Chapter 272 Ye Fan Returns

Seeing that both the Holy Prince and the Ten Tribulations Empress were hurting each other, some people in the dark couldn't bear it anymore.

Especially those whose ancient stars were destroyed by the Supreme when the dark turmoil came, they hated those ancient emperor's heirs very much.

Naturally, with their current strength, they can't deal with those ancient supreme beings who once launched dark turmoil, but they don't have any psychological burden to deal with their heirs.

Especially now that the two ancient princes and children are both hurt, they naturally don't have any burden to take action.

As for the Holy Prince, he was targeted by some races handed down from the ancient times.

"If you dare to kill my prince's heir, even if you are the holy prince, you must be buried with His Highness!"

An ancient man with eight wings on his back and a ferocious face came to the Holy Prince with a grim smile, wanting to end the seriously injured Holy Prince.

"That's... the Immortal Emperor... the eight tribes under his command!"

Someone recognized the ancient clan who wanted to kill the Holy Prince, and his words became trembling.


Seeing the people left behind by the Immortal Emperor, who wanted to avenge the Emperor when he was seriously injured, the Holy Prince yelled, and the whole person became crazy.

His madness was not because the followers of the Immortal Emperor came to chase him down, but what made him angry was because he was seriously injured now, and even an ant at the level of a great sage dared to provoke him.

If it was normal, those great sages of the ancient clan would have to back away when they saw him, not daring to provoke him.

But in the current situation, not only was he seriously injured, but when facing the attacks of the great sages of the ancient clan, he also had to guard against those who secretly had ulterior motives.


A dark red long spear suddenly appeared from nowhere, and with endless murderous intent, it directly pointed at the holy prince who hadn't recovered his body yet.

Secretly, the great sage took the quasi-imperial weapon, and those people saw the potential of the ancient queens from the body of the holy prince.

Although they know that it is basically impossible for an ancient empress like the Holy Prince to become an emperor in this life, but even if this is the case, even if the Holy Prince cannot touch the realm of the emperor, but the realm of quasi-emperor is still Very likely.

They were worried that these ancient princes would become enemies on the road to the young supreme future emperor who did not follow them, so they chose to take action.

Compared to the Holy Prince, the other Empress of Ten Tribulations is not much better.

Especially since she was born in the restricted area of ​​life, this is even more resentful. Those who lost everything in the dark turmoil, their only goal in this world is revenge.

So after seeing the weakened Empress of Ten Tribulations, they launched an attack without any hesitation.


An incomplete lantern, the candle flame inside was also a candle in the wind, and it was about to go out, but it slammed into the Empress of Ten Tribulations with the quasi-emperor's breath, trying to keep her here.

The shot was a white-haired old man with tears on his face. You can imagine how many tears he shed during the turmoil. I still have tears on his face.

You must know that a monk can change his face in a single thought, even rejuvenating his youth, but he still can't cover up the two tear stains on his face.

"That's Minglan, the grandson of Emperor Mingde Zhun. No wonder he is so hostile to people in the restricted area of ​​life!"

Someone opened his mouth and recognized the origin of the eldest saint with two tear marks on his face.

"No, Minglan is the youngest grandson of Emperor Mingde Zhun. According to his age, he should be about the same as me. How could he look so old?"

Some people looked at Ming Lan in surprise, and couldn't imagine that the person in front of them was the same age as them, but they were only six or seven hundred years old, so they were so old.

You must know that the life of a strong man in the realm of the great sage has reached six to seven thousand years (inferred from the ages of the old man Qinghuang and the old lunatic), and the age of six or seven hundred years old is still in his infancy.

"I heard that it was because all his relatives were buried in the darkness and turmoil on the Mingde ancient planet. Since then, the bright and lively Minglan's temperament has changed drastically, and her hair has turned gray overnight!"

Not far away, someone looked at Ming Lan who shot with pity, and they also felt very sorry for what happened to this proud son of heaven.

Although they were all rivals on the ancient road, it was an upright battle for the great road, so they didn't have any grievances about Minglan attacking and killing the imperial daughter of the Ten Tribulations, and they even wanted to take action if they could.

"In addition, over the years, he has taken a slanted sword and practiced extremely expensive exercises, which is why he became a great saint at the age of six or seven hundred years old!"

"The purpose is to take revenge on those people in the Forbidden City of Life. It can be said that hatred has already made him crazy!"

Someone who knew Ming Lan spoke, with endless regret in his mouth.

"Can you not hate it? I heard that the Degu star was almost completely wiped out during the dark and turbulent time, and the loss was more serious than other ancient life stars. Naturally, I hate those people in the restricted life zone!"

