With the shattering of Dacheng's overlord's body, a generation of overlords came to an end.

This is a result that no one expected, although they all expected that Xu Yu's combat power would be greatly improved after the catastrophe, but they did not expect that Xu Yu would be able to kill Dacheng's hegemony before he fully recovered his strength .

Moreover, it was a unilateral massacre, and Dacheng Hegemony had no room to resist at all.

This made those who were prepared to see them die together unable to sit still.

Especially the two ancient supreme beings who have already been born in the restricted area of ​​life, they have already come to the mythical battlefield.

Originally, they still thought that Dacheng Batai, a junior who had just stepped into the Zhundi Ninth Heaven and hadn't had time to recover his vitality, would be something that could be easily grasped.

At least no matter how bad it is, the two of them will be the result of both losses, but they never thought that Xu Yu, who has only recovered a little vitality, can unilaterally kill Dacheng's hegemony.

This made them unable to sit still. Although they did not have any deep hatred with Xu Yu, but now that they have been born, it is impossible for me to return to the restricted area of ​​life.

After all, their feet have already been lifted out, and if they were retracted, it would only increase the joke.

Who are they?

They are all ancient supreme beings who ruled their own era and fought all over the sky and earth without being invincible. I am the most respected person in the past. Although I have cut myself and fell to the throne of the emperor, the arrogance of the past is still engraved in their bones. face, they are not allowed to retreat before seeing the enemy.


Just when Xu Yu was about to clean up the body of Dacheng Hegemony, the two ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life made a move.

Because the ancient supreme would naturally not watch him refine the corpse of Dacheng's domineering body into a treasure pill, so that he could recover more vitality.

So just when Xu Yu collected the corpses of Dacheng's overbearing body, they shot without reservation.

I saw two giant palms that covered the sky and covered the sun, manifested from the void, and imprinted on Xu Yu with endless laws of the emperor's way.

Xu Yu, who had just stepped into the Ninth Heaven of the Zhundi Emperor, was also very sensitive in his spiritual sense. The moment he noticed the two giant palms, he used the Immortal Golden Cauldron to collect the corpses of Dacheng's domineering body inside.

Then he swung his incomparable fist to meet the giant palm of one of the ancient supreme beings, and then spit out a sword energy from his mouth to slash at the other giant palm.


As the three of them fought, the mythical battlefield seemed to be in shock, and the endless void was constantly exploding under the impact of the laws of the emperor's way.

It seems to have broken the barrier of time, reflecting the scene of the age of mythology.

In the endless fragments of time, one pair after another of heavenly soldiers and generals came from afar, passed by the mythical battlefield, and embarked on an unknown journey.

There are also yin soldiers from the underworld, holding up the coffin with deep yin, as if collecting the dead bodies of the strongest.

Strange feathers appeared in the split void, which looked extremely infiltrating.

"You two thought I wouldn't notice!"

After the blow, Xu Yu looked at the two ancient supreme beings hidden in the void, and said coldly.


Hearing Xu Yu's mocking voice, the two ancient supreme beings were obviously dissatisfied.

They have never been said like this before. I know that in the past, even if they launched dark and turbulent acts that are unacceptable to the world, we are acting out in the open and aboveboard, and there is no need to cover up.

Now, the words of a junior who has just stepped into the Zhundi Ninth Heaven are like insulting them.

"So what if you found out?"

As soon as Xu Yu's voice fell, the originally ordinary void was like a broken mirror, shattered, revealing the figure of the ancient supreme.

The other person appeared directly in the starry sky, as if standing there all the time.

"Fellow Daoist of Shenxu, why do you need to say more, before he has recovered his vitality, he will be beheaded directly, and the life essence of his physical strength will make up for our Xiantai!"

It has to be said that the ancient supreme who was born in the sky was so direct to the extreme. After revealing his figure, he didn't say too much, and directly took it to Xu Yu.

"Good come!"

Seeing the ancient supreme being of the heavens directly killing him, Xu Yu went up to meet him without the slightest hesitation.


With a loud noise that shocked the universe, the body and the ancient supreme collided together, and the two of them made a peerless move without leaving any room.


The ancient supreme from the heavens gave up his Taoist soldiers, waved his fists directly, took away the aura of destroying the world, and blasted towards Xu Yu, wanting to fight against him in the physical realm.

At the same time, Xu Yu also used his forbidden secret technique, the Falling Immortal Seal, and smashed it.

The Meteor Immortal Seal was continuously enlarged in the void, and with mysterious and incomparable service, it turned into a moon and smashed at the fist swung by the ancient Supreme.

