Chapter 273 Dacheng Hegemony
Beidou, the holy land of Zifu.

After a hundred years of enlightenment, Xu Yu's realm and cultivation have been greatly improved. Now he can enter the realm of the quasi-earth nine heavens anytime and anywhere.

Of course, it's not that he has no chance to survive two catastrophes in one fell swoop and enter the realm of the Great Emperor.

Although the current Xu Yu can also enter the realm of the Great Emperor, but as a prophet, he naturally knows that the monks who have barely entered the Great Emperor's Tribulation are not as good as those who have carefully polished in each realm in terms of combat power and future growth space. Same.

Especially now, he has always practiced very fast.

Although it was his immortal body that gave him the advantage, Xu Yu didn't dare to be careless. You must know that on the road of cultivation, all methods lead to the same goal. In the last few fields, physique and blood do not occupy any advantages.

Even to a certain extent, it will become his own shackles. As far as Xu Yu knows, Emperor Huangtian cut off his supreme bone when he was young, and let the supreme blood flow in a certain corner of his body.

It made him change from an ordinary first generation to an arrogance comparable to those who have accumulated for several generations, thus starting his legendary road.

Then there is the ruthless emperor in the ancient forbidden land. She has traveled an extremely long way on this road. Starting from a mortal body, she devoured the blood of all spirits and evolved into a chaotic body.

Then he cut off the chaotic body, returned to the mortal body, and embarked on the road of the red dust fairy.

There is also Ye Fan in the original book, who also cut off the ancient Xu Yu and the chaotic body, and stepped into the realm of immortality with a mortal body.

Xu Yu, who has the knowledge of a prophet, is naturally unwilling to be a landscape on the road to immortality, he also wants to step into the supreme and eternal realm.

So he strives to be the best in every field.

He planned to successfully enter the Nine Heavens of the Emperor Zhun first, hone and settle in this realm, and then go to the realm of the Great Emperor.

Xu Yu quietly returned to the Big Dipper, he knew that he was about to pass through the Heavenly Tribulation of Emperor Zhun's Nine Heavens, and it would definitely cause a big disturbance at that time.

Perhaps the ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life will take action in person, in order to ensure that they can survive the catastrophe safely.

Xu Yu returned to the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, took all the people in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion out of the Big Dipper Star Field, and hid them again.

He is guarding against "human robbery". It is recorded in ancient history that when many Peerless Talents are about to take their last step, they will encounter "human robbery", and that is the most deadly.

For the safety of relatives and friends around him, Xu Yu still moved them away from the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion.

After arranging the people in the Holy Land of Zifu, Xu Yu went to the frontier of the universe alone, preparing to survive the tribulation in the frontier of the universe.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, which resounded throughout the universe. If the gods struck iron, it would shake the entire nine heavens and ten earths.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

An extremely oppressive atmosphere permeated the entire universe in an instant.

Every vibration of Tianjie seems to be in rhythm with the heaven and earth. If you relax your mind and feel it carefully, you will find that your heart is also trembling with the vibration of Tianjie.

There are even some monks who are not very advanced in Taoism. With the shock of the catastrophe, the demons in the depths of their hearts were disturbed, causing them to explode and die.

"This is... such a weird catastrophe. It has taught the world a lesson before it fully manifests!"

Some great saints who were still in shock looked at the catastrophe that was condensing on the edge of the universe, and said with lingering fear.


As the catastrophe continues to manifest, all the monks in the universe seem to feel that there is an extra layer of shackles on their bodies, suppressing them.

"Is this someone going to become enlightened?"

On the ancient starry sky road, an elderly monk sensed that the world was being suppressed, and even he himself was about to crawl under this might.

Hearing the trembling voice of the elder saint, all the arrogances in the ancient starry sky involuntarily looked up at the star field where Xu Yu was.


Is the most powerful person of an era about to be born?
This is the common question of all Tianjiao. Someone is about to become an emperor in no time. Then they have been fighting on the ancient starry sky road for many years. What is it for?
There were even some people with not-so-good-natured minds. After feeling Xu Yu's catastrophe that caused the universe to tremble, expressions of unwillingness and frustration appeared on their faces.

"No, God, how unfair you are!"

"Ah! As long as I give me another thousand years, I will be able to reach the realm of the emperor's way. Why does such a person appear at this time?"

