Chapter 258 Void Emperor
No one thought that at a time when all beings were about to fall into despair, even after the Jidao Emperor had been smashed several times by the Ancient Supreme, there would be a master who could fight against the Ancient Supreme.

Moreover, this person is the Great Void Emperor who has been proven dead for tens of thousands of years. It really shocked the entire universe, making people not confident that a person who has already died has reappeared in the world.

Although the world is full of confusion, looking at the void land that appears now brings them hope that the turmoil will end.

In the wilderness of the universe, a man who looks like Emperor Void is confronting Stone Emperor.

"As long as you know!"

"I know, I am ready to die, but you have to pay the price, you have created enough enemies for yourself!" The man exactly like Ji Zi shouted, the first time he was so majestic, Shake the universe.

"Enemy, is there still in this world? You can't do it alone!" Shi Huang looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Emperor soldiers are still alive. Even if you broke a few pieces, all the emperor weapons in the universe have been awakened, and they all resurrected on their own. Today, you will be punished!"

The person who is exactly like Ji Zi is not tall, but the majesty and righteousness are shocking.


The subduing pestle vibrated, smashed all things, and descended from the sky, and the purple qi emanated from the sky.


The celestial light pierces eternity, the Taihuang Sword is born, illuminates the nine heavens, tears apart the universe, and kills here!


Jiulitu shook and shattered the sky. It came from an extremely distant place, traversed billions of galaxies, and crushed it down.


The West Emperor Pagoda soared into the sky, the tears of immortals were green and golden, and the tears filled the universe. All living beings wept bitterly, shaking the 33-story sky, covering the human world, and falling down!


All the imperial artifacts were awakened by the most tragic slaughter in the ages, they were awakened together, and they were all born together.

The universe was torn apart, and the most dazzling fairy lights flew out one after another, making the dark and cold universe bright and radiant at this moment.

This seems to have opened a new era, illuminating the past, present, and future, and connecting the past, present, and future!

I don't know how many pieces of imperial weapons have been revived, smashing everything, as if they are opening up the world, suppressing them, let's deal with the darkness and turmoil together!
The aura of the ancient great emperor is erupting, and the whole universe is trembling. One after another, huge dharma figures explode in different star fields, and then tear the universe apart.

One after another, the worshiped figures of the ancient ancestors seem to have returned, descending into this world again, to put down the most terrifying dark bloody chaos in the ages.

Everything in the world, every grass and every tree is trembling, and the stars and rivers are shaking, not to mention the universe!
There has never been a life like this, so many great emperor weapons have been resurrected, dispatched together, and all suppressed to a domain, it seems to be destroying the world.

This is not a simple recovery, but a real and complete resurrection. It is comparable to the blow of the ancient emperor. With so many weapons killed, the world will wither.

It was the first time for several ancient supreme beings to shake like this, and they were no longer as calm as before. Each of them showed a dignified look, and everyone seemed to be facing a formidable enemy.

Such imperial artifacts are made by people like them, and it is very difficult to destroy them. What's more, they have shortages in Xiantai now, so they are not without time.

There are so many weapons appearing together, no one can handle them through the ages, it's too scary.If it weren't for the five supreme beings standing together, there would be absolutely no suspense.
If it is beaten into fly ash, it will be turned into dust.


The black halberd in Stone Emperor's hand shook violently, the black light cracked the sky, and the huge halberd blade flashed with terrifying light, as if it could smash all obstacles.

However, the charging weapon did not hesitate at all, and launched a powerful blow.


The Demon Subduing Pestle was smashed down with such a rage that the universe collapsed in an instant!When it collided with the black halberd with a loud bang, Shihuang's arms went numb for a while, showing a shocked expression.

These weapons were so angry that they surpassed his appearance, and they were resurrected one by one, just like the great emperor of the past came back to the world.

The subduing demon pestle is a treasure cast by Emperor Amitabha. It is the supreme ancient weapon of subduing demons in Buddhism.

At this time, it is like a purple angry lion, roaring to shatter the universe, the whole body is full of purple light, and it smashes desperately.


There was a loud noise, and the subduing magic pestle rioted and fell down again. The purple weapon emitted billions of meters of light, vaguely as if there was a big Buddha standing in the void, trying to suppress the Stone Emperor.

The halberd in Shihuang's hand was trembling, this blow made his arm go numb again, he was very shocked, and said:

"Good Amitabha, watch how I destroy your weapon and melt it into my fairy weapon!"

However, as soon as he finished his words, when he wanted to use the taboo secret method to deal with the subduing magic pestle, a bright fairy sword next to him immediately chopped down, it was too sharp, too bright, and the shone stone emperor could barely open his eyes !

