Chapter 264
After the simple greetings, Shidi once again set his sights on Xu Yu who needed him.

"Do you know why I didn't hit you when you were weakest?"

Seemingly aware of the doubts in Xu Yu's heart, World Emperor looked at Xu Yu and asked coldly.

"That's because, only if you survive the catastrophe and completely stand in the realm of the Emperor Zhun's eighth heaven, can you help me the most!"

"Originally, I wanted to wait for you to pass through the Nine Heavens Tribulation of Emperor Zhun before I would attack you, but I am also a person who has come through the human calamity, so I naturally know the power of Emperor Zhun Nine Heavens. If I am not careful, it may cause You overturned yourself, so I will kill you before you step into the Nine Heavens!"

Shidi expressed his plan as if he was asking and answering himself.

"I have to admit that the timing you chose is indeed very wonderful. It is undoubtedly a very wise choice for you to choose to attack me when I entered the Eighth Heaven of the Emperor Zhun!"

"However, I'm afraid I made a mistake. Although I am not a monk of the Zhundi Jiuchongtian, don't forget that you are not the emperor you used to be!"

"You who cut yourself down and fell to the throne of the emperor, you can be regarded as a different kind of enlightened monk at best, so why should I be afraid!"

Xu Yu's hair fluttered wildly, and he said to the World Emperor with a calm expression.

In his opinion, his current strength may not be able to resist those extremely sublimated ancient self-esteem.

But if those ancient supreme beings hadn't been fully sublimated and returned to the imperial realm, then he still had great confidence in being able to fight against them.

Even if those ancient supreme beings have been fully sublimated, with his current combat power, he can go against the enemy.


The supernatural power that shook the entire universe reappeared, and Xu Yu collided with the first human emperor in the ancient times.

The continuous radiating power of the gods made people think of the dark turmoil 100 years ago.

"This is... Extreme Emperor Power!"

The monks who were far away in the endless star field were also startled by Shidi's extreme divine power.

"Has another ancient supreme being born?"

Some great sect leaders who didn't know the secrets felt the extreme divine power coming from the depths of the universe, and their faces were extremely ugly.

Because they managed to recover a little bit of vitality during the past 100 years.

Even many of them were the lucky ones who escaped and survived more than 100 years ago.

A terrifying storm seemed to blow up in the dark universe, like ripples, spreading around the location where Xu Yu and Shi Di Wo were.

Wherever the ripples of these avenues pass, everything will be killed, and the star rivers hanging one after another, as well as the dazzling stars, will completely become dust in the universe after the ripples pass by.

This is more than that, as the two of them fought, it seemed that the universe was broken.

The World Emperor deserves to be the first human emperor to prove the Dao in ancient times. Although he cut himself and fell to the throne of the Emperor, and missed his peak years, he is still extremely brave.

Beside him, an astonishing vision appeared, one after another fairy spirits from the age of mythology appeared, conjoined with him, as if pushing the sun, moon and stars, and attacked Xu Yu with incomparable power .

Seeing this scene, Xu Yu didn't feel timid in the slightest. He also exhibited the forbidden art he created to meet the attack of the World Emperor.

A phantom exactly like him gathers behind him, this is his vision Immortal King Lin Jiutian.

In addition, there was also a gorgeous and colorful red fairy phoenix that appeared beside him. This is the ultimate evolution of the true phoenix art, turning the imaginary into reality, as if the fairy phoenix in the fairyland had descended to earth.


Before the two started colliding, their weapons collided first.

Xu Yu's Immortal Golden Cauldron and Shidi's Chaos Gourd are both supreme treasures cast from diluted immortal materials.

The difference is that one is a real extreme emperor soldier, who has already followed the world emperor to survive the most terrifying catastrophe in the world. In this universe, there are no other weapons except those immortal weapons and those weapons that are close to immortal weapons. Weapons can compete with it.

This also includes the Immortal Gold Cauldron cast by Xu Yu.

