Chapter 255 The Emperor of the Sun

There was another sound that shook the universe, and the Lord of Shenxu was once again repelled by Xu Yu, leaving several hideous sword marks on his body.


"Thousands of years, this emperor is bleeding again!"

After the Lord of Shenxu roared, he looked at Xu Yu coldly:

"The blessing of the fairy fire allows you to possess the law of the emperor for a short time, and you can barely fight with me and the Supreme, but this is not the capital of your madness!"

"You need to know that external force is external force after all, it is impossible for you to always have a combat power comparable to mine!"

The starry sky shattered, and countless stars were cut off by the sword glow from the Zhuxian Sword in the blow just now.

Even Xu Yu, who was driving the Zhuxian Sword Formation, was knocked out of the Zhuxian Sword Formation by the Lord of Shenxu, destroying one star after another.


"That's it. Only this kind of life-and-death struggle can make me make great progress. You are destined to become a sacrifice on my road to the emperor, and use your flesh and blood and the source of the emperor to help me complete my transformation!"

Xu Yu, who was blown out by the Lord of Shenxu, didn't have any fear. Although he was dripping with blood at the moment, he screamed excitedly.

After several collisions, Xu Yu has figured out the strength of the Lord of the God Ruins before he had fully sublimated.

Although there is no ultimate sublimation of the Lord of the Void, his combat power is still first-class in the world, and it is rare to meet an opponent.

But that doesn't mean it can stay that way forever.

You have to know that he paid a heavy price from Chengxian Road before, and urgently needs to devour a lot of life energy to supplement his decayed Xiantai.

If he continues to be consumed by Xu Yu like this, then the cracks in his immortal platform will become bigger and bigger until he is completely consumed by Xu Yu.

And Xu Yu didn't come here to save all beings in the universe and suppress the darkness and turmoil.

Over the years, although the cultivation speed of physical education has been very fast, in more than 200 years, it has reached a height that others can't reach in a lifetime.

But he is very clear that he needs to achieve a real sublimation in every realm of himself.

It's like the Nine Transformations of the Vine Snake Clan, or it's similar to the holy sacrifice method in the chaotic ancient times.

Promote your own sublimation by absorbing a large amount of blood food.

But he will not devour all living beings like the ancient supreme. What he needs is a monk in the same realm as him, or the flesh and blood and source of the ancient emperor.

Especially Diyuan, who has been of extraordinary help to him.

That's why he took advantage of the weakness of the ancient supreme.

On weekdays, he would not have the courage to challenge the ancient supreme.

Now that the road to immortality has collapsed, the results deduced by countless sages have been empty forever, making the successors left by those ancient predecessors useless.

In fact, those ancient supreme beings, in order to become immortals in this life, so it can be said that they broke the boat.

Now that the fairy road is broken, they have no possibility of retreating. They can only launch a dark turmoil, devouring the life energy of all beings in the universe to supplement their own consumption.

"Junior, it's a big joke that you want to devour my Emperor Yuan. This emperor also wants to devour you to ease the cracks in my immortal platform!"

The Lord of Shenxu couldn't help laughing back when he heard Xu Yu's arrogant words.

It's no wonder that the Lords of the God Ruins lost their composure. After all, they have been at the top of the food chain since ancient times. Only they launch dark turmoil and treat all living beings as food. No one has ever dared to treat them as food.

Even the great emperors in the ancient times were just fighting against them to protect all living beings.

Never before had such a dangerous thought occurred.

Even the ruthless emperor who created the Immortal Heaven Art and the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art has never done such a shocking thing.


It was useless for the two to talk too much, and they fought again.

Xu Yu joined the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, held the Yuanshi Seal and launched a terrifying lore with the Lord of Shenxu.

The battlefield was constantly shifting, and countless star fields flashed beside them.

One after another, the small stars were continuously shattered with their impact.

In another universe, the ancestral star with the hegemony of the sky, unexpectedly had an earth-shattering battle. No one would have thought that the Qitian Supreme had met his opponent.

He bloodbathed this star, wanting to obtain enough powerful life energy. The people here are very strong, and there are many saints, but at the very beginning, the people here roared in unison, calling for the ancient ancestors, and praying for the former Dacheng Ba The body returned and rescued them from danger.

This is the ancestral star of the overlord body, but it doesn't mean that all the beings on this star are the overlord body, it just has a large number of descendants, and the pure overlord body can only appear for many years like the holy body.

However, the star co-existed overlord, and in a mysterious ancestral cave, an unrivaled coercion broke out, and a huge fairy source flew out, and then exploded, preventing the tragic scene of bleeding and floating on the ground.

