Time flies, that is, more than 100 years.

The only true road, that is, the real Emperor Pass, was opened, and all the young supreme beings of all races who could leave their names on the crystal wall behind the ultimate ancient road all set off for it.

This time, all the arrogances of all races in the universe will gather together to start a final battle in the Nine Great Emperor Passes. Whoever can defeat all the others and break through to the ultimate end of the Emperor Pass will be very likely to achieve extreme sublimation , to prove the Tao as the emperor.

"Although you may not be able to prove the Tao if you reach the ultimate end of the Emperor Pass, you must go and see!"

Xu Yu's eyes were full of fierce fighting intent. He knew that the real opponents on the Emperor's Road were about to appear. Among them, he would not only meet the peerless heroes of the present world, but also encounter the strongest bloodlines sealed from the age of mythology and ancient times, and even the chaos. Characters from the ancient era.

Although he is now able to fight against the ancient supreme beings, he is very clear that in this golden world, the most terrifying thing is not those old and weak ancient supreme beings, but these mortals who have not yet fully grown up.

In the original time and space, in the end Ye Fan single-handedly overwhelmed many heavenly talents, proving the Tao against the sky, and dominating the universe.

But now with Xu Yu, the butterfly, the original life trajectory of those young Tianjiao has changed, full of uncertainty.

Even someone as powerful as Xu Yu can't guarantee that there will be another person as powerful as him in this brilliant world, and there may even be some people who come from behind.

Of course, the current him will not attack those young supreme beings who are still blazing the only true path.

Now in Emperor Guan, those young, supreme and strongest are just people who have just stepped into the quasi-emperor realm, and more people are still fighting in the realm of the great saint, wanting to go further in the realm of the great saint, casting the ultimate Perfect road base.

A door of light opened in the starry sky, and a golden lion covered in golden light flew out. It exuded a powerful aura, and it turned out to be a strong man in the realm of a great sage.

But some astonishing people carried a man and a woman on its back, and suddenly the golden lion in the realm of great sages was just a mount.

Naturally, Xu Yu came here with Zixia. More than 200 years have passed, and the former golden lion has also entered the realm of the Great Sage.

"Is this the Emperor Pass!"

Xu Yu whispered, and saw the majestic square city wall in front, like a blood-colored mountain, towering in the starry sky of the universe, it was all dyed red by the blood of a peerless powerhouse, and it has not faded over the past years!

This is Diguan, the blood flower on it has already cooled down, but it has a desolate and murderous air.Among them, there is even the aura of the ancient emperor, which is very surprising.

Even Xu Yu frowned slightly. It must be the blood shed by the young emperors in history who were severely injured in the battle here. Later, someone proved to be an emperor.

Heaven and Earth poured the supreme avenue into the blood that gushed out when he was young, and imprinted it on the city wall, which will last forever.

This also made the Diguan more and more strong, and it will last forever without collapsing.

Moreover, there is more than one kind of emperor's blood on it, which is a terrifying sight, and the more you observe it, the more awe-inspiring it becomes.

Xu Yu and Zixia are about to enter the blood-stained Emperor Pass, and here they experience a kind of majesty and desolation accumulated over a long period of time. Leave your name here.

Diguan is a swan song of historians, which records the imprint of the strongest heroes in ancient times. Great sages of all races in the world have come here. Their brilliance, their blood, and their battles have deeply shaken this place. The ancient city.

Not only Xu Yu and the others came, but other heroes in the universe also came one after another. People were standing on all the magnificent buildings and on the blood-stained natural stone platforms, staring at the tall city gate.

There are too many races in the universe. Now that the Emperor Gate is open, I don’t know that there are Tianjiao Junjie, the strongest God Venerable of the Protoss, the young Supreme of the Zerg, and the blood of the true God in the Holy Spirit, and the parents and children of the ancient emperor, and even some Almost only in legends, the descendants of gods and demons also appeared...

They come from different star fields of life, and they are basically a big family, or even an invincible powerhouse in a star field.

This life is really a gathering of strong people, from the universe is no longer a general term, but there are really so many unrivaled heroes.

Even if only one person came to a domain, the number is quite astonishing. The ancient life planets, the small world of the gods, the chaotic world... all the strong people from the ancient life lands gathered together, and the number was astonishingly large.

Many ancient realms allowed no one to come out for a long time, but in this world they reappeared in the starry sky, and some extremely powerful people came to Diguan with the power of the world.

