The emperor's face changed, and he felt abnormal. With Xu Yu's desperate efforts, although blood splashed into the starry sky from time to time, and even his body exploded, the opponent still did not fade away, and some kind of terrible transformation took place.

Laws intertwine around Xu Yu, and the scriptures and cultures are densely covered with runes. Coupled with the vision supporting the sky, he seems to be wrapped in a cauldron, like a transformed divine fetus.

"Luyang Baijing, you want to use me to transform, how dare you!" Shidi shouted angrily.

He finally knew the way of the other party. This young enemy was too courageous. He was crushed many times, survived from death, and might fall at any time.

Nurturing hundreds of scriptures in the furnace, ten thousand dharmas burst out, all kinds of celestial light merged, Xu Yu's place became a chaotic land, and he became the "one" who wanted to escape.

This is the road he wants to create. At this time, there are endless chaotic lights flying around him.

"At the end of the evolution, is it going to become a chaotic body?" Shidi was startled, and roared forward to kill.

In the Great Slaying Universe, the World Emperor used the taboo secret techniques he had developed to the limit. His whole body was crystal clear and his feathers fluttered like a war fairy about to strike the opponent in front of him.

This place is surrounded by ten thousand dharmas, and the waves are vast. Xu Yu is entwined by the splendid chain of order, like a cocoon, with divine brilliance like rain, and beams of light all over the sky.

At this time, the law of heaven and earth has turned into a tangible chain, colorful lights, ten colors come out together, the clouds are overflowing, and the clouds are filled, looking brilliant and dreamy.

These order rules are like molten metal liquid, flowing in the blazing crystal, enveloping Xu Yu, casting a tripod and melting it into a furnace, gestating him.

Shidi attacked several times, although Xu Yu coughed up blood, but he never crushed him again, which made him change color.

On the contrary, in a Jedi counterattack, Xu Yu danced across the sky and shot all kinds of blazing god chains, hitting Shidi's body full of holes and shattering once.

"It's really surprising to me that you are worthy of a battle with me. If it weren't for my amazing speed, this time it might really be in your hands." Shidi said.

He stopped, stood in the distance, looked at Xu Yu in the cauldron, his eyes were inexplicably bright, and then took a deep breath of innate essence.With just this one action, countless galaxies in the universe dimmed, and they all turned into fairy spirits and rushed into his body.

The major powers in the universe are horrified. At this level, what they swallow is the most original essence in the star field. If they do it intentionally, it will be a catastrophe.

Shidi stretched his arms, formed seals continuously, and cast secret techniques. This was based on his sublimation of time secret techniques, which he deduced to an incomprehensible level.

One of his palms became crystal clear, and then he shook violently, formed a seal, and slapped Xu Yu there.


The divine light was dazzling, and the auspicious color was astonishing. It was an astonishing celestial light, which flew out from his palm and went straight into the cauldron like liquid metal, trying to penetrate Xu Yu's body.

"The Light of Time!"

Even the existence in the restricted area of ​​life could not be calm, and there were several exclamations, obviously deeply touched, this is a terrible magical technique that can threaten them.

Even Tianzun Xiaoyao in the sea of ​​reincarnation showed a complicated look on his face. He never expected that a junior from later generations would make such an amazing achievement in time.

One must know that throughout the ages, only he, the Ancient Heavenly Venerable, has achieved such an achievement in terms of time.

This ray of light is not very thick, but it has penetrated the law liquid around Xu Yu and is about to hit him. Whenever it involves time, it is absolutely against the sky.

It is impossible for Xu Yu to touch it with his body. This kind of power is too weird. If he makes a mistake, he will lose a lot of life energy, and no one can bear it.

He let out a soft shout, and the fairy golden cauldron flew down, blocking him, the light hit it with a bang, the cauldron wall was damaged, and a hole appeared.

Moreover, the whole tripod has undergone a strange change, with a mottled appearance, as if it has been submerged in dust for thousands of years, and the traces of time are densely covered, which makes people hairy.

What would it be like if this hit someone?
Everyone was shocked. The first emperor of Huanggu was really terrifying. He had reached the extreme in the time domain.

It is also uncomfortable for Shidi to operate such a power of time. This is an act against the heavens. Years and time are taboos.

