Chapter 257
With the lifelong roar of the Lord of Shenxu, he once again raised his own strength to the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun's realm, intending to get rid of Xu Yu quickly so that he can go to other ancient life planets in the universe to eat.

But Xu Yu is not so easy to deal with, especially under the premise that the Lord of Shenxu has not yet fully sublimated.

Xu Yu can still persist for a period of time relying on the laws of the emperor's way brought to him by the immortal fire.

"If you don't sublimate, you will have no chance!"

Seeing that the Lord of the God Ruins has raised his own strength to a very terrifying state, but is still unwilling to make the most of the sublimation, he can't help saying ironically.

The fact is indeed the same, because according to the current situation of the battle, it will be a matter of time before the Lord of Shenxu will be consumed by Xu Yu, so he will attack Xu Yu frantically, trying to smash the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

"To deal with a junior like you, I don't need my best sublimation!"

It was actually satirized by Xu Yi, but the Lord of Shenxu still did not intend to make the most of his sublimation.

The Lord of Shenxu was very clear that even if Xu Yu had the power to stand with him now, he would definitely not have that power for a long time.

There will definitely be a moment when it is exhausted, as long as the power of the fairy fire is exhausted by Xu Yu, then the Lord of the Shenxu will be able to use that opportunity to break free from the Immortal Execution Sword Formation and kill Xu Yu.

At the same time, tragedies in the universe are still happening, and no one can stop it.

This world is overwhelmed by an atmosphere of despair and fear, and there is no ray of dawn in sight. The killing continues without stopping. People don't know how many lives the supreme beings need to devour.

The Starry Sky Ancient Road has become the place where the supreme masters meet, which is the most important point, because there are saints and strong people here, not too few, so it is naturally a catastrophe.

Those who can leave are gone, as long as they stay, they will surely die!

Everywhere in the universe, all the saints are fleeing, choosing the most remote star field, not clumping together, not getting together, so that they can have the hope of surviving.

Up to now, the Supreme has bloodbathed many ancient stars, and he no longer looks down on individual individuals, and will not hunt for them. If the Great Sage and many saints are discovered at the same time, they will attract their attention. It must be a battle. tragedy.

In the end, the ancient supremes gathered and killed too many people. I don't know if it was hundreds of billions or trillions. The whole universe was crying and bleeding.

"This is just the beginning, it's not enough, the feast is still to come. Because this time our loss is too great, even if this life is safe, we may not be able to survive after a period of time

It is. ”

No one can live forever, even if he slashes himself and stays dormant for eternity!After all, they have been born a few times, breaking through the immortal source and appearing. Even if they are not sublimated to the extreme, it will still be a huge harm to themselves.

Surviving, although paying a price, is not real longevity. There are too many restrictions, and it will eventually turn into dust!

All they can do is to delay this trend, instead of being immortal, they will be obliterated when the time comes.

Next time, some people may not even have the chance to start a dark turmoil, and they are doomed to perish in the years!
After sleeping for eternity, they have only been active for a few days in total. This is already the case, and it is really unwilling to let such a powerful person.

"Maybe it's time to bloodbath some real heavyweight life forms, so that our weapons will be stronger, and at the same time, we may be able to strengthen ourselves and extend the immortality and immortality of Sendai." Stone Emperor Leng Sensen said.

"You mean..." The Samsara Supreme jumped in his heart, and said, "Unless it's bloodbathing the restricted area, killing people of the same level!"

"No, go kill the gods!" The owner of Undead Mountain, Shi Huang, said in a cold voice.

"The so-called Protoss, they are nothing more than that, what's the point!" said the Supreme Light and Darkness coldly.

"No, it's to kill the gods in the emperor's weapons and take their life energy, which can strengthen our weapons and maybe extend our survival time." Stone Emperor said ruthlessly.

"This..." Everyone's heart skipped a beat. This kind of method is too drastic, and there may be consequences. It can be expected that they may all be threatened.

"What's so fierce, the road to immortality is wrong, the world is in chaos, this time point cuts off the time and space of the ages, even you and I can't predict what will happen. People in the past are destined to not know, they can't guess this life, no There will be backhands, and there will be no accidents."

Shi Huang said sternly, the black Tianhuang halberd in his hand was extremely sharp and murderous, he was very strong and advocated killing it thoroughly.

In the end, the Ancient Supreme had no objections, and several people accepted the decision.

The emergence of the road to immortality was calculated by many supreme beings, and the result is either right or wrong, it is hard to tell.This is a special point in time, cut off the eternal time and space, and the subsequent events cannot be deduced. It is everyone's mind to take this opportunity to kill and let oneself reach the strongest state so as to cope with the unknown future.


