Chapter 253

Outside the region, an ancient tripod is approaching, flying from the distant depths of the universe, rusty and full of green copper rust.In fact, the shape of the tripod has almost disappeared. It is made of fragments, most of which are missing, and there are holes everywhere.

If Ye Fan is here, he will be shocked. This is the green copper tripod left by Emperor Zun, and it can have as much as one-third, which is about as much as what he has!

"Lord of Xianling, Tianzun Changsheng, your doomsday is here, you are an unforgivable sinner to the heavens!" A roar came, shaking the world.

The green copper tripod emits a dazzling light, swaying into a splendid light, directly tearing open the void, completely resurrected, crashing into the road to becoming immortal, and submerging into the Chaos Cave.It's not for immortality, it's to break the road to immortality and kill the Lord of Immortal Tombs - Eternal Life!
"A group of people who claim to be gods are a group left by the heavens!" Someone whispered.

No one would have imagined that the divine organization actually possessed one-third of the green copper cauldron, and now they will fight it out at all costs, to break the Immortal Road and kill the Lord of the Immortal Tomb.

This is too shocking, the broken fairy weapon is burning, it is a sign of self-destruction, it is too frightening, at all costs, killing the longevity Tianzun, how much hatred is this?

"Without you, how could the heavenly court collapse? Most of the emperors will succeed. Sinners of all ages, don't survive, let's just die!" It is conceivable that they have been waiting for this opportunity for thousands of years.

Emperor Zun's celestial artifact—the green copper tripod appeared and smashed into the Chaos Cave!
No one expected such an astonishing scene to happen. Although the ancient heavenly court collapsed, there are still survivors, and this organization is so powerful that it dares to kill the longevity emperor!

Today, a series of things happened, each of which was an upheaval that shocked the eternity. People were dumbfounded and speechless.

The Chengxian Cave was torn apart and exploded completely. The Immortal Road was really cut off, because the green copper tripod of the Immortal Artifact had disintegrated, burning and shattering in this place!
This is an astonishing change. No one would have thought that someone would even dare to kill the ancient supreme. This is beyond the understanding of the world, and it is too shocking.

Throughout the ages, who would dare to do this? Unless the ancient emperor was resurrected and was at his peak state, he would have the courage to attack the restricted area of ​​life.

Apparently, the people from the Heavenly Court grasped this opportunity very accurately. The Immortal Immortal was extremely weak and was about to perish, and he was in the most terrifying chaotic hole.The power to disintegrate a fairy artifact is unimaginable. Nothing in this place exists anymore, and everything has been crushed to powder.

Several ancient supreme beings did not stand there anymore, because this life is about to end, and the road to immortality has no meaning anymore!First the Eleven Supremes made a move, and then the Undead Daoist was thrown by the Great Emperor Wushi to fill the air

In the fairy cave, if the ancient Buddhist gate Mount Sumeru exploded and disappeared, this road would have been destroyed in the first place.

At this moment, I can't bear it anymore, it turns into powder, no longer exists, all kinds of fairy lights fly, and the light rain is like the boundless stars, flying in all directions.

Most of the people outside the territory ran away at once, and they can cross the universe when they reach this level. None of them are bandits, and they all feel that something is wrong. Most of the patriarchs and ancient sages have disappeared.

Only those whose life essence had dried up and who had died soon stayed, they were really unwilling, even if they left at this time, they would just sit on the road.

The green copper cauldron disintegrated. It was originally composed of fragments. Now it has been separated again and exploded in all directions.

Even so, all kinds of light danced and rushed in all directions, some fell into the hands of the ancient supreme, and some disappeared directly into the depths of the dark universe.

Piece after piece of old copper is scattered like this!
"Heaven has collapsed. No matter how difficult it is to complete this weapon, it is useless to keep it. It's better to let it send you on your way!" In the icy universe, there was a voice full of Sen Leng, which was an unforgettable hatred.

In order to kill the former master of the underworld and exterminate the Heavenly Lord of Longevity, even if the green copper cauldron is disintegrated, their hatred is really deeper than the sea.


A huge wave rushed up, extremely terrifying, Changsheng Tianzun was covered in blood, tattered, almost no human form, and almost disappeared.

This is an ancient supreme, it is unimaginable to have suffered such a heavy blow.

However, he is still not dead, and he survived tenaciously, which is shocking. He is worthy of being the Heavenly Venerate who created the secret of the word, and it is not unreasonable to be able to survive such a long time.

But even if it was still the case, he was still greatly hurt, and the primordial spirit of the whole person was about to be exhausted.

After leaving the road to immortality.Immediately, Changsheng Tianzun wanted to draw the relatives of the Sun Star in the Big Dipper Star Field to supplement his injuries.But Xu Yu didn't intend to give him this chance.

