Chapter 270
The Holy Prince really deserves to be the most powerful group among all the emperor's sons.

In particular, he has one more thing than those in the penalty area that they didn't have, that is, the determination to go forward and fight to the end.

It had to be admitted that Huang Li, who was dueling against the Holy Prince, surpassed the Holy Prince to a certain extent both in terms of his magic weapon and strength, but was suppressed by the Holy Prince several times in terms of combat power.

This usually happens.That is the suppressed party's understanding of the Dao, and its own physical potential is not as deep as the other party's.

Especially if he didn't step out of his own way, and was suppressed by his father's domineering generation, his combat power in this realm would be severely reduced.

After all, they have reached the current state, especially now that they are about to step into the quasi-emperor realm.The blood and avenue imprint left in their bodies by their fathers before.

Now it has become their shackles, firmly restricting their development. If they don't break free from the influence of their parents, then they will inevitably fall into a desperate situation when they face off against the real Peerless Talent.

There is a saying that is very good, that is, only the path that you walk out is the most suitable for you.

The same is true for practice, they are emperor-level figures.In the early stage of practice, you can rely on the power of blood left by your parents to quickly increase your strength and combat power.

But after reaching the quasi-emperor realm, the voice and responsibility left to them by their parents at the beginning became the biggest shackles for them to enter the quasi-district realm.

As the children of the ancient emperor, their bloodlines are indeed amazing, but who can reach the quasi-emperor realm is Yi Yi's generation.

As the realm goes up, the inheritance effect of the power of the blood will become weaker and weaker, because people of this level are equally good, and it is impossible to suppress people as the emperor's son.

In a sense, those who are not of the blood of the Great Emperor may have a longer road ahead. They worked hard step by step, and achieved the "golden body" through all kinds of hard work.

Of course, in the initial stage of setting sail, the deterrent force of the emperor will still be terrifying!
"Is this the emperor's son with a royal character in his body? The combat power is really against the sky!"

Not far away, an old great sage couldn't help sighing.

"So what? Even if they have the blood of the ancient emperors in their bodies, they might not be stronger or weaker in the field of quasi-emperors!"

There was also a monk who had just become the quasi-emperor said coldly.

"That's right, the later the path of cultivation, the legacy left by others will become their shackles instead, and the future may not be as far as I wait!"

In the distant sky, another quasi-emperor was responding to the words of the previous quasi-emperor.

"It's getting more and more interesting. I didn't expect so many people to come!"

Xu Yu felt it carefully, because the fierce battle between the holy prince and the ancient empress had unexpectedly attracted all the monks on the emperor's battlefield unconsciously.

There were even some people who showed killing intent towards the Holy Prince and the Ancient Empress at the same time, wanting to kill these supreme heirs in advance.

If it was placed in the previous Big Dipper, just the name of an ancient prince could make these people with ulterior motives stay away.

But where is it?

This is the emperor's level battlefield that brings together the arrogance of the entire universe. I came here not to pursue the supreme throne, so how could I put those ancient emperor's children in my eyes?

He even wanted to kill the descendants of these ancient emperors, so as to reduce a group of competitors for their future emperor's road.

If it weren't for the fear of the magic weapon of the emperor's way on the holy prince and the ancient empress, those who were eager to try would have made their moves long ago.

"Demon girl, look at me accepting you today, ah bah, I will kill you, and end the grievances between our two clans!"

The holy prince, whose eyes were full of divine light, became more and more courageous as he fought, and slowly suppressed the ancient princess.

"It's up to you, don't be ashamed!"

Hearing the crazy words of the holy prince, the ancient princess sneered coldly, and then the queen kept whispering:

"Infinite kalpas, limitless light, and limitless my way!"

"That is……"

"The exercises of the Ten Tribulation Emperors!"

"The Emperor of Ten Tribulations, a long-standing and immemorial emperor!"

On the emperor's son level battlefield, there was a gathering of arrogance from the stars of the heavens, and naturally some people recognized the exercises used by the ancient empress.

