The monstrous fire light instantly illuminated most of the universe, Ziwei Tianzun's emperor's body was ignited, and the remaining emperor's origin in his emperor's body was also ignited by the Dao fire. Sent to the reincarnation circuit.

"This is... a Supreme has fallen!"

An elderly monk heard Ziwei Tianzun's desperate voice and said tremblingly.

"Who has fallen!" Looking at the monstrous flames of the transformation path in the universe, many people are guessing which Supreme has fallen.

"The aura of the emperor's way is extremely chaotic. It is indeed an ancient supreme who has come to the end of his life!"

Some peerless powerhouses who watched this battle from far away in the universe, after seeing the flames illuminating the universe, understood that after the opening of the road to self-improvement, there was once again a supreme being who decided the victory and defeat, life and death.

"Maybe it's not the ancient supreme being who fell, but the blood of the banished immortal!"

Some people also said that they believed that Xu Yu had been defeated by the ancient supreme, and that the emperor's road had come to an end.

Of course, those who speak like this are all young arrogance today.

In the past 100 years, with Xu Yu's brilliance in the universe, he first became an unrivaled monk in the eighth heaven of the quasi-emperor, and then beheaded the first emperor of ancient times, Shidi, and became the biggest obstacle on the road to the emperor.

Moreover, he does not have the physique of Holy Body, so he cannot prove the Tao.

As long as he cultivates to great success, he will definitely be able to enter the realm of the emperor's way, and at that time, they will cut off their way forward.

Therefore, when the ancient supreme beings were born, many arrogances hoped that Xu Yu would die with those ancient supreme beings.

In this way, they can get rid of Xu Yu, the big worry in their hearts, and make the obstacles in their way to the emperor disappear, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Who are you? How dare you curse my human race's pride!"

Some monks nearby, hearing the young man's profligate words, scolded him one after another.

Of course, there were some people who recognized the young man's origin, knew his identity, and didn't say much.

"Who am I? My father is the emperor. In this world, apart from my father, who dares to say that he can become an emperor!"

I saw that the young man didn't hold back after hearing the funeral of everyone, but became even more proud.

It turned out that the young man was one of the adopted sons of the Emperor, the Lord of the God Court.

Over the years, with the help of the emperor's prestige, it can be said that he has acted recklessly in the universe, and an unknown number of ethnic groups have been persecuted by him.

And the gap between Xu Yu and Shenting is known to the entire universe, so the people in Shenting cursed Xu Yu, but the others didn't say anything.

In this practice world where the jungle preys on the jungle, there is no such thing as justice or evil, and there is only the difference between strength and weakness.

So even though it has only been a few hundred years since the dark turmoil, there are still people who have devoted themselves to those restricted areas and become his generals.

Whoever has milk is a mother, that is the most real idea in this world.

Even the Blue Star where Xu Yu was in his previous life, has performed the richness of the ghost to the fullest.

What is the principle, what is the justice, those are used to say, not to do.

Of course, the thoughts in the hearts of more young Tianjiao will naturally not be the same as that of outsiders, because at this moment Xu Yu is fighting for the ancient supreme, countless monks in the universe, especially those who have experienced darkness and turmoil, they hope Xu Yu more than anyone else. Jade can win and quell turmoil.

For them, it doesn't matter who becomes the current emperor, as long as they can maintain the peace of the universe and prevent darkness and turmoil from coming.

"There is nothing wrong with it. The primordial spirit is shattered, and the emperor's body transforms into Tao. It is true that an ancient supreme has fallen!"

On the Starry Sky Ancient Road, Emperor Zhun spoke and made a correct judgment.

Emperor Zhun opened his mouth and made the correct judgment. It was not Xu Yu who shed blood, but money to prevent the fall of his ancient supreme.

"It's Ziwei Tianzun in the age of mythology. He fell in this battle. Before he could fully sublimate and return to the throne of the emperor, he was beheaded by the immortal with strong means!"

With the disappearance of Emperor Shenwei belonging to Ziwei Tianzun, those who were watching the battle in the universe also knew the latest changes in the battle situation.

"Ziwei Tianzun, this old man from the same era as me has finally fallen!"

And in the restricted area, there is also an ancient supreme muttering to himself.

This person is the Xiaoyao Tianzun in the sea of ​​reincarnation, and he is one of the ancient supreme beings in this world.


The fall of Ziwei Tianzun did not bring the war to an end.

The Zhou Tian Xing Dou battle that is out of control now has become the target of Xu Yu and the Jade Emperor.

Xu Yu's idea is very simple, that is to gather two peerless killing formations to deal with the remaining Jade Emperor.

