Chapter 265 Chaos Body

A strange pattern appeared under Shidi's feet, and at the same time, there was an aura similar to the Nine Secrets of Shi Shi on his body.

After Xu Yu felt the aura of the Nine Secrets, he was completely restrained. From the previous conversation, he concluded that the other party had also received the inheritance of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Xu Yu thought that he would display the Douzi secret created by Yuan Tianzun, but this is not the case.

After seeing that aura similar to Jiumi emerged from Shidi's body, his speed increased a lot, as if the time and occasion were reversed by him.

In the blink of an eye, he came to Xu Yu's body, pointed at Xu Yu's Tianling Gai with one hand, and wanted to smash Xu Yu's immortal platform with one blow.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yu also had mysterious formations appearing under his feet, using the Xingzi secret among the nine secrets, trying to get rid of the world emperor who is close at hand.

However, he still underestimated Shidi's attack speed in the first step. When he was retreating rapidly, Shidi was also approaching him quickly.

As Shidi's fingers got closer and closer to his celestial platform, Xu Yu went all out instead.

The next moment his head glowed with a blazing light, and a palm-sized sword fetus flew out of his immortal platform, heading straight for the soul of the World Emperor.

It is the remnants of the Ping Luan Jue that he obtained in the Heavenly God Realm in the early years. With his continuous evolution these years, his soul can also be transformed into a sword like the Ping Luan Jue in the ancient era. fetal.

Although it may not be as terrifying as the Ping Luan Jue in the Xiangu era in terms of attack power.

However, at such a close distance, he believed that the Calamity Jue he had performed could also behead the soul of the World Emperor.

When Xu Yu's primordial spirit sword embryo pointed at Shidi, Shidi also felt a palpitating killing intent.

At the same time, the god's mansion in the secret realm of his Dao Palace kept opening his eyes and looking directly into his heart, warning him.

The World Emperor could clearly perceive that if Xu Yu's Primordial Spirit Sword Embryo was allowed to show his immortality, then his Primordial Spirit would also be annihilated.

Naturally, it was not what he wanted for such an ending where both sides would suffer.

So he decisively changed the attack trajectory of his fingers, and pointed at the Yuanshen sword embryo used by Xu Yu, wanting to intercept Xu Yu's attack.

At the next moment, Xu Yu's primordial spirit sword embryo collided with Shidi's fingers, bursting out the extreme aura that destroyed the universe.


With the collision of the taboo secret techniques performed by the two, with the two at the center, it seems like a black hole in the universe has exploded violently.

The bodies of the two were blown out.

Both Xu Yu and Shidi were affected by the explosion, and their bodies were seriously injured.

"What kind of secret technique is this? It's so terrifying that it's impossible to guard against!"

The Ancient Sovereign, who was observing the battle situation in the distance, couldn't help but tremble in his heart when he saw Xu Yu and Shidi both unleashing such terrifying blows.

Because attacks like Xu Yu and Shidi's were impossible for them when they were in the quasi-emperor realm.

Especially the unparalleled attack speed of the two of them, it was as if time had been reversed, it was so fast that people had no time to react.

"Xingzimi, no, although the two are very similar, they are not Xingzimi!"

Secretly, the ancient Supreme Beings analyzed the secret techniques performed by the World Emperor, and believed that what the World Emperor used was all the secrets of the nine secrets.

However, after careful analysis, it was found that the secret technique he displayed was not Xingzimi at all, but had the same effect as Xingzimi.

Not to mention them, even Xu Yu, who was fighting the World Emperor head-on, was very surprised, because he did see the figure of Jiu Mi from the Secretary Zhuang, but after feeling it carefully, he found that the other party's thoughts came out. It's not Jiumi.

"It can be seen that you are also very puzzled. Everyone in the world thinks my secret technique is the secret of Xingzi, but how many people know that this is a taboo magical power developed by myself-so far away!"

As if seeing the doubt in Xu Yu's eyes, World Emperor explained to Xu Yu in a rare way.

Sure enough, every ancient emperor is a person of peerless talent, possessing a taboo secret technique created by himself.

With the use of Shidi's taboo and unique knowledge, so close to Tianya, Xu Yu had to fight fiercely with him.