When the Taihuang sword falls, its attack power is unparalleled in the world. Its dragon head is the front, and the dragon tail is the soldier. It possesses supreme offensive power and cuts through the universe.
Shihuang was startled, avoided the sharp edge, bombarded the subduing magic pestle, and tried his best to dodge the Taihuang sword, but he was still a little slower, the brilliant light flashed across, the black hair scattered, and a lock of his hair was chopped off, only a little bit That's all, that fairy sword will cut his flesh and blood.

Taihuang's attack power was unrivaled in the world back then, and his method is said to be comparable to the most powerful Dou Zi Mi in attack power. It is a supreme fairy method, and the attack power of its weapons is naturally the same.

The Stone Emperor was furious, blasted away the Demon Subduing Pestle, stretched out a big hand and was about to grab the shining fairy sword directly, wanting to catch it and refine it.

He is the Supreme Supreme from all ages, no one in the world can match him, since he became enlightened, let alone cut off his hair, no one even bullied anyone in front of him.

Now, to be cut off a strand of black hair directly is simply a great shame!

The sky and the earth trembled, endless rain of tears flew down, a green gold pagoda fell down, and the shaking made the world cry, the universe was about to explode.

The West Emperor Pagoda slammed into the big hand, the horror was overwhelming, the way was infinite, the light was endless, the big hand trembled in an instant, and it almost hit it.

The Emperor Stone was furious. At this moment, several weapons were attacking him. It wasn't that he couldn't use the emperor's body, but he had to pay a big price. The essence of life was too precious to him.


With a loud roar, a blazing light spewed out from his mouth, which was the law of the emperor, and turned into flames, intending to submerge the West Emperor Pagoda and refine it with the supreme law.


The ancient scrolls are mottled and pass across the sky. Jiulitu cuts off the road ahead, and the interior is a bright starry sky, which is vast and boundless. Its defense power is absolutely amazing.

All the flames were taken in, and its own radiance exploded, disintegrating the law, and if it couldn't deal with it, it was directly introduced into another starry sky.

"It's just a few weapons, dare to be rude to me!" Shi Huang was really angry, his whole body glowed, the laws of the emperor's way burst out, and the divine chain of order clanged and flew out of his body like chains made of fairy gold .

However, the emperor's weapons also glowed, and the laws of the ancient great emperor intertwined. The resurrected gods were also desperate, and this time, four pieces flew over at once and suppressed at the same time.

The Ancient Sovereigns were indeed very powerful, and they were the creators of weapons of this level. Although they were absolutely invincible, they could not completely overcome attacks of the same level.

The four weapons are equivalent to the attack of the ancient emperor. Otherwise, how could these artifacts become the palm weapons of the former supreme? Without the corresponding attack power, they are not worthy.

The Stone Emperor was in a panic immediately, surrounded by four weapons, if he didn't improve himself to the utmost, an accident might really happen in the end!


On the other side, the other Supreme Beings were also in the same situation. They were all caught in this kind of battle situation. Originally, they wanted to rescue the Stone Emperor, but as a result, the immortal light flew towards them one by one, suppressing and killing them.

"Weapons also want to be honored, you are almost too many!" The Samsara Supreme shouted, struggling to move, suppressing the surrounding immortal light.


The Chaos Ancient Battle Ax is earth-shattering. It has two forms, one is a Dao talisman, and the other is an indestructible axe. Transforming between the two can refine all things and split the universe.

The green-gold battlesuit on the Lord of Reincarnation glowed, and he shook it hard with his fingers, trying to smash the axe blade. The horror was boundless.


With a loud noise, a big seal fell, and the great seal of the Taiyin Emperor appeared. Although a corner was incomplete, it was still peerless and powerful, suppressing everything in the universe.Especially now after being resurrected, it seems that there is a ray of will from the Human Emperor before his death, to protect all living beings, the power is extraordinarily powerful!

The Samsara Supreme didn't pay attention, and under the attack of several weapons, he was almost hit by the Human Emperor's seal, and his cheek was wiped lightly, blood was dripping, it was extremely terrifying.

If someone else was hit by the imperial weapon, they would definitely annihilate both body and spirit, turning into cosmic dust.

But the ancient supreme was staggering, and was not seriously injured, and resisted those laws. This kind of unrivaled divine power almost makes people despair, how can we fight?
However, there were enough imperial artifacts, more than a dozen pieces, which overwhelmed several supreme beings, and the most terrifying battle in history took place.

There has never been a time like this, many weapons were born to suppress the Supreme together, which has only been seen in ancient times.