And the Jade Emperor also seemed to see Xu Yu's thoughts, and he also wanted to use Zhou Tianxing to fight against Xu Yu's Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Now is not the time just now, Zhuxian Sword Formation has lost the resistance of Ziwei Tianzun, which is not good news for him.

Of course, if he sublimates to the utmost and returns to the throne of the Emperor, even the two major killing formations will not have much impact on him.

However, he has lingered from the incomparably distant ancient times to this day. Before he could see the Immortal Realm, he was very resigned to his life. Only when it was a last resort, he would choose to return to the Emperor's Path.

However, judging from the current situation, he still doesn't want to try his best to sublimate, but intends to entangle Xu Yu with the help of the Zhou Tianxing Dou array left by Ziwei Tianzun.

Because Xu Yu hadn't had time to recover after the fierce battle at this moment, it was worth his current state being even worse.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor planned to use the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation to continuously consume Xu Yu's remaining vitality until he was exhausted to death.

"Junior, killing Ziwei Tianzun just now has consumed enough of your vitality, how can you fight against me now?"

The Jade Emperor looked at the bruised Xu Yu as if he had the winning ticket, and said in a flat tone.

Up to now, the Jade Emperor is indeed calmer, because the area is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in his eyes at the moment, as long as his current resistance gradually weakens, it is time for him to pick the fruits of victory.

"Although my current state is not very good, you are not much better than me. A rotten supreme is not a real supreme after all!"

Although Xu Yu's vitality was seriously injured and his body was covered with bruises, Xu Yu knew that as long as he responded properly, the Jade Emperor would have no chance to attack him.

More importantly, he doesn't need to absorb the life essence of all living beings to stop his decaying Xiantai like the Jade Emperor.

During the battle, although he couldn't recover his vitality very well, it can't be said that he didn't recover a trace of vitality!

As long as the other person is still alive, his whole body will automatically breathe out the spiritual energy in the universe to recover.

Although in this process, the spiritual energy he could absorb was pitifully small, but it was not without it.

If he continues to entangle like this, the vitality in his body will slowly recover over time.

So the only thing Xu Yu can do right now is to delay the time and restore his own strength while consuming the Jade Emperor's vitality.

However, after all, the Jade Emperor was someone who had passed through his realm, so he naturally knew what Xu Yu was thinking, so he launched a more violent attack on Xu Yu.

I want Xu Yu not to be able to recover, and to be consumed by him slowly.

Naturally, Xu Yu wouldn't just sit still, so he also tried his best to block the Jade Emperor's attack while he still had the strength to resist.

And when the two were fighting, Xu Yu also consumed the blood essence of Dacheng Hegemony, who had just been killed by him, and recovered a little bit of strength.

The most tragic battle broke out between the two, shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods, everyone in the universe was shocked, but all living beings were afraid, the aura of the imperial way was too terrifying.

Xu Yu swung the Immortal Golden Cauldron with one hand, and slammed it at the Jade Emperor, and with the other hand, he shot out all directions, dispelling the divine light from the Haotian Mirror.

He re-established himself in the forbidden realm of the gods, triggering the secrets of all characters all the time, his combat power was extremely terrifying, and the law of the emperor's way was launched, shocking the world.

A vast fairyland appeared around the Jade Emperor, all of which were condensed with supreme divine power. In the fairyland, countless fairy spirits rushed towards him exuding the imperial aura.

True dragon, Kunpeng, fairy phoenix, unicorn.
Every fairy is extremely terrifying and needs to be fought bloody, and its roar resounds through the three realms and six realms.

Visions unfolded around Xu Yu's body, a fairy king descended from the realm, walked into the fairyland, and killed the real dragon.

There are two air currents of yin and yang, intertwined to form a millstone, resisting the immortal phoenix.

Hundreds of millions of stars fell, carrying boundless celestial light, and slammed into Xuanwu.

A God of Killing Immortals stepped out, his whole body was filled with blood, and he fought fiercely against Kunpeng.

The battle between the two was extremely fierce, and every part of their body was turned into a weapon. Xu Yu's eyes burst out with innate divine light, while the Jade Emperor's eyes were also extraordinary, with the light of heaven conceived in them, ready to shoot at Xu Yu at any time. .

In the fierce fighting, the celestial spirits and visions were all smashed to pieces, and the laws of the emperor's way scattered, turning into the most original fairy light, rushing towards the four directions.

This universe seems to be destroyed, everything has been beaten into nothingness, turned into chaos, a terrifying breath flows, and the laws of the emperor want to destroy the world.

The sky is falling apart, ghosts are crying and gods are howling, this is a tragic battle.

