Amidst the rumbling sound, Xu Yu's body re-formed, and his aura became extremely weak.

This time, he broke through the barrier of Sendai, the dragon's head poked halfway in, and his whole body underwent an astonishing transformation again.

He took a solid step towards the path of alternative enlightenment and became even stronger.

But at this moment, his body is extremely weak because of the repeated attempts. There is a catastrophe coming from above, and the attack of the Supreme Being outside. The danger is extremely dangerous.

The supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life saw Xu Yu's state, and several celestial lights shot towards him, trying to wipe him out.

On the other hand, an astonishing aura emerged from the Ancestral Star of the Overlord Body, as if someone wanted to jump out and kill him.


With thunder and light, extremely violent, the nine Taoist temples seemed a little weak, and the shots of the nine heavenly gods inside became weaker and weaker.

It seems that the celestial calamity of the Nine Heavenly Venerates is about to pass.

Xu Yu used the medicine king, Lingbao Mingquan liquid and other gods to supplement himself, so that he could become better and fight against the final catastrophe.


The nine Taoist temples disappeared, but then the catastrophe became more violent, and there were fairy bells, barren towers, and green tripods born.

Three immortal artifacts were suppressed, a piece of immortal land descended, and powerful immortal spirits rushed over, each one was filled with imperial aura.


All kinds of berserk forces rushed in, causing Xu Yu to shatter once again, and the catastrophe reached its most violent moment.

This is the ultimate test, and God has used the ultimate power to obliterate Xu Yu in the catastrophe.


Xu Yu made a quick move, fighting against the ancient emperor and the creatures in the fairyland, fighting against the berserk catastrophe.

One day, two days, nine days passed, Xu Yu had been struggling against the catastrophe, and the blood essence in his body was almost exhausted.

He was shattered many times, his life force was almost exhausted, his blood was burning and almost dried up.

In the end, he finally survived with difficulty, the thunder light began to dim and gradually faded, and the emperor's aura permeated Xu Yu's body.

The success is complete, but Xu Yu is also extremely weak at this moment, his source is about to be exhausted, and his soul is almost exhausted.

This is a desperate fight, his catastrophe is too heaven-defying, if it is for others, they may all be turned into ashes at this moment.

Finally survived the catastrophe, but everything is not over yet, there is still a catastrophe.


The unrivaled aura surged, the universe trembled, and the power of the ancient supreme came like a vast ocean, extremely fierce and murderous.

Those ancient supreme beings who were not born all chose to take action at this moment, and they continued to attack Xu Yu across the endless star field.

He wanted to take advantage of Xu Yu's just passing through the catastrophe, and kill him when he was weakest.

For a moment, I felt that the sky was shaking and the earth was shaking. The huge and long branches emerged from the Big Dipper Star Field, and kept slapping Xu Yu.


The Zhuxian sword formation swayed, ten thousand murderous intentions erupted, and thousands of sword qi rolled down like tides, almost flooding the entire universe.


There was an earth-shattering roar from the Overlord Body Ancestral Star, a body flew up to the sky, blasted the immortal source, and rushed towards this side quickly.

The ancient Dacheng hegemony was born directly, and if he didn't want to wait any longer, he wanted to kill Xu Yu directly.

Now is the best time. If Xu Yu had recovered to his peak, it would be too difficult to kill him.

Hegemony is very good at seizing the opportunity, and is very decisive, taking the risk of paying a huge price to walk out of Xianyuan, vowing to obliterate this overly threatening Xu Yu.

Without saying a word, Xu Yu turned around and ran away.

Now when he is the weakest, as long as he is hit by a celestial light, he may be doomed because of this, how dare he be chased by the overlord?

With one step, he tore apart the universe and spanned the vast and infinite distance.


As if opening up the world, after the birth of Dacheng Hegemony, the two ancient supreme beings who were about to move around in the restricted area of ​​life earlier were also completely born at this moment.

