Chapter 256
The whole universe was plunged into darkness. The Lord of Reincarnation, the Supreme Being of Light and Darkness, the Stone Emperor of Undead Mountain, the Lord of Shenxu, and the Supreme Being Abandoned Heaven came out together, causing chaos and chaos in the world, and the five bloodbathed the universe.

In addition, there is also a Dacheng Hegemony, he is equally terrifying, but he can challenge the ancient supreme, and his real combat power is naturally unrivaled. He can wipe out all the creatures on an ancient star with a single lift of his hand, and his blood will splash in the sky.

This is an unprecedented turmoil. The six supreme beings are hunting, sweeping the heavens and the world, and there is no opponent at all.

If Xu Yu hadn't blocked the Lord of Shenxu and reduced one of the supreme beings who launched the dark turmoil, otherwise, it would have been even more tragic.

The so-called most terrifying turmoil in history has affected the entire universe, and all ancient lands cannot escape. These supreme beings once ruled the universe, and they have traveled all over the world, and there is no coordinate they do not know.

Unprecedented, the whole world is wailing!No one can stop them even half a step, the universe trembles, and all spirits cry.

"Without hope, there will be darkness from now on. A new era has opened, and there will be no light again..." An old saint fled and entered the wilderness of the universe.

It's a pity that he still cannot escape death, and the Supreme One makes a move, and there is no one in the world to resist.

The Lord of Reincarnation pointed out from a distance across a starry sky that he and dozens of saints who fled here were all shattered on the spot, and immediately

It turned into a blood mist, and the huge life essence was swallowed up.

This is the case everywhere, there is no escape, and there is no hope for people.


In another star field, a quasi-emperor who was holding a battle gun and glowing all over his body fled, tearing apart the void and avoiding other fields.

Unfortunately, it still doesn't work!
He originally hid in the most desolate star field, the vast and boundless dead land without any vitality, but he was still seen by the passing Dacheng hegemony.

Dacheng Hegemony took a step forward.He just crossed the boundless universe and followed directly. Naturally, such a big fish would not let it go, and it was the most effective supplement for him.

The more powerful a person is, the more living matter they contain!

With a slap of Dacheng's overbearing body, everything is over. This strong man who had just been promoted to the quasi-emperor, aspiring to be an emperor, had appeared in the Big Dipper Starfield, and stood in front of the big crack in the fairy road ended like this. Inside was smashed to pieces and turned into bloody mud.

The old overlord sucked in a large amount of living matter in one gulp!
"People in the world insult me, scold me, and get along with each other, what can you do, what will you do, I think the whole world is a master, just like me!

He opened his mouth indifferently, with an indescribably cruel expression. His tall body was like a black mountain, which made people suffocate. He took a step forward to wash an ancient star with blood.

The entire universe has lost its light, and people are almost completely desperate. Who else can change the possibility of the tragic ending of Wanling?
Perhaps the only hope is to achieve the Holy Body. He is fighting the Immortal God, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist shakes the sky and the earth, until the sky collapses and the universe cracks, but he is also entering a state of dying.

Changsheng Tianzun faced the battle, and his condition was very bad. At this moment, the Zhezi secret was finally about to fail. His body was broken many times by the invincible fist, and his life energy was seriously depleted.

But what about this?
Even if the Dacheng Holy Body wins, there are still six ancient supreme beings behind, how many nails can he crush by himself?The ending is already doomed, blood will inevitably splash the universe, and the curtain will end tragically.

Shihuang, Qitian Supreme, and Lord of Reincarnation were all indifferent, and they didn't intend to go there to join in the fun, just waiting for the result.

They come from different restricted areas of life, and they have no obligation to help each other, and they don't want to consume their emperor blood. The most important thing now is to replenish themselves to the most ideal state and recover.

Although it seems to have seen a scene of tragedy, the Old Sage in the universe is still praying, hoping that the Dacheng Eucharist will win, turn things around, and create a series of miracles.

The unity of the holy body and vision, although it severely injured the Immortal God, almost tore him apart, it is still indestructible!

This ancient supreme being was too powerful. He suffered such serious injuries on the road to immortality, was hit by a green bronze tripod, and was attacked by Xu Yu, but he still did not die. Just like his name, longevity is added to his body!

In the end, the Dacheng Saint Physique roared, the golden hair all over his body stood on end, and all the unique secret techniques bloomed, killing and wounding the Immortal God, almost tearing him in half.

However, the opponent's Longevity Sword almost slashed him, and even the Yuanshen was almost robbed.

This was the most tragic bloody battle. The two of them fought until now, and they didn't know how many brilliant galaxies they had destroyed, how many moves they had killed, but they were still stalemate, with no results.

