Chapter 259 Fall of the Supreme
With a sound, the Void Mirror immediately shook its forehead, let out a soft cry, and burst into a brilliant awn, with excitement and sadness, facing the "void", it vibrated violently.

The ancient mirror is sonorous, and its brilliance shines through the ages. This is the weapon of Emperor Void. It has lived a lifetime and accompanied him in battles for a lifetime. At this moment, it seems to have returned to the era of military career, bloody battles, and the pacification of Liuhe.

It is responding to the "void" in the distance, trembling constantly!

"It's still the last step. Incorporate me, my blood, my bones, and my soul, to awaken the void of the ancestors!" Ji Haoyue said sadly, covered in blood.

He took one last look at this world and prepared the blood sacrifice. He came here with the hope of his family!

At this time, the fairy mirror was bright red and bloody, and it was poured with the blood of everyone in the Ji family. Everyone who was still alive, from the sages who were about to sit down to the newborn babies, were all covered with blood.
Fairy mirror.

And his body is branded with everyone's brand, merging the blood and life fragments of everyone in the family.

Ji Haoyue represents everyone in the Ji family. He wants to merge into the emperor's mirror, the life of his ancestors is flowing in his blood, and he wants to "resurrect" Emperor Void for a short time to fight.

At the far end of the world, a little boy had tears in his eyes, and then burst into tears. He stretched out his little hand and tried to grasp into the dark depths of the universe. He was Ji Chengdao, and he knew that his father would never return.

Ji Ziyue's face was also full of tears. She knew that if there were no accidents, she would never see her brother again, and this farewell might be a farewell forever.

"Let me go instead of elder brother!" Ji Ziyue wailed and wanted to rush out, but was pulled hard by someone and couldn't break free.

The whole family of the Ji family was in mourning. The God King would never come back after leaving like this. This is because he wanted to kill himself with the heart of death, and he would never see him again.

In the depths of the universe, Yun Haoyue's body trembled and froze all of a sudden. He was grabbed by the shoulder by a strong palm, and then he froze, unable to move.

The void opened, and an ordinary-looking, very ordinary man appeared and took his place.

"Xiao Zu, what are you going to do?" Ji Haoyue lost her voice.

It was Ji Zi who came!He stepped forward and took the imperial mirror, the blood burst out instantly at this moment, rushed out of the body surface, and sank into the ancient mirror.

"Go back, Xiao Chengdao is waiting for you." Ji Zidao's clothes were blood-stained, and he drew all the blood and brand fragments of the family from Ji Haoyue, with a calm face and no waves.

"Xiaozu, you are..."

"You still have a long way to go, and I'm not from this era. My joys and sorrows... everything is in the past. I've lived in this life, maybe I've been waiting for this moment." Ji Zi said calmly.

He tore open a large rift in the void, pushed Ji Haoyue in, exiled him, entered the designated coordinates, and left in an instant.

"Xiao Zu!" The space closed, and the mournful cry stopped.

And at this moment, with the sound of "Fight with me" from "Void" in the distance, Ji Zi merged with the void mirror, blooming endless auspicious colors, and flew over.

Both the mirror and the person are bright red, stained with blood, but they are also emitting the most dazzling light, illuminating the dark world.

Ji Zi stood opposite "Void", holding an ancient mirror, and the two identical people merged into one!
No one can stop it, only people of Ji family blood can get close, because the fairy mirror is emitting the most dazzling light, making all this seem mysterious and amazing.

"Void?!" Stone Emperor was shocked, since he was born until now, he was only moved at most, and now he showed such an expression for the first time.

"You can think of it this way, let's continue the battle in the previous life!" The aura of the man on the opposite side suddenly increased, and the dense chaotic energy rushed hundreds of millions of miles in an instant.

He possesses an imperial body, holds a void mirror in his hand, is stained red by the blood of everyone in the family, flows into his body, and merges with Ji Zi, who is covered in blood. At this moment, he seems to be a different person, showing the law of the emperor's way !
And the void mirror is even more special, with thousands of streams of light and billions of immortal lights, spreading out like a phoenix nirvana, illuminating the universe, and directly suppressing it forward, hitting the stone emperor.

The Lord of the Undead Mountain, Shi Huang, slashed his halberd and collapsed forward, his whole body was covered with the divine chain of order, entangled with his body.

Like a demon god who broke out of hell, with shackles.


The two weapons collided, the Void Mirror was extremely bright, and the dark light shot up into the sky, the stone emperor's tiger's mouth was completely shattered, blood flowed profusely, and the whole person kept retreating.

"There really is the law of the emperor!" His eyes were extremely cold.

