Chapter 251 Amitabha


With a loud bang, the ancient forbidden area exploded, the pair of huge stone gates opened, and a beautiful woman in white appeared.

And the majestic man covered in golden hair also stood not far away, advancing and retreating with her, with the same goal.


In the far-flung Western Desert, a Buddha's horn rang all over the world, and the whole of the western land flourished with Buddha's glory, especially Mount Sumeru.

Mount Sumeru is open to the sky, as if it can separate the two worlds between heaven and man. At this time, the Daleiyin Temple located on the top is glowing, giving out a huge Buddha name, and then the sound of chanting.


At the same time, a bell rang in the Northern Territory, shaking the prehistoric universe, the beginningless bell rang, it was completely resurrected at this moment!
"What's going on here?"

In the Big Dipper Star Territory, these three places are extremely mysterious and cannot be truly detected by ordinary people. Today, they are all glowing, and they are immeasurable light, no weaker than the breath in the big crack in the Immortal Territory.

"Ah... no, Wu Shi, you don't treat me like this!"

The first to act, the first to make a sound was not those three places, but the holy cliff!

There the light soared into the sky, the aura was unmatched in the past, and a dazzling list of gods was loosening quickly, and then fell off from the most majestic main peak.Moreover, at the next moment, a total of 360 five talisman seals flew up, and then exploded, turning into 360 five celestial lights that were not included in the list, making it even more brilliant, and the Yao people couldn't open their eyes.

"No, don't!" A loud roar came from inside the holy cliff, but it didn't change anything.

The holy cliff cracked open, and a huge immortal source was born. There were a lot of auspiciousness and rays of sunshine. There was a primordial spirit struggling, and then another sarcophagus flew out, with a body buried in it. It was an old Taoist.

" body is still there, so close!" The immortal Taoist was full of remorse and hatred, and the soul that had been cut into several parts was struggling.


The conferred gods list glowed, rolled up a few parts of the primordial spirit, and then wrapped the Taoist corpse directly into an immortal rainbow, rushing into the immortal road, the divine light shone, unparalleled in the world, and penetrated the chaotic hole!

"That's the list of gods left by Emperor Wushi, still alive!"


A bell rang, Zishan cracked, this place called Guhuangshan in the ancient times, where the gods could be approached, was torn apart, a big bell flew out, and the chaotic energy was steaming, straight to the southern region!

8 years have passed, and the clock without beginning once again shocked the world, it was born, and once again manifested the human world!

"Emperor Wu Shi also made a move, is he really still alive?!"

The source of immortality exploded, the soul struggled, and the brilliance overflowed.The corpse trembled, and its body seemed to be composed of billions of stars, from lifeless to brilliant.The list of gods wrapped all of this, and it directly fell into the chaotic hole, which was shocking.


The undead Taoist let out a final roar, and his voice dimmed. There were 360 ​​five talismans glowing in the list of gods, suppressing him together with the ancient corpse, and filling them into the desperate Feixian Cave .

Shocked the world!

It's so shocking, the Great Emperor Wushi really is a big hand.This is definitely an invincible Taoist, but he was sacrificed by his blood, what did he take it for?
The magic-suppressing stone, or a sacrifice, was filled into the Immortal Cave just like that!
"Immortal Daoist, the one behind the scenes of the dark turmoil and the source of the great disaster, unexpectedly ended like this!

Everyone was shocked. Many bosses outside the territory, and countless patriarchs couldn't help but bow their heads. Facing the majestic divine power, their bodies and minds were throbbing.

"Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road?!"

Inside the Conferred God Ranking, a voice came, shaking Cangyu, causing the heavens and the world to shake and rumbling, conveying the six-harmony and eight-wildness.

Outside the territory, Zhu Xiong couldn't help but tremble, feeling deeply, shocked in his heart.

In the great crack of the fairy road, the supreme being who came out alive was snorted coldly, even though it had come to an end.

At the end of their lives, they are still the only ones, disrespecting the sky and the earth.

"It's just a god with a secret weapon, dare to ask the world, let Wu Shi come!" Stone Emperor said coldly.

He was covered in blood, his white bones were exposed, and he was holding a black halberd.

The list of gods went in, wrapped the immortal Taoist, and beat him into the chaotic cave, and sent out a divine thought: "On the road to immortality, I have a part, do my best!


This world has changed, the Great Emperor Wubei's former laws of immortality have reappeared in the world, and the terror has reached its extreme.

"This is... a beginningless one!"

On the road to immortality, someone sighed lightly, and the eyes of the ancient supreme were shining brightly, staring at all this.

"Wushi is no longer in this world, but through its weapon, he has bloomed his due brilliance, which is equivalent to his own shot!"

