to the final end, there was no way to go, and everything would end here.

The blood is lingering, and the ancient cave is in front of it, filled with chaotic mist, mysterious and unpredictable.To break or not to break?There is no choice!In this life, only success is allowed, not failure.

"Everyone, do you still have something on your mind? Leaping in will be the difference between life and death. It may be a fairy, or it may become empty forever. This is the end of the curtain!
Changsheng Tianzun said that he had the longest existence on the scene, his bronze face was full of indifference, there was no expression at all, and his long gray hair was scattered on the old Daopo.

"Haha..." Shihuang laughed, his face was full of coldness, and said: "I came here to become an immortal in this life, death has nothing to do with me, I have to live no matter what!"

"Break in!

The other ancient supreme only had these three words, with a firm attitude and without any hesitation, he was the first to act and strode to the chaotic cave.

The ancient unicorn emperor was majestic, with thick hair scattered and deep eyes. He was even more direct, without saying a word, he jumped in directly, holding a blue-gold divine scepter, and threw himself into the hole.

Seeing this, other people naturally refused to lag behind others. The existence of this series was born together. Up to now, they are all upright and fearless. There is only one goal, so don't worry about it.

One after another, finally Shi Huang and Changsheng Tianzun also jumped in, submerged in the chaotic mist, and disappeared on the road ahead.

So far, no one in the outside world can perceive their qi machine, even the existence of the ancient mines in the early days, even the giants with golden hair in the ancient forbidden land, can no longer be detected.

This hole is too mysterious. It isolates everything and cannot be explored. It is separated from heaven and earth, and it seems to be in another world.

The seven supreme beings disappeared, and there was no more sound!

Outside the territory, there was silence for a long time, and after waiting for a long time, no one spoke. People were extremely nervous, waiting for the result.

However, as time went by, there was still no movement there, and everything was as usual, except that the Great Crack of the Immortal Road spread outside the domain, which was even more terrifying.

"Did they succeed?"

"Have the seven resurrected ancient supreme beings become immortals?!"

The outside world is boiling, and people can't help it anymore. Has the eternal wait finally come to fruition? All these people have successfully entered, and the curtain is over.

Did it work? !

Many people believe that this must be a success, and the most difficult hurdles are like chickens and dogs in front of the Seven Supremes, who can't stop their footsteps at all.

However, this kind of success always makes people feel that something is missing. It is too peaceful, without the grandeur and majesty of immortality.

In the eyes of the world, lifting the sky and turning into a flying immortal is the real immortal. Such a peaceful scene can shake the world and make people yearn and awe.

"Maybe... this is becoming an immortal, ordinary and unremarkable, flying away in the ordinary."

"No one has ever seen an immortal, let alone know how to ascend to heaven. This may be the truth and the final result."

There was Emperor Zhun muttering to himself, leisurely fascinated, but he was also hesitating whether to follow in.

After all, the immortal gate has been blasted open and has not been closed yet, this may be the last chance!However, they were still uneasy and hesitant.

As for some old people, those with little life have no choice. The Supreme Being is in front of them, what are they worried about?Try to break in and follow.

This time, a group of old cultivators turned into a rainbow and rushed over, but before they got close, they screamed in agony. In front of them were endless ghosts of gods and demons, and the law of the fairy appeared.

This is a tragedy, a tragic scene, a light rain can penetrate a person, even a great saint can't do it, he can only die in vain!Not to mention the light and rain in the sky.

There are no weak people on the road to immortality. Whether it is in the past or now, if they do not reach that level, they are not qualified to approach at all.

"Did they succeed, are we wrong, this is this life?!" Someone in the ancient mine said to himself, his breath was heavy, this was a sign that he was about to recover to the top.

In addition, there was also a low roar in the Shenxu, shaking the universe!

With the passage of time, the great crack in the fairyland is slowly closing, and it has begun to disappear. The right time, the right place, will pass, and this life is about to end!
It was so fast, beyond everyone's expectations!
"This is the moment!" Someone yelled, and the people who had never moved in the restricted area of ​​life moved out. At this moment, the four figures came from different directions, turned into the most brilliant light and soared into the sky, rushed into the fairy road, and collapsed. The ancient road was broken and its closure was blocked.

After all, he was born, and the master of the forbidden zone of life did not want to miss the road to immortality in this life.

These people once thought that this life was wrong and the time has not yet come, but in the end they were shaken and changed their minds!

Four figures, destructive and unstoppable, beheaded millions of gods and demons, chopped off endless fairy spirits, smashed all the laws of immortality, and rushed into the broken fairy gate under the light rain like a feathered flying fairy. Leaping forward, he also fell into the ancient cave of chaos.

