Chapter 254 Lord of the God Market
Seeing that Dacheng Holy Physique still met Changsheng Tianzun, Xu Yu also felt helpless. If this situation continues, Dacheng Holy Physique and Changsheng Tianzun will eventually go the same way as in the original book.

Following the Great Accomplishment Saint Body and the Longevity Tianzun, they rushed to the universe and starry sky.

The few remaining ancient supreme beings in the entire Big Dipper Starfield looked at Xu Yu with malicious intentions, as if they were watching a delicious delicacy.

Today, they broke through the immortal origin and ended the eternal sleep. In addition, they fought on the road to immortality before, which caused a lot of loss of their little vitality.

If there is no new vitality to supplement them, then they may not survive for many years.

Originally, they were ready to launch a dark turmoil, devouring the life energy of all living beings to relieve their decayed Sendai.

Now a genuine quasi-emperor appeared in front of them, not to mention the blood of the quasi-divine beings flowing in his body, and his body was full of enormous vitality.

In particular, the immortal aura in Xu Yu's body is the supreme medicine for them to alleviate their decaying immortality.

It was precisely because of this that several other ancient supreme beings wanted to devour Xu Yu.

After all, if they swallowed Xu Yu, who was the sixth heaven with the Zhundi Emperor, the cracks in their Xiantai could be greatly alleviated.

But Xu Yu only had one person, and he still had the Zhuxian Sword Formation in his hand, so these supreme beings didn't attack him immediately.

After all, Xu Yu's combat power is comparable to that of the chaotic body before the ages. If he is not well prepared, he may be like the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable in the age of mythology.

Although Wuliang Tianzun succeeded in beheading the chaotic body in the end, it was precisely because of this that Wuliang Tianzun left an irreversible Tao wound on his body, and he sat down in a short time.

That's why even though an ancient supreme wanted to attack Xu Yu, Xu Yu was only one person and could only satisfy an ancient supreme.

In addition, there is also a gap between the ancient supreme beings, because they feel that although Xu Yu is very extraordinary, as ancient supreme beings, it is not impossible for them to kill Xu Yu.

It just needs to pay a little life essence.

What's more, some ancient supreme beings even thought about the good thing of picking peaches halfway, so they naturally didn't want to be the first to attack Xu Yu.


I saw a shocking aura suddenly appeared, slashing towards Xu Yu with endless sword light.

Where the sword light passed, countless small stars fell down one after another.

It even cut through the dark universe, and a small world quickly formed, as if the world had been opened up.

This is the ancient supreme being, so powerful that it is unimaginable. A random blow can cut through chaos and open up a small world.

This is from the Lord of the Life Forbidden Zone under the Shenxu who attacked Xu Yu. Seeing that several ancient supreme beings were in a stalemate here, but had no intention of making a move, the Lord of the Shenxu couldn't sit still.

"Junior, I hope your blood can heal the cracks on my Sendai!"

The Lord of Shenxu was also a generation of outstanding people in the ancient times. Although he was the initiator of the dark turmoil, he did not like to calculate everything like the Immortal Emperor.

He has his own pride and persistence, even if he wants to devour Xu Yu, he will do so with dignity.

"If you want to devour me, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Although the current Xu Yu is indeed not the opponent of the Ancient Supreme, but the Ancient Supreme wants to defeat Xu Yu without paying a little price, but it is a bit reluctant.

Although they are usually invincible in the world, but now they have just fought a battle in Chengxian Road Mountain, and the little life energy left in their bodies has been almost consumed.

In addition, they once slashed themselves and fell to the rank of emperor, so their peak combat power could not be displayed.

Now the highest combat power they can display is nothing more than Zhundi Jiuchongtian.

To deal with such an ancient supreme being, although Xu Yu could not kill him, it is not impossible to consume him to death.


The Lord of Shenxu didn't say anything when he heard Xu Yu's ignorant words, but just blasted Xu Yu with his invincible fist.

Xu Yu was naturally fearless, and condensed the flesh and blood of the ancient supreme beings he collected into his own hands, so that he possessed part of the laws of the emperor's way.

I saw that Xu Yu's fist was wrapped around one after another with the chain of order, and countless runes were constantly evolving on it.

In addition, he just condensed with the flesh and blood of the ancient supreme, making his fist look like a burning sun, full of divine power to destroy the world.

The Lord of Shenxu is naturally not to be outdone, his fists are different from Xu Yu who is full of order and runes.