This is a huge power, sacrificed a supreme being with blood, broke into the Immortal Cave, and then the list of gods was burning, incomparably brilliant, and the runes all over the sky were clanking and overflowing from the cave.

People are no longer in this world, but his Tao and his runes are still there, which is still equivalent to a supreme being making a move, and examining the immortal Taoist alive!
The Great Emperor Wushi was strong all his life, and it was not a lie. He sealed an ancient unparalleled figure to this day, and he was not afraid of his rebellion at all, and he was not afraid of his escape. Even if he was no longer in the world, he could still control him.

Leaving a Gedai character and filling him into a fairy cave is shocking. Who would dare to do this?That is a person who shakes the past and the present!

The big bell lingered, the universe vibrated, the beginningless bell flew over, and the supreme immortal gods fell, hitting the chaotic cave, causing the place to collapse.

Moreover, when the bell rang, the whole space was filled with tremors. The most frightening thing was that the land in the Eastern Desolation trembled, and an ancient pagoda deep in the stratum resonated with it!

The ancient pagoda swayed, and in the depths of the earth's veins, wisps of qi that opened up the sky and the earth shook, and countless beams of brilliance surged up into the sky, suppressing them into the chaotic cave.

"What, this is... the barren tower!"

"The barren pagoda that has disappeared for a long time moved, attracted by the beginningless bell, and sprinkled endless brilliance, that is the power to open the sky!

"Could it be that if you want to become an immortal, you must create the world?!

People were shocked, there are three special objects in this world, the green tripod, the fairy bell, and the barren pagoda, each of which is older than the other, the most mysterious and terrifying.

Now, when the bell of Wu Shi rings, it can actually activate the power of the barren tower, deterring the fluctuations of the laws of immortality, which is naturally creepy.

The Great Emperor Wushi is unfathomable. He is gone, but the runes engraved on the magic weapon are equivalent to his resurrection. If he makes a move here, he can still sweep everything powerfully like in the past.


The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and there was a big explosion in the chaotic cave, which obviously hit a frenzy. The list of gods seemed destined to be destroyed on the road to immortality, and it was sacrificed with the undead Taoist. It turned into a ball of origin, and opened up the world there.

Between heaven and earth, only a beginningless bell is shaking, hanging at the entrance of Chengxian Cave, falling ray after ray of brilliance.

It's a pity that all the light disappeared in the end, and the blood in the chaotic hole was lingering. It was the blood of the supreme, that was the flesh of the undead, and it still couldn't penetrate the fairyland.

"I also can't enter the fairyland..." The big bell is long, it seems to be made of chaos, simple and atmospheric, suppressing the eternal blue sky, hanging on the Chengxian Cave.

"You... Beginning?!" An ancient supreme asked.

"I...I'm not Wubei, so I can't get in." The big bell came out with a divine voice. It was just a weapon, and the real Wubei would never appear in the human world.

"Up to now, I actually believe that Wushi may still be alive! An ancient supreme being is still extremely majestic despite being covered in blood. He glanced at Wushi Bell indifferently, not saying much.

Is this world going to end like this?The real Wushang has not come out after all, and it seems to have sat down 8 years ago, which is a pity.

"It's not over yet!
In the western desert, someone whispered, but it shook the heaven and earth, swept across the land of the eastern desert, and even spread outside the region.

In the western land, there is a huge Buddha statue standing up, more than [-] million zhang high, from the virtual to the solid, just like the real body came into the world.

On Mount Sumeru, the Buddha's light was shining, and the Daleiyin Temple erupted with unparalleled vitality. The Buddha statue turned into a giant that opened up the world, and then stood up and stepped on the Xian Road, hitting the Chaos Cave.


The fierce battle and the endless boiling of Buddha's power made Chaos Run even more dilapidated and shattered, so he also rushed in!
"Is this... the Dharma body of Emperor Amitabha?!"

"How can something like this be left behind? Could it be that he is still alive?"

"Emperor Amitabha is a person who has gone a long way on the path of immortality and has been concentrating on the practice of immortality. It would not be surprising if he had some incredible longevity!"

This is the dharma body of Amitabha Buddha, which was re-condensed in nothingness and directly punched in. Unfortunately, it failed and failed in the end.

However, things did not stop there, and the terrifying upheaval in the Western Desert continued.

Mount Sumeru is glowing, the power of boundless belief is mighty, a huge Buddha trumpet sounded inside the mountain, and a real Buddha appeared in the Daleiyin Temple, sitting there cross-legged with the eternal blue sky above his head!
There, the auspicious air is transpiring, the rays of sunshine are innumerable, and the boundless power of belief is surging, even more vast than the ocean, sweeping across the Western Desert, everywhere.