He knew that this was definitely not void, but the resurrection of the void blood and Dao contained in the entire Ji family. In a sense, all living beings are the continuation of the life of their ancestors.


The Lord of Samsara rushed over. He didn't want Void to really reappear. Back then, Void was blocked in the Sea of ​​Samsara, killing the supreme being, and he had a blood feud with the Sea of ​​Samsara.

Whether it is the sea of ​​reincarnation or the undead mountain, they all have great hatred with Emperor Void, which cannot be resolved.


The Void Mirror shone, emitting a celestial light, defusing the attack of the Samsara Supreme, and dispersing all the laws of the emperor's way. This result surprised everyone.

"As expected of the Immortal Mirror that drank the blood of the Supreme Beings, its power is indeed unrivaled!" The Emperor Stone said indifferently, and he waved his hand to ask the Supreme Beings of Samsara not to intervene, but to fight the "Void" alone and settle the old grievances.

At this moment, the four imperial weapons, the Jiangmo pestle and the Taihuang sword, retreated to attack the other supreme beings, which greatly increased their pressure.

"Kill!" The Stone Emperor roared, his thick hair fluttering, like an unrivaled god and demon, smashing the universe with one step, and killing towards the "void".


He waved his big gun, crushing everything, and many stars burst into pieces. Unable to withstand this coercion, he took the head of 'Void' directly, intending to split it in two.


The ancient mirror glowed like a sun, soaring up into the sky, the flames burned, and fixed the bright halberd blade between the sky and the earth, so that it could not fall.

"Okay!" Stone Emperor roared, and said: "You are not him, but you temporarily revived him, with his life imprint and avenue fragments."

All the supreme beings were surprised when they heard the words, and then pondered, this is worth pondering, maybe a thorough study may be another way of longevity!


At the same time as the Stone Emperor roared, his whole body was glowing, blood energy pierced through the sky, shaking all directions, and the divine chain of order flew towards him like phoenix feathers, trying to pierce the "void".

However, the ancient mirror vibrated and condensed with the blood energy of the void. At this moment, it released a monstrous divine power. The mirror surface was as smooth as jade, emitting bright light, and blocked all the attacks of the law intact.

It was a sound like a collapse of the sky. The Emperor Stone shook, and his entire body retreated like a magic mountain, causing the star field to collapse and tremble.


"Void" uttered killing sounds for the first time, shaking the world, and all living beings seemed to sense it, and the infinite power of thoughts surged and gathered on him, making the originally dim law of the emperor shine suddenly.

The missing fragments of the Emperor's Dao seemed to be crystal clear and complete, which was a strange change that really surprised the Supreme Beings.

"This kind of nourishment... the power of all living beings is really unpredictable, and it is worth pondering!" An ancient supreme thought about it, and felt that it was quite rewarding.


"Void" took the initiative to attack, and nine colors bloomed in front of him. It was the flower of the void unfolding, the space was frozen, and even time was stopped. It was suppressed by him. This kind of supreme taboo secret technique belongs to the content of the ultimate secret chapter.

Now, it reappears!
This is the supreme skill of the former Void Emperor to suppress turmoil, and he has killed more than one supreme being.

"The void is still, time is still, and eternity is suppressed..." In the distance, people who were not in the battlefield showed shock, almost being affected.

It was difficult for Shi Huang to move, his body was stiff, and it was difficult for Yuanshen to rush out. After exerting too much force, his whole body convulsed, but he still couldn't get rid of the restraint.


"Void" made a move, cut forward with a palm, and a star river instantly turned into smoke, and the palm finger slapped the stone emperor's head!
At the same time, the emperor's mirror was even more dazzling, bringing the blood of the Ji family down, and the primordial spirit that suppressed and killed the stone emperor wanted to kill him in one fell swoop.


Shihuang roared, and when the palm finger approached, his body suddenly moved, his eyes were as cold as falling into an ice cellar, and with a cruel smile, he waved his halberd and said:
"It's a pity, you are not him after all, you can't make me excited enough!"

This was a terrifying collision, the sky collapsed, the stars fell, and this star field dimmed all of a sudden, it was terrifying and boundless.

"Void" faced the battle, with the big handprint, and the emperor's mirror became more blazing, and pressed forward, hitting the blade of the Tianhuang halberd, making the halberd whine endlessly.

Blood splattered, and both Void and Stone Emperor flew horizontally.

They are all imperial bodies, but under this kind of power, they have all been impacted.Relatively speaking, it was not the "void" it used to be after all, it was severely injured, and the Emperor Stone also vomited a mouthful of blood.