There are no runes or dao rules on it, only the charm of extreme dao that permeates the fist itself.

As ancient supreme beings, they all reached the pinnacle of humanity, had a glorious life, and became the most powerful people in an era.

It was also at that time that every part of their bodies was tempered to the extreme by them, which was much more terrifying than Jidao Emperor Soldiers.

Even if they slashed themselves, their invincible imperial bodies would only become a little older after sleeping for eternity, but they were still indestructible.


As the fists of the two collided with each other, a violent explosion occurred in the sky above Beidou.

Spots of blood appeared on the Indestructible Emperor Fist of the Lord of Shenxu.

Compared with the Lord of the Shenxu, Xu Yu's fist was much more miserable. There were cracks one after another on his fist, and his hand bones could be clearly seen.

But even so, it was enough for Xu Yu to be proud.

Throughout the ages, how many people have fought against the ancient supreme masters at the quasi-emperor level, but did not fall immediately, and instead caused certain damage to the ancient supreme.

"Okay, it is indeed the supreme immortal body that can rival the chaotic body, but it can actually hurt the emperor's fist!"

The Lord of Shenxu looked at the drops of blood dripping from his fingers, and shouted excitedly at Xu Yu.

"My way goes against the sky!"

Accompanied by the roar of the Lord of the Shenxu, the ancient sword "Zheng" suspended in the back of his mind flew out and slashed at Xu Yu.

If it were another quasi-emperor, he might be reduced to flying ashes under the attack of the Lord of Shenxu.

But Xu Yu is not an ordinary person, he has an eternal immortal body that can stand side by side with a chaotic body, and his combat power is extremely against the sky.

Although he is indeed not the opponent of the Ancient Supreme, but with the Zhuxian Sword Formation in his hand, he can also fight against the Ancient Supreme and fight a war of attrition.

I saw that Xu Yu didn't panic in the slightest when facing the attack of the Lord of Shenxu.


With a flash of brilliance in his hands, the complete Zhuxian Sword Formation appeared in his hands, and even the formation diagram of the Zhuxian Sword Formation was draped on his body.

In an instant, the Immortal Jade Sword Formation centered on him, constructing a series of lore-killing formations, enveloping the Lord of the Shenxu within them.

Then, he used the secrets of all characters and the forbidden domain of the gods to forcibly raise his combat power to the level of the quasi-emperor Jiuchongtian, and started a battle with the Lord of the God Ruins.

It has to be said that the Jade Immortal Sword Formation does have its unique features. Xu Yu, who is quasi-earth sixth heaven, cooperates with the Jade Immortal Sword Formation, and can actually fight back and forth with the Lord of the Shenxu.

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation!"

"It seems that the Lord of the God Ruins is about to lose his reputation for the rest of his life!"

Not far away, the ancient supreme saw that the Lord of Shenxu was wrapped in the Zhuxian sword array left by Lingbao Tianzun, and he couldn't break free for a while, and said with a little surprise.

Accompanied by the indifferent words of the ancient Supreme Being, the attack of the Lord of Shenxu became more and more violent.

Even Xu Yu, who possesses the Zhuxian Sword Formation, is constantly retreating.

This is the ancient supreme. Although they have fallen from their peak years, their strength is still extremely powerful.

Even if he paid a huge price for breaking into immortality, Xu Yu could still be forced to retreat continuously.


Suddenly the void shattered, and Xu Yu walked out again, directly submerging into the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

This is his body, and he saw his avatar under the attack of the Lord of Shenxu.It seemed precarious, so his body was dispatched in person.

And he also re-transformed into four clones, these are the divine residences in his Taoist palace, each of which is not weaker than his body.

I saw Xu Yu's four Taoist palaces and gods. After entering the battle, they did not join Xu Yu to attack the Lord of the Shenxu, but walked towards the four killing swords.

Controlling the four Zhuxian swords, formed a peerless killing formation, and launched an attack on the Lord of the Shenxu.

The other ancient supremes did not participate, they all had their own pride, just like just now, they disdain other ancient supremes to join forces against the enemy.


As the galaxy drifted, countless asteroids shattered, Xu Yu and the Lord of the Shenxu broke away from the Big Dipper Star Field and rushed to the depths of the universe.

"Junior, you are really extraordinary. With your quasi-emperor's sixth heavenly strength, plus the god-forbidden ability, you can hold a stalemate with me. Since ancient times, I am afraid that only Emperor Zun can compare with you!"