However, it is clear that the Immortal God and the Dacheng Holy Body are at the end of their lives, and they can't bear it anymore.

Changsheng Tianzun is too ancient, even if he has swallowed a large number of living beings, has the immortal source, the life stone of the beginning of time, etc. to seal his body, and hides in the fairy mausoleum, he will die even now.

And the Dacheng Holy Body is just as he said, without the woman in white, he would have been sitting down, in a very bad state, and it is also the last twilight years.


The Lord of the Immortal Mausoleum is going all out, wanting to revert to the Great Emperor, sublimate to the fullest, and transform into the invincible Heavenly Venerable in the age of mythology, and carry out the final suppression.

Because, if this continues, he may perish with the Dacheng Holy Body, or even die first. At the most critical moment, even if there is a secret word, he will not be able to stop it.

Until now, his blood energy has been dried up by the killer who has become a holy body, and his life energy has dropped too much. He has already clearly felt that the word secret will be useless soon.

However, the result was very cruel. He failed, unable to sublimate as much as possible, and his physical condition was too bad.

He had expected this result, but when it actually happened, his pupils shrank suddenly. This was a signal of extreme danger. His Immortal God has lived through the ages, and he may finally perish today!
This battle, outsiders don't know, is really crazy, Dacheng Holy Body fights against the former emperor-level figures, making Xinghe pale and dim.

Not to mention the ancient times, even looking at the ancient times, the ancient times, and the age of mythology, there are not many such tragic battles to be found. The blood of the holy body and the blood of the emperor are splashing, and the horror is boundless.

Dacheng Holy Physique challenged Ban Tianzun, even though they were not at their peak state when they were in their prime of life, this was intense enough.

Except for the ancient supreme beings, no one can see their battles clearly, and cannot understand their laws and profound meanings. As long as they are swept by the waves, they will definitely not be in this world.

Finally, the curtain is drawn.

The sword of Changsheng Tianzun pierced through the head of Dacheng Saint Body, and the immortal sword was trembling, and dropped drops of crystal clear and bright red blood, which was extraordinarily beautiful.

The eyes of Dacheng Holy Physique were gloomy. He had fought all his life, protected the peace of the human race, and was dubbed the title of a human holy body. Today is finally coming to an end.

His life has come to an end, the primordial spirit is pierced by the emperor's weapon, and he will undoubtedly die, and there is no strength to recover. If other people have already turned into cosmic dust, he is the only one who will not fall down.

Changsheng Tianzun also smiled miserably, he would surely die, there was no hope of life, because the unrivaled fist of Dacheng Eucharist directly blasted into his forehead bone, and it had not been pulled out yet, there was a big bloody hole there.

The moment his Longevity Sword pierced through the opponent's head, the opponent's fist also smashed into his immortal platform, and the primordial spirit was shattered, finally sending him to a dead end.

In this life, in this life, he has experienced too much and lived for too long. After going through endless ages until now, the curtain is finally coming to an end.

Once the Supreme Heavenly Venerable in the age of mythology, he created the famous word secret, which has been praised forever. In this field, it is the first in history and unmatched.But, even so, he couldn't use this secret to save himself.

Looking back on the past, the glorious years are gone forever. In the age of mythology, after he became enlightened, he became the most powerful person, ruled the universe, was admired by all spirits, and once protected them.

Later, he lost to Sui Yue, chose to kill himself, hibernated in the restricted area, and hid in the fairy mausoleum.

Until Emperor Zun appeared, that person was so strong that he was invited to come out of the mountain, and he was extended the emperor's mandate for 2000 years, and let him take over the underworld, which opened another legend.

However, he also wants to become a fairy!

How could he be willing to become the cornerstone on the road to immortality for someone who was once the Supreme Heavenly Venerable? Naturally, he had to fight for it, and then there was a bloody disaster.

In 2000, when the emperor's order came to an end, he returned to Xianling and hibernated.

But in the later generations, he caused several turmoil until the road to immortality was opened, but in the end it was like this.

"I'm finally going to die. I'm tired of living up to now. There's only one thing I want to know, am I the longest-lived creature in this world?"

Changsheng Tianzun said to himself, if there is no immortal, is there anyone who can live longer than him? So far, it seems that there is no one!

He has run through the age of mythology, crossed the ancient times, experienced the ancient times, and came to this life again. Who can believe what he said?It's really against the sky!

"I'll take a step first, and I don't want to be buried in a galaxy with you." After Changsheng Tianzun said, his head exploded, turning into a gorgeous rain of light, and sinking into the dark depths of the universe.