There is a Dacheng hegemony alive, self-proclaimed source, never enlightened, so naturally he doesn't need to behead himself, he is worthy of being the enemy of the holy body, and he can also challenge the Supreme!
This was a life-and-death fight, very bloody, the two fought to the extreme, and rushed to the outer space, destroying an unknown number of stars.

They fought all the way and entered the depths of the universe. This heavenly hegemony was unrivaled and brave. Although his body was covered in blood, he also killed Qitian Supreme and suffered trauma.

No one thought that the ancient supreme would meet an opponent in this world, which shocked the universe and made people feel hope.

In another domain, there is a Dacheng Saint Body confronting Changsheng Tianzun, life and death fights, blood splashing in the universe, plus there is Xu Yu, the exiled fairy, fighting against the Lord of Shenxu, breaking the chaos, and fighting frantically, and this domain has another Dacheng Hegemony Body, this is really a surprise, so many people excited.

The old Overlord's attacks became even crazier. He coughed up blood when he hit Qitian Zhizun. Although he himself was almost hacked alive, he became more and more courageous as he fought.

In the universe, after some powerful saints have gained insight, they are all praying, hoping to become a holy body, a heavenly domineering body, defeat their opponents, and never stop
And bring hope for the end of the dark turmoil.However, everything changed after a shopping spree!

In the end, Cangtian Hegemony and Qitian Supreme stood side by side, and they even reconciled and stopped shopping.The Qitian Supreme did not go to the Ancestral Star of the Overlord Body, and started on the road, continuing to bloodbath other ancient lands of life, and obtained

Take the life substance that prevents oneself from aging.

And the hegemony of the sky also took action, bloodbathed the ancient star, and fought the universe, he became another source of darkness and turmoil!

This is equivalent to one more person, and one more person in the ancient supreme position. This kind of change is suffocating and desperate!
He didn't slaughter his ancestral land, but he carried out unscrupulous conquests on his ancient land in order to obtain what he needed, delay aging, and perform the second dormancy in his life.

The disaster is so terrible, more and more hopeless, there is no light at all.

"Mingde Zhundi has fallen, died in battle outside the territory, and was deprived of the power of life by the ancient supreme!"

The bad news is overwhelming, there is no hope, and there is darkness in front of and in the ears. The universe is washed with blood, and it is difficult for the Supreme Being to fight against it.

The Supreme Light and Darkness descended on the Ziwei Starfield, and when he raised his hand, billions of living beings died suddenly, and he took away a ray of life essence contained in each of them with a single mouthful.

When all living beings were helpless and crying miserably, they kept shouting the name of the Sun Emperor, because he became enlightened on this star, and then ruled the universe.

The result is really effective!

The Beihai Eye exploded, a coffin flew out, and a stone pagoda shook, emitting a radiant light!

The old idea of ​​a god has been obliterated and no longer exists, but after the ancient coffin collapsed, there was still a piece of human skin, with the blood of the Sun Emperor, and then it swelled up.

He turned into a human form, as if awakened, awakened by the will of all living beings, holding an imperial tower, ruling the world, and killing the Supreme Being of Light and Darkness.

The sea eye collapsed, the sarcophagus exploded, and the Sun Emperor seemed to have heard the cries of all living beings, and he really appeared against the sky!

All living beings are weeping, the earth is bleeding and drifting, the clouds are bleak, and the bones are piled up on the mountain. Their wailing shakes the sky and the earth. Countless people are calling for the ancient emperor of the human race, hoping that he will be resurrected and return.

It finally came true!
This unrivaled hero in the history of the human race has returned against the sky. At the moment of people's most despair, when the most terrifying dark turmoil in history came, he turned out of nowhere.

No one would have thought that after a long time, his inheritance has been cut off, and even his descendants have been killed, but he still fights for the return of all sentient beings!
"Sun Emperor, is really my Human Race Holy Emperor!"

"Human Sovereign, it's him, it's really him who has returned!"

For a long time, only the Ancient Sun Emperor and Taiyin Ancient Emperor have been revered as human emperors. Their achievements have been astounding through the ages, and they have ruled the world and won the hearts of the people.

Some great emperors of later generations have referred to their teachings, and the two emperor scriptures of the sun and the sun are revered as mother scriptures.

At this time, some old saints were shouting and screaming, excited to the extreme, wishing to soar to the sky, and go to see them immediately, to express their excitement and respect in their hearts.

At this most critical moment, it is useless to pray to the sky, it is useless to prostrate to the earth, and there is no sound when calling on the gods and demons of the heavens. Only the Sun Emperor in the deepest part of people's hearts appears.

This made many people burst into tears, weeping loudly, shouting loudly, hoping that the emperor can fix the sky, calm the turmoil, and restore the peace of the earth!
It's just that many people feel ashamed that the lineage of the Sacred Sun Emperor in the past fell behind, suffered a catastrophe, and was slaughtered by the powerful Golden Crow tribe, but no one offered a helping hand.