I saw a piece of fairy origin flying out from the Shenxu and the sky, and then exploded. Afterwards, two powerful imperial powers reappeared in the Big Dipper Starfield, making everyone unable to lift their heads.

Xu Yu also naturally sensed the changes in the Big Dipper Starfield, but now he has no time to care about him.

Those ancient supreme beings who chose to attack earlier were constantly interfering with Xu Yu, trying to block his retreat, and the two comrades who were waiting for their lives to catch up with Xu Yu.

So the big hands behind him have been chasing him, not intending to let him go at all, and the Dacheng Hegemony has crossed countless galaxies and directly chased him.

There are also two golden roads leading directly from the Big Dipper Starfield to where Xu Yu is, the two ancient supreme beings who were born.

Although Xu Yu is currently at his weakest, after all Xu Yu has the record of beheading masters of the imperial way.

Those ancient supreme beings are also quite worried about the Dacheng Hegemony who was born, fearing that he will have an accident like the previous Hegemony.

Although Hegemony and Ancient Supreme did not sign any alliance treaty between them, as far as what they did, they were natural allies.

In addition, they all had a lot of karmic entanglements with Xu Yu, so they thought of ending the previous karma when Xu Yu had just finished reading the Nine Heavens Tribulation.

Seeing two ancient supreme beings and a Dacheng hegemony chasing after him.

Xu Yu's eyes were very cold, he reached out and grabbed a precious pill, his whole body was blood red, it was refined from the body of the previous Dacheng Overlord.

Swallowing the treasure pill in one gulp, a massive amount of blood rushed into Xu Yu's body, making up for his massive losses.

Then, Xu Yu took out a bunch of bottles and jars, all of which contained the divine liquid of Yao Chi and the life spring liquid of Lingbao Tianzun.

Opening his mouth to swallow all these divine springs of life, Xu Yu's withered essence slowly recovered a bit.

In the process, he continued to use Lingbao Tianzun's killing array to resist the attacks of the supreme beings in the forbidden area of ​​life.

Although the interference methods of those ancient supreme beings were not enough to pose a great threat to him, they were still quite troublesome compared to Xu Yu who was now so rigid and weak.

So before crossing the tribulation, he had made complete preparations and brought all the items that could help him successfully cross the tribulation.

The supreme beings in the restricted area couldn't help sighing, Xu Yu had a spirit treasure in his hand, so it was really difficult to kill him this time.

Unless they actually acted out, judging from the current situation, it might be difficult to kill Xu Yu.

But for Xu Yu, sending out his real body and consuming a lot of life force is too much for the gain!
Except for Shenxu and Shangshang, who had unresolved grievances with Xu Yu, most of the big hands stretched out from the restricted area of ​​life were withdrawn.

Of course, there are still a few people who are not forgiving, and still want to keep chasing and killing Xu Yu.

In particular, there is also a Dacheng hegemony who was born in person, across the infinite star field, and came directly to kill.

Xu Yu's face was indifferent, and he really wanted to turn around and chop the bully's body, but he resisted the urge after all.

He is too weak now, although he has supplemented himself with that body elixir and a large amount of life spring, but it only gives him the ability to protect himself.

If you really want to fight, these are far from enough, and you will be killed.

Xu Yu didn't say a word, just ran, frantically absorbing the essence of the universe while running.

He needs too much energy, even if he sucks up a star field, it is far from enough, so he has to search everywhere and swallow it.

There were still a few big hands attacking behind him, but they were all blocked by the Lingbao killing array, unable to attack Xu Yu himself.

Dacheng's domineering body was chasing after him, which Lingbao's killing array couldn't stop, Xu Yu didn't try to stop him.He was running, Dacheng Batai was chasing, and the two of them crossed countless galaxies in the blink of an eye, walking from one side of the universe to the other.

He swallowed the essence crazily, every cell was a bottomless pit, capable of sucking up a star field.

Xu Yu recalled the location of Lingbao Tianzun Lunhai, as well as the location of the Dao Palace, where there is boundless energy, which is a great supplement to him.