The result was shocking, the ancient supreme being who was full of confidence was actually blown away by Xu Yu.

His tall figure kept stepping backwards, smashing stars one after another.

"Do you really think that you are still the Great Emperor and Ancient Emperor?"

"You who have been slashed with a knife, but you are the same as me. As the monks who are also the top quasi-emperors, no one can be afraid of anyone!"

Xu Yu looked at the Ancient Sovereign who was blown away by him, his cold words pierced into the opponent's heart like a sharp knife.

"Junior, don't use your tongue!"

Seeing the ancient supreme being walking with him, he flew out under Xu Yu's move.

The Ancient Sovereign from Shenxu couldn't sit still. He was afraid of accidents, so he hurried over and wanted to fight Xu Yu together with the two of them.

"Eternal ages are long, I am the only one who respects me, and I am a human being in two lives!"

The ancient supreme from Shenxu was a taboo secret technique when he made a move, and he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​probing.

"It's another ancient celestial being from the age of mythology. Which one of the nine celestial beings are you?"

Xu Yu saw a familiar shadow from the opponent.

The Dao and Dharma developed by the other party are very similar to those circulated in the age of mythology, and seem to have a different relationship with the underworld.

Being a person in two lives, this secret technique is not able to reflect a person's past and present lives, it involves reincarnation, and has a great relationship with the reincarnation that the underworld has been pursuing.

"It's ridiculous, are all people in the world so ignorant?"

"In the age of mythology, there are not only nine Heavenly Venerates, but they are just the best of all Heavenly Venerates!"

Hearing Xu Yu's ridiculous words, the Supreme Shenxu immediately refuted.

"Young man, remember, this seat is Ziwei Tianzun in the age of mythology, the Lord of Ten Thousand Stars!"

Following Ziwei Tianzun's self-explosion, thousands of stars in the universe trembled as if responding to him.

"In the age of mythology, I used to discuss the Dao with Mingzun and benefited a lot from him, so I created such a magical technique! But it seems that it is still not as powerful as the secret technique created by Yuanshi Tianzun!"

With the performance of the taboo secret art of being human in two lifetimes, the voids that were originally separated came together again.

The difference is that the void gathered at this moment is like a mirror.

One side seems to be gathering the Dao and Dharma of the previous life, and the other side is gathering the Dao Fruit of this life. The two are constantly moving closer, trying to bring together the power of the past life and this life to achieve superposition of combat power.

"Is this the evolution of the previous life and the present life with the Dao and the like me? It makes two people from different time and space intersect. This kind of secret technique can be compared to the secret of Emperor Zun!"

Xu Yu faced the taboo secret art of being human in two lifetimes, so he naturally understood the horror of this secret art better than outsiders.

Not only the superposition of combat power, but also the strange power of reincarnation ready to erode his body at any time.

"The beginning of one yuan!"

Faced with such a weird secret technique, Xu Yu directly used the supreme taboo secret technique created by Yuanshi Tianzun.

All the incoming attacks were turned into nothingness, and the space in front of him was reversed into a chaotic state.

In the inheritance left by Yuanshi Tianzun, in addition to the taboo secret technique of Yuanshi Yin, there is naturally a supreme secret technique involving the field of time.

That is Yuan Shi.

The primordial being, everything begins, in other words, the primordial is the initial stage of all things, that is, chaos.

No matter what kind of attack, under the attack of the beginning of one yuan, it will be returned to the most primitive state, that is, chaos.

Therefore, despite the strange power of reincarnation in the two lives displayed by Ziwei Tianzun, it was still returned to the most primitive state by the beginning of one yuan.

Seeing that his attack was restored to a chaotic state by Xu Yu, it was as if he had never issued this secret technique before.

"What a start!"

Ziwei Tianzun's pupils contracted, and he looked at Xu Yu unnaturally. The short-distance secretary Xu Yu used had already touched the time domain.

Because the ancient supreme beings who cherish their lives the most, what they fear most are those who can arouse the power of the time domain.

Because fighting against such a person, the power of time of the other party will always erode their Sendai, which will accelerate the process of breaking their already decayed Sendai.

Of course, what is more important is that Ziwei Tianzun had a chance to meet Yuanshi Tianzun once in the age of mythology.

Although at that time he didn't know that the Taoist at that time was Yuanshi Tianzun, but he knew that that person was indeed an invincible person who truly shocked the past and the present.

Later, after fighting all the way and embarking on the underground road, he realized how powerful and terrifying Yuanshi Tianzun was.

"The secret technique of Yuanshi Tianzun!"