And his Longevity Sword let out a whine, pulled it out with a bang, followed it, and disappeared into the galaxy.

Dacheng Saint Body was covered in blood, golden hair fell off and burned all over his body, and finally his black hair was draped over his shoulders, finally revealing his true face. Although his eyes were dimmed, it was hard to conceal that peerless heroism.

The sword eyebrows flew into the temples obliquely, the face was as sharp as a knife, extremely determined, and the body was strong, with a momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, majestic and majestic!

He has been fighting all his life, and this is not the first time he has faced darkness and turmoil. He has fought bloody battles for a lifetime, and now he reappears in the human world, dying and shedding the last drop of blood.

"There was darkness and turmoil in the age of mythology, there was in ancient times, there was in ancient times, and it never stopped, but I have reached the end of my life. The world calls me the Holy Body of the Human Race, and I deserve it. I have not been able to calm down the turmoil in this life. Weeping for all sentient beings, but I have exhausted my strength."

The Dacheng Saint Body looked at the universe, and the ancient lands withered everywhere. He was unable to fight and quell the darkness and turmoil, so he fell into a pool of blood.

He will transform here, and take a last look at the ancient star field he once guarded!
"This is the end, sadly."

In the distance, a majestic figure approached, extremely tall, like a black magic mountain, oppressing people would suffocate and collapse.

Dacheng's domineering body came, with cruelty written all over his face, standing in front of him, looking down at the holy body lying in a pool of blood.

"Your hands are covered with blood, I heard the wailing voices of countless souls, originating from your Xiantai!" At the last moment of Dacheng Holy Body, his eyes were extremely bright, and he stared at the Overlord in front of him.

"Do I have a choice? This is the only way!" Dacheng Batai responded indifferently, and then looked down at him.

"Swallow my holy blood and stop the killing." Dacheng Saint Body said.

"Hahaha..." Dacheng laughed loudly, then stopped abruptly, and finally said coldly:
"You have seen through my heart and know that I have no turning back. Are you trying to lure me into the bait? Use this to get rid of me!"

Dacheng Shengtai opened his eyes angrily, and said: "You have to know what you did today, someone will definitely pay you for it in the future!"

Then, he began to transform into a Dao, becoming a large rain of light, and would never leave a drop of blood for the Overlord.

Dacheng Hegemony didn't stop him, with an indifferent expression, he said: "People's hearts are like this, the whole world is Dacheng Hegemony, when it's my turn, everyone is like me!"

Speaking of this, he became even more indifferent, and said: "The Holy Emperor of the Sun shed the last drop of blood for the world, and the world left the last blood for him. You should know the end like this. This is the fact. And you became a saint." The human body shouldn't exist in the world at all, people like you don't live long, that's the reality!"

"I, even if I have been infamous forever, so what? I still live forever, and I will always be immortal! In the end, I stepped on your corpse, and you fell at my feet. What is true, the bloody one is true!

Dacheng said in a domineering manner.

Today, he killed all spirits and washed ancient stars one after another with blood. His blood was cold, his heart was hardened, and he was overwhelmed and occupied by ruthlessness.

"You are a hero, so you have to die. There has never been a living hero in this world, but I live forever, and I want to live, so it doesn't matter if I get infamous!" He yelled hysterically.


Dacheng's holy body turned into a rain of light, rushed to the distance, and flew over one piece of ancient land after another. Those were the places he had fought and guarded. There were the bones of his enemies, his comrades in arms, and more The ancient tomb where the beauty was buried with sorrow.

In this way, the light rain he turned into finally dissipated these old places. From then on, he no longer fought, no longer used his life to fight, let go of everything, and slept peacefully forever.

After Dacheng became holy, the tragedies in the universe continued to be staged, and many ancient stars of life turned into dust under the attack of the Supreme.

Perhaps it was because of the price the Ancient Supreme paid for this battle on the road to immortality. The entire universe was bleeding and drifting, but it still couldn't meet their needs.

"Junior, have you seen it?"

"Even if you hold me back here, the environment cannot prevent the tragedy from happening!"

During the fierce battle, the Lord of Shenxu tried to interfere with Xu Yu's heart, and said sarcastically.

"So what, don't think that no one in this world can rule you!"

"Also, I don't know if the others can survive this catastrophe in public, but you are definitely going to perish!"

Xu Yu's heart was as firm as iron, and he would not interfere with the words of the Lord of the Shenxu, and continued to launch a fierce attack, spattering the blood of the Lord of the Shenxu.

"Then let's fight, let's see if I will be dragged to death by you, or you will become my blood food!"

The Lord of Shenxu roared and rushed towards Xu Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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