Chapter 271

With the full-scale confrontation between the two extreme emperor soldiers, the emperor's son-level battlefield was like a tenth-level storm.

The supreme supernatural power continuously washes over the entire emperor-level battlefield. Where the emperor's power passes, the galaxy shatters, the void explodes, and anyone or anything standing in front of the emperor's power is instantly vaporized by him.

If it weren't for the fact that it was refined by the corpse of an ancient Tianzun, with the endless array of Tianzun and the flesh and blood of some unrivaled Tianzun from past dynasties, it has become extremely strong, and I am afraid that it will also be in the extreme gods. Torn apart by the devastation.

"The extreme emperor soldiers are the continuation of the ancient emperor's life. It is true. Although they are not as good as the real ancient emperors and emperors, the random blows of these extreme emperor soldiers are equivalent to those of the ancient emperors!"

Some elders brought their descendants from the battlefield to observe this battle, and explained to them how powerful and terrifying self-esteem is, even if countless thousands of years have passed, there is only one weapon left in this world .

But it is still possible to declare to the world the supreme power of the ancient emperor.

"Now the confrontation between these two ancient princes seems to have transcended time and reincarnation, recreating the tit-for-tat of the two ancient emperors in their youth!"

This time, it is a brilliant world jointly staged by countless sages and ancient emperors.

Even the ancient gods in the age of mythology agree that there must be someone who can become a fairy in this life.

Those ancient emperors and great emperors, relying on their own lifespan, could not have survived to this era.

In order to compete with other ancient emperors and open the road to immortality, those ancient emperors would seal up the most outstanding descendants of their bloodlines to this generation before painting.

I hope that their descendants can replace them to confront other ancient emperors, and make up for one of the most regrettable things in their lives.

At the same time, I also want to compete with other people in the same way on the emperor's road, and prove that my own way is the strongest and unique in the universe.

"That's right, the Great Emperor and the Ancient Emperor have not met each other since ancient times. They have no rivals in every era. Loneliness and invincibility have become the greatest enemies of every Ancient Emperor!"

"As long as those who become enlightened, I don't want to compete with other ancient emperors, and discuss the merits of the Tao to see who is truly invincible in the world. However, this cruel cosmic environment does not allow the two emperors to coexist for a lifetime, so Those ancient emperors in history lost their opponents who could fight him after they became enlightened!"

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and in front of this glorious golden age, the two ancient princes who have grown up are the first to face each other on the emperor's son-level battlefield.

The scriptures they practice and the instruments they use are basically from their parents, those ancient emperors and supreme beings who have long passed away.

Now the bloodlines of the two ancient emperors are awakened among their purple descendants, and they have to compete with other ancient emperors to prove that they are unique.

"The Empress of the Ten Tribulations is on par with the Holy Prince. Both of them are equal in strength. Whether it is the scriptures or secret techniques they practice, the two are not far behind. The only difference is the imperial magic weapon they hold in their hands!"

Looking at the two people in the center of the battlefield in a state of rage, some quasi-emperors who watched the battle made speculations about the outcome of the battle between the two of them.

"No, go back!"

Suddenly, an ancient emperor who was watching the battle seemed to feel something terrible, and led the people around him to flee to the distance.


Accompanied by the constant collision, the two zodiac artifacts also fired real fire at this moment, especially the fairy iron stick left by the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan.

Originally due to the loss of the obsession left behind by the most important fighting battle line in the dark turmoil, coupled with the fact that part of the stick was smashed by the ancient supreme during the dark turmoil, he became incomplete. .

It is precisely because of this that in today's collisions, the immortal iron rod has been repeatedly suppressed by the treasure bottle of the great way left by the Ten Tribulation Emperors.

In order to maintain the invincible dignity of the Dou Zhan Holy Emperor, the divine mansion inside the Immortal Iron Rod, even if it is burning its little remaining extreme divine power, has to compete with the Dao Aquarius.

In the beams of light that reach the sky, everyone watching the battle has long been forced to stay away from the emperor's level battlefield.

The current emperor's level battlefield, especially the center of the battle between the ancient emperor's tomb and the holy emperor's place, is about to become a desperate situation for life.

The dense runes are constantly colliding and entangled, forming a bright sea of ​​laws. Countless Great Emperor formations permeate from the imperial artifacts. Dao Shenwei should also avoid its edge.

As for those below the quasi-emperor, they were further away from the center of the battle between the two, for fear that they would be involved in the battle between the two if they were not careful.

But even in such a dangerous situation, there are some good-natured people who don't think it's a big deal and have no intention of retreating. They want to watch the duel between the two ancient emperor's heirs up close.

But no one is as crazy as the monkey. Dou Zhan Shengyuan has nine ranks of Tiangong and is holding a big black iron rod in his hand. He really wants to pierce the sky.