Mount Sumeru is like a huge living body,
A great Buddha was bred and accepted the worship and kowtow of all living beings for endless years. No one knew that this kind of change would happen.

"That's... Amitabha, he actually reappeared!"

"It's really the Great Emperor of Buddhism, he is still alive, that kind of blood, that kind of strength, is clearly the peak of his golden years!
Many people are terrified, how is this possible, a great emperor who has long been confirmed to be Nirvana has appeared again, and he is so powerful that he is at the pinnacle of life!

Everyone knows that once the road to becoming an immortal is opened, a lot of incomprehensible things will inevitably happen, but I never thought that a person who has been confirmed to be seated will appear.

It was an old monk, with the sky above his head, extremely huge, on Mount Huasumer, with a benevolent face, compassionate, as if he had sat cross-legged there eternity ago.

"Do you want to go that way?!" Changsheng Tianzun frowned and coughed out a mouthful of blood.

Shi Huang sneered again and again, with disheveled hair, holding a black burqa, and still had an unrivaled aura, looking at Xi Mo indifferently, without expressing any opinions.

On Mount Sumeru, all the Buddhas were shocked, and they didn't even know it. Only a few old monks knew it, and the others were all in a daze. After that, none of them did the Buddha's rites and bowed devoutly.

There was a venerable man who chanted sutras and chanted:
"The world is a sea of ​​suffering. Amitabha Buddha made a great vow, wishing to save all living beings, overcome all calamities, and let the Buddha's light shine forever!"

"If I become an immortal, if there are still three evil realms of hell, hungry ghosts, and animals in my immortal land, I will not take the position of supreme immortal."

"If I become an immortal, all the gods and people in my immortal land, after the end of life, still fall into the three evil realms, I will not take the supreme immortal position."

"If I become an immortal, all the gods and people in my immortal land will not all have golden bodies, and I will not take the supreme immortal position."


The old monk sitting cross-legged on Mount Sumeru, also Amitabha Buddha, kept making big vows. This kind of voice was so grand that it resounded through the heavens and the earth and spread into the universe.

At this moment, in the boundless ancient domain, the other side of the starry sky, and the frontiers of the universe, wherever Amitabha Buddha walked, wherever there are Buddhists, all of them are shining, and the endless power of faith is all condensed and overwhelming!
The golden rain of light gathered towards the Big Dipper from all corners of the universe and landed on Mount Sumeru, turning this place into an immortal land on earth.

This kind of auspiciousness is rare throughout the ages and hard to find in the world.In the western desert, endless Buddhists kowtowed and worshiped Mount Sumeru devoutly. The whole person became luminous, and the immortal platform was shining, and the light and rain were countless, flying all over the sky.

During this period, Buddhist disciples in the Western Desert have come to the foot of Mount Sumeru through the gate, making it a Buddhist country, and now it has become a fairyland in the age of mythology.

"Amitabha Buddha saves all sentient beings, and is willing to lead me to teach the flying immortals to overcome all sufferings and let all Buddhists escape from the sea of ​​suffering. Are you willing to follow me?"

"Amitabha!" Everyone chanted the Buddha's name of the Great Buddha, and all of them were willing.

"This is not Amitabha. It was conceived by the power of faith, but it is almost equal to him. Taking his Nirvana's relic as the fairy platform and the Buddha's heart, it is amazing!"

"That's right, when Amitabha Buddha accepted the worship of all living beings, he produced a god self, cast by the power of faith, it is him, unexpectedly he is still in this world!"

With a bang, the entire Mount Sumeru rose from the ground, and the old monk sitting cross-legged turned into a golden body of six feet long, exuding a monstrous power of Buddha, and was able to save the human world.

He actually flew over Mount Sumeru and Daleiyin Temple as a whole, and wanted to use the power of all living beings to forcibly open the fairy road.

The Buddhist mindfulness of the entire universe has been blessed at this moment!
Through the void, through the endless star field, countless Buddhist believers are chanting Amitabha Buddha. The light and rain are endless, like a stream of gods coming together, reaching the Big Dipper and submerging Mount Sumeru.

Gathering the mind power of all beings to open the immortal realm is a method that defies the sky and is so powerful that it is scary. With the addition of an Amitabha Buddha, it is truly terrifying to the extreme.


In the end, Mount Sumeru shrunk and crashed into the Chengxian Cave. All beings were chanting sutras, shaking the entire immortal road.

"Amitabha is amazing!" An ancient supreme sighed in his heart.


At this moment, in the ancient forbidden area, the beautiful woman in white also made a move, took one step forward, and then slapped it into the Chengxian Cave!
(End of this chapter)

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