After desperately resisting and smashing several big hands, Xu Yu quickly disappeared into the galaxy.

Immortal light surged in his eyes, and he struck out with all his strength, and a power that opened up the world appeared.

The starry sky where Xu Yu was located turned into a vast chaos in an instant, everything was submerged by the chaos, and he himself disappeared in it.

Under the cover of chaos, Xu Yu disappeared in this star field, and disappeared without a sound.

Da Chengba chased after him indifferently, and stood in front of the boundless chaos with an ugly expression.

He lost it!

Dacheng Batai stood in front of this chaos, trying his best to deduce, trying to figure out Xu Yu's whereabouts.

But there is no doubt that he failed. The other party was already a monk with higher morals than him, so he couldn't figure it out at all.

Xu Yu drilled into the sea of ​​wheels of Lingbao Tianzun, absorbing the vast amount of life spring immortal liquid here, and at the same time, he also attracted the vast amount of immortal energy of the five elements in the five continents in the Taoist palace.

He recovered quickly, repairing his injuries.

Both his body and soul were severely damaged, which cannot be repaired in a short time.

Da Chengba stood indifferently in front of the chaotic sea that Xu Yu shot out, and stood there for a long time.

"If I don't kill him, I won't be at ease!" He said to himself, with endless murderous intent emerging in his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, we have discovered an unusual place." The two supreme beings who had just been born in the restricted area of ​​life sent him a voice transmission, pointing out the coordinates of a star field.

That's where the corpse of Lingbao Tianzun is located. After Dacheng Hegemony got the coordinates, he took one step and arrived here.

But the place was already empty, Xu Yuling was very sensitive, sensed the danger, and fled here immediately.

In the next half a day, under the guidance of the supreme being in the forbidden area of ​​life, Dacheng Batai tracked down Xu Yu's traces many times.

However, he was always one step too late. Whenever he passed by, Xu Yu had already disappeared there.


Dacheng drank coldly, he was tired of this cat and mouse game, he wanted to force Xu Yu out.

"If you don't come out, I will destroy God's Domain!" Dacheng Hegemony said indifferently, his voice shook the entire universe.

He stepped forward and came to God's Domain, and he knew the coordinates here.

That golden planet is extremely powerful and protected by many supreme magic circles, but in the eyes of people like them, everything is so fragile.

As long as he thinks, he can destroy this planet with one kick and explode!

Xu Yu, who was hiding in the cosmic starry sky, was suddenly angry when he heard this. He stepped forward, showing his figure, and shouted coldly: "Today I will kill you!"

Although his face was pale, his body was still wounded, and a few drops of bright red blood fell from time to time, but at this moment he really had an inviolable majesty.After some recovery, Xu Yu already had a
He has the power to fight, so he is not afraid of becoming a hegemony.

The fact that the other party dared to threaten him with God's Domain made Xu Yu even more determined to kill him.

At this moment, there has already been an uproar in all parts of the universe, and all kinds of terrifying fluctuations have already been perceived by the powerful people of all races during this period of time.

The news of Xu Yu's successful catastrophe swept across the universe like a hurricane, the whole world was trembling, and all ethnic groups were shocked.

The people close to Xu Yu were also rejoicing at the moment, but they all took care to hide themselves and dared not come out for the time being.

At this moment, each of them might be captured by Dacheng Hegemony to threaten Xu Yu, so they immediately hid their whereabouts.

In the domain of the gods, some old gods looked anxious, controlling all the large formations on this star to revive, and at the same time controlling two ancestral artifacts, preparing to resist the attack of the Dacheng hegemony.

"Don't come out!" He prayed in his heart, hoping that Xu Yu would come out after recovering to the peak, and fight against Dacheng Hegemony.

"An ant also wants to fight against me?" Dacheng Hegemony saw through all the arrangements of Xu Yuzu Star at a glance, and snorted coldly.