The sky is falling apart, and the bloodshed continues.

Some small worlds have survived without suffering, because there are too few people and it is not worth going to.

There are also some secret places, which have not been discovered for the time being because of the magic circle of the ancient emperor's hidden world.The universe is too big, as long as the Supreme is not approaching, these emperor patterns can still deceive everything.

Even the perfect and flawless formations of some ancient emperors and great emperors, which are specially used to hide the aura, can block everything, even if the ancient emperors pass by nearby, they may not be able to perceive it immediately.

In the sea of ​​blood, there will always be seeds of hope left. The universe is too vast, and it is impossible for the ancient supreme to reach every place. There are always many desolate and uninhabited star fields left behind.

Even, many areas have not been visited since ancient times.

However, when the Ancient Sovereign really used his heart to sense and specifically searched for certain inheritances, it was an unimaginable catastrophe, and it was difficult to escape.

"I found... the refining pot of the Bright Clan!"

On this day, the ancient star Guangming suffered a bloodbath. Everyone in the clan was praying and calling, and the gods in the refining pot were resurrected and reached their peak state.

The god pot made of lapis lazuli violently rioted, the gods inside shook, and bloody killings were carried out, fighting against the Supreme!
"You were created by people of our level. Even though you can hurt us, it's still a little too late!"

Although the ancient supreme is not in a state of no time, but after all, there is still the law of the emperor, and he also has the emperor's weapon on his body, and there are two supreme beings who take action, there will be no accidents in this tragedy.

In the end, the pot of refining the gods was blown up and turned into pieces, which were shared equally by the Stone Emperor and the Samsara Supreme, and the gods were smelted into their weapons!Moreover, some of them were temporarily tempered into the body and the immortal platform, waiting to be tempered and exhausted.

With such an example before, the Supreme Light and Darkness and the Supreme Qitian also started to attack, and the most tragic thing happened on this day.

The inheritance of the original Big Dipper Starfield suffered disasters one after another, even if they fled into the Starfield, they were tracked down.

The Guhua Dynasty and the Shenzhou Dynasty, the four major dynasties in Zhongzhou, were destroyed successively and became history. Only a small number of people who were "gifted" survived. It was the seed that one out of ten survived, and it was an unwritten agreement of the Dark Era. And the imperial weapon was destroyed!

This was a riot. The two imperial dynasties resurrected two imperial soldiers one after another, but they were all smashed into pieces, the gods were killed, and the life energy was completely absorbed by the Supreme.

This impact was too great, shaking the entire universe!

"This is just the beginning. We must not only survive, but also forge the strongest weapons."

They still have to continue, and they still want to kill blood. Many star fields are bleeding along the way, and they are merciless.

In addition, Dacheng Hegemony was also slaughtering. He didn't touch the emperor's weapon alone, but he slaughtered without mercy. The cruelty was even worse than that of the ancient supreme.

Behind him is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. There are endless corpses under his feet, like an unrivaled demon king, his hair is surrounded by blood mist, step by step, the universe shakes because of him.

The final goal of the several supreme beings is the Big Dipper, because there are destined to have imperial weapons there, such as the weapons of chaos, and the demon pestle of Emperor Amitabha, and there may even be other imperial weapons.

But Shihuang shook his head, indicating that he would go to Beidou at the end, and at that time he had stepped on the loop. His expression was extremely cold, and he said: "Void, you are dead, but the hatred has not disappeared, the emperor's oath has expired, use you Let's make up for the old hatred with my blood and the emperor's mirror!"

His goal is the Ji family, and he wants to search and destroy it in the whole universe, and even more so, he wants to smash the void mirror.

"Let me go with you, after all, it is a very strange and powerful fairy mirror that has been stained with the blood of the Supreme." Qitian Supreme said.

"No, I expect that ancient mirror to be amazing enough. This is my grievance with Void, and it will come to an end!" Holding a black halberd, he set out on the road alone.

The several supreme beings separated one after another, did not return to the Big Dipper immediately, and were still looking for powerful prey, wanting to bloodbath the heavens and the earth from different routes.


The ancient star of Yuansheng was shattered, because there were many monks screaming and cursing angrily, unwilling to succumb to fate. As a result, the supreme reincarnation flicked his fingers and shattered the star directly. This is the first time that an ancient star with life has been destroyed extinct.

In other places, eighteen lands including Fulong Ancient Star and Yuanhai Pure Land also suffered bloodbath one after another.