Especially after being resurrected now, it seems that there is a ray of will from the Human Emperor before his death, to protect all living beings, the power is extraordinarily powerful!

The Samsara Supreme didn't pay attention, and under the attack of several weapons, he was almost hit by the Human Emperor's seal, and his cheek was wiped lightly, blood was dripping, it was extremely terrifying.

If someone else was hit by the imperial weapon, they would definitely annihilate both body and spirit, turning into cosmic dust.

But the ancient supreme was staggering, and was not seriously injured, and resisted those laws. This kind of unrivaled divine power almost makes people despair, how can we fight?
However, there were enough imperial artifacts, more than a dozen pieces, which overwhelmed several supreme beings, and the most terrifying battle in history took place.

There has never been a time like this, many weapons were born to suppress the Supreme together, which has only been seen in ancient times.

Because the scope of this dark turmoil was too wide, all the weapons were awakened, causing them to be resurrected one after another, and participated in this peerless war.

"It's useless. It's just a weapon after all. If we can refine it, we can destroy it!" The Light and Darkness Supreme roared, and when the light staff in his hand touched the dark shield, light and darkness merged, and the energy exploded. The power of the law smashed several weapons into the air.

The other supreme beings are also violent, except that they have not been fully sublimated, they have used the most terrifying taboo laws, smashing the sun, moon and stars, and destroying everything in the world.

"Kill!" The Supreme roared.

The universe trembled, and all living beings were terrified. Many people knelt down on the ground. No matter how far apart they were, they all felt this great oppression, as if they were facing the ancient emperor.

This epic battle, from one place to another, inevitably affected many galaxies, turning some constellations into flying smoke, which would never appear again.

The battle was unprecedentedly fierce. Youdi soldiers were destroyed, shattered the universe, and became the past. This is the most tragic ending, which makes people lament.

The Supreme is desperate, it is difficult to suppress with so many weapons, but some imperial weapons are destroyed, and of course the Supreme is wounded, the blood splashes the starry sky, the bright red blood is shocking!

"Kill!" The people from Hangu Pass moved, and the man who looked exactly like Ji Zi looked at death as if he were home, and launched the most terrifying blow, causing blood to splash on Shihuang's body.

However, he couldn't kill him, and he was backlashed by the laws of the emperor, vomiting blood, and staggering backwards.

He stands at the end of the quasi-emperor's peak, the most important thing is to have the emperor's body, theoretically he can fight with the supreme, but it is a pity that he can't play the law of the emperor, and he will be invincible after all in a life-and-death fight.

"Void, what an accident, I didn't expect that we could meet in this situation, it's really wonderful, you... will be sacrificed by blood, turned into living matter, and become a part of my body!"

The Stone Emperor laughed cruelly, pointing the black halberd in his hand forward, the snow-bright brilliance on the blade shattered the nine heavens, his whole body was surrounded by chaos, like an unrivaled god and demon!

"Okay, today I am Void, and I will fight with you!" He is not outstanding in appearance, but at this time he is so staunch, going forward without hesitation, and wants to fight the final bloody battle with his life.

The stone emperor's heart skipped a beat. This expression, this determination reminded him of the great battle in the past, the bloody battle in the void, and with the heart of death, he entered the undead mountain alone and faced several supreme beings.

It's so similar, the Stone Emperor knew originally that this is not void, but at this moment there is a slight wavering!
"Okay, since you said that it is void at this time, then I will treat you as him, too much hatred, too much blood, you killed me the Supreme of Undead Mountain, today will be liquidated!" The halberd split the sky and said: "Void, where is your weapon, can you still fight?!"

Many weapons flew over, but the void mirror has not yet been seen.

"The Void Mirror has arrived!"

At the end of the starry sky, a man held an ancient mirror in his hand. He was crumbling, covered in blood, and the mirror was also bright red, stained red by blood.

God King Ji Haoyue appeared, stood at the end of the distant galaxy, and said: "This is the blood of everyone in the Ji family, all poured on it, our blood contains the hope of our ancestors, it is the continuation of his life, and it contains his blood." Dao fragments, please resurrect your ancestors today, and fight the final battle for all sentient beings!"

"Supreme Void Emperor... Where are you? This world needs you..."

In the endless star field, there are many ancient lands of life, and I don't know how many people are praying, crying, and crying. This kind of thought power has turned into a vast ocean, surging, and moving the ancient supreme.

"Wuuuu...Emperor Void...please fight for your people again, God begs you, let him come back!"

"Mirror, come and fight with me!" At this moment, the ordinary-looking man's eyes erupted with blazing light, and he shouted loudly, shaking the entire universe.

(End of this chapter)

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