Originally Xu Yu wanted to take advantage of Shidi's old age and frailty to fight a protracted war with him, but now Shidi's speed is extremely fast, almost comparable to Xingzimi.

In addition, his caster is a real ancient emperor, so it is even more terrifying to use.

Facing the World Emperor, who also possessed the secret technique that could involve the time domain, Xu Yu also had to put up all his energy to fight with all his strength.

Xu Yu and Shidi seem to be constantly colliding in the long river of time, and fragments of time and space are constantly emerging around them.

Although he is an opponent now, he really admires the supernatural powers of the World Emperor. In the field of speed, this emperor is definitely comparable to Xiaoyao Tianzun, the founder of Xingzi Mi, both of which involve the field of time.

Dao patterns flickered under Xu Yu's feet, and the secret of the word "Xing" was also activated, and at the same time, it was blessed with a ten-fold increase in the secret of the word "Jie", so as to fight against the secret art of the Dao of the World Emperor.

At this moment, the chaotic power of time has seriously affected the stability of space, causing this universe to collapse.


In the fierce collision, Xu Yu flew out horizontally, and a terrifying blood hole was punched out in his chest, which looked extremely tragic.

"Using the word "Xing" in front of me is really a joke. You must know that my world is developed on the basis of the word "Xing"!" Shidi's cold voice sounded.

This involves Shidi's method of enlightenment, so he is naturally qualified to say so. His research on the secret of the word "Xing" has already been thorough, and based on it, he has created his own supreme secret technique, which is the most suitable His own taboo secret technique has reached the acme of the field of humanity.

Xu Yu said nothing, but there was no timidity in his eyes. Several supreme secret techniques worked together to repair the injured body, and resolutely killed him again.

However, the World Emperor at this moment is really too strong. In the next duel, Xu Yu suffered heavy injuries continuously, and it was difficult to defend against it.

No one in the human realm can avoid that kind of astonishing speed, not even the strongest in ancient and modern times such as Emperor Zun, Wu Shi, and Ruthless Emperor.

If they were to confront the World Emperor, they could only be suppressed with absolute powerful combat power, and they could not avoid that kind of extremely fast attack.

At this moment, the ancient Tianzun's hair was flying, his silver eyes were intimidating, and his clothes fluttered, appearing so detached.

No wonder he has such confidence. Naturally, there is a reason for it, because with the super fast speed, even if he encounters an invincible person, he can retreat calmly, and it is rare to be embarrassed.


The fairy golden tripod was sacrificed, and thousands of celestial lights fell down, covering Xu Yu's whole body firmly. Phoenix, real dragon, Kunpeng and other fairy spirits evolved to surround him and guard him in the center together with Yuan Shiyin.

At this moment, the Divine Mansion inside the Immortal Golden Cauldron is also surprisingly angry. He actually fell into a disadvantage in the collision just now and was almost shattered. A quasi-emperor soldier.

Xu Yu even smelted the flesh and blood of the Lord of the God Ruins and part of the source of the emperor into it, making him far more than the general quasi-emperor soldiers. The Emperor's Chaos Gourd was defeated so thoroughly.

So at this moment, he wants to take revenge and prove himself to the world.

"You really have a lot of luck. You actually found six of the nine extreme immortal golds and mixed them into a divine tripod." Shidi stared at the fairy golden tripod cast by Xu Yu, nodded and said: "When the time comes, I will be with you." The fusion of the chaotic gourd must be more perfect and evolve into a fairy weapon."

"Don't be too confident, you have to decide at the end!" Xu Yu said indifferently.

The World Emperor laughed when he heard the words, and said:
"Not only will the Immortal Gold Pagoda belong to me, but even the incomparably huge life essence in your body is also mine!"

His expression gradually became cold. Since he had fully sublimated and returned to the peak of the Great Emperor, even if he survived this battle, it would be difficult to survive the long years.

His only way to survive is to rebel against Xu Yu's good fortune in order to continue his life and pursue immortality.

The battle continued, if the emperor of the world was a real dragon leaping across the world, he would walk in awe of the world, and he would look so chic when attacking and killing.

But any one of his blows is destructive, his speed reaches the extreme in the world, his power is unparalleled, and he is invincible in the world.