Although the Immortal Gold Cauldron was forged by Xu Yu by fusing various kinds of Immortal Gold, it was still far behind the Jidao Emperor Armament.

Even though in the past 100 years, he smelted the broken ancient emperor soldiers and flesh and blood of the Lord of the God Ruins, greatly improving its rank, but he still has not reached the level where he can compete with the extreme emperor soldiers. standard.


The sound like a god striking iron sounded, and the Chaos Gourd of the World Emperor won the collision this time.

Xu Yu's golden fairy tripod was sent flying by the chaotic gourd, almost destroying the god's mansion inside the golden fairy tripod.

Seeing this scene, you will understand that there is a certain gap between the Immortal Gold Cauldron he cast and the Chaos Gourd of the World Emperor, and it is impossible to truly fight against the Chaos Gourd.

Therefore, he sacrificed the Chaos Gourd that was suspended above his head and guarded his Yuanshi Seal to fight against the World Emperor.

Yuan Shiyin was worthy of being the extreme emperor soldier who was closest to the fairy weapon at that time. As soon as Shishi collided, he repelled the chaotic gourd of the world emperor.

"What a big seal. It was cast by smelting the World Stone and the Chaos Stone. Given time, it might not be able to become a fairy weapon!"

"It is worthy of being the ancient soldier of the Tianzun of the Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the nine Tianzun in the age of mythology!"

The World Emperor actually called out the origin of the Yuan Shiyin, obviously he is also a person who knows many secrets in the age of mythology.

"Junior, you used this weapon to fight against me, but you found the wrong person. I also got part of Yuanshi Tianzun's inheritance, so I naturally know how to deal with him, this extreme emperor weapon!"

Sure enough, what the Emperor said next made Xu Yu's heart sink.

He didn't expect that the World Emperor had also obtained the inheritance of Yuanshi Tianzun. Although it was only incomplete, it was still terrifying.

In addition, as the ancient Supreme Being, the other party naturally has a way to deal with the extreme emperor's soldiers. No matter how close the Yuanshi Yin is to an immortal weapon, it is only a weapon after all.

From the other party's words, Xu Yu knew that the other party must have obtained the method of forging soldiers from Yuanshi Tianzun, so the other party was so confident.

But even though that is the case, the most important thing is that the life-and-death confrontation between the two is what determines the final direction of this battle.

Moreover, besides Yuan Shi Yin, Xu Yu also possesses Zhu Xian Sword Formation.

When Yuan Shiyin was fighting against Chaos Gourd, Xu Yu also made a move with Zhuxian Sword Formation.

The World Emperor, the first human emperor in the ancient Huang era, saw Xu Yu attacking him with a Zhuxian sword formation.

There was no confusion in the eyes, but it was like treating an ordinary person.

The two fought fiercely, rushing from one star field to another.

Countless stars became fleeting art in the process of their shifting the battlefield.

Some people who had the courage to watch the battle were also drawn into their attack range, instantly turning into a cloud of blood mist.

In the process of the continuous transfer of the battlefield between the two, something surprised people.

That is, Xu Yu, who has not yet reached the Ninth Heaven of the Zhundi Emperor, can actually fight on par with the ancient Supreme, who has not been fully sublimated.

You must know that he has just set foot in the eighth heaven of Zhundi Emperor, and there is still a small gap between him and the real ancient supreme.


"I didn't expect such an outstanding junior to appear during the years when we were sleeping. Letting him continue to grow may be detrimental to us!"

On the ancient star of the Big Dipper, there was an ancient supreme being who had awakened. Looking at Xu Yu who was fighting against the world emperor, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It's him, Xu Yu, the banished fairy who fought to death the Lord of Shenxu more than 100 years ago!"

There are also some ancient supreme beings whose lives have entered, they have already awakened when the road to immortality was opened more than 100 years ago.

Naturally, they knew about the battle between Xu Yu and the Lord of the Shenxu. At first they thought that Xu Yu and the Lord of the Shenxu had gone to the end together, but they did not expect that after a hundred years, Xu Yu was just an ant in their eyes. , and now he can actually fight on par with the ancient supreme.