I saw Xu Yu sacrificed one of his avatars, and then rushed towards Changsheng Tianzun with the bones and earth flesh and blood of those ancient supreme beings collected on Chengxian Road just now, intending to give Changsheng Tianzun when he was weakest. With a fatal blow, he ignited his Sendai with the emperor source I left behind in the Supreme Transformation Dao.

Xu Yu from the sixth heaven of the Zhundi Emperor, with the blessings of both the secrets of the characters and the forbidden domain of the gods, has unlimited strength and is close to the Great Accomplishment Saint Physique.

The secret of driving, as if reversing the long river of time, came to the side of Changsheng Tianzun in an instant, sacrificed the emperor's source and Taoist bones left by the ancient supreme to attack Changsheng Tianzun.

"Who is that, dare to wield swords against the ancient Supreme!"

Near Beidou, the magic circle built by the saints from outside the territory was still there, and they naturally saw the scene of Xu Yu killing the Immortal God through the magic circle.

"The quasi-di, an extremely powerful quasi-di, can fight against the ancient supreme!"

There are priest-level figures of the great sage level, who constantly sigh.

"It's a banished fairy!"

Suddenly, there was a loud roar near the Ancient Xingkong Road. It turned out that the human law enforcement envoy who had seen Xu Yu on the Ancient Xingkong Road recognized Xu Yu's identity.

Under Xu Yu's sacrificial training, the emperor source left behind by the ancient Supreme Transformation Dao seems to have become the only light in the universe.

With an extremely brilliant brilliance, he rushed to the Longevity Tianzun.

When Emperor Yuan was approaching, Changsheng Tianzun also felt a fatal threat. The threat to him from the Emperor Yuan and Dao Bone left by the people of the same rank was too great.

Especially Diyuan is a great threat to their primordial spirit, because once that kind of thing gets close to their immortal platform, it will drive the decayed primordial spirit in his immortal platform to transform into Tao together.

If he is not careful, he, the most surviving Tianzun, will fall.

However, Changsheng Tianzun is worthy of being the ancient supreme who lived from the age of mythology to millions of years.

After realizing the threat of Diyuan to him, he immediately used his own light of the primordial spirit, intending to extinguish the burning Diyuan.

But how could Xu Yu fail to see what he was thinking?How could he be allowed to destroy Emperor Yuan.

So his avatar leaned forward and launched a terrifying attack on Changsheng Tianzun.


The Longevity Sword carried by Changsheng Tianzun automatically unsheathed and came to stop Xu Yu.

But Xu Yu seemed to have expected it long ago, and a peerless killing sword also appeared in his hand, flying from his hand, facing the Longevity Sword, and blocking it.

"The Immortal Execution Sword left by Lingbao Tianzun!"

In the scene of Changsheng Tianzun's swordsmanship, he said in a little shock.

"Yes, it is the killing sword left by Lingbao Tianzun, which is just used to send you on your way today!"

Xu Yu also said that coldly.

"Junior, are you deceiving me for my old age and frailty? I am the ancient Tianzun in the age of mythology, how can a junior like you be able to resist, I didn't say that you have not yet become an emperor, even if you become an emperor, this seat still has a The power of battle!"

Seeing that his longevity sword was blocked by Zhuxian sword, Changsheng Tianzun directly remembered his primordial spirit and Dao liquid, and wanted to extinguish the emperor's source.

But Xu Yu didn't give him a chance at all, and directly bullied him forward, swinging his taboo boxing technique and blasting at Changsheng Tianzun.


There was an explosion sound, and Changsheng Tianzun was thrown backwards by Xu Yu's Unrivaled Fist.

"It's a pity, you are talking about you before you cut yourself off, but now you are already rotten!"

"Since it's decayed, it shouldn't live forever!"

After blasting Changsheng Tianzun, Xu Yu also shouted at him.

"How is it possible, even though Changsheng Tianzun's journey to immortality is harmful, but it is not possible for an ant from the sixth heaven of the quasi-emperor to repel him!"

The other ancient supreme beings only opened their mouths in confusion after seeing Tianzun Changsheng being repulsed by Xu Yu.

At the same time, in the entire universe, the Young Supreme and those great saints who saw this scene through the magic circle were also stunned.

In any case, they would never have thought that Xu Yu, who had been training with them on the ancient starry sky road, had such combat power that he could force back the ancient supreme being.

The pupils of many young supreme beings who had been experimenting with him on the ancient starry sky road dimmed a lot at this moment.

Because Xu Yu's performance at this time was simply too extraordinary.

After practicing Taoism for more than two hundred years, he has entered the quasi-emperor realm that many people cannot reach in their entire lives.