Such a supreme taboo divine technique and terrifying killing power made all the ancient supreme beings in the forbidden areas feel frightened and fearful.


The World Emperor's fist seal hit the Immortal Gold Cauldron several times, leaving traces that almost shattered it. If it hadn't been made by mixing six kinds of extreme immortal gold, it would have been torn apart.

The incomparable astonishing speed, lingering with the terrifying power of time, broke through the defense of the golden cauldron, deduced the attack method to Xu Yu's approach, and almost killed him several times.

Xu Yu resorted to all means, many supreme secret techniques concurrently, imprisoned his imperial body with the secret of soldiers, attacked and killed his soul with the secret of "Qian", kept his real body immortal with the secret of "Lin", and kept his body immortal with the secret of "Xing". Secretly pulled into the speed gap and fought against the emperor.

This is a fierce collision, rare in ancient times. The ancient human emperor has been sublimated to the utmost, and he has once again shown his supreme power and turned into a perfect emperor. He is extremely terrifying and has the power to destroy the universe.

And Xu Yu has not yet proved the Dao, and there is still a lack of realm, but he has been able to fight with him for such a long time. Although he is at a disadvantage, it is enough to show that he is amazingly talented and peerless.


Xu Yu spattered blood again and flew out. This time, he was hit by the opponent's Chaos Gourd, and was pressed by the opponent's palm again.

He reorganized his real body again, and suddenly developed a vision, bringing the opponent into his own chaotic world of the Nine Heavens, so as to defuse the opponent's extremely fast attack and kill.

This really worked, making Shidi seem to be stuck in a quagmire, and his extreme speed was limited to a certain extent.


Xu Yu's eyes erupted with divine light, and his palm fingers swiped like lightning, and the taboo secret technique created by the Meteor Immortal Seal blasted forward.

If confronted head-on, he is not afraid of World Emperor at all, he really has the strength to overwhelm the opponent, the only thing he fears is the speed of the opponent, he will never be able to catch up, and his attack methods cannot be close.

Now that the speed of the opponent is limited by the different phases, and a rare opportunity has appeared, it is natural to use all means to fight and fight with all your strength!

Then, World Emperor still disappeared from where he was, and a strange light flew towards Xu Yu's head.

This is the power of time brought by Jingxian's extreme speed, which is extremely terrifying.

Xu Yu instantly summoned the Immortal Golden Cauldron, enveloped himself in it, glowed all over, burst out with supernatural power, and urged the Immortal Golden Cauldron to the extreme.


The Immortal Golden Cauldron shook, and countless tiny cracks appeared.

This made him gasp, the power of time was too terrifying, and the other party showed the time domain to attack him.

This made Xu Yu look dignified. When a secret technique reaches its peak, it is really invincible.

The World Emperor raised his arms and attacked again, like a dragon and phoenix spreading its wings, unleashing the boundless laws of the imperial way, filled with the power of time, using his trump card.

Xu Yu understood that the other party didn't want to wait any longer and launched the deadliest attack. If he couldn't stop it, I'm afraid today would end in tragedy.

So close to the world is indeed terrifying, in terms of speed, it is not at the level that any outsider can achieve. Since the ages, I am afraid that only Xiaoyao Tianzun's superb calligraphy secret can match him.


Xu Yu suppressed the golden pagoda of driving immortals, and the real dragon, white tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu and other fairy spirits manifested, flooded the sea of ​​stars, and shattered countless stars.

However, a horrifying thing happened. When the many fairy spirits evolved from Xianjinding met the power of time, they all aged silently. In the end, their flesh and blood dried up and turned into dry bones, dying of old age in the starry sky.

In the various restricted areas, the scalps of the ancient supremes were a little numb. This kind of method is too heaven-defying, and it is absolutely the most terrifying for them to control the power of time.

After all, the supreme being dormant in the forbidden area is not in his old age, and his years are numbered. If they are hit by this kind of time force, they will soon be exhausted and die of old age.

"The human emperors of later generations are too terrifying, no wonder they are so conceited!" Someone whispered.


Xu Yu shouted loudly, and used the Yuanshi secret technique recorded in the Yuanshi Xianjing, knocking everything back to nothingness, forcibly interrupting the opponent's power of time.