There are even some people who are unwilling to open their mouths and curse?
"Hmm! This is..."

"Great Emperor Tribulation!"

Beidou, in the restricted area of ​​life, one after another shocking eyes projected over, that kind of light beam is too terrifying, as if it can penetrate the heavens of all ages.

An ancient existence in the restricted area was awakened and cast its gaze over.

That kind of breath is too scary, as if there are gods from the nine heavens looking over and watching.

On the Big Dipper, everyone was startled, their faces turned pale with fright, and many sages yelled, rushing frantically into the depths of the universe.

The supreme aura made everyone tremble, feeling like a catastrophe was imminent.

On the Big Dipper, there were several shocking gazes projected from behind the restricted area of ​​life, almost frightening the many powerhouses of the Big Dipper to death.

In the depths of the universe, in a vast underworld, there is also an extremely powerful and breathtaking aura, and the cold eyes look at the edge of the universe.

The ancestor star of the domineering body also looked at Xu Yu who was crossing the border with a cold gaze.

"It's him, the unrivaled arrogance of future generations, who has a karma with us in the same line of Tyrant Body!"

More than 300 years ago, Dacheng Hegemony, who had participated in the dark turmoil, looked coldly at the edge of the universe where Xu Yu was crossing the tribulation with his blood-colored eyes.

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses of all races trembled. They thought that someone had become an emperor, which aroused the attention of the restricted area of ​​life.

Only a few extremely powerful quasi-emperors can see the truth and tell the truth:

"It's not that someone is becoming an emperor, but that the Banished Immortal is about to achieve great success in the field of quasi-emperor!"

"Amazing, I have never seen such a proud man!"

Beidou, a huge voice resounded in the restricted area of ​​life, resounding throughout the universe.

Everyone heard it, and the sages and emperors of all races were so frightened that their blood was about to freeze. They felt that the world in front of them seemed to be collapsing.

It's not that someone is becoming an emperor, but that Xu Yu, like Dacheng Xu Yu, has reached the realm of the quasi-emperor Jiuchongtian.

"What's going on!" Someone was screaming and yelling in disbelief.

All over the universe, all races are boiling, and all the powerful are screaming and roaring in disbelief.

The sudden news made them extremely shocked, and they could only vent their emotions by roaring.

The Young Supreme, a quasi-emperor, although their eyes are dark and their faces are calm, their bodies are trembling.

How can people believe that the person who fought with them and embarked on the ultimate emperor's road has actually reached this point.

Zhundi Jiuchongtian, that is the strongest realm under the realm of the emperor. After reaching that realm, no one in the universe will be able to compete with it, even the ancient supreme who entered it would not be able to face such an existence Think twice and don't dare to take risks lightly.

"Who the hell is able to go this far without making a sound!"

An ancient supreme who just woke up from deep sleep asked the servants beside him.

"No, this is not the catastrophe of the Great Emperor, but the catastrophe of the Zhundi Nine Heavens!"

After observing silently, an ancient Supreme Being made a judgment.

"Even if it's not the Great Emperor's Tribulation, it's amazing. Once he gets over it, no one in the world can fight against it!"

You Zun spoke coldly, and the killing intent in his eyes was extremely terrifying.


As if an earth dragon turned over, the entire Big Dipper Starfield was shaken. An ancient supreme being in the Shenxu Market was full of aura, and wanted to be born to kill Xu Yu and take his essence of life.


This is not over yet, there is also an ancient supreme being revived in the sky, and it seems that he is also planning to be born.

Xu Yu, who was located in the middle of the barren ancient star, got up slowly, watching the cataclysms that were constantly gathering in the universe, and was ready for battle.

He knew that his catastrophe this time, the weather in the past was very different, and it would be the most difficult hurdle before he became enlightened.

Not only to torture the will of heaven and earth, but also to face the "human robbery" of the ancient supreme in the forbidden zone of life.


Just when Xu Yu's catastrophe was about to take shape, a golden road suddenly appeared from the depths of the universe, reaching directly to the star field where Xu Yu was.

"That is……"

"The overlord is born!"

No one thought that the first one to strike was actually the main star of the overlord body. Many people thought that the ancient supreme being in the restricted area of ​​life would strike.