During this period, the Jade Emperor's body was shattered by Xu Yu many times, but it was reassembled immediately. This invincible emperor's body can heal the wound immediately without using any secret techniques.

And Xu Yu's body was broken by the Jade Emperor many times, and the bright red blood flew and splashed in all directions, which was quite miserable.

Xu Yu is not a real enlightened person, but he can also contend against the invincible emperor. He is always running the secret code, and when the secret code is successful, his combat power is so violent that it can tear the body of the Jade Emperor.

And when the secret of all characters expired, his combat power dropped sharply, and he was in danger of being torn apart.

But fortunately, his physical body is strong enough, even a generation of invincible ancient emperors, it is difficult to deal with his invincible body easily.

The battle lasted for thousands of strokes, both of them suffered heavy injuries, and the starry sky was destroyed and turned into boundless chaos.

The Jade Emperor's heart sank slowly, he was almost at his limit, and he still couldn't quickly tear apart the half-crippled Xu Yu in front of him.

The Jade Emperor's heart gradually cooled down. Apart from sublimation, he had used all the methods he could use, but he still couldn't cut off Xu Yu immediately.

I thought I had paid enough attention to him, but I didn't expect him to be too heaven-defying after all!

He sighed in his heart, knowing that this time was over for him, even if he could kill Xu Yu now, absorbing his blood essence would not change the ending of his death.

Unless he sublimates to the utmost, otherwise, Xu Yu really can't do anything in a short time.

Extreme sublimation, this is a last resort for Supreme, and it will cost you your life.

After all, he never thought that Xu Yu's strength could be so strong that he could kill the Emperor with his own strength.

Moreover, in the collision just now, the blood spilled by the Jade Emperor was swallowed up by Xu Yu, further restoring his vitality.

"Ten moves to decide the outcome!"

The Jade Emperor said coldly, he really didn't want to procrastinate any longer, he wanted to solve everything quickly!
This is no longer to launch dark turmoil to supplement himself, he just wants to fight Xu Yufeng to prove his strength.

It was a shame for him to fight an unenlightened ant to such an extent, and it could only be washed away with Xu Yu's blood.

"Heaven's will is like a knife, and it will cut all dharmas!"

He coldly shouted, and in an instant, the sky and the earth roared, the boundless sea of ​​thunder shone, and a sky knife emerged from the sea of ​​thunder.

The sky knife shook its face, it seemed to be stained with the blood of the gods, it was about to drip, and a tragic breath radiated out.

Xu Yu felt that his soul was chilling, and that knife of God's will seemed to be able to kill everything.

This is an extremely terrifying move. With a single strike, all dharmas are slashed, and everything is chopped into pieces and turned into nothingness.

It is like an invisible knife, any move, any substance is cut off in front of it, even if it cannot be cut off, it can't stop its blade.

It pointed directly at Xu Yu's Yuanshen, which made Xu Yu feel a strong sense of crisis.


Xu Yu burst out with golden divine light all over his body, forming a bright barrier, trying to block the bloody knife of providence.


In an instant, the qi and blood barrier was cut off, Xu Yu stretched out his hand to stop it, but the sword of heaven's will passed through his palm like a phantom in an instant.

The sword that killed the primordial spirit, even the former word secret, couldn't stop it. Xu Yu recalled the fairy golden tripod and stood in front of his eyebrows to protect his primordial spirit.


With a loud bang, the knife of heaven's will was blocked, and Yuan Shiyin possessed unpredictable power, blocking this elusive knife.

The Jade Emperor's eyes widened immediately, it was very unbelievable, what kind of material is this, it can actually block the knife of God's will?

This square seal is too extraordinary, the Jade Emperor has never heard of any material in the world that can block the knife of heaven's will, no matter what kind of fairy gold it is.

"Come again!"

The Jade Emperor yelled loudly, and cast a powerful secret technique, and the boundless Tao turned into spears of divine punishment, one after another, all shot towards Xu Yu.

"This body is immortal!"

Xu Yu shouted loudly, his whole body burst into infinite light, his whole body was like an immortal god.

This is the most powerful defense, the physical body is strong, surpassing any fairy gold, standing in the void, even if the spear of heaven's punishment is pierced one after another, it is difficult to penetrate his body.

"That little guy is a bit too strong!" the Supreme in the restricted area of ​​life whispered.

Xu Yu was too strong, even a generation of ancient emperors could not defeat him even if they were sublimated to the best of their abilities. He didn't even drag the Jade Emperor to death with his vast qi, blood and vitality, but relied on his own strength to contend with the Jade Emperor, and he didn't look embarrassed.

This is a great enemy, and it deserves to be taken seriously by each of them, and they must not be neglected. Once they are underestimated, they will be killed.