At this time, his body was already covered with blood, filled with countless cuts, and his body was spreading from his neck to his waist and abdomen. He was almost about to be slashed by force. His injuries were very serious, and he was already in danger.

The current Holy Prince's body has long since neglected heavy burdens, and the blood energy in his body is close to exhaustion, but each of his blows contains incomparably fierce power. It's too terrifying to strike the nine heavens upwards and blast the Netherworld downwards.

A vividly young fighting saint emperor reappeared, sweeping the world with a fairy iron rod in his hand, such unmatched power and power, even the eyes of some ancient great saints who were also sealed in ancient times A look of fear appeared in the depths.

The ancient giants of their generation have personally experienced the period of fighting in the last years of the ancient times under the leadership of the old holy emperor. The power of the invincible and overwhelming holy emperor is too shocking.

Even though millions of years have passed, in their hearts, they still have the awe and terror of the old holy emperor who fought in the past.

"Hey, the monkey can't kill me with your little knowledge, force me to attack with all my strength, today you have no way to survive!"

On the other side of the battlefield, the ancient princess was also red-eyed, her hair was disheveled, and the originally extremely holy fairy had scars on her body at this moment. The blood of the gods was flowing, accompanied by the strange sound of the avenue.

This is where the blood talent of the Ten Tribulation Emperors came into play. As the heirs of the ancient emperor, especially the descendants who were chosen to be sealed into this life by the ancient emperor, the power of their blood is naturally even more terrifying.

After all, they have the expectation of the ancient emperor, and they want to fight against other ancient emperor's heirs to prove their way.

Under such a premise, those heirs of the ancient emperor who were sealed into this life naturally have a talent field that others cannot touch.

Either the combat power is against the sky, and there is an ancient emperor comparable to his own, or the power of the blood is extremely terrifying, and he has an unparalleled advantage on the road of cultivation.

Although the Empress of Ten Tribulations looked very embarrassed, the Holy Prince was not much better at the moment.

Because both of them fell into a frenzy just now, and they both launched attacks on each other at all costs. Under the circumstances that their strengths were almost the same, he naturally didn't take any advantage.

In particular, the secret technique performed by the Empress of Ten Tribulations was so weird that he couldn't guard against it.

However, judging from the current situation of the two of them, their final outcome will either be a loss for both of them, or they will die together.

The former is even better, after all, no one can do anything to anyone.

But right now is not the time to pay attention to a fair duel, because besides the two of them fighting in the center of the field, there is also the continuation of their father's life - the ancient imperial soldiers of the extreme path, which are also constantly colliding.

And now with the passage of time, the incomplete Immortal Iron Rod is gradually unable to do what it wants. Although the Divine Mansion inside the Immortal Iron Rod wants to do its best to maintain the dignity of the Holy Emperor Douzhan, the Immortal Iron Rod at this moment is because it has long been The reason for the incompleteness was gradually suppressed in the confrontation.

Judging from this situation, it will be a matter of time before the Immortal Iron Rod is defeated and crushed by the Dao Aquarius.

Afterwards, the result of the collision of the two extremely ancient imperial soldiers will naturally affect the result of the battle between the two princes' heirs who are duel.


The Holy Prince also seemed to have noticed that the Immortal Iron Rod was being gradually suppressed, and he became even more violent in order to save the battle.

He wanted to take advantage of the two things until the ancient imperial soldiers hadn't completely separated the results, the crazy woman in front of him.

However, those who can reach this step are naturally not ordinary people. Just a erratic movement in the eyes of the Holy Prince has attracted the attention of the Ten Tribulations Empress.

Although the current Holy Prince looks extremely violent, like a wild beast.

But in fact, he is a rough and fine person, and the violent appearance is naturally for others to see.

What he really cares about is how to completely defeat in a few moves and rewrite the situation of the battle.

But at this moment, the Empress of Ten Tribulations doesn't know what they are discussing.

"Nine turns against the sky, nine turns against the sky, nine turns of heavenly skills!"

The holy prince's hands are constantly moving, which is extremely mysterious. At this moment, he has also entered the forbidden world, and with the help of the secrets of all characters, he has greatly improved his combat power.

At this moment, the Holy Prince is about to launch his strongest attack ever, and wants to use this to change the current situation of the battle.

"All heavens and ten thousand calamities!"

Seeing the Holy Prince, the Empress of Ten Tribulations no longer wanted to engage in a protracted battle with him, and wanted to fight him quickly.

So he displayed the only pendant left to him by his father, and used the last supreme secret technique left to him by his father in the pendant to fight against the enemy.


The two collided with each other at the fastest speed, causing the void to shatter continuously, causing another cosmic storm.

As the void was smoothed out by the mysterious force, the empress of the Ten Tribulations and the Holy Prince were both seriously injured at this moment after colliding with each other.

I saw that the two of them were either missing arms or legs, or had hideous wounds on their bodies.

It seems that the two of them are both injured, their bodies are torn apart, it is very miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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