After all, the ancient supreme being on the Big Dipper Starfield had already recovered.

In the universe, countless monks looked at the golden avenue, and there was a humanoid creature in the golden light, which seemed to push countless stars in the universe forward.

Along the way, some of the stars that stood in front of him disintegrated directly, and the endless star essence was completely absorbed into the body of Dacheng Hegemony, and was absorbed by him.

Above Xu Yu's head, a world-shattering aura is still brewing. The catastrophe of the Nine Heavens is comparable to the catastrophe of becoming an emperor, and it will not happen in a short time.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Dacheng Hegemony wanted to kill Xu Yu and not give him a chance to cross the catastrophe.

He knew that if Xu Yu survived the tribulation of becoming enlightened, his strength would undergo a major transformation again, and he might not be so easy to kill.

Now that he has come here, he can't just watch Xu Yu cross the catastrophe.


With a roar of anger, Dacheng's domineering body with purple hair flying, his whole body filled with imperial aura, and the domineering clock made of purple gold with god marks on his head, rushed over.

Xu Yu turned around, his face was indifferent, and there was a shocking fairy light blooming in his eyes.

He didn't talk nonsense, he directly killed it, and immediately hit the Meteor Immortal Seal, which is his taboo power.


The sky and the earth roared, various visions emerged, and there was an ancient emperor lying at the feet of the dead body, with blood flowing horizontally.

The Meteor Immortal Seal was extremely powerful, and in an instant duel, Ba Fist was pierced, and Da Cheng Ba's body on the opposite side was injured.

The pupils of Dacheng's domineering body shrank suddenly, this junior was too terrifying, and he suffered a huge loss as soon as he came up.

"You bully me for being old and weak!"

Dacheng tyrant shouted angrily, dissatisfied in his heart, if he was in the peak period, how could this Xu Yu be allowed to show off.

At the same time, he was also sighing secretly, this Xu Yu is really terrifying to the limit, and he has such combat power without going through the baptism of the Nine Heavens.

"You're too old, you should be rotten!" Xu Yu's voice was indifferent, without a trace of emotion.


The two faced off again, all of them were using taboo magical techniques, all the tricks were condensed into one, and every time they faced off, there was an explosion of astonishing celestial light.

The nine most powerful gods, the real dragon, the white tiger, the unicorn, the snake, the bell, and the purple pagoda, appeared behind Dacheng's hegemony, and quickly merged into one body. The overlord body must have been fully repaired, and he was able to integrate it.


There are also pictures around Xu Yu, such as the fairy king coming to the nine heavens, the life and death pictures of yin and yang, and the world of all spirits and corpses.

All the visions merged into one, turning into a mass of chaos, and finally the chaos turned into a human being, which was the figure of Xu Yu.


Two Xeon figures appeared, Zhanxian collided with Heavenly Emperor, Tyrant Bell collided with Xianjinding, Xu Yu collided with Dacheng Tyrant Body.

This place was instantly slaughtered, the heavens and the earth trembled, and the entire universe was shocked by the fluctuations of this divine battle.


Xu Yu was wounded, blood sprayed from his shoulder, and the Dacheng tyrant opposite him was even worse, with a hole in his chest.

It was pierced by the immortal light in Xu Yu's eyes just now, and at this moment, all the crystallizations of his enlightenment have been revealed.

Many supreme treasures, such as Meteor Immortal Seal, Immortal Tribulation Sword Art, Yuanshi Secret Technique, True Phoenix Treasure Technique, etc. appeared in his hands.


A ray of sword light slashed down, and one arm of Dacheng Hegemony was cut off directly, and he flew up.


Dacheng screamed, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him, he was crushed and beaten by a young arrogant who had not yet passed the Ninth Heaven Tribulation.

Although Xu Yu's real record of beheading the Lord of Shenxu was put there more than 300 years ago, too many people think that Xu Yu's combat power is not against the sky.

He was still the Lord of the God Ruins, and he really couldn't stand it after breaking into the immortal road, and he didn't get the supplement of life essence, so he was consumed to death by Xu Yu with the help of two extreme emperor soldiers during the battle.

"If you dare to bully me like this, I will kill you today!" Da Cheng roared, his cold eyes froze.

"It depends on what you use to chop!"

