After Xu Yu killed the World Emperor, he undoubtedly became the No. 1 Young Supreme Being at that time, and was hailed as the future Emperor of Heaven.

After all, with your quasi-emperor's eighth-heaven cultivation, you can defeat the ancient supreme, which is an achievement that has never been recorded in ancient history.

Even the most favored Lord of the Divine Court before could not compare with him.

At that time, many people would not think that the Lord of the God Court still had a chance to testify, because he did not have an invincible heart when facing the ancient supreme.

This shows that he is doomed to miss the emperor's way in the future, but it is just a fluke in an era.


A radiant golden light appeared under Xu Yu's feet. Although he has not reached the height of the ancient supreme beings, he can still span half of the universe with one foot like those ancient supreme beings.

"what is this!"

"Is a great emperor traveling!"

Along the way, some strong men in the star field were particularly shocked when they saw the golden light under Xu Yu's feet.

They only saw such a scene when the darkness and turmoil came more than 100 years ago. Only those ancient self-esteem can possess such supreme power.

"Could it be that those ancient supreme beings were born again?"

"No, this is someone who is about to become enlightened, and is already very close to the realm of the Great Emperor. If there are no accidents in the future, this era will be the era of banishing immortals!"

There are even some well-informed people who, after seeing the golden light under Xu Yu's feet, understand that the person who drives the golden light across the universe must be a supremely powerful person, and he can definitely shine in this era.

"I didn't expect that only 100 years have passed since the dark turmoil, and there is a hero in this world who has come this far!"

"The Banished Immortal is really extraordinary, already far ahead of his peers!"

Some great sect leaders who are optimistic about Xu Yu are even more optimistic about Xu Yu's future after learning that Xu Yu's monk who has just become the quasi-emperor eighth heaven has a strength comparable to the ancient supreme.

"Isn't there still a Lord of the Divine Court? His current strength is even higher than these, and he has stepped up a small step. Why don't you say that he is going to become enlightened?"

Some saw that their elders were so optimistic about Xu Yu last year, so they not only raised such a sharp question.

Because the Lord of the Divine Court clearly had the strength to rival the ancient Supreme Being in the dark and turmoil, but he chose to retreat and did not protect the sentient beings of this universe, so he was not favored by these great religions.

But because the Lord of the Divine Court once launched his steps before the dark gate, conquering one star field after another, let the entire universe basically know his strength, and he is a genuine one who will become enlightened.

His shadow is still circulating in some minds that survived the darkness and turmoil. After all, what the Lord of the Gods did in the past was not so upright.

Especially those of his followers, except for a few masters, most of them are mobs. With the help of the prestige of the master of the gods, they pretend to be powerful.

Although the Lord of the Divine Court did not fight for the common people of the universe when the darkness and turmoil came, this does not hinder his own strength. At least in the knowledge of the world, he is the first person in the world who has reached the Ninth Heaven of the Emperor Zhun Those who will become enlightened have taken the initiative, and it is still possible to prove the Tao to a large extent.

"The Lord of the Divine Court, even if he is the closest person to the Emperor's Domain now? Who can say clearly about the future?"

There are also some people who are not optimistic about the Lord of the Divine Court at all, thinking that he has long lost his determination to forge ahead, and will only become a loser on the road to the emperor in the end.

"Since ancient times, only one great emperor can be born in an era. This is an iron law. No matter how many genius heroes are born in any era, in the end, only one person can reach the final point!"

Throughout the ages, countless arrogances have been born in the long river of history.

Even some Tianjiao, even the ancient emperors can't conceal their own sharpness, such as Chuanying, the first god general in the ancient heaven in the age of mythology, and Ning Fei, the first god general sitting under the immortal emperor, so there are gods in ancient times Di Que, Gu Xinao from the ancient times, and Gai Jiuyou from the ancient times, they are all strong men who have attained enlightenment.

If there is no suppression from other great emperors and ancient emperors, they will definitely be able to become the supreme in this world.

But it just so happens that their own fortunes are not very good. First of all, they were born in the nine heavens and ten places where the cosmic environment is getting worse.

In such a dilapidated universe, there is simply no way to support many enlightened beings, so it is doomed that in an era, only one person can reach the highest point in the end.

If they were not born in the wrong era, it is possible for some of them to set foot in the realm of the Great Emperor.

There is only one real Supreme. This saying has been handed down since the chaotic ancient times, not just talking.

There is no time in practice, and there is no heart in the way. No one is the strongest, only people will be stronger.

Even the Lord of the Divine Court, who was praised by others for a while, is just a wave in the long time.

No, he is not even a wave, but a lonely boat drifting with the tide in the long river of time.

How outsiders discuss the Lord of the Divine Court, Xu Yu is not very clear, because at the moment he has successfully overcome the calamity, he is rushing back to the cave where the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion is hidden, and wants to find those who have gone out of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion to Bijie. Come back and rebuild the Purple Mansion Holy Land.

In a dark cosmic ruins.After taking a bath, he used his incomparable divine power to break the seal of a small world and bring out the people from the Holy Land of Zifu.

After picking up the people who hid the Zifu Holy Land, Xu Yu rushed to other strongholds one after another, and brought out all the people from the Zifu Holy Land.