After a short period of calm, the World Emperor roared and suddenly went berserk. He was no longer as unrestrained as before. At this time, he became a angry lion, his whole body was glowing, dazzling, and he attacked violently.

From his fingertips, beams of light flew out one after another, turning into blazing horses, like a divine waterfall falling nine heavens, hitting Xu Yu together, trying to destroy him.

The light of time!

Every beam of light has this kind of power. At this point in the war, World Emperor activated the taboo magic power. He didn't want to delay for too long, hoping to suppress Xu Yu in the shortest possible time.

All sides of the universe are silent, everyone is trembling, so much light of time is flying, who can stop it?
Xu Yu's color had already changed, and he urged the fairy golden cauldron to fight fiercely. In just a moment, more than a dozen small holes appeared in his cauldron, which was extremely damaged. Handed down from ancient times.

This was a brutal fight, during which Xu Yu spit out blood, turned into his own body, and used his blood body to die several times.

The existence in the restricted area was silent, and it took a long time for someone to speak.

"The World Emperor is indeed terrifying. He deserves to be the first great emperor in the ancient times. Even if I go out, I may suffer a big loss and maybe perish."

"The light of time, the taboo power against the sky, is really difficult to deal with, it can suppress and kill the Supreme Emperor."

This is the former ancient emperor's evaluation of the World Emperor's combat power. One can imagine his terror, and it also shows Xu Yu's strength, which has not been extinguished until now.

It is not Xu Yu's style to be passively beaten. He is almost berserk when he uses all kinds of methods, and every pore in his body is flowing with fairy essence, releasing the law.

Visions, nine secrets, the power of flying immortals, Yuan Shishu, immortal seal... At this time, he seemed to have transformed into a thousand-handed ancient immortal, smashing the world and returning to the beginning of time.

All kinds of light beams flew towards Shidi, the murderous energy spread, and the chaos flooded the place.Even though Shidi possessed extreme speed, he was still hit several times in the sky full of gods, vomiting blood, cracks appeared all over his body, and suffered heavy injuries.

This was a tragic battle, Xu Yu desperately prepared to drag the World Emperor to die together, he made the World Emperor shudder for a while with this indomitable fighting spirit.

This young man became more and more courageous as he fought, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and the cauldron of chaos seriously threatened Shidi.

Furnace Yang Baijing, the light of time that started refining, has the power of defense, what kind of shocking change is this?
When this phenomenon happened, Shidi's eyes were straightened. How could this be possible? Since ancient times, this kind of thing has never happened before?

"Even if Emperor Zun is resurrected, he can only suppress it with absolute combat power. How can this be done?"

The cauldron was blazing with light, and Xu Yu himself felt this change. He found that various scriptures and dharmas began to blend.Especially those secret techniques that can restrain the secrets of Xingzi, such as the Beginning Sutra, absorbing the power from the cauldron, pushing some time beams to the origin, and the same is true for the Wanhua Shenjue, which fades the mutual Brilliant light rain.

Xu Yuming realized that the furnace nourishes all kinds of scriptures, and in the secret of evolving the chaotic body, it can absorb ten thousand ways, smelt them into one furnace, and become its own gods and power.

This place was shattered, the galaxy in the universe was smashed into star ruins, dilapidated, and the fairy golden tripod on Xu Yu's head was riddled with holes, but his eyes became blazing.

His left hand condenses the law of time, and his right hand condenses the law of space, doing his best to pull the power of the universe.

The startling change happened again, Xu Yu's left hand gathered the power of time, and his right hand had the surging power of space. One side was the world emperor, and the other side was the broken void.

Xu Yu's right hand uses Guxuan's spatial powers to swallow the broken void, while his left hand pulls the power of time, allowing the two to blend together and transform into a god outside the body.

Ten thousand laws boiled, this place became more and more blazing, and the ocean of divine power surged up into the sky.

"The junior dares to use me!" Shidi was furious.

The power of time didn't play such a big role at this time, and part of it was melted into the sticky god's quagmire outside Xu Yu's body and accommodated it.

This is mainly because the Yuanshi Technique, Wanhuashen Jue, and the Time Law used by Xu Yu played a great role, and the God of Guiding Time joined in, making this place like the opening of the world.