Suddenly, at this moment, the prehistoric universe trembled, and wisps of fairy energy overflowed from the sky and the earth, which was so mysterious that everyone's hearts trembled.

"What happened, do you want to fly around the world? You can see that hole is glowing, and the rain of light from Feixian is rushing out!"

"I have a premonition that this universe will undergo the greatest shock since ancient times. I am trembling all over, and I can't help it!" An old saint, who has few days to live, vaguely saw a corner of the future before he was about to die.

"What's wrong with this world, I don't know why, it makes my heart jump, my hair stands on end, what's going to happen?" A quasi-emperor was suddenly terrified.

"Could it be said that the biggest change in ancient times was at this moment? What did the Tianzun in the age of mythology, the emperor in the ancient times, and the emperor in the ancient times do after they entered? I feel that this universe is filled with an indescribable aura. !"

There was an inexplicable qi mechanism in the universe, and the Emperor Zhun was horrified, and the elder saint who was about to sit down felt very uneasy. He felt that the world was different, and there would be a big change. They seemed to see the future. corner!
"What's going on, what's going to happen?"

"Could it be said that the ancient Supreme has affected the whole world after entering, and unpredictable changes will happen?!"

The whole world was shocked, not to mention the most powerful, even ordinary monks sensed something was wrong at this moment, wisps of immortal energy were transpiring, and diffused out of the big crack, always feeling that something bad was about to happen.

This is the early warning given to them by the gods in their Taoist palace, and it is also the early warning of all creatures in the universe in the way of the will of the whole world.

But because of the incompleteness of the world today, the early warning information sent by the will of the world cannot be well understood by people, so those people near Chengxian Road still feel extremely uneasy, but they still don't think about this world. A catastrophic upheaval is about to ensue.

Standing near Chengxian Road, Xu Yuyi also felt this palpitating opportunity, and he knew that this was a harbinger of the outbreak of dark turmoil.

In the broken nine heavens and ten lands, the remaining will of the world is doing its best to issue an early warning to all creatures living in this universe.

"You are still not leaving, do you want to be someone else's blood food?"

Xu Yu's loud shout sounded near Chengxian Road.


"Fellow Daoist, what is going on?"

The other two quasi-emperors asked in surprise after hearing Xu Yu's shout.Because they are also quasi-emperors.The palpitations he felt in his heart would definitely not be less than Xu Yu's, and even worse.

"The dark turmoil is coming, do you still have to wait here to die?"

Xu Yu didn't explain too much, but just said something concisely.

After hearing Xu Yu's words, some great sages outside the territory were shaken and wanted to leave this place, but some people saw that Xu Yu was still here, so they thought Xu Yi was pretending to let them leave early.

They were here waiting for the end of Chengxian Road, so they still did not choose to heed Xu Yu's warning.

There is quite an ambition to hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening.

But there was a calm place, two Supreme Beings entered one after another, without any movement, like a mud cow entering the sea, this kind of flying fairy is too ordinary, without any waves, it makes people feel unreal.

I don't know how long it took, the big crack in the fairy road is healing, and it keeps closing. This life is really coming to an end, and the curtain has come to an end!

However, at this last moment, a sound of heaven and earth cracking came out, the whole immortal road collapsed, and then began to expand!
All of this is just because the chaotic hole exploded, and a figure flew out, preventing all this and opening a huge dark gap.

This person glowed all over, possessing a supreme power, and the light and rain of the sky flew out from him, like a piece of stars, dazzling and splendid, extremely dazzling.

Xian, is this Xian? !

People were shocked. The so-called rising clouds and flying immortals are nothing more than flying immortals in the daytime. This is the scene of becoming immortals in people's imagination.

It's too dazzling there, all the light and rain are impacting, spreading to heaven and earth.It is even more brilliant than the exploding stars in the heavens and myriad worlds. It is extremely beautiful and terrifying.

A mournful roar came, the "immortal" roared, the voice was shrill, very terrifying, it shook the universe, and made people feel a sense of despair.

At this moment, near Donghuang, some of the Great Emperor's formations were shattered, unable to stop his sound waves, which shook people's hearts.

The Ancient Forbidden Land, Purple Mountain, Mount Sumeru, Ji Family, Jiang Family and other places quickly rushed out some avenue runes, which finally blocked this kind of fluctuation, otherwise the ancient land of life in the Big Dipper Starfield would inevitably be in such a sound.
It shattered in the roar and was destroyed in one fell swoop!
what is this?Everyone is horrified, obviously there is a mutation in the Chaos Cave, this is by no means peaceful, let alone immortals, this is an ancient supreme coming out!

"Oh my God, what is in the Chaos Cave? Why does the ancient Supreme look like it is about to transform into the Dao? Is the endless rain of light their life essence dying?"