This is really embarrassing, the Emperor's bloodline was almost broken, if Ye Fan hadn't saved a little Tongtong, it would have been unprecedented, where were they at that time?

It was not until today when darkness and turmoil came, when catastrophe was imminent, and the whole world was about to perish, that people in the world thought of the Sun Emperor and called for him to return to quell the blood catastrophe.

"We are ashamed of the Renhuang, and have no face to face the Renzu!" Many people repented.

So far, the Human Emperor has only one bloodline in the human world, which is sad to say, but he selflessly reappears when all living beings need it most, and confronts the ancient self-esteem.

The blood-stained human skin swelled up, his majestic appearance, his hair loose, turned into the Sun Emperor, unrivaled in martial arts, holding the emperor's weapon, and ruled the world again.

It's not about showing off, it's not about enjoying the worship of the people, but it's about fighting chaos. People don't know his state, and their hearts are raised in their throats. The Sun Emperor is going to fight for them.

"It's you...the Human Emperor! You can still appear." The Light and Darkness Exalted stared at the figure in front of him, his pupils flickering and he didn't know what he was thinking.

No one responded, this majestic body Zhou MapleStory is no longer full of tedious tasks!

His body was surrounded by clouds and mist, his hair was loose, and there was a sad hollowness in his eyes, lifeless and lightless.However, his imperial weapon was vibrating, the stone pagoda glowed, and hundreds of millions of celestial lights danced, illuminating eternity, and then being nourished by the blood of the Sun Emperor,

The most terrifying breath erupted.

"You... are not the righteous Sun Emperor anymore, and you can't stop my steps!" The Supreme Light and Darkness said indifferently.

He pointed forward, and suddenly the divine chain danced, it was the divine rule transformed into order, Gai Dai Wushuang pierced the sky, and wanted to lock the emperor.

With a bang, the stone pagoda vibrated, and the imperial aura was overwhelming, cutting off the infinite chain of laws, obliterating everything, and those orders could not rush forward.


The Sun Saint Emperor went up against the sky, slapped forward with a palm, and used a great law, and the stars moved, and the two of them went outside the territory in an instant.

"Don't worry, I don't want to destroy this main star, and leave the seeds of life for future use." The Supreme Light and Darkness said coldly, and followed to the outside of the domain.

The pupil on his left was completely dark, as if it could engulf the universe, contain everything in the world, and wipe it out completely.At this moment, the left pupil bloomed, and darkness enveloped the void, engulfing all the stars in the sky. There was no light in this world, only darkness remained!
This is his law, this is his way, the palm that is going to block the Sun Emperor will be swallowed up.

In an instant, the sky exploded, and endless light and fire erupted from the palm of the Sun Emperor, burning blazingly, breaking through the haze, and seemed to ignite the hope in the hearts of all beings.


In the end, the Supreme Light and Darkness had no choice but to stretch out his hand and press it forward, colliding with that big hand, shaking it violently, a smear of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He forgot, he said that the person facing him is not the real Sun Emperor, and he himself is not the real Supreme Being when he was the most powerful in life, and now there is a lack.Although he was better than Zhundi, he still had the power of the great emperor and that kind of law, but after all, he cut himself off and was no longer perfect.

The mighty middle-aged man on the opposite side punched forward with a punch that was so powerful that his hair was flying wildly, but there was no god in his eyes, only blood, but he was still striking out forcefully to protect all beings.

This is the Sun Emperor Fist, engulfing the universe, invincible in the sky and the earth, the oppressive stars tremble, and fall down!
The Supreme Being of Light and Darkness was startled, this is a piece of human skin in a strange state, with the indelible mark left by the Sun Emperor, it is a fighting dharma body, not the real body, but it is so powerful.


Supreme Guangman makes a move, naturally he will not admit that other great emperors and ancient emperors are better than him. He once became enlightened, once ruled the prehistoric universe, once looked down on the nine heavens and ten earths, and he is the only one, so he naturally dares to fight anyone in the past and present.

Brilliant light burst out, and the radiant light impacted the universe and shook the world. This was a fierce battle between the supreme beings, shaking the world.

The Sun Emperor only had a piece of human skin left, but he was so majestic that he stopped the Samsara Supreme, and the Sun Emperor punched him coughing up blood.

However, this piece of skin was also cracked, and more bloodstains appeared, which was shocking!

"I had the will to fight in my lifetime, and I also borrowed fighting power, but after all, it was a short-term success, and the curtain still has to end..." the Supreme Light and Darkness said indifferently.

There was a loud bang, and the stone tower in the hands of the Sun Emperor shook, and a vast flame fell down, surrounded by chaos, which looked extremely terrifying.