All kinds of laws appeared, and the chaos here became more and more dense. Finally, the furnace of laws outside Xu Yu's body began to transform into chaos, annexing all laws.

Shidi gasped, is this really going to form a chaotic body?He speculated when he first saw it, and now it looks like it will come true!

Surprise sounds came from several life restricted areas.The power of the blood of the chaotic body is against the sky, except for the innate holy body, there is almost no one comparable to it. Once it appears, the Supreme will be afraid.All kinds of magical attacks are almost ineffective against him, he can annex the world and contain all the laws of the universe!

Everyone gasped, and the ancient Supreme was no exception. In the age of mythology, a chaotic body once appeared, and before it became enlightened, it set off boundless waves and shook the world.

Is Xu Yu really going to evolve into a chaotic body? This is everyone's question. At this time, he was extremely shocked, and the eyes of the ancient god in the forbidden area burst into divine light.

Xu Yu himself was also a little confused. How could he have transformed himself to this point? He was in order to comprehend all dharmas and finally transcended. Chaos is not his way. How could it be so?
Suddenly, he was a little horrified, feeling wrong, not only the fusion of all magics, slowly turning into a cauldron of chaos, even himself would return to nothingness, and then turn into chaos.

"This is not my law. It wants to turn me into a part of the law of heaven and earth. This is not my way!" He woke up with a start.

His way is detachment, going against the slash, and breaking free from the shackles of the entire universe, which has been doomed since the moment Xian San cut his way.

Chaos is not his way of law, this is to make him belong to this world and be smelted to become a part of the universe.

"I have to jump out and change from the chaos, or I will destroy myself on this road sooner or later!" Xu Yu came to his senses.

However, now he has to walk on this road, walking towards chaos, and he has not yet reached the moment of extreme leap.

This is a difficult immortal road, and it will perish at every turn, and if it is too late, it will be irreversible!
Xu Yu realized it, and his heart gradually calmed down. This is something that needs a long time to think about, and he is not too anxious right now, so he can move closer to the chaos and walk towards it.

At this time, this dangerous change is an effective means to deal with the emperor.

World Emperor War, holding a chaotic gourd, blessing his own magic, spraying out blazing beams of light, drowning Xu Yu's place, but the effect is getting weaker and weaker.

Gradually, half an hour passed, Shidi was anxious, he did not expect that the First World War would last for such a long time, and his exhaustion of sublimation was too great, and it was difficult to last for a long time.

At this time, he could no longer take advantage of it, and the Chaos Furnace outside Xu Yu's body became more and more solid, absorbing the light of time, and it was difficult to completely destroy it.

Although Xu Yu in the quagmire of law was covered with wounds, suffered severe injuries again and again in the past half an hour, and even exploded with the light cocoon several times, he held on.

Xu Yu started to fight back, Shidi's extreme speed was useless to him, and the chance of hurting him became less and less.

People sighed, when the battle reached this stage, everyone knew that Xu Yu had reversed, and the World Emperor would not be able to hold on for long, and would undoubtedly be defeated.

"It's a pity, I'm getting old, or even if the Chaos Body comes, I can still kill it!" Shidi sighed.

He couldn't hold on any longer, it was hard to maintain his state after being sublimated to the utmost, he was about to fall down.


When Xu Yu came to kill, ten thousand methods came out, the cauldron of chaos vibrated, and hit Shidi. In a violent collision, Shidi's whole body was cracked, and he coughed up blood and flew out.

"In the sky and on the earth, I am the only one who respects me. In the nine heavens and ten places, all respect my order. Time is endless—come!" The World Emperor roared, and the light flooded the universe.

This was his final blow, and the battle was about to end.

A river appeared, flowing slowly at first, and then began to rush, roaring and rushing towards Xu Yu.

Time goes by!

This is not a real river, it is just a manifestation of a law, the breath of the flowing years, overwhelming the sky and thundering.

The World Emperor is desperate, he can only deliver the final blow, this is the most splendid moment of his life, he has reached the strongest, and his attack power is unparalleled.

The brilliance flooded the universe, and no one could see it clearly. The years were like a knife cutting down the pride of heaven, and the moment's movement was not only cutting Xu Yu and himself, but also the entire universe with the river of time.

He wants to destroy this place in a long time, to break down the universe out of a way, to communicate with another world, and to make a final fight against the sky.