Now it is even possible to fight with the ancient supreme, and even repel them.

In other words, even if Xu Yu didn't hurt the Celestial Supreme in the slightest, it was enough for him to be proud. Just his courage to take action against the Ancient Supreme surpassed ninety-nine percent of the people in this world.

Even the emperor, who is about to become enlightened and is building a divine court, needs to have a correct attitude when facing the ancient supreme, and dare not act like the ancient supreme.

"No, this junior's body is not right, there is an enchanted aura flowing in his body!"

"Contains a large amount of immortal substance, this is fairy blood!"

The ancient supreme is worthy of being a well-informed generation.

In just one meeting, they passed Xu Yu's clone and discovered the secret of bathing physique.

"A person with the blood of immortality flowing in his body, such a person has only been heard of in ancient history and legends, but he never thought that he would actually see it in person now!"

The Abandoned Heaven God Venerable who looked like a demon looked at Xu Yu who was fighting with the Longevity God with a complicated expression.

"For such a person, his talent will definitely not be weaker than the Chaos Body. With his current strength, if the Immortal God does not sublimate to the utmost, it is really possible to carry it in his hands!"

On the other side, the Supreme Light and Darkness, who was exhaling the essence of the universe, also commented.

Although these ancient supreme beings have already fallen into the devil's way, they still have their own pride.

Even if they are very interested in Xu Yu now, they will not join forces to deal with an unenlightened ant.

"Changsheng Tianzun should have no fear. After all, that junior is far behind the master of the imperial way. The gap in combat power cannot be made up by talent. Who am I waiting for will not ascend to the supreme fruit position after a bloody battle!"

The owner of the sea of ​​reincarnation, the master of reincarnation looked at Xu Yu who was fighting with Changsheng Tianzun with shining eyes, and said coldly.

Sure enough, after the Lord of Reincarnation's words fell, Xu Yu's avatar was thrown back by Changsheng Tianzunji, smashing one star after another.

And Changsheng Tianzun also paid a huge price, extinguishing the burning ground.But it became weaker.I saw several hideous wounds left on his body by Xu Yugang using the Zhuxian Sword.

"A junior from the sixth heaven of the quasi-emperor, how dare you bully me!"

I saw the extremely angry Changsheng Tianzun, after stabilizing the wound on his body, walked towards the position of Xu Yu's avatar step by step.

He wanted to obliterate Xu Yu, a junior who had hurt his body.


Xu Yu, who was sent flying, did not suffer fatal injuries, but became even more excited.

"In the age of mythology, the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, who never killed himself, was as arrogant as you when he attacked the rising Chaos Body, but in the end, the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate paid a heavy price!"

Xu Yu didn't pay attention to the anger of Tianzun Changsheng, but told the secret all along.

"What the Chaos Body can do, I can naturally do it, not to mention you, an old and weak Supreme, how can you compare with the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable who is at its peak?"

Xu Yu also stabilized the injury on his body, and then walked towards the Immortal God step by step, wanting to end the eternal reputation of the Immortal Immortal here.


A monstrous golden blood rushed up, and Hengdan was between Changsheng Tianzun and Xu Yu, Dacheng Shengyu stepped forward, and said indifferently: "I don't have much life, and you have come to this point, at this time, a battle is not counted!" bully you!"

Throughout the ages, battles between supreme beings are too rare, and only in the dark ages, and even fewer are exposed to the eyes of the world, but now there is a battle.

Xu Yu heard the words of Dacheng Holy Body, and knew that he still hadn't let go of his old hatred.We must take Changsheng Tianzun on the road together.

"Young man, if you are given some more time, you will definitely be able to suppress this dark turmoil. But leave it to me now, I have a sworn feud with him that needs to be settled!"

Dacheng Saint Body seems to be very optimistic about Xu Yu, admonishing him not to show off his abilities today.

After all, there are too many ancient supreme beings to take action today, and he can only hold back one of them with his own strength.

"Senior, there is no need to do this. When I came here, I naturally have certain confidence. Even if they are extremely sublimated, I have certain certainty that I can take away an ancient supreme!"

Xu Yu did not choose to leave after hearing the advice of Dacheng Holy Body, because it was related to his future plans.

What's more, if he can stop an ancient supreme being, then there will be relatively fewer tragedies in the universe.

The woman in white took a shot, smashed the chaos with a slap, completely ruined the road to immortality, and stood there alone, making the mist flutter, looking like a peerless world.

In the next moment, except for the Immortal Emperor who just came to fight Xu Yu outside the domain, the other ancient supremes all left this place and rushed out of the terrible chaotic storm, because everything here is over.

The Wild Lord was no exception, his robe fluttered like a flying fairy and rose to the sky in the southern region.

(End of this chapter)

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