Because everyone in the Holy Land of the Zifu was sealed in those small worlds by Xu Yu himself, and there are many large formations guarded by him left behind, so no one in the Holy Land of the Zifu has left the small world to this day.

It's not that the people in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion don't want to leave that small world earlier, but those small worlds were left with many formations by Xu Yu and his quasi-emperor methods, and there are no people in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion. It can break through the big formation he arranged, so they can't come out.

Even with the passage of time, they once thought that Xu Yu had encountered an accident and died in battle.

After all, after defeating the Lord of the Shenxu, Xu Yu hastily devoured his source of the great emperor, causing him to fall into a deep sleep, so he had no time to clone himself to release the patterns of the small worlds hidden in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion. .

In less than a few days, Xu Yu brought everyone from the Holy Land of Zifu back to Beidou from every corner of the universe.

Beidou's original Purple Mansion Holy Land was already in the midst of darkness and turmoil, and collapsed with the fragmentation of the ancient Beidou star.

But this is a good thing on the contrary. Xu Yu and his unparalleled quasi-emperor cultivation base refined several lifeless stars from the dark universe and recast the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion.

And in the Holy Land of Zifu, a peerless formation was set up to absorb the aura of the stars in the universe to feed back the Holy Land of Zifu, making the Holy Land of Zifu a real holy place for practice.

In addition, there is a supreme quasi-emperor master like him who can rival the ancient supreme, making today's Zifu holy land the only supreme holy land of Beidou in the world.

After the Zifu Holy Land was rebuilt, all the extreme forces and ancient great religions that had returned to the Big Dipper ancient star all came to congratulate the Zifu Holy Land's new life without exception.

Perhaps because of the dark turmoil, those arrogant and domineering children of the ancient family in the early years have become submissive now.

Especially the people of the ancient Jiang family, after losing the peerless god king and the Hengyu Furnace, facing Xu Yu, the holy son of the Zifu, who had been unhappy with them, still brought the instigator Jiang Yixuan to him. Plead guilty.

When Jiang Yixuan was in Shencheng, together with the ancestors of his lineage, he once attacked Xu Yu who had just obtained the magic medicine seed, although in the end he only took action and did not make a move.

But after all, he still had such an idea, and it was still rumored at the time, making the whole city of God know about it.

Now that more than 200 years have passed, even Xu Yu has long forgotten this trivial matter, but everyone in the Jiang family has not.

At the old Shencheng release meeting, because of Jiang Yixuan's deliberate concealment, coupled with the peerless power of the Taixu God King, everyone in the Jiang family didn't take this trivial matter to heart, and only cared about the God King giving Ye Fan at that time. The grievances and grievances of those desolate ancient families are gone, and the affairs in their own family have not been settled.

In addition, over the years, the Holy Land of Zifu and their Huanggu Jiang family have been in a tepid state, and there is not much intersection.

If there had been no dark turmoil, the Huanggujiang family would have been able to treat the Holy Land of Zifu with a normal heart.

But unforeseen circumstances, a dark turmoil, took away all the pillars of their desolate Jiang family, especially the shattering of the Eternal Universe Furnace, which used to be aloof, knocked down this once aloof desolate ancient family to the dust .

So when they faced Xu Yu, who was already able to conquer the ancient supreme, they naturally needed to be cautious.

Although they knew their current identities and status with Xu Yu, they no longer cared about those little things in the past, but they still hoped to settle the cause and effect with Xu Yu.

In addition, their family's Vulcan furnace is still in Xu Yu's hands.

After losing the Sun God Stove, which is the extreme imperial weapon, they desperately hope to find Li Vulcan Stove to increase their family's heritage, so they put such a low profile.

After understanding the purpose of Huang Gu Jiang's family, Xu Yu waved his hand, expressing that he had already forgotten about such a small matter.

Moreover, and the great achievements of Emperor Hengyu and King Taixu in the dark turmoil, he will not take action against the Huanggu Jiang family.

In fact, from his current point of view, those fights in the early years were simply ignored.

Moreover, after understanding the purpose of Huang Gu Jiang's family, he generously returned the beautiful road to them.

Because he knows that the ancient Jiang family is indeed seriously lacking in heritage. In the dark and turmoil, not only the ancestor of their family, Emperor Hengyu and the peerless God King, died together, but even the strongholds scattered in the universe Many of the clansmen inside also died.

"This is originally your Jiang family's property, and it should have been returned to you long ago. However, I have been living in no fixed place these years, wandering around, and have not met anyone from your Jiang family, so I have been keeping it for you all the time!"

"Now that we have met, let's return it to the original owner!"

As soon as Xu Yu finished speaking, a blazing red cloud appeared in his palm, exuding a trace of imperial prestige, and it was Li Vulcan Stove.

"That's right, it's this sacred furnace!"

After feeling the emperor's prestige in Li Vulcan Stove, one of the elders of the Jiang family also wept with joy, because their family had lost the Sacred Stove for too long.

"Thank you, Holy Master, for returning the belongings of our clan!"

After taking over Li Vulcan Stove, everyone in the Jiang family thanked them with tears in their eyes.

With the return of the Vulcan Stove, the banquet held in the Holy Land of the Zifu ushered in a climax. After a round of exchange of cups and noisy guests, Xu Yu took Zixia to tell his lovesickness for more than 100 years.

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(End of this chapter)

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