Shidi staggered, and although the power of time did not dissipate completely, it was stagnant and almost interrupted.

Xu Yu stretched out his big hand and grabbed a star field, countless stars were thrown out like raindrops.

For a time, the power of the years was scattered, causing many big stars to explode and shatter.

"Today, you can't escape the hand of this deity!" Shidi coldly shouted, but there was a warning sign in his heart, Xu Yu has a lot of magical skills, and if he fights for a long time, he will be at a great disadvantage.

He played So Far Far Away to the limit, and hit again, the power of Time was even more powerful, he wanted to deal with Xu Yu as soon as possible, otherwise he couldn't afford it.

"I'll see how many times you can block it!" World Emperor shouted.

The fierce battle continued, Xu Yu was hit several times, his body exploded, and the power of time caused great damage to him.

If he hadn't been so powerful, young and prosperous, and quickly washed away that weird power of time, he might have fallen.


The scriptures in Xu Yu's body continued to resound, and the mysteries of countless fairy scriptures were unfolded to the fullest, and they began to change to the fullest, evolving into the supreme great power.

The emperor's face changed when he saw it, and he felt abnormal. Although the other party's blood splashed into the starry sky and his body was broken from time to time, he still did not fade away, and some terrible transformation took place.

Laws intertwine around Xu Yu, and the scriptures and culture are densely covered with runes. He seems to be wrapped in a cocoon of Taoism, like a transformed fairy fetus.

In the early years, Xu Yu practiced several ancient scriptures together. Although he has created his own imperial scriptures, the imprints of those ancient scriptures are still on him. As soon as it emerges, a chaotic air is permeated.

"The breath of the chaotic body, how did he evolve?" Shidi was startled when he saw it, his eyes were shining brightly, after all, he was the supreme emperor, and he quickly saw many reasons, and said in surprise: "You

It's... a furnace to raise hundreds of scriptures, transforming into a chaotic avenue. "

The sun is yin and the sun, ripe is weak and ripe is strong, yin and yang work together, and the world is called emperor.

There are ancient rumors that fellow practitioners of the "Sun Sutra" and "Tai Yin Sutra", as long as they practice to the extreme, they can evolve into a chaotic body and become emperors.

This can be said to be the only scripture in the world that can be cultivated to the level of a great emperor.

But apart from that, there is another great emperor in ancient history who did not take the route of transformation from the sun and the sun and became a chaotic body, and that is the Ruthless Emperor.

The ruthless emperor was so talented that he proved his way with the most ordinary mortal body against the sky, and evolved a chaotic body in his second life. This is the only way to evolve a chaotic body since ancient times.

It is precisely because of the success of the ruthless emperor that some ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life have also tried to evolve into chaotic bodies in other ways.

It has to be said that the number of ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life in the ancient times is indeed quite a few. With their collective wisdom and efforts, they finally deduced another method to cultivate into a chaotic body.

That is to raise hundreds of classics in the furnace, to transform into a chaotic body with ten thousand dao as salary.

However, although they proposed this idea, they did not implement it. After all, the restricted area of ​​life is not monolithic, and there are gaps between them, so even if they deduce this method of cultivation, no one is willing to try it. , They are all afraid of becoming a test stone for other ancient supreme beings.

So no one has tried the method of practice in this theory so far, but many ancient supreme beings agreed that if there is really a person who can practice several ancient scriptures together, and finally get rid of the hidden dangers in the ancient scriptures, Then it must be able to reach the emperor directly.

Now, Xu Yu began to transform into a chaotic body in front of the world emperor, as if to verify the supreme cultivation method deduced by the ancient supreme.

But in fact, this was not Xu Yu's initial thought. Although he had thought about evolving into a chaotic body, it was not at this time.

All of this was caused by the ancient scripture marks in his physical strength.

In the past, the "Yuan Shi Xian Jing" with intact Dao marks in those ancient scriptures and the ancient scriptures created by Xu Yu himself suppressed and cleared them up, but at this moment in the middle of the war, because of Xu Yu's continuous trauma, those Dao marks appeared again. Transformed out, leading him to transform into a chaotic body.

(End of this chapter)

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