Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 252 The Great Completion of the Eucharist

Chapter 252 The Great Completion of the Eucharist
Even the Lord of the Ancient Forbidden Land took action, and slapped it into the Chaos Cave with a slap, and the divine might was unparalleled, causing a major collapse there.

Many people outside the region opened their eyes wide in surprise, all of them were shocked, and many sages thought that Huang was attacking Mount Sumeru.

However, the ancient Supremes understood that this was not the case. She was fighting to become a fairy, but she didn't want to enter, but wanted to break it!
No matter how she looked at it, her actions were too unexpected, shocking and puzzled. She didn't care at all for others to become immortals.

"What do you mean?!" Shi Huang was furious. He revealed his true body at this time. He was a tall and powerful middle-aged man. Although his body was covered in blood, his unparalleled aura remained undiminished. His eyes were as sharp as electricity. The Tianhuang halberd points to the wasteland master.


However, the woman dressed in white was even more powerful than him. Seeing him pointing at him with a black halberd, she slapped him directly, simple and direct, violent and powerful.Ruyu's palm fingers collided with the big halberd, emitting a bright brilliance, and the shocked Stone Emperor spat out
Blood, because he was seriously injured before, and almost died inside. At this moment, he was shocked, and the blood was naturally spilled.

The world is shocked!

Are people of this level finally going to make a move?There's going to be a showdown between them!
"Okay, although this emperor is old and injured, I don't believe that someone in this world can kill me!" Shi Huang shouted, his thick black hair stood on end, and when his eyes were terrifying, the light was brighter than lightning.

Holding a black halberd in his hand, he erupted with incomparable light, filled with chaotic energy, strode forward, and was about to launch the most terrifying decisive battle.

"There is no deadly enemy on the road to immortality, the two of you should stop fighting." Changsheng Tianzun persuaded.


At this moment, the Chaos Hole exploded, interrupting the external grievances, and a very terrible thing happened inside, a violent explosion occurred.


All beings are reciting the name of the Great Emperor of Buddhism, resounding through the heavens and the earth, and it is spread out, bursting out into pieces of light rain, like endless white feathers flying, gorgeous and beautiful, and peaceful.

"What, becoming an immortal, is Emperor Amitabha going to succeed?!" This scene caused a big sensation, and some quasi emperors from outside the territory caught it, and they all screamed.

On the road to immortality, the ancient supreme beings were also shocked, showing incredible light at this moment, is there really someone who is going to become immortal?Such a brilliance bloomed unexpectedly.

Ascension and ascension, light and rain all over the sky, isn't this the scene?Immortal energy is permeating, this is a sign of successful transformation!

For thousands of years, none of Tian Zun, Gu Huang, and Great Emperor have ever become immortals. Could it be said that they will be broken by Amitabha Buddha alone and create a new era that has never existed before?

Perhaps it can be said that it was broken by all Buddhist beings together. This is not only the power of Amitabha Buddha alone, but also the power of thoughts of all believers, which come from the universe and come together to form such a huge Tao fruit.


In the Feixian Cave, the sound of the explosion came violently, and the fairy light became more prosperous, and bursts of colorful lights flew out, as if they were flying over from another world.

"No, there has been a change!" An ancient supreme said indifferently, quickly dodging aside.

At the same time, the sky was falling apart, and in the originally dilapidated Chaos Cave, rocks pierced through the air, and the first mountain of the Big Dipper, Mount Sumeru, was torn apart, collapsed, and rushed out.

The most terrifying thing happened inside. I vaguely heard the lamentations of all living beings, and the blood was endless. It was that every life was dying, and most of the Daleiyin Temple collapsed.


Daleiyin's bronze plaque cracked, and one of the pieces flew out and hit the road to immortality.

If they fail, Buddhism is also greatly defeated. They cannot pass, and they are not the right people. Although the god-self created by the power of thought is in the peak state, it is not the emperor Amitabha himself after all!
"This is a catastrophe, a boundless tragedy!"

"The entire Western Desert, the Buddhist country of hundreds of millions of miles away, all Buddhists are dead!"

"The universe is full of desolation, the power of thoughts blessed by all living beings has exploded!
Some ancient self-esteem whispered, even they were moved, this kind of defeat was too tragic, the casualties were too great, and the tragedy was extreme!

The broken pieces of Mount Sumeru rushed out together, and there were unjust souls weeping on them. Hundreds of millions of lives were killed and all were destroyed. That was their unwilling soul.