With the end of the catastrophe, Xu Yu's name spread throughout the world, as if a major earthquake had occurred in the entire universe.

One piece of news swept past like a hurricane, blowing across the world, making the creatures of all races feel shocked.

An invincible powerhouse has risen. He is too young, maybe less than six hundred years old, but he has become the top existence in this universe.

This is a storm that makes the whole world shake, the world is noisy, and the world is shaking.

"When he was still in the eighth heaven of Zhundi, he was able to fight against the ancient supreme. It is hard to imagine how his combat power will grow to the point where he is now at the ninth heaven.

Most of these ancient supreme beings can't do anything to him! "

"With his talent, he can still prove the Tao and become an emperor in this life, and control an era!"

At this moment, all races in the universe are discussing
After a while, my heart trembled extremely, and I felt like I was witnessing a myth.

Xu Yu's old friends were rejoicing, and those close to Xu Yu's lineage were also very pleased, and those who had confronted Xu Yuzi in the past were in extremely complicated moods.

On the ancient road of the human race, the emotions of those who were listed as the young supreme with Xu Yu and others in the past were extremely complicated.

How brilliant they were back then, but now, most of them are blocked at the quasi-emperor level, only a few one or two can break through.

And the person who fought against them has actually reached such a high level, reaching the point where they can't even see it.

"What is there to be proud of if you succeed in crossing the tribulation? Someone will take care of him, let's go through the test of our ancient ancestor first!

This is the voice from the Patriarch Star, they are full of resentment, because Xu Yu killed one of their ancient ancestors.

Bahuang was shocked, and the eyes of all races were focused on it. Many people raised their hearts and paid attention to the upcoming battle of gods.

Dacheng domineering body will come to Xu Yushuai's domain, forcing Xu Yu to come out and fight him!
But Xu Yu was seriously injured when he set off, is he recovering now?Will it come out?
Immediately, the answer was ushered in, Xu Yu was born directly, stepped out, and came to the realm of the gods.

He punched out directly, blocking Dacheng's big hand that was slapping towards God's Domain.

"A battle in the mythical soul field!" Xu Yu said coldly.

Dacheng Hegemony didn't say a word, he walked out one step at a time, and arrived at the battlefield of mythology.

Even though he had the urge to destroy God's Domain, he was also afraid that Xu Yu would surrender and turn around and destroy the Hegemony Ancestral Star, so he never really took action against God's Domain.

On the battlefield of mythology, the two confronted each other, and they fought almost as soon as they met.

An old domineering body, and Xu Yu who has just survived the Nine Heavens Tribulation and has not had time to recover, who is stronger?

Not only all races in the universe are concerned about this issue, but even the supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life are also concerned, and all eyes are cast on them.Watching coldly.

"Six worlds, the universe is reselected, suppress!" Dacheng's hegemony shot out a treasure wheel, which was once dripped with bright red blood.

"This is the weapon made from the flesh and blood of that Dacheng Saint Physique in the ancient times who was killed by me!

Dacheng Hegemony sneered, he was a mighty Hegemony, he once killed an old Holy Body in a fair duel, and refined his flesh and blood into a weapon. In the big world of the hunter, there are six celestial lights entering and falling into the empty path law after piece.

"What is this? You are not bullying the other party's old and weak!"

Xu Yu sneered, not caring about the record that Dacheng Hegemony was so proud of.

Because he knew that Dacheng Hegemony would be very disgraceful when he killed Saint Body.

The Dacheng Saint Physique who was killed by him in the past was already in his later years at that time, his blood energy was declining, and the hidden disease left in his body from fighting with the ancient Supreme in the early years could not be suppressed, and his combat power was greatly reduced, so It is very humiliating to lose at the hands of the young Dacheng Hegemony.

"Today, I will seek justice for the Dacheng Holy Body from the ancient times!"

He was bursting with immortal light, his combat power was constantly improving, and he stood in the realm of forbidden gods.Triggered the word secret, and punched out a punch of immortal light and boiling wings.