"His life has come to an end, this life is coming to an end, full of despair and unwillingness!

Everyone recognized that it was an ancient supreme being. He retreated from the chaotic hole without knowing what happened. Such roars and mournful screams made people's hearts tremble.

When the light and rain flew away, his whole body was bloody and bloody. Kunying's blood beads were as clear as rubies, beautiful and dazzling, and the wine fell on the floor, revealing all the white bone stubble.

What kind of power is this, it is too shocking to make him look like this.

"This life is both right and wrong, it turned out to be like this, there is hope, but it also makes people despair!
The voice of this ancient supreme being was low, and his words were full of sadness and sorrow. After waiting for thousands of years, it turned out to be this result. In the end, he failed to become a fairy. What kind of state of mind is it? !

Don't say it's him, it's others, just seeing this result makes me feel sad for him, it's a pity, paying such a heavy price, but taking the lead is in vain.

"What happened?" In this universe, all the Quasi-Emperors were terrified, all of them felt uneasy and fearful.

The first batch of people had a total of seven Supremes going in, what else could not be broken, why did he look like this, logically speaking, he must become a fairy, no one can stop their footsteps.

However, this is not the case in fact. The ancient Supreme had a tragic end, which obviously suffered from unimaginable things, and the result was very bad.

"Finally, I will no longer be in my prime, otherwise I am destined to become a fairy in this life!" He roared loudly. He was originally a wise and supreme supreme, but at this time because of extreme disappointment, he became a little depressed, and he was not the same as usual. The look is very different.

He has lost the charm that everything in the world is in my hands, and some are just unwilling and desperate!

"The other supreme beings haven't come out, do they all become immortals?" Someone said in shock.


At this moment, there was a loud noise in the chaotic hole, blood splashed everywhere, bright and dazzling, making the apex of the heart tremble, and the pores and needles all over the body were pricked.

Bright red blood, like a red diamond, spilled from the chaotic hole, the mist filled the air, and the white bones fell out, which was shocking.

What kind of scene is this?The ancient supreme is withering!
It's too shocking. Who has seen it before, and how many people have heard of it? They are the Celestial Venerable of the Age of Mythology, the Emperor of the Ancient Age, and the Great Emperor of the Ancient Era. They are the most powerful people in history. ? !

How could this be so?How could this be so?Everyone didn't believe it, it was hard to accept this fact, it was too cruel.

Everyone thought that these ancient supreme beings had waited for eternity and finally became immortals, bringing hope to future generations and verifying the feasibility of immortality, not a vain assumption.

But the fact is that it is so bloody, making people gamble in their hearts, there is a kind of great sadness, that is a figure of the first level of the ancient emperor, who once ruled the heavens and the world, and the entire prehistoric universe crawls at their feet, unparalleled in the world. Invincible, but it ended so sadly.

This is unbearable and unbearable.


There was another loud bang, and the third Supreme rushed out, covered in blood, shaking there, about to fall down, and the mournful voice resounded through the sky and the earth.

"Why is it like this, killing the karma of hundreds of generations, sending the moon against all generations just for my way and my way in this life, where is it?!"

The sovereign screaming world is so desperate. They were all the protagonists of an era, the most powerful people in the past and present. The glorious years have illuminated the entire ancient history.

However, in the end, it was a sad and lamentable period, and the pursuit of a lifetime was in vain in the end.

"Heaven and earth, I am the only one..."

Another old voice came, dissatisfied with the years, and wanted to fight with the sky, but after losing, I was defeated. I failed to become an immortal.
"On the road to immortality...listen to my own funeral song, and ruin the eternal dream!" The fifth ancient supreme appeared, with endless sadness and sadness, which made people feel sad.

"I'm not willing!

"It turned out to be this ending, is it wrong, is it right, whoever becomes enlightened in this life is an immortal!"

"There's no right or wrong, it's just that we were born in the wrong age, maybe we can say that we shouldn't pursue it, become immortals, haha!"

Supreme mourning, ringing the heavens and the earth, alerting future generations, is this the end of the road to immortality? Everyone wants to know what happened.

"Those who are waiting, you are also wrong. This life is neither right nor wrong. The right time, the right place, just lack a right person!"

Into the Supreme.Two people spattered blood and shattered at the entrance of the Chaos Cave. The blood was dripping and the scarlet was astonishing. It wasn't that they were weaker than others, but that they were too old. After all, they were in their final years and couldn't hold on anymore.

The ending was tragic, a few people came out, and there were still people inside, I don't know if they were alive or dead.

"This life... this life!"

This life is very sad.This life makes people have no relatives, this life makes people mourn and mourn!

(End of this chapter)

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