"Emperor Void... Where are you, come out and fight for your people!"

"Wuming... Poor Emperor Void passed away early, otherwise how could darkness and turmoil befall the world."

It has to be said that Emperor Void's achievements are too great. In the ancient times, he fought bloody battles against the supreme beings all his life. He fought all his life and left legends in many places.

Some elder saints knew about that period of time, and screamed with great power, asking all sentient beings to pray.

"The power of all living beings, this may be the only hope. The Void Emperor is dead and unable to protect all living beings, but our own thoughts may be settled with the supreme being."

This is the method proposed by several elder sages, looking through endless ancient books to find a way.

Everyone missed Emperor Void, Human Emperor, Eucharist, etc., and at the same time cursed the ancient supreme, full of blood and hatred!

"It's too weak to use the power of sentient beings to settle with me! What about sentient beings? It's not enough to see. Maybe it's only when I became an emperor or on the road to immortality that I can have an impact on me at these critical moments. What are you doing on weekdays? The will of all living beings is trampled upon by those who stand at the top of the world!
The Supreme Light and Darkness sneered mercilessly, and as soon as he pointed out, some inexplicable air mechanisms entwined around him immediately exploded, unable to add to the body.

Correspondingly, the eyebrows of many people on the ancient star exploded, blood was dripping, and a terrible hole appeared, all of them fell into a pool of blood, the same is true for the Great Sage!
"Human Sovereign, Emperor Void...where are you...?"

This is the murmur of an old man before he died, full of despair and unwillingness, his gray hair was covered with blood, and several children were protected under his old body.

And this is an example of human tragedies, thousands upon thousands, billions upon billions, too many tragedies are continuing!

Earth, Hangu Pass, four figures stand side by side, the ordinary-looking man, the most ordinary man, touched his cheek with his hand, and it was full of tears.

This is the instinct of the body, and also some kind of touch from the deepest part of his sea of ​​consciousness.

"I heard hundreds of millions of souls crying and calling me, they were full of despair..." He said softly, wiping away his tears, and said:
"It's time, we should start, so what if we die."

"Yes, those people are the most vigilant when they are full of ambition. Presumably those weapons should also be resurrected. The last and only chance has come. Even if you die, you must fight them!"

The majestic Shennong said that he also heard the calls of countless people, which directly passed into his soul, as if from ancient times.

The figure on Hangu Pass disappeared and rushed into the depths of the universe.


The Supreme Light and Darkness, a long string of blood flowers exploded from his body, he staggered, and then he still couldn't stop his figure, and flew horizontally, covered in blood.

Unfortunately, it failed to perish after all.The void split open soundlessly, and an ordinary-looking man came out.

"It's you who performed the taboo fairy art exclusive to Emperor Void!" He had already heard the reincarnation supreme, and although he saw this face so familiar, he still looked indifferent, and said: "Although you have the emperor's body, But you are no longer the original you, you have lost the law of the Tao, and you want to fight with me, you can only be regarded as sending yourself to death!"

The visitor was silent, silent, and possessed the Emperor Body, but after all, he still failed to kill the opponent with one blow. This result was also expected, but there was still a fight.

In another star field, Shennong suddenly appeared, and he also used the imperial body to beat the Samsara Supreme to cough up blood, almost breaking it in two, but it was still not enough

One plan, can't succeed.

The Lord of Reincarnation showed the cruelest smile, and said: "Finally out of Hangu Pass, I have been waiting for you to show up, hahaha!
Obviously, all the people in the universe who can threaten them will be eliminated, and all will be extinct, and there will be no force that can stop them.


In the distance, another imperial weapon shattered, and another supreme immortal weapon was destroyed on this day.

A few figures rushed over, and several supreme beings appeared, and then they surrounded each star field, trapping the four people who walked out of Hangu Pass in one field.

"This is really an accident, we meet again in the void!" Shi Huang, the owner of Undead Mountain, said coldly, throwing the body of a great sage over, saying: "This is your descendant, I have killed many , and this is just one of them, but it seems that there are quite a few of their lairs. They haven't been wiped out yet."

Undoubtedly, this will be the final battle, surrounded by several supreme beings, looking at these people, it seems that they are staring at the purest fairy spirit, this is a person who can fight with them, the spirit energy in the body must be like a sea so-so.

"Kill you all, and then cleanse Wanyu with blood, this life will be over, you can sacrifice!" Stone Emperor said solemnly.

"It's time for this life to end..." The ordinary man in front of him said to himself with grief.

 I almost forgot, but I still have time to update
(End of this chapter)

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