During the fight, the Lord of the Shenxu was also frightened by Xu Yu's strength.

The Lord of Shenxu has to admit that Xu Yu really has the posture of heaven.

"If you were given another few hundred years, people of our rank would be trampled under your feet!

"But junior, you don't know how to hibernate. Emperor Zhun came here to find our troubles before he was consummated. I have to say that your courage is really amazing!"

As the two continued to collide, the Lord of the God Ruins seemed to see Xu Yu when he was young, and his words became more frequent.

On the other side, with the battle between Dacheng Saint Body and Xu Yu, other ancient supreme beings also began to launch dark turmoil.

I saw those ancient supreme beings inhaled casually, and ninety-nine percent of the people on the Big Dipper Starfield turned into a cloud of blood mist.

When the ancient star of the Big Dipper was bleeding and drifting, the ancient supreme stepped out of the domain, went to other ancient stars of life, and started their journey of eating.

On the other side, with the addition of Xu Yu's body, the extreme imperial soldiers of the Lord of the Shenxu were completely suppressed by the Yuan Shiyin, and could not fight with the Lord of the Shenxu, but the Yuanshi Yin was also dragged by the ancient sword of the Lord of the Shenxu Living.

In the final analysis, Xu Yu was not the real master of Yuanshi Yin after all, so it was naturally impossible for him to exert the greatest power of primitive people.

But that's enough, Yuan Shiyin completely blocked the Lord of God's Void's extreme imperial soldiers, making the Lord of Shenxu consume extra blood energy to resolve the damage caused to him by the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want with Lingbao Tianzun's Zhuxian Sword Formation. Such a weapon is always a word of our end house's face, and it can naturally be destroyed!"

The Lord of Shenxu who wanted to rush out of the Zhuxian Sword Formation several times was forced back by Xu Yu.

"Really? I don't think so. If it were you on weekdays, I would definitely turn around and leave, but now you, after paying such a painful price for breaking into the immortal road, I don't believe that you have consumed me." The strength to go down!"

"In the end, even if you try your best to sublimate me and kill me, you will only end up in the end!"

"Unless you sublimate to the extreme, it is impossible for you to leave the Zhuxian Sword Formation!"

After blocking the Lord of the Void again, Xu Yu said to her very calmly.

Suddenly, a dazzling bright lamp appeared in Xu Yu's hand, carrying the breath of immortal spirit, extremely gorgeous, illuminating the dim universe.

"Fairy Fire!"

After the Lord of Shenxu sensed the immortal breath, he immediately recognized this flame as the fairy fire in the ninth layer of the fire domain.

When he was young, he also sacrificed his own weapons in the fire domain like Xu Yu, so he could recognize them at a glance.

It was precisely because of this that the Shenxu Lord, who was still extremely calm and calm just now, became unnatural after seeing the fairy fire.

For people of his level, even the extreme emperor soldiers cannot cause effective damage to them, but Xianhuo is different.

For the ancient supreme beings who are extremely corrupt in Xiantai, the fairy fire is undoubtedly a terrifying weapon, and it restrains them very much.

Although Xianhuo looks like an ordinary Suzaku or Phoenix on weekdays.

But his tiny body contained terrifying energy, which could pose a fatal danger to the Ancient Supreme.

"Congratulations, you got the answer right, it is specially used to target you ancient supreme beings!"

Xu Yu chuckled coldly.


Behind Xu Yu, a phantom of a phoenix suddenly appeared, as if echoing the fairy fire. Finally, the fairy fire that resembled a fairy phoenix quickly came to his side and merged with the phoenix behind him. Together.

It turned out that it was Xu Yu who used the real phoenix technique to attack the Lord of Shenxu.


After Xu Yu's phoenix phantom merged with the fairy fire, he immediately possessed an inexplicable coercion.

And this coercion is not inferior to that of the Supreme Emperor.

At the same time, the Zhuxian Sword Formation controlled by Xu Yu and his avatars also undergone tremendous changes.

As Xu Yu and his four avatars fully activated the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, the four killing swords were dispatched one after another, leaving scars one after another on the body of the Lord of the Shenxu.

"Bold! How dare you wield a weapon against me!"

The Lord of Shenxu roared angrily, and then stretched out a big hand, trying to grab one of the Zhuxian swords.

But how could Xu Yu give him this opportunity? The moment he stretched out his big hand, he combined with several of his clones and launched an attack on the Lord of the Shenxu.

(End of this chapter)

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