When the stone pagoda pressed forward, the entire universe was shaking, and the power of the Sun Emperor erupted, shocking the heavens. Even the Lord of Shenxu, the Lord of Reincarnation, and the owner of Undead Mountain, Stone Emperor, etc. in other star regions all looked back. , looked in this direction, all moved.

With a bang, a divine scepter appeared in the right hand of the Supreme Light and Darkness. It was very short, no more than one foot, and it was made of dao kalpa gold.And an ancient shield appeared in the left hand, the whole body was pitch black, made of black gold, it was extremely terrifying, like a black hole.

This is his imperial weapon - light staff and dark shield!The same is true of his eyes, the right eye is bright, the left eye is dark, embodying light and darkness.

Violent collision, light and darkness burst out, the light rod and the dark shield have the same origin, a god is conceived, and the two weapons are divided into two bodies, and they collide with each other, like opening the sky, full of power, shocking the universe!
Infinite light is emitted, and boundless darkness surges, vividly embodying light and darkness, the left and right are separated, and then merged, and the big bang of the universe occurred.

However, the stone pagoda was smashed in after all, and the Sun Emperor was so brave that the stone pagoda collided with the Light and Dark Emperor's weapon, and his own supreme law was also contained in the human skin, suppressing it.


The Supreme Light and Darkness soared into the sky, his hair was disheveled, blood was all over his body, and the corners of his mouth were even more bloody. Before he could stand still, he staggered again and almost fell over.

On the other side, the most powerful fighting spirit of the Sun Emperor was almost wiped out, the human skin was damaged, blood dripped down, and Wei'an's body would fall down at any time.

The stone pagoda vibrated and glowed on its own, hanging above his head, protecting his body from falling down, and being nourished by the emperor's blood, which was much stronger than the usual resurrection, because it was unwilling to serve its master, and it was even more terrifying than the state of self-resuscitation a lot of!
"It's just a dead person. I don't need to waste with you. If I really want to kill you, I want to squander some of my vitality. The gain is not worth the loss." The Supreme Light and Darkness said.

These voices were heard in the ears of the saints, so desperate. Obviously, the Supreme Light and Darkness did not really go to war, but just cherished the energy of life.

After all, it is just a piece of human skin, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot really defy the sky. Even if it contains the strongest fighting spirit of the Sun Emperor, there is a limit.

The Supreme Light and Darkness put away his weapon, glanced at Ziwei Star Territory indifferently, and said, "Let this place be peaceful for a while, but how long can you keep it? Can you survive forever?"

He didn't stop, because he had no time to delay, and he had squandered too much on the road to immortality. He urgently needed to replenish life substances to prevent aging.

"Sun Emperor, you are indeed respectable, even if you die, but is it worth it for them?" This was his last voice.

Being evaluated like this by a great enemy, one can imagine the personality of the Sun Emperor.

Many people in the Ziwei Starfield are ashamed that the Sun Emperor is almost unprecedented here, and at this most critical juncture, who is protecting him?

The Sun Emperor got up, dragged his remnant body, and came silently to the Ziwei Starfield, overlooking the ancient land he had fought and guarded. Blood dripped from his empty eyes again, like crystal tears.

Finally, he sat cross-legged, sitting on the big purple star, motionless, his hair gradually turned gray, and his back was not so straight anymore.

He just kept silent like this, no one knew his state, and no one knew whether he still had a will left, and everyone in the ancient star was looking up.

Leaving a remnant body, accompanied by the imperial tower, there is nothing else, this is just an old man in his dying years, silently guarding the ancient star by himself, preventing foreign enemies from approaching.

This made everyone in Ziwei Star Territory feel great grief. The former Sun Sacred Emperor, who was invincible in heaven and earth, how could he be bullied?No one can contend, but now in order to protect them... it's like this.

"Ah woo woo..."

Everyone wept bitterly. It seemed that the former Sun Emperor could not last long, but in the end he was still working hard to protect this land, and the creatures on the entire star couldn't help crying.

The Sun Emperor is old after all. This is not his real body, but through this body, people can feel the hero's last loneliness and sadness.

The sentient beings roared in grief, and many thoughts were surging, sinking into that gradually aging body, but nothing could be changed.

The Sun Emperor's hair was gray and gray, and he wanted to stand up and go to a distant place for the final battle, but in the end he lost all his strength, and his decayed body bled and fell down.

With the last tear of blood dripping from his eyes, he turned into a piece of broken human skin, and he never stood up again. Only an imperial pagoda whined and roared, shaking here, emitting a mighty light, guarding him and refusing to leave!

All parts of the universe fell into darkness and turmoil, blood was everywhere, countless lives were robbed, and no one can stop it so far, making people full of despair.

(End of this chapter)

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