People with the same experience as Ming Lan naturally understand Ming Lan's thoughts.

Naturally, the divine mansion inside the two imperial instruments had already awakened. Seeing this scene, they stopped their meaningless confrontation, and rushed to their Highness's side one after another to protect them.

Even the quasi-emperor lantern thrown by Ming Lan was extinguished forever under the majesty of the avenue vase.

As the continuation of the supreme life in ancient times, the imperial way magic weapon was controlled by the descendants, which must mean that the descendants must have obtained the approval of the gods in the emperor way magic weapon.

That's why they rescued the Empress of Ten Tribulations and the Holy Prince.


Seeing that the two magical artifacts of the imperial way protected the empress and the prince of the Ten Tribulations, Ming cursed unwillingly, and then turned into a stream of light and left the place in an instant.

"Well, of course someone will find you to settle the matter in the future!"

The great sage of the ancient clan looked at the holy prince who was protected by the fairy iron rod, so he could only speak bitterly, and then disappeared here as a stream of light.

After this incident, the duel between the Holy Prince and the Ten Tribulations Princess came to an end.

"Let's go, we also have our own journey!"

Seeing the end of the battle between the two, Xu Yu also extinguished the idea of ​​staying here any longer.

The main reason is that many of the people and things he saw in these years did not appear in the original book.

When he was young, he came into contact with the Heavenly God Realm and the dragon girl in it, together with the Ten Tribulations Empress who had just fought against the Holy Prince, let him understand that perhaps it was because his arrival was some hidden people in this world. And things are constantly emerging.

It may also be that in the original work, because of the events surrounding the protagonist, many hidden events in the vast universe of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were buried in ancient history, and no one knew about them.

But with the arrival of the golden age, those hidden worlds hidden behind the scenes are emerging one after another.

So Xu Yu became more and more interested in this world.

Following the departure of those young supreme beings, Xu Yu also took Zixia to leave the emperor's son level battlefield.

The current emperor's level battlefield does not have the slightest effect on him, he just wants to come here to have a look.

Similarly, even the current Zixia is not suitable for cultivating on the Emperor's Child battlefield. Although she thinks she is also a monk of the Great Sage, but because of Xu Yu's own reasons, Xu Yu will not let her wander outside.

Even making a wish gave birth to the idea of ​​sealing it with the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion again and hiding it from the world.

Because he knew that although the current Zifu Holy Land was extremely brilliant, it was because he was still alive.

Moreover, Xu Yu has always been restless recently, and the divine mansion inside the Dao Palace kept warning him, as if something bad was about to happen to him.

Xu Yu guessed that those ancient supreme beings might be eyeing him. If Xu Yu hadn't recorded the record of beheading the ancient supreme beings there, those existences in the restricted area of ​​life would have shot him down long ago.

Because among all the young talents known at that time, only Xu Yu has reached the realm of the Emperor Zhun's Eighth Heaven, and he is only one step away from the Emperor Zhun's Nine Heavens.

Those ancient supreme beings in the forbidden zone of life would not allow him to enter the Ninth Heaven of Emperor Zhun, so when Xu Yu was about to cross the catastrophe, he would inevitably usher in an unprecedented crisis.

In the eyes of those ancient self-esteem, he is now a walking sweet potato.

It can defy the heavens and kill the ancient supreme beings without reaching the great achievement of the ninth level. The life essence in its body is huge, and it is still very attractive to those ancient supreme beings.

It can be expected that when he is overwhelmed with alcohol, those ancient supreme beings may not be able to sit still.

After all, they don't want a person who is hostile to the forbidden zone of life to appear in this world, let alone sit and watch Xu Yu become the emperor.

For the sake of the safety of everyone around him, Xu Yu is currently keeping a low profile.


Time flies by, and another hundred years have passed.

In more than 100 years, Xu Yu left Zixia and the others, and set off alone to realize Taoism in every corner of the universe.

Xu Yu can be seen on some rare life ancient planets.

There were also people who communicated with Xu Yu on Tianjiao's dazzling human race trial road.

What's more, I saw Xu Yu like a mortal, like an ascetic monk in the world of mortals, walking through mountains and rivers one after another, enlightening the Tao in the world of mortals.

This aroused many people's guesses, and many people believed that Xu Yu was making final preparations for the quasi-emperor Jiuchongtian or entering the realm of the emperor's way.

During the hundred years of Xu Yu's enlightenment in the world of mortals, Ye Fan, who used to control the corpse of the Dacheng Holy Body to fight against the ancient Supreme, also reappeared in this world.