There was an earthquake, ten thousand ways collapsed, and a loud bang erupted from the treasure wheel of the six paths, and then dense cracks emerged from it.


The treasure wheel of the Six Paths shattered and turned into countless fragments and flew out. Xu Yu grabbed it with his big hand and wiped out all these fragments.

Then, there was a burst of immortal light in his eyes, and he hit the Dacheng Tyrant who rushed over.

A sacred board flew out from the six treasured wheels, with blood and tears on it, it nodded to Xi Ning, and a raging fire ignited on its body.Turned into ashes.


Dacheng roared loudly, and 72 cold lights rushed out from the sky cover, piercing into the ink field, it was a terrifying fairy sword pattern, piercing the sky and covering the earth, submerging this place.

Group word secret!
This is a secret treasure created by Lingbao Tianzun, but it fell into the hands of Xuan Ming, and now it is used to deal with Xu Yu.

"Showing off the secret of group characters in front of me?" Xu Yu said coldly, the Zhuxian sword array appeared above his head, and he was so angry that he completely destroyed the secret treasure.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Ming secretly sighed, the opponent has the Moshan Sword Formation, and using this secret treasure can't hurt the opponent at all.

"Has your skills stopped here?" Xu Yu sneered.

"It's not because of these things that I can get to where I am now!" Xuan Ming said indifferently, his heart was calm, and he didn't feel angry because of it.


In the confrontation between the two powerhouses, Xu Yu is like a ferocious tyrannosaurus rex, looking at him vertically and horizontally. Although he has not recovered yet, he still has an invincible posture.


The corner of his mouth was bleeding, it was not caused by Xuan Ming, but because of the fierce fighting, the wound in his body was pulled.
The Immortal Tribulation Sword was in Xu Yu's hands, so it was glorious, and infinite celestial light emerged, extremely powerful, slashing towards Dacheng's hegemonic body.

Having reached this point, Xu Yu only hopes to get rid of the Dacheng Hegemon in front of him earlier, so that he can face the two ancient supreme beings born in Beidou.

Although he suffered heavy injuries, it was not that difficult to kill a Dacheng overlord who had never attained enlightenment.

Before crossing the Nine Heavens Tribulation, he was already able to kill Dacheng Hegemony, and now it doesn't make sense to live too long in the world.


Xuanming screamed, a road was cut off, there was a kind of sadness in his voice.

He had expected that Xu Yu would be extremely strong, so he came out decisively, wanting to kill the other party before he fully recovered from his injuries.

But unexpectedly, Xu Yu, who was seriously injured, was still so fierce, and his moves carried the power to kill him.

Xuanming once killed a Dacheng saint in a frontal battle, which established his reputation as the supreme in the past, but now he is defeated by this junior who has reached this level, what a sad thing !


In Xu Yu's hand, the celestial light was shining, and the Immortal Tribulation Sword Art unleashed an incomparably terrifying force, crushing Xuanming's domineering fist and piercing through his body.


Yin Yang Xianjian shot chaotic light, intertwined together, Xu Yu took a step forward and tore Xuan Ming alive, bright red blood chased him all over the body.

"The so-called hegemonic body is nothing more than that!" Xu Yu said coldly, hitting Xuanming's confidence.

Xuan Ming roared, his body was shattered, and then reassembled in the distance, blood spattered.

It is impossible for the Supreme to kill him in a row, and it is impossible to simply kill him. Xuan Ming was resurrected in the distance, and he did not dare to fight Xu Yu again, and turned around and wanted to run.

Many days ago, he chased Xu Yu for half the universe, but now, the situation is reversed, and he was also chased and killed by Xu Yu.

Seeing this scene, the Supreme in the penalty area felt chills all over, and felt a sense of competition in his heart.

Xu Yu is too powerful, he completely crushes Xuan Ming, basically there is no bloody battle between you and me, but it is completely abused by one side against the other. (end of this chapter)

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