Xu Yu taunted him mercilessly. More than 300 years ago, this Dacheng hegemony was one of the biggest executioners in the universe.

Now 300 years have passed, and the life essence he obtained in the dark turmoil has almost been consumed.

So he set his sights on Xu Yu again, wanting to take advantage of Xu Yu's celebration of Emperor Zhun's Nine Heavens Festival, to attack and kill Xu Yu, and take away the essence of life contained in him.


At this moment, Dacheng Hegemony only has this roar, and his skills are not as good as others. It is false to say more, but it will look ridiculous.

Only the blood of Xugou can wash away his shame, he drank angrily, trying to mobilize all his energy.


Zhan Xian disintegrated, turned into a ball of energy and rushed into Dacheng's overbearing body, making him even more terrifying with the divine light all over his body.

At the same time, the fairy body formed by the vision also returned to Xu Yu's body, and the most terrifying battle broke out between the two again.


The weapons of the two were also colliding, Xu Yu's Immortal Golden Cauldron hadn't completed the final transformation, it was not as good as Ba Zhong.

However, the material of the Immortal Gold Cauldron is extremely strong, surpassing the Purple Gold of the God Mark, so it can also compete and not fall behind.

Dacheng Hegemony suffered a huge loss in the confrontation with Xu Yu, but he did not give up because of this. He was trying his best to mobilize the energy of his whole body, trying to regain the peak.

"Forcing me to this point!" He shouted loudly, roaring the galaxy, the sound shook the universe, and the world collapsed in an instant.

He has really reached the peak, and he has recovered his combat power at its peak, which is a terrifying aura.

Dacheng's domineering body is full of immortal light, and the purple light in his eyes is astonishing. He took a step forward and shattered the universe in an instant.

His mighty strength is incomparable, terrifying and peerless, and he can fight against the Great Emperor.

"It brought me back to my peak, what are you going to use against it!" Dacheng shouted coldly, his eyes were cold.

He has great hatred in his heart, and restoring peak combat power is not something that can be achieved simply by talking about it. This method of defying time will inevitably pay a heavy price.

In this battle, if Xu Yu's original source cannot be absorbed and supplemented, it will be difficult for him to continue to be self-proclaimed.

"Standing at the top, you still have to die!"

Xu Yu was indifferent and didn't take it seriously, and there was also an astonishing surge of immortal light on his body.


A fiercer battle broke out, and even the eyes in the restricted area of ​​life became serious.

The battle power of these two people has reached the point where it can help them. It is really amazing. It is not surprising that Dacheng Hegemony can achieve this step. After all, he is the old enemy of Dacheng Saint Physique. One step is too scary
The domineering fist slashed across the sky, as if it wanted to pierce through the world, and the sword energy shocked the world, as if it wanted to split the universe.

The battle between the two was extremely fierce, blood bloomed on Xu Yu's body, and scars appeared one after another, and the same was true for Dacheng's body on the opposite side, and it was even more tragic.

The fight lasted only a few seconds, and the two of them fought over a dozen moves, each of which was condensed with hundreds of tricks.

This is a battle that can be recorded in the history of God's War. The two people are full of celestial light, murderous aura is pervasive, and bright red blood is everywhere. It is difficult to distinguish whether it is Xu Yu's blood or Tyrant's blood.

After dozens of moves, the winner was decided, Xu Yu cut open his Fuxin Xiantai with one palm, and grabbed his soul.


Dacheng bared his body and roared, his sad voice resounded through the universe. He was defeated and he couldn't understand why he had recovered his peak combat power after a long time of cultivating Taoism. He couldn't accept it, he became a pile of bones under Xu Yu's feet, using his own strength to set off the opponent's invincibility.

A new generation replaces the old, and such an invincible Supreme will step on his bones to rise to power


With a terrific big news, Xu Yu raised his palm as a knife, and bound Dacheng from the center of his eyebrows. The bright red blood splashed on his body, and he who was bathed in the blood was like an unrivaled god and demon.


With a loud bang, the primordial spirit of Dacheng Dominant Body was crushed, and a generation of Supremes died.

Xu Yu looked indifferent, and used taboo means to forcefully kill Dacheng Hegemony without mercy.

This is to announce his rise, but also to warn everyone who is watching in the dark.