As for the attack and shopping of the imperial weapon, it is also very intense. Such a collision may destroy one of the weapons.

Apparently, the Immortal Mirror was stronger and its light was blazing, while the Tianhuang Halberd was much dimmer. There was a gap in the blade of the halberd, and there were several cracks, and it suffered heavy damage.

The Stone Emperor fought the "Void" and directly entered the depths of the universe!
"Even if it's not the real Void, but now he has his emperor's law, let me look forward to it, make me happy!" The Samsara Supreme said cruelly, followed, he wanted to drink the blood of the Void.

And the few imperial weapons were shaking, killing him, the battle continued, and the range of fluctuations became wider and wider.

The sky is trembling, the stars are exploding, the world is whining, everything seems to be coming to an end, and all will come to an end.

Stone Emperor and "Void" fought so fiercely that the owner of Undead Mountain couldn't believe it all, saying: "Maybe, we are all wrong, the real Void seems to be back!"

Because, that "void" is getting stronger and stronger, and it is much more difficult to deal with than before, especially the kind of eyes that are too familiar, you must know that they are the eyes of the soul, representing the light of a person's soul!
"Kill!" Shihuang roared, fighting with all his strength, he thought himself number one in the world, invincible in ancient and modern times, even if the real void appeared, he would not be afraid.

"Really, Void is back, I really want to learn!" The lord of reincarnation came, this time he ignored the stone emperor, and shot directly, breaking the sky.


The void mirror trembled, and a piece of eternal light spewed out of it. A huge ancient formation appeared and fell out directly, submerging the Lord of Reincarnation in it.


Endless bursts of light, infinite turbulent energy, dazzling dazzling, this is a killing formation set up by the Void Emperor endless years ago, it has been preserved until now, and it is the first time it has been born!
Moreover, at this moment, "Void" abandoned the Stone Emperor, rushed straight into the formation, and fought against the Samsara Supreme with the Immortal Mirror.


The Samsara Supreme shouted and let out an angry roar, a bloody arm was broken, flew out of the formation, and then exploded.

"Void!" Then, there was another roar, accompanied by the fluctuations like a collapse of the sky, the reincarnation supreme was imprisoned by the big formation, the formation patterns and the emperor's weapon coexisted, coupled with the attack of the void emperor body, the battle clothes on his chest were shattered A large piece, and then the chest was shattered by the empty Emperor Fist and Emperor Mirror, and blood and a few bones flew out of the formation.

The Emperor Formation traps the Supreme, and the Emperor Weapon suppresses and kills. Is it true that the Void Emperor has returned?If you want to kill the Supreme, everyone's heart beats violently!
"Pray to God, willing to use my life to continue the life of Emperor Void!"

"In this world, Emperor Void is needed, let him fight for his people again..."

In the infinite star field, I don't know how many people are praying, and the thoughts of all beings are surging, and they gather together, and all the beings are thinking about Emperor Void.

But this still can't change anything, the void land is still in decline, after all, the person in front of him is the real ancient supreme, although he cut himself, he is still extremely powerful.

However, Emperor Void is no longer the original Emperor Void. He is just a psychic psychic from the emperor's corpse, and he has integrated into the blood of Ji's family, so that the corpse has briefly possessed the emperor's law of the Void Emperor.

If it's just against the last Supreme Being, it is completely capable of pulling an ancient Supreme Being on the road together.

At the moment, many ancient supreme beings are attacking together.

As for the one who has the ability to fight side by side with the Void Emperor, in the entire universe, the only one who is fighting for the Lord of the God Ruins is probably Xu Yu.

However, Xu Yu's state was not very good at this time. As the Lord of the Shenxu moved the battlefield to some ancient life stars and obtained the life energy of all living beings, his combat power had been improved one step at a time.

This allowed him to fight Xu Yu more freely.

Fortunately, the Immortal Execution Sword Formation was so powerful that it didn't make the Lord of Shenxu break through to join other ancient supreme beings. Otherwise, Xu Yu would only turn into a handful of loess no matter how defiant he was.

"Junior, have you seen it? This is the general trend, and no one can reverse it!"

"Even if the Void Emperor reappears, it won't be the same as our prey!"

Although separated by the endless star field, the Lord of the God Ruins still saw the Void Emperor.

As the master of the restricted area of ​​life, he naturally had an irresolvable grievance with Emperor Void.

The reason why he still didn't choose to sublimate to the utmost is that he saw that Xu Yu's current state was no longer enough to suppress him, and he couldn't even do a one-two stalemate, so he wanted to preserve his strength.

