In 500 years, Xu Yu only took five chapters and more than a hundred years to become the most powerful group of people in this universe.

Everyone in the universe is cheering, and the general Xu Yu seems to have seen the glory of the future emperor.

From now on, unless the ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life join hands, no one in the world can check and balance Xu Yu anymore.

After Xu Yu beheaded the two ancient supreme beings, those in the restricted area of ​​life who were still very hostile to Xu Yu also extinguished their original thoughts at this moment. At least when Xu Yu was at his peak, they would not come to provoke Xu Yu again of.

Of course, this is not absolute. People at their level have fought for a long time and fell to the throne of the emperor, just to wait for the opening of the road to immortality.

But now the road to immortality on the ancient star of the Big Dipper has been proven to be a miscalculation, and the remaining ancient supreme beings put their hopes on the immortal star. If Xu Yu competes with them for the road to immortality, it will still be them. enemy.

At that time, those restricted areas of life might join hands to deal with Xu Yu, and anyone who threatens them on the immortal road will be their enemy.

But Xu Yu didn't think so. He knew that in the loss of the ages, especially in the ancient times, one after another human emperors and Dacheng Holy Body, they went to the follow-up to quell the dark turmoil.

In the process of fighting again and again, there are only one or two ancient supreme beings left in some forbidden areas of life that often cause dark turmoil.

Just like the sea of ​​reincarnation that was pacified by Ye Fan in the original book, now there is only Xiaoyao Tianzun left in it.

If Xu Yu is willing, after he recovers his vitality, he can destroy the one-life restricted area in the Sea of ​​Samsara at any time.

But compared to the Sea of ​​Samsara, Xu Yu is more interested in the Undead Mountain, and the value of the Undying Mountain is more important to Xu Yu.

Because there is an Enlightenment tea tree that can help people to enlightenment, not to mention there is a long live immortality medicine inside, the value of its own existence is much higher than that of the Sea of ​​Samsara.

Enlightenment tea tree, even for people in the realm of the great emperor, has quite good benefits.

Since ancient times, almost all ancient emperors and great emperors who have become enlightened will go to the Immortal Mountain to observe and realize the tea tree to evolve their own way.

Not to mention the "long live" elixir of immortality in it, it is the supreme elixir that can allow the ancient emperor or emperor to live a second life in one day, even the ancient supreme who has already taken the elixir of immortality, can also rely on the elixir of immortality Restore your own life essence.

Xu Yu restrained his aura and disappeared into the universe again.

Although he has ideas about some restricted life zones on the ancient Big Dipper, it is obvious that this moment is not the best time to make a move.

One is that he now only needs to find a place to retreat to restore his vitality, and the other is to refine the spoils he obtained in this battle.

The second is that if you rashly start a war with the restricted area of ​​life, you need to make sufficient preparations, and at worst, you must hide your relatives and friends around you.

Throughout the ages, countless outstanding people went to conquer the restricted area of ​​life because they were not fully prepared, causing their relatives and friends to be ruthlessly liquidated by the ancient supreme.

The most famous one is Xue Yueqing, the demon emperor. Before he became emperor, he never returned to the Big Dipper Starfield, in order not to bring his enemies to his homeland, and more importantly, to avoid the ancient supreme beings in the restricted life zone.

Although those ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life still have the status of emperors on weekdays, it also depends on what kind of people they are facing.

If it was just an ant on the side of the road that could be trampled to death at will, they would never take it to heart.

But if it is a taxi whose life is restricted and who poses a threat to them, it is another matter.

So this is also the reason why Ye Fan closed the heavens many times before Dacheng in the original book.

Xu Yu disappeared without a sound at the place where the battle had just occurred.Went to another star field with abundant aura and recovered his vitality there.

And he also threw the Jade Emperor's mutilated body into the Immortal Golden Cauldron for sacrifice.

Then, the mouth of the cauldron was chaotic, turned upside down abruptly, and took all the blood essence into it, refining three blood pills almost instantly.

Xu Yu swallowed one, and there were endless scriptures in the world, and he seemed to be soaked in blood, red clouds filled the sky, various Taoist symbols emerged, and the treasure looked solemn.

In the end, he stood up and recovered completely, his eyes were like two cold lightnings.

He put away the fragments of the Haotian mirror and Ziwei Tianzun's spear, strode away from the frontier of the universe, and returned to the realm of the gods.


Holy area.