In a blink of an eye, these mourning voices all disappeared, and they turned into a large rain of light, branded on the road to becoming immortal, and continued to build this road.

This makes people's eyes condense and their hearts jump. Could it be that all the scenery seen on this road are real, formed by the smelting of the fallen people in the past?

"Failed, even Buddhism has been defeated by relying on the power of all living beings. Who else can get in?"

"Only when you become a Taoist in this world can you become an immortal!" This makes people despair, this ending makes people speechless, full of great compassion, there is no other way, no one can become an immortal, and everyone's belief is shaken.

Is there a fairy?
Can you live forever?
How to do it?

This is surprising. This result not only wiped out the life of the ancient supreme being, but also wiped out the hope and hope of the world.Mount Sumeru is torn apart and stained red with blood
More than half of the Daleiyin Temple on the top of the mountain collapsed, all the buildings on it were damaged, and the Hanging Temple and others were also in ruins and were about to disappear.

In the mountain, the endless power of faith seems to have dried up, and there is no more overflowing.

From today onwards, the entire western land is dead silent, and there is no more Buddhaland for hundreds of millions of miles, no light, no chanting, and no peace.

The West Desert has become a dead place!
At this time, the Desolate Lord wanted to make a move again, to smash it into a fairy road and level it.At the same time, the giant beside her, the man with golden hair all over his body, also came forward, wanting to attack the owner of Xianling, Tianzun Changsheng.

"Slow, I know what you mean, I think this life is defeated, no one can become an immortal, and I want to destroy this place. But I can't wait, I still want to make a breakthrough!" said the ancient Qilin emperor, he was extremely injured, and his body was covered in Blood.

"Yes, I would rather die on the Immortal Road!" Another ancient supreme said that their ending was already doomed, and they wanted to end in battle.

"I don't want to die, and I don't want to give up the road to immortality now!" Stone Emperor said coldly, holding a big halberd to confront.

"Okay, I'll give you time. If you die on the road to immortals, that's all. If you come back, you'll end the battle!" The tall man covered in golden hair said to Changsheng Tianzun.

The white-clothed woman appeared momentarily confused, as if she had lost her soul, and then returned to indifference and stopped making any moves.

Obviously, her state is very special, and the ancient supreme is also suspicious, because it feels that this is just a supreme body, and the primordial spirit is sometimes absent.

"You have all seen it. This is the road to immortality. Take a good look at it. Our law, our way, and our way!" The human supreme roared, spreading outside the domain, and then resolutely jumped into the immortal cave , to make the final effort and attempt.

"Kill!" You Gu Huang jumped into the Chengxian Cave again and started the final battle.

"I am like a moth to a fire, listening to the funeral song on the road to immortality. I am unwilling, but I do not regret it. It confirms my way and steps on the road to immortality. I am still alive and I want to move forward!" Someone roared sadly.

"This life, this life, I have passed, I have existed, and death is nothing!"

"Use my dying life to verify the method of becoming an immortal, and use my still warm blood to drench the path of becoming an immortal. My Tao, my life, my life, burn and bloom in the light of fire!"

The Supreme Sorrowful Heaven and Earth once ruled the prehistoric universe, battled the heavens and the earth with invincible hands, and looked down on the human world. There was nothing they couldn't do, and there was no enemy they couldn't suppress, but now it's going to end like this.

Except for the two people who were shattered into blood and bones, the other ancient Supremes rushed in to make a last-ditch effort.

In the end, this place has become chaotic, with blood blooming, and sad songs spread out. The supreme being as powerful as the supreme cannot change this ending. No one can become an immortal in this life!

Everyone is defeated, after all, the result of this life cannot be changed, and they cannot enter!Eternity becomes empty!
"My road has come to an end. Now that's the case. Let's return to this world." Some supreme beings are also free and easy, their oil is exhausted, their lamps dry up, and there is no trace of blood anymore. The way of transformation, light and rain transpiration.


Some people didn't have time to say anything, and they really reached the end of the road of life. As soon as they got out of the Chaos Cave, they exploded directly and became blood and bones.


A rainbow flashed past, collecting the blood and bones of those ancient supreme beings. If you look carefully, the person who shot was Xu Yu.

"Who is that? How dare you desecrate the remnants of those ancient supreme beings like this!"

The leader of the great sect who had not left yet looked at Xu Yu's actions and asked in surprise.

"How dare you collect the bones and flesh and blood of those ancient supreme beings, you really don't know how to live or die!"