Waiting for Xu Yu to fall to the current realm, at that time, even the Zhuxian Sword Formation can't stop him.

At that time, he can devour Xu Yu's vitality to make up for his loss in this station.

But how could Xu Yu fail to see what he was thinking?

As the person involved, he understands better than anyone that his current state is gradually dissipating.

The laws of the emperor's way contained in the fairy fire were not his own, and the reason he was able to fight against him for such a long time was all due to the true phoenix art.

Now he is just waiting to re-enter the realm of forbidden gods, and he wants to take away the Lord of the God Ruins before the power of the fairy fire is exhausted.

Otherwise, all his efforts would be in vain.

So at this moment, he has been suffering hard.

The battle was still going on, I don't know how long it had passed, Xu Yu was almost unable to hold on, and he realized that he could enter the forbidden realm again.

However, he was not in a hurry to act, and first communicated with Yuan Shiyin and the divine residence of Zhuxian Sword Formation, hoping that the two of them could help him.

Because what he wants to do is indeed too exaggerated, and it is impossible for others to do this step?
He wanted Yuan Shiyin, a weapon that was infinitely close to immortal weapons, to deliver the strongest blow and repel the Lord of the Shenxu for a short time.

Then let the Zhuxian Sword Formation block the actions of the Lord of the Shenxu, giving him an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"It's really troublesome, let's see how long you can last!"

Seeing Xu Yu's hard support, the Lord of Shenxu completely gave up the idea of ​​sublimation.

After a while, he will send himself to a dead end because of his stupid idea.

"This is the moment!"

However, Xu Yu, who was constantly retreating, suddenly brightened his eyes, looked at the Lord of the Shenxu with a strange brilliance, and then launched a fierce attack on him.

At the same time, the power of Yuanshiyin and Zhuxian Sword Formation also increased greatly, pressing on the Lord of Shenxu.

The Lord of Shenxu was naturally unwilling to use his emperor's body to resist, and hastily summoned his extreme emperor soldiers to fight, but his extreme earth soldiers were still far behind Yuan Shiyin.

He was already at an absolute disadvantage, but now he was swept away by Yuan Shiyin.

After the Jidao Emperor soldiers of the Lord of the God Ruins were swept away by Yuan Shiyin, the mansion of the Zhuxian Sword Formation quickly sealed off the space where the Lord of the God Ruins was located, restricting his movements according to Xu Yu's request.

In this flash of time, Xu Yu's whole body also turned into a ball of flames, rushing towards the Lord of the God Ruins, as if to ignite his immortal platform.

"Do not……"

"Force me to this point!"

Seeing Xu Yu rushing towards him recklessly, the Lord of Shenxu's expression changed instantly, and he roared loudly, wanting to sublimate as much as possible and change the current unfavorable situation.

But it was already too late at this moment. It took a period of time for the ultimate sublimation, and he wanted to achieve the ultimate sublimation when he was caught off guard, so it would naturally take a little longer.

At this moment, he was trapped inside by the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and Yuan Shiyin greatly restricted his actions, which made the time required for his ultimate sublimation even longer, and during this long time, Xu Jade is enough to destroy his rotten Sendai.


Accompanied by a loud sound that resounded through the universe, the entire body of the Lord of the God Ruins exploded under Xu Yu's attack, and his own immortal platform was stained with immortal fire rules, which were constantly burning his body. Sendai.


"I don't want to die yet, I haven't become a fairy yet!"

The Lord of Shenxu who was set on fire roared wildly, wanting to extinguish the flames in his immortal platform. Currently, the impact of the immortal fire on his immortal platform is not particularly great. The main thing is to remove the rules of the immortal fire in time, and it can still survive. down.

But Xu Yu naturally wouldn't give him this chance, and after realizing that the Lord of the Shenxu wanted to get rid of the Immortal Fire Law in his Xiantai, he resolutely launched a more violent attack.

Exercising the Xiaoping Luanjue he obtained from the Heavenly God Realm, his whole body turned into a sword fetus with endless murderous aura, and submerged into his immortal platform with the last law and power of the fairy fire, completely igniting his immortal platform.


At this time, the Lord of the God Ruins is also powerless to change his own ending.

"Junior, I want you to be buried with me!"

Knowing that the ending of his own fall could not be changed, the Lord of Shenxu crazily launched an attack on Xu Yu, wanting to drag him on the road together.

Xu Yu was not afraid at all, and greeted him head-on, because it was time for him to devour the ultimate source of the Lord of the Shenxu, and he would naturally not let the Lord of the Shenxu leave.


The two rushed to the edge of the universe together, and then disappeared into the world.

(End of this chapter)

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