If you want to stop his rise, be prepared to pay the price.

Obviously, he already has the means to kill Supreme, if he wants to stop him, he will have to pay the price of blood
Beidou and Jifu watched the battle silently with indifferent eyes.

They were very silent, did not express anything, and no one tried to weigh Xu Yu.

In fact, they needed to think carefully about how much effort they should put in to disturb Xu Yu.

At this age, Zhundi Jiuzhongtian is the supreme arrogance, like a myth, should we try our best to kill it.

If you want to kill it, you may have to pay a high price, but no one is willing to pay this price.

If it is not enough to kill, Xu Yu's chances in the future may be limitless.

The icy light is indifferent, there is a supreme aura permeating the overlord body ancestor star, and there is a powerful figure looming, as if wanting to be born, the overlord body ancestor star, there is more than one supreme sleeping, seeing this scene, someone It seems that I can't help it.

A Dacheng Needed Body died. He claimed to be an old enemy of the Holy Body lineage. He was extremely powerful, but he still died after all.

Stepping on his bones, a young and exaggerated Xu Yu began to rise, on the road of invincibility, with the qualifications to swallow the universe and aspire to the world.

Shocking and killing the supreme being, no matter what era it is in, it is a major event that shocks the world. It will be recorded in the history of God's War, and it will be eternally brilliant.

There was a sound of crying and wailing in the domineering ancestor star, filled with the aura of supremacy, as if someone wanted to be born.

But in the end, the strong one in the hegemonic ancestor star still endured, did not come out, and chose to watch quietly.

Because Xu Yu's Nine Heavens Tribulation was about to come, they wanted to wait until Xu Yu passed the Nine Heavens Tribulation before doing anything.

At that time, when he was at the lowest point in his life, it would be the best time to kill.

Xu Yu bathed in blood, like a god and demon, standing in the starry sky.

He waited for a while, but no one came to attack him, and all the cold eyes watched silently.

Xu Yu understood that these people wanted to interfere with his robbery.

He didn't care, he withdrew his gaze into the distance, stretched out his hand to grab it, and all the blood essence in the poisonous body under his feet gathered together.

All the essence and blood of an old domineering body gathered into a bright red pill.

It is a pity that this is already an old hegemony, his blood energy is exhausted, and in order to restore his peak combat power, he has spent too much vitality, and there is not much blood essence left in the remnant body.

But even so, for Xu Yu, this is still a precious pill with invaluable value, which can play a miraculous effect at the moment of Guan Fu.

He stood still in the void, trying his best to swallow the essence of the universe, and the stars of the ten directions rushed towards him, with a myriad of celestial lights and brilliant brilliance.

The purple overlord bell was wailing, and the god inside was holding Zitear, making a desolate sound.

It has been suspended in the void and did not go, not because it didn't want to go, but because it was stared at by Xu Yu and couldn't go.


Ba Zhong was held by Xu Yu and crushed, pieces of purple fragments shining with fairy light fell into the fairy golden cauldron.

Immediately, a gray light came out from the Immortal Golden Cauldron, swallowing the fragments of the immortal purple bully bell into it.

This ticket has already swallowed a weapon of this level before it can truly become a supreme weapon, and it is even more amazing
Xu Yu tried his best to absorb the essence of heaven and earth to restore his peak strength. It seemed that he didn't suffer too much injury in the battle with Tyrant just now, but in fact it cost a lot.

He needs to return to the peak, and then face this huge catastrophe.

Lei Dong was brewing, and the report was astonishing, and there were streams of fairy energy permeating the air, which shocked the supreme beings who cast their eyes.


Countless celestial lights suddenly fell, like pieces of pure white shirt feathers. The blue in the celestial lights contained a large amount of life essence, which made Xu Yu recover faster.

He was shocked in his heart, the appearance of this phenomenon during the catastrophe was not to help him, but to show how terrifying the coming catastrophe was.


Lightning riots, catastrophe is finally coming


In the distance, there is a supreme being roaring, making Dao sounds to interfere, disrupting the rules of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, trying to interfere with Xu Yu's Nine Heavens Tribulation.

This is a method, and they have always done this when facing masters who are about to become enlightened.

Because, many perceptions, many brand marks of immortality are contained in the thunder calamity, and only through the great calamity can one have a profound understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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