"The Emperor of Ten Tribulations, an incomparably strong man from a long time ago, unexpectedly, he also entered the restricted area of ​​life!"

Some people who know and have heard of the Ten Tribulation Emperors are also unbelievable.

The Ten Tribulation Emperors can be said to be an extremely rare ancient emperor in the ancient times. He is not like the peerless arrogance in ancient history who were talented since childhood.

It can be said that his cultivation aptitude is the No. 1 in the entire ancient history, and he has the worst cultivation aptitude among all the ancient emperors in the ancient history.

However, he has a heart that no other ancient emperor possessed.

In his years, he will go through eons in his practice, and he will go through ten eons in each secret realm before he can enter the next step.

If it were someone else who used his practice method, he would naturally be able to polish his own strength and foundation to a level that no one has ever done before, and no one will come after.

But the Ten Tribulation Emperors were different. He was born with the weakest physique in the whole world at that time.

Moreover, at that time, the race of the Ten Tribulation Emperors was also abandoned by the will of heaven and earth. They were born with no predestined relationship with Taoism, and they could be said to be insulators on the road of practice.

Someone once speculated that the Ten Tribulation Emperors should be from the Heaven Abandoned Clan.

The so-called Heaven Abandoned Clan, just like the literal meaning, refers to the race that God has abandoned them.

In some incomplete ancient history manuscripts, some unknown secrets are recorded.

The manuscript records that the ancestors of the Ten Tribulation Emperors and their race were not people from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but came from another degenerate ancient world.

But such a statement was scoffed at by many people, because those ancient emperors and great emperors were all powerful people who searched through the past and present, and they were hard to come by. They used their actions to prove to the world that there is no other great world at all.

Some are just the illusory fairyland, maybe it still exists.

Compared with the former, many people prefer to believe another rumor, that is, the Ten Tribulation Emperors and their clan are a cursed clan. People of their race.

It made them become a family abandoned by heaven with extremely difficult practice.

If they want to practice, they really have to pay more than others.

To give the simplest example, among the human race.Some people with relatively poor qualifications.It takes years or months to develop a sea of ​​bitterness, and some people even spent more than 20 years polishing their sea of ​​bitterness to perfection.

But the Heavenly Abandoned Clan where the Ten Tribulation Emperors belonged was even more difficult. When they cultivated the secret realm of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, they might not be able to open up the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness in their entire life, let alone other secret realms.

Shijiehuang's race wanted to change its own destiny.Generation after generation of them went forward to follow up, tried their best and made constant sacrifices.

They finally found out the reason why the cultivation qualifications of their lineage deteriorated, and they were still cursed by the Supreme Beings.

However, they don't know who made the curse, after all, the time is too long.

In order to change the fate of their own group, the Tianqi clan tried their best to find various methods in the universe to change their own physical problems.

Finally, one appeared in the ancient times.The only monk in the ages.

That is the Emperor of Ten Tribulations. Although his cultivation aptitude was not very good since he was a child, he is very good at thinking.

Huang Tian paid off, after searching for nothing, the young Ten Tribulation Emperor finally found a way to change their cultivation aptitude.

Although it was not his work alone, it was the joint efforts of all of them who had been abandoned by heaven for many years, but his appearance accelerated the way to lift the entire curse.

By chance, the Emperor of Ten Tribulations obtained part of the inheritance of Wuliang Tianzun and Dujie Tianzun, one of the nine gods of the myth age.

After his continuous efforts, he finally found a method that could prevent them from cultivating at the root.

That is to test the calamity with your body, and to save yourself as a calamity.

In fact, it is true.Their family is born to be an insulator of Taoism.In the eyes of others, it is naturally a disaster.That's why Shi Huang summed up the essence of the Heavenly Crossing Tribulation Kungfu, and constantly used the Heavenly Crossing Tribulation Kungfu to dispel the essence of his body.

So that you can step into the path of practice, but you still have to pay more than others.