There were also people who saw Xu Yu's behavior and smiled coldly from a distance.

"This Taoist brother is a role model for my generation. You must know that the bones and flesh left by the ancient supreme are the supreme fairy treasures, which can be refined into great medicines for the world, and have extraordinary effects!"

There were all kinds of words like this, and most of them were mocking Xu Yu's behavior.


In fact, Xu Yu had his own plan for collecting these Dao bones. There are very few items in this world that can cause fatal danger to the ancient Supreme Beings. The emperor source left behind after the sitting has a certain effect on them.

What Xu Yu was waiting for was this opportunity to collect the blood and bones left by those ancient supreme beings who failed to become immortals, as well as their source of emperor.

Because only the Dao Bone and Emperor Yuan of people of the same level can cause fatal danger to those ancient supreme beings.

After Xu Yu collected the rice and flesh of the ancient supreme, he quickly left this place and hid again.

"Who else hasn't come out? There is also a Longevity Heavenly Venerate among them!"

These supreme beings are dying, and they all have little life. In fact, it is already like this after the first entry, and the second time to enter the immortal pass consumes more.

Everyone is dying, two people in a row have passed away.

"The death of the emperor of the human race is definitely because the blood of the emperor of the human race has dried up, and it ended in such a sad way!

Outside the realm, people lamented, it was a pity, invincible for eternity, but it ended in regret like this.

The Qilin Ancient Emperor let out a low growl, covered in blood, soared into the sky, and suddenly sank into the universe. Everyone trembled in shock, feeling as if a catastrophe was imminent.

Xu Yu looked up, and didn't pay attention to the Qilin Emperor any more, because he knew that the Qilin Emperor's life had come to an end. At this moment, he was just an immortal obsession, and was rushing to the edge of the universe to have a final battle with his children. Final farewell.

On the road to immortality, Shi Huang sneered, glanced at the world indifferently, and said: "Death? I am unwilling, and I don't want to. My life is very hard, and this life should not end!"

Not counting the gods of Amitabha Buddha, a total of eleven supreme beings have embarked on the road to immortality, and now five of them have died. It is those who said they would leave the method of immortality for future generations, and use their lives and blood to verify it. The emperor and supreme.

Before they died, they had already stamped their impressions on the road to immortality into the universe and left them to future generations!
The people who remain today are almost all the biggest initiators of the dark turmoil, who once bloodshed all regions, or are the mysterious Ancient Heavenly Venerate in the age of mythology.

"Changsheng Tianzun, did you fall into the Feixian Cave?" The giant from the ancient forbidden land shouted, his hair was so golden that he couldn't open his eyes.

Everyone was surprised, what was his origin?
"The only one who survived...the Holy Body of Great Completion!" An ancient Supreme whispered, even though the fire of life was dim, he still insisted, his eyes were cold, and he glanced at the Six Harmonies and Eight Wastes.


Some people outside the realm were shocked when they heard his voice. That majestic man with golden hair was actually a Saint of Great Accomplishment. It was too shocking!
But now it has come to light that the earliest master of the ancient forbidden land was transformed by the Holy Body of Human Race, and the master was there!
"The Lord of the Immortal Tomb, in addition to being Changsheng Tianzun, has also been the owner of the underworld, although for a short time. Moreover, he has also launched a dark turmoil, and has a grudge with the Holy Body of Dacheng!"

An ancient supreme muttered to himself and revealed the secrets.

This is really shocking. The origin of the Lord of the Immortal Tomb is too big and too amazing. As the Eternal Heavenly Venerate in the Age of Mythology, that's all, he was once the owner of the underworld, which makes people stunned.

"This..." Many people were speechless.So extraordinary, beyond people's imagination!
"It is rumored that the holy body will have an ominous event in its later years, and it will give birth to terrible corpse hair. This is actually true! However, this great holy body seems to have restrained it and kept its spiritual consciousness clear!"

Except for Changsheng Tianzun, the other five surviving supreme beings are all standing on the road to immortality, with no signs of transformation, and they are struggling to support, unwilling to fall.

"Why, I feel that the biggest change in Eternity is not over yet, these supreme beings..." the boss said in horror, and then suddenly stopped talking.

"Go, get out of here!" A quasi-emperor felt horrified, tearing apart the universe for the first time, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, all the monks moved together, and the previous inexplicable induction appeared again. They always felt that this world was about to change, especially this place made their hair stand on end.

(End of this chapter)

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