Ye Fan's return made those young supreme beings who had grudges with him on the ancient starry sky road return from the ultimate weirdness to the ancient starry sky to meet the peerless arrogance 300 years ago.

On the ancient starry sky road more than 300 years ago, two supreme beings appeared. Their cultivation years were extremely short, but they caught up with those seniors who had practiced for thousands of years in a very short period of time.

One is Xu Yu, who has now grown to the point where he can rival the ancient Supreme Being, and is only one step away from entering the Emperor Zhun Jiuchongtian.

The other one is Ye Fan, although the appearance of Xu Yu in this life caused Ye Fan to not shine as brightly as in the original book.

But this does not hinder his aura of the protagonist. It can be said that on the ancient starry sky road more than 300 years ago, wherever Ye Fan went, he would basically meet his peers.

He even competed with some elder saints who have practiced for thousands of years, and left a very deep impression on the people on the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

The two of them have a common feature, that is, they have fought all over the ancient starry sky road before, and there is no one invincible.

The difference is that more than 300 years ago, Xu Yu had already entered the quasi-emperor realm against the sky, so only a small number of the world's arrogance had fought against him.

So everyone's impression of him is far less profound than that of Ye Fan.

On the ancient starry sky road, those young supreme beings finally met Ye Fan. Originally, they also wanted to meet Ye Fan, the holy body who faced the ancient supreme being more than 300 years ago.

But unexpectedly, after learning that Ye Fan was entangled by those supreme dao marks and could no longer step into practice, his face also changed.

Those Gulu Supreme Beings who had grievances against him originally became sympathetic to Ye Fan after seeing this scene.

Of course, there are also some young people who want to find a sense of presence in Ye Fan's body, or want to use Ye Fan's prestige to make a name for themselves in the ancient starry sky road.

But they all underestimated Ye Fan. Although Ye Fan can no longer enter the cultivation practice, his incomparably powerful physique has been ignored.

But it's no wonder everyone, Ye Fan, who has not yet broken free from the entanglement of the Supreme Dao Mark, does still look a little haggard and weak on the outside.

No one noticed that Ye Fan was about to enter the quasi-emperor realm.

The last meeting on the ancient road of the human race came to an end after Ye Fan's former friend returned.

After ridiculing Ye Fan for a while, those young supremes embarked on their own journey again, and it seemed that they had reached peace for a short time in the universe.

Ye Fan has returned against the sky, but he has not allowed him to burst into a more brilliant emperor's light, and left again. In people's eyes, the brilliance belonging to the holy body has come to an end.

300 years ago, he fought against the supreme being in the restricted area of ​​life, and died of blood, but his brilliance pierced through time and space for 300 years, illuminating an era.He came back to life, but it was also a trough in the ups and downs of his life. He had a secret disease in his body, and he faded into retirement 300 years later.

This marks the end of an era of Eucharist!

This is the view of many people. To live is already against the heavens. What else can I do to fight against the gods to get back the perfect battle body that is expected to turn into an emperor's body?
"It's a pity!" This is the last sigh of the people.

Many people are jealous of him, wishing for him to fall immediately, and many people respect him, hoping that he will reach the peak. Such a result makes most people sigh.

In any case, Saint Ye Fan has been strong all his life. He has never been defeated when facing the masters of his generation. He has a truly invincible past. He is famous in the universe and has left an indelible mark in this era.

Just like Xu Yu, in this brilliant golden age, there was a period of time that belonged only to him!
After he left, a strong wind blew up, blood splashed on the Emperor's Road, and the battle at the Nine Heavens Emperor Pass officially entered a state of terror. It became more and more tragic, and the battle on the road to success would continue.

From this day on, Ye Fan will fade out of people's sight, and the road ahead will belong to those most capable and powerful arrogances, and a new emperor may be born among them!
The ancient road of the human race, Ye Fan is back again, and the star field where the heavenly court is located must pass through here.This time he didn't come from the first level, but walked backwards from the last level. After so many years, he wanted to take a look at the road he had traveled.

This road has not been closed yet, and there are still talented people who come here to experience, want to break through the cocoon of flowers and butterflies, and realize an important transformation in life.

Looking at those immature faces with ideals, Ye Fan felt a lot. He was once one of them and kept striving for his goals.

It's just that he's a little tired now, looking at them is like being opposite to his old self, for a while, he laughs and sighs and frivolously, and finally laughs out loud and then stops.

Yesterday is still the same, and looking back, it has been hundreds of years.

(End of this chapter)

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