The Emperor of Ten Tribulations is worthy of being a generation of geniuses. He combined the incomplete Tiangong of Transcending Tribulation and the Infinite Immortal Scripture to create his own Heavenly Gong of Ten Tribulations, which completely freed him from the fate of being abandoned by the heavens.

In the end, Guards became the supreme emperor of the emperor's way, dominating an era.

The Empress of the Ten Tribulations, who performed the Ten Tribulations of Heaven, seemed to be a different person in an instant.
The combat power soared instantly, becoming extremely violent, unlike a woman, like a female war god who turned against the holy prince to fight.


How could the holy prince be such a staunch character, how could he let the empress of the ten robberies keep suppressing him, only to see the holy prince suddenly screamed strangely, his physical fighting blood was stimulated, and the whole person became even more violent.

Now the two ancient princes have become extremely violent, like two wild beasts being stimulated to fight for their lives.


The Empress of the Ten Tribulations yelled, and used her father's body-training profound art to fight against the increasingly berserk Holy Prince.

"Invincibility is indeed the supreme secret technique created by the Emperor of Ten Tribulations. Any attack that comes close to the Empress of Ten Tribulations will be completely wiped out by this technique. You can't get close to the Empress of Ten Tribulations at all!"

Not far away, the eldest saint who recognized the ten robbery princess murmured, as if caught in some kind of memory.


Suddenly suspended above the head of the Ten Tribulations Empress, the Vase of the Great Dao burst out with immeasurable rays of light again, turning into a big net in the void, wrapping away like a holy prince.


I saw the God's Mansion in the Dao Dao vase lightly scolded, and the incomplete fairy iron rod confronted him like this, which made him feel ashamed.

He is a truly perfect magic weapon of the emperor's way, how could it be blocked by the new iron rod that has lost the obsession with fighting the holy emperor?
So the inner god mansion got angry, and directly wove the avenue lines on the bottle into a big net, trying to wrap the holy prince and the incomplete fairy iron rod in it, and refine them.


However, Immortal Iron Rod will naturally not let Dao Aquarius' plot succeed.

Although he is dilapidated now, he still has the dignity of being a magic weapon of the emperor's way. How could he be so humiliated by the treasure vase of the way.

The dignity of being an extreme emperor soldier does not allow him to lose when facing other extreme emperor soldiers.

Even if he burns jade and stone together, he still has to protect the reputation of Saint Emperor Dou Zhan and himself.

At this time, not only the two heirs of the ancient emperor, but even the two extreme emperor soldiers on top of their heads were really fired at this time.

The endless emperor's prestige permeated the entire emperor's son-level battlefield, making those who had not set foot in the realm of the quasi-emperor unable to stand at all, and they crawled down one after another, defeating the ancient supreme divine power.

However, there are also some people who are struggling to support. They are the supreme arrogance from various star fields, representing their own star field to fight,
I hope to bloom my own brilliance in this bright world, and embark on an invincible road, how could I bow down to an extreme emperor soldier?

Once they kowtow down, their own Dao Xin will no longer be perfect, and their future path will be greatly affected.

However, there are also some people who are not affected in the slightest when facing the extreme power.

Without exception, these people are monks in the quasi-emperor domain, and they themselves are monks with an emperor's quality.

He is about to become an existence at the level of the master of the Jidao Emperor Weapon, so how can he bow down to those ancient emperor weapons that have been lost?
Therefore, the extreme divine power will naturally not have any influence on them.

"It's time to decide the winner!"

Xu Yu, who was not affected by the extreme divine power, said to Zixia beside him.

"It looks like the Holy Prince is about to lose!"

Everyone present can see the current situation, although the Holy Prince is indeed very against the sky.

But it is a pity that in this battle, they are not only competing for their own strength, but also the continuation of the life of their fathers and fathers, and the confrontation of the extreme emperor soldiers.

As the magical weapons of the two supreme beings in the ancient times, they naturally would not give in to anyone.

So the two extreme emperor soldiers collided crazily and fought together.

(End of this chapter)

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