People from all regions of the universe gather, so that the city has the most terrifying demon god, the most talented arrogance, the most vicious and vicious killing god, and the most powerful overlord... Now they will have the most intense collision.

It is difficult to know the origin of the imperial city. It is rumored that it was built by the emperor of the ancient heaven, and some people have verified that it is even older, so the specific origin cannot be fully known.

It is quite magnificent, even Xu Yu, who is used to countless big scenes, showed a look of surprise in his eyes.

On both sides of the broad road, one majestic hall stands one after another, exuding mysterious brilliance, densely covered with powerful dao patterns, the entire imperial city seems to be alive, it can breathe independently, and absorb the power of the universe and starry sky.

There are too many races here, there are huge god birds like mountains, ancient beasts with terrifying looks, and stunning goblins who turn all living beings upside down. All kinds of strange races can be seen, and each of them is very powerful, at least all of them are A creature that has reached the realm of the Great Saint.

Because to enter the only true way, which is the requirement of Diguan, you must have the strength above the Great Sage, otherwise you will not be able to enter this ancient and mysterious city.

In the imperial city, it is very suitable for spiritual cultivation. There is a peerless magic circle in operation, which can absorb the power of the stars in the sky, transform it into the original essence, and nourish the ancient city, turning it into the supreme divine land.

There are many temples scattered in the city, many of which are unclaimed lands, which can be occupied as long as the strength is strong enough.

In this city, there is only one simple principle, that is survival of the fittest, and the strong will be respected.

The three of Xu Yu walked to the central area of ​​the imperial city, and came to a magnificent building, which was one of the most core residences in the city.

It's just that there is a powerful force in it, and it is obvious that someone has already taken the lead and occupied this palace first.

In the most central area, every place is inhabited by the most terrifying powerhouses, all of whom are famous and famous.

Among them are the most powerful God Venerable of the Protoss Race, the Holy Spirit of the True God Bloodline of the Holy Spirit Race, Yin Tiande from Ziwei Star, the parent and son of the Immemorial Emperor, and even the strong man from the restricted life zone.

That is, the people who can occupy the temples in the central area of ​​the imperial city are all terrifyingly powerful figures.

With Xu Yu's current strength, he would naturally not deal with these young supreme beings who have not stepped out of the quasi-emperor realm.

Or directly lead Zixia all the way across the endless star field, and entered the ultimate true path, which is the emperor's son level battlefield.

"It seems that we came too early, the last sky gate has not been opened yet!"

The Tianguan in Xu Yu's mouth is naturally the palace for the emperor to control the universe in the age of mythology, and it is also the ancient star field where the old man who cut firewood built the Taoist palace has not yet opened.

Now Xu Yu and the others came too early, and no other young Supremes have arrived in this ultimate emperor pass.

Although there are only a few unrivaled heroes who have entered the quasi-emperor realm in this life, so far they have only come here to take a look. After confirming that the ultimate emperor gate will not be opened yet, they returned to the emperor's level battlefield to hone themselves .

However, Xu Yu's vision now is not like those young supreme beings who have entered and exited the quasi-emperor realm. Although the ultimate emperor gate has not yet been opened, Xu Yu has noticed that someone has already entered it first, and is trying hard to control what the former emperor left behind. pattern.

"It seems that the old man chopping wood is already about to control the pattern in the ultimate emperor pass!"

After Xu Yuzi noticed the change in the pattern pattern in the ultimate imperial pass, he understood that the old man cutting firewood was at the critical moment of refining the core of the imperial formation, so he put out the idea of ​​entering.

Although the origin of the old woodcutter is not mentioned in the original book, Xu Yu speculates that the old man may be from the age of mythology.

It is even very possible that he is a member of the Heavenly Court established by Emperor Zun, who has been in contact with characters like Emperor Zun and the Immortal Emperor.

Otherwise, he would not be able to fight against the Immortal Queen and guard the ultimate emperor pass.

It can be said that the old man chopping wood has survived since the age of mythology, and it can be called a living ancient history. During his long life, he must have gained insight into some extremely secret events in ancient history.

Xu Yu also wanted to discuss with the woodcutter about the past of the ancient heaven in the mythical era, but it was obvious that this time was not suitable at all.

After observing the ultimate emperor pass carefully, Xu Yu took Zixia to the emperor's son-level battlefield to help Zixia practice.

After all, the current Zixia is still in the realm of the Great Sage, and has not taken that step, so Xu Yu took him on this ancient road to find the traces left by the predecessors, and observe the way of the former sages to achieve himself.

(End of this chapter)

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