"Don't worry, the fellow Taoist who made the move this time in Shenxu is very extraordinary, and he shouldn't repeat the mistakes of the Lord of Shenxu!"

There are also other ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life who are very optimistic about Shidi. They may have dealt with each other before endless years, and they deeply know the power of Shidi.

"Hmph, it's best for the two of you to die together!"

There are also ancient supreme beings who have grievances with the Emperor of the World, and hope that the two of them can both lose and die together.

No matter what the other ancient supreme beings in the forbidden zone of life said, the current World Emperor did not take down Xu Yu for a while.

Although it has nothing to do with the decline of his blood and his peak years, it also shows Xu Yu's heaven-defying and powerful from the side.

As the two continued to move, the battle between them also intensified.

I saw Xu Yu cast a vision, the immortal king appeared in the nine heavens, and the nine layers of sky suppressed the heaven and the earth, interweaving into a chaotic world, trying to swallow the world emperor.

The fierce fighting erupted, shattering the surrounding chaos, rushing out of the most original fairy light, filling the sky with imperial prestige.

"Ultimately sublimate and restore your former peak, otherwise you will have no chance!" Xu Yu said.

"There will be that moment." Shidi said in his mouth, but he obviously had scruples about extreme sublimation.

From the chaotic gourd in his hand, a bright beam of light rushed out, containing the most powerful laws of the emperor's way, shattering the galaxy, just like destroying the world.


The seal of Yuanshi on Xu Yu's head was ups and downs, and the inside of the pagoda was filled with chaos, like a chaotic world mirrored away.


Brilliant light erupted, and the terrifying laws of the emperor's way collided fiercely. The star fields were annihilated one by one, and the endless stars turned into dust.

"You are such a young man with stunning talents. It seems that he will not be able to suppress you unless he sublimates to the fullest!" Shidi said, his eyes flickering.

The opponent on the opposite side, although he has not proved the Dao, has an unrivaled combat power comparable to that of an emperor, and is young and prosperous, and everything is at the peak of his life.

And he was already getting old, and in his current state, I'm afraid it would be really difficult to take down the opponent.

The next moment, the aura of the World Emperor changed, and the center of his brows radiated a bright light. He began to change to the utmost, and the aura of the emperor's way spread, and he became horrified many times in an instant.


At this moment, the complete coercion of the emperor's way spread to the entire universe, boundlessly, shaking the entire human world.

The World Emperor returned to his peak state, overwhelmed all Tao together, and turned into a perfect emperor.

The ensuing battle made Xu Yu feel great pressure. The real emperor-level existence is really too powerful.

He no longer has the slightest reservation, standing in the realm of forbidden gods, continuously running the secret word "Jie", increasing his combat power by ten times, so strong that it is beyond comprehension.

At the most extreme state of Zhundi, whether it is the forbidden god or the secret of the word "Jie" of the emperor, it can be triggered almost at any time, and there is only a very short pause.

He is not a true enlightened person, but he has also stepped into the realm of a great emperor. At this time, with the secret supplement of the word "Jie", coupled with his young and prosperous state, he can rival the sublimated world emperor.

But the real Great Emperor was unstoppable, even though the World Emperor was old and weak, he still had invincible power, Xu Yu's body was broken several times, blood and bones were splattered, it was extremely tragic.

Of course, the World Emperor was also smashed by Xu Yu many times, and he was not unscathed.

After fighting for a long time, Emperor Shidi felt anxious. After all, he was too old. If he couldn't quickly suppress the opponent, he would definitely be consumed by life and death.

After all, every repair of the injured body consumes the original vitality. No one can last indefinitely, not even the emperor.

All of a sudden, the divine lines under the World Emperor's feet flickered, and the mystery was extremely complicated. His speed was so fast that he surpassed the common sense of the world, and he was filled with the charm of being near immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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