The tragic confrontation continued, and the Jade Emperor used several powerful methods, and once directly tore Xu Yu apart, almost killing him.

Obviously, he is extremely powerful. In terms of strength alone, Xu Yu at this moment can't compare to him at his peak.

If it wasn't for his unsustainable state, Xu Yu would probably lose in this battle, but right now, he can't last.


The ninth move was played, Xu Yu was covered in blood, and the Jade Emperor was also uncomfortable, half of his body was torn open, and his breath was weak.

The Jade Emperor's heart sank, he was about to fall from the state of extreme sublimation, he did not expect this battle to be so difficult and dangerous.

"Final battle!"

The Jade Emperor shouted loudly, concentrating all the energy and spirit of his body, and struck out the most peak blow of his life.

In an instant, his whole body turned into a bright celestial light, reaching up to the sky, and down to the nine secluded worlds, boundless and boundless.

This is his ultimate divine technique, named: Heavenly Dao!

The Jade Emperor, conceived from the catastrophe of heaven, as the son of heaven, finally turned into the way of heaven, bringing the power of the universe to strike.

This is a terrifying scene, the boundless fairy light gathers, it is dazzling, and everything in the world is submerged in it.

Everything was invisible, and the vast fairy light drowned everything. The Jade Emperor sacrificed himself and turned into the heaven to suppress Xu Yu.

At this moment, all the powerhouses in the heavens and worlds lost their color, and the ancient emperor could not be calm in the restricted area of ​​life.

The myriad ways of the universe are singing together, the law of the emperor is as turbulent as sea water, the chains of order are intertwined, running through the past, the present and the future, and God is angry.

The ultimate blow collapsed the ages, shattered time and space, and destroyed everything.

Xu Yu was submerged in the celestial light, his expression was calm, he swiped his hands, bursting out with divine power, and also struck out his strongest blow.

A blazing light burst out from his hands, and at this moment, he became the only one in the world.


Everything is invisible, only the boundless and endless light floods the sky and the earth, the universe is beaten into chaos, and the sky and the earth are reopened.

Created and then destroyed, destroyed and then created, the sun, moon and galaxy collapsed in a blazing light.

The vast sea of ​​light dissipated, and a figure appeared in people's sight. It was a figure soaked in blood and whose body was torn apart.

It was Xu Yu. He was severely injured, his body was cracked, his soul was dim, and his breath was extremely weak.

This was an unimaginable battle, the Jade Emperor died, he sacrificed everything about himself, and he died when he performed the ultimate move.

Nothing was left, his body evaporated, only a broken purple electric hammer fell into the void.

In Xu Yu's independent universe, he absorbs the divine splendor of the ten directions, absorbs the essence of heaven and earth, and repairs himself.

An ancient emperor died and was beheaded by him. This incident immediately shocked the entire universe.

All the heavens and places are boiling. This is a big wave, which has caused a sensation in the nine heavens and ten places. An invincible strong man shines a dazzling light.

All ethnic groups could not be calm, and there was a lot of discussion, marveling at the fighting power of the exiled immortal Xu Yu, and his great achievements.

A dark turmoil that might affect hundreds of millions of living beings was quelled by him in this way, a storm blew up all over the universe, and countless living beings chanted his name.

Xu Yu is invincible in the world, and he defeated the ancient emperor against the ancient emperor. In the history of God's War, today's battle must be added to today's battle.

Xu Yu put away the fragments of the Haotian Mirror, refined it into the Immortal Gold Cauldron, and then walked to all parts of the universe, devouring the essence crazily to replenish himself.

The supreme beings in the restricted area were all silent, but Xu Yu's rapid rise, slaying the overlord, and reversing the ancient emperor made them feel endless fear in their hearts.

An extremely sublime Supreme has been defeated by him, who else in this world can restrain him?
The Supremes knew in their hearts that Xu Yu hadn't even used the Spirit Treasure Killing Formation, and he had reached such a heaven-defying level just by relying on his own combat power!
Xu Yu walked around the universe for several days, absorbing infinite energy to replenish his losses, recovered from his injuries, and returned to his peak.

He gained a lot from this battle, and for the first time experienced the terror of Emperor Wuxia, which was of great benefit to his practice.

"Standing in the field of alternative enlightenment, my combat power will be improved to a higher level!" Xu Yu whispered, his eyes became more determined.

The Big Dipper calmed down, the various clans that moved out came back again, and the sages who had gone to the starry sky outside the territory also returned one after another.

Powerful people of all races are chanting Xu Yu's name, thanking him for his great merit, and having him there is enough to protect the peace of the universe for thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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