The world-shattering collision, this place is full of fog, the fairy river is impacting, and the chaos is raging.

When everything came to an end, World Emperor staggered, covered in blood, and the chaotic gourd in his hand was also shattered. Thousands of ways in the world wailed, and it was dilapidated and disfigured.

After all, he failed. He created the supreme secret technique that can be compared to the secret of running words, and set foot in the field of time, but in the end he was defeated by this rule and was killed by time.

With the last blow, he struck out, wounding the enemy, splitting the sky, and beheading himself!

Xu Yu's body of the Heavenly Emperor transformed into a vision was obliterated and hit by the long river of time, turning his real body into dry bones.

Xu Yu coughed up blood, he avoided the beheading of time, but he couldn't escape the fluctuation of the unrivaled divine power, and suffered extremely serious trauma.

He was covered in blood, but just now he also hit his most powerful blow, Wanfa exploded and blasted into the opponent's body.

Xu Yu knew that the World Emperor would not survive, whether it was the slashing of the years or the chaos of the myriad dharmas, his primordial spirit was injured, and at this time, he was very old and had no energy to defy the sky.

"Hey, haha..."

The World Emperor looked up to the sky and laughed out loud, with complicated expressions and difficult thoughts.The gap between his eyebrows had already been split open, and a stream of blood flowed down. At this time, the river of time rolled back and hit him.

He was terribly old, his flesh and blood withered and turned into bones, and the years obliterated him.He exploded all of a sudden and became cosmic dust.

A person who studies time eventually loses in his own field.

The heaven and earth avenue roared, and all Taoism was almost cut off just now, making this place a calamity, all the stars were turned into ashes, and there was nothing left except Xu Yu and weapons.

The battle ended, in a shocking and silent way.

A generation of supreme beings fell and became a cloud of smoke, proving to the world once again that time is ruthless, and no matter how great a supreme being is, there will be a day when he will come to an end.

In Xu Yu's independent universe, he swallowed the storm of divine power from the ten directions and repaired his body. He suffered heavy injuries, but his original life was not endangered, so he could recover.

A supreme being died and was cut off into the universe by Xu Yu. This is a huge and far-reaching event!
After the silence, all parts of the universe boiled, Xu Yu went retrograde to attack the Supreme, and he succeeded, creating an immortal legend, which shocked the whole world.

The universe is no longer peaceful, and a big wave is triggered, causing a sensation in the nine heavens and ten places. An invincible strong man shines brightly and dazzles the past and the present.

Xu Yu put away the fragments of the chaotic gourd and disappeared from this place, appearing in other ancient domains. He began to frantically devour the essence and repair himself.

Through the array, through the eyes of the array, the monks who observed him from many star fields trembled and shouted loudly.

Killing the Ancient Sovereign was unthinkable in the past, but after this battle, the world was shocked, and Xu Yu's performance subverted the world's perception.

This... seems to have returned to the ancient times when talents were born in large numbers and were brilliant!

The people in the restricted zone were silent. Xu Yu rose in this way, and he was able to kill the supremely sublimated ancient supreme before setting foot on the Zhundi Ninth Heaven. This kind of powerful method made them very afraid?
This was a shocking record for them. Supreme Ascension still lost, and everyone thought of themselves. What if they faced the Eucharist one day?
Living in such an era makes people in the restricted area very uncomfortable!
Their lives were threatened. As an existence of this level, how long ago did they think about their own safety because of one person, which made people angry.

In a void, Xu Yu sat cross-legged for several days, and finally recovered. He did not suffer from devastating trauma. With his current vigor, treating serious injuries is nothing.

When Xu Yu opened his eyes again, there was electricity in the void, and the universe trembled because of him. He had a deep understanding of this battle, and he experienced the horror of Emperor Wuque.

"What he said is not unreasonable. When a method reaches its limit, it is enough to be invincible in the world. Concentrate on one field, and one day it will surpass the Nine Heavens."

Xu Yu said to himself, the opponent reached the peak in the time domain, which greatly shocked him.And he practiced many kinds of methods, and he wanted to practice all the methods to the peak, which was not easy.

However, everyone's path is different, he will not waver, he will understand his own path, so be firm (End of this chapter)

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