Just when Ziwei Tianzun was still immersed in his own secret art and was annihilated, the ancient supreme from the sky who was blown out by Xu Yu earlier returned to the mythical battlefield again.

"Young man, you have a good method. You are actually able to use Yuanshi Tianzun's secret technique to such an extent. I really underestimate you."

I saw that the battle armor worn by the Supreme God was damaged in the collision just now, revealing his jade-like skin.

"Do you see it?"

Seeing Xu Yu staring at his body all the time, the Supreme Lord gave a cold laugh, and then loudly admitted his origin.

"This seat is the Jade Emperor, the Holy Spirit Emperor!"

The voice of the Jade Emperor spread throughout the universe.

Some people who had heard his legend immediately thought of him.

"It's him, the Unrivaled Holy Spirit evolved from the Nine Heavens White Jade!"

"Thinking that he is still in this world!"

Although the psychic Nine Heavens White Jade is not as precious as the Nine Great Immortal Gold, it is not far behind.

Although I thought that those ancient supreme beings in the life military region would be very extraordinary, but I didn't expect that even a person who was about to be forgotten by ancient history would reappear in the world!

It has subverted people's imagination, and made people dare not underestimate those forbidden areas of life. God knows what other ancient supreme beings are there.

"Very good, an innate star master from the age of mythology and a holy spirit from the ancient times, it would be interesting to kill like this!"

After understanding the origins of the two, Xu Yu launched a fierce attack on them. In the current situation, one of them must fall.

"Big words! Zhou Tian's Star Fighting Formation!"

Ziwei Tianzun is worthy of being the Lord of Ten Thousand Stars, and when he made a move, he was a matchless killing formation that was not weaker than the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and it met Xu Yu's Zhuxian Sword Formation.

"Young man, your Zhuxian Sword Formation is currently restricted by the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation. I want to see how you will fight against the two of us in the future!"

At the same time, the Jade Emperor also said coldly to Xu Yu.

And in the Heavenly Court established by Ye Fan, he also heard Ziwei Tianzun's roar, and his face was a little surprised.

You must know that in the records of the earth, the Zhoutian Xingdou formation is the supreme formation created by the demon emperor Jun, and it is one of the three great formations in the wild. People and things like Tianzun and Zhou Tianxingdou.

"Yezi, don't you think that the myths and biographies recorded on our earth all evolved through these ancient emperors?"

Beside him, a giant iron tower man with a height of more than two feet and exuding a monster aura asked him.

This person is a generation of demon god Pangbo. After eating the coffin boards for many years, he has also become a strong man in the field of great saints. The demon god in the world.

"Perhaps! After all, people like Lingbao Tianzun and Daode Tianzun are recorded in our home earth. It must be the records made by these famous people in ancient times after learning about the deeds of those unrivaled figures in the universe. However, with time With the passage of time, the original content has changed!"

At this moment, Ye Fan has experienced the dark turmoil of more than 300 years ago, and more than 100 years of trials on the ancient starry sky road, and he has learned many unknown secrets in this world.

So when he heard Ziwei Tianzun and Zhou Tianxing fighting for battle, there was only a ray of surprise on his face, not as surprised as when he first stepped into the practice when he was young.

"It's really strange, Ziwei Tianzun, Jade Emperor, thinking that there are such characters in ancient history, then the master of Tongtian is probably Lingbao Tianzun!"

After so many years, Pangbo still misses Master Tongtian.

"Boy Ye, do you still have legends about Ziwei Tianzun and Jade Emperor in your hometown? Why hasn't the emperor heard of these two things?"

Beside them, a huge black dog like a hill asked Ye Fan with a puzzled expression.

"There are so many things you don't know. Even a dog that will lose itself doesn't need to know that much!"

Pangbo also had resentment towards the black dog in front of him. This black dog actually sent him and the people of Heavenly Court to a desolate star field in the recent action.

It took several years to return to the heavenly court, which made the big black dog stay away from everyone in the heavenly court.


"Damn it, dead dog, let go!"

Before Pangbo finished speaking, he was bitten on the shoulder by the huge black dog in front of him.

One person and one dog, instantly caught in a human-dog battle.

It has to be said that the big black dog didn't have to waste time and space these years. He, who stood up from the back, has now entered a stage of rapid growth in strength, and has become a dog in the realm of the great sage in one round.

However, his temperament has not changed in any way, and he is still causing trouble for the entire universe.

If it weren't for the fact that he is now backed by the colossus of Heaven, I am afraid that many people in the universe would want to settle accounts with him.

(End of this chapter)

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