In a resplendent heavenly palace, several elders of God's Domain are discussing the next development of the heavenly court.

"Now that God has become a supreme powerhouse comparable to the ancient supreme, then the development of our heavenly court should also be on the right track, like the divine court, to conquer many star fields and rule the entire universe!"

An old god said to the other elders with an excited expression.

"Yes, God is not only one of the most powerful group of people at that time, but more importantly, during the time of darkness and turmoil, God once took action to quell the darkness and turmoil, killing the Lord of the God Ruins, and he is the person with the greatest achievements in the world , even Saint Ye Fan can't compare with it!"

Among the people who participated in the suppression of the dark turmoil back then, only two survived, and one was Xu Yu, who fought hard to be the Lord of the Shenxu.

The other one is Ye Fan, who has been silent in the world for 300 years, and is fighting with the corpse of the Dacheng Holy Body.

Especially Xu Yu, who is known as the person with the greatest achievements in the world, because he truly beheaded a real ancient supreme in the dark turmoil. You, and Emperor Void and Emperor Hengyu are comparable.

Of course, such as Emperor Void and Emperor Hengyu, Gai Jiuyou and Dacheng Holy Body, their achievements will also be remembered by future generations.

Of course, the so-called engraving is nothing more than a word of mouth. Xu Yu believes that in this practice world where the weak prey on the strong.

Just like the current Ye Fan, who just woke up from a deep sleep, those peers who had competed and tried with him on the ancient starry sky road before.

Even those young Tianjiao who have just stepped into the ancient road of starry sky for 200 years, they were not even born when the dark turmoil broke out.

Therefore, they don't have much understanding of the cruelty of darkness and turmoil. It only exists in the mouths of their elders, which makes them have no sense of awe.

In this world, if you want others to remember you forever, you must either be very good or you are very evil.

The words of great kindness, like those human emperors who put down the darkness and turmoil, have made great contributions to the whole world, so they will not be forgotten.

Evil words are like those ancient supreme beings whose life enters into them. Those who dare to offend will be killed without mercy, making the world hate and fear extremely.

"This is indeed the truth, and the strength of several generals has also grown, and it is entirely possible to conquer one star field after another!"

"What's more important is that since God's return, he has beheaded three ancient supreme beings and a Dacheng hegemony successively, which has created his invincible reputation. Maybe some star fields don't need us to fight at all, and they will automatically be independent. surrender to us."

The elders of God's Domain were also very excited when they were discussing the next development plan of Heavenly Court. They could also follow God to the universe, which was undoubtedly a very pleasant surprise for them.

You must know that in the past million years, the ethnic groups in the domain of the gods have been subject to the rule of each generation of gods.

What's even more unfortunate is that before Xu Yu, although the gods of God's Domain possessed absolutely invincible strength in God's Domain, they seemed so insignificant in the entire universe.

In the millions of years, there are only a handful of quasi-emperors born in God's Domain, and most of them rely on the power of faith to barely pass that threshold.

There is still a big gap in combat power between this and those quasi-emperors who have cultivated step by step.

It is precisely because of this situation that God's Domain has only been able to settle in a corner for countless thousands of years.

A situation like that didn't change until Xu Yu moved into the mysterious place.

And with the growth of Xu Yu's strength, especially in the past hundred years, Xu Yu has successively killed three ancient supreme beings, his prestige has reached the peak in the entire universe, and no one can compare with him.

Even the quasi-emperor Ninth Heavenly Powerhouse like Immortal Queen and Dizhu still looked solemn when Xu Yu was mentioned.

Compared to their strength accumulated over time, Xu Yu only spent more than 500 years in their field.

So the elders of God's Domain thought.In today's universe, there is no one who can stop Xu Yu's footsteps in the realm of God.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the golden heavenly palace, it was Xu Yu who had returned to God's Domain.

After many years, Xu Yu once again returned to the orthodoxy he had created. When he had just set foot on the ancient road of the human race, he had a joke with Lin Chuan and created the Heavenly Court of God.

Of course, Xu Yu's time in God's Domain was basically pitifully short. Think about it, not long after God's Domain was created, Xu Yu left God's Domain to fight on the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

Then he returned directly to the Big Dipper Starfield, and finally sent Lin Chuan and others who followed him back to the Divine Realm before the dark turmoil broke out.

"Brother, you are back!"

Among the people discussing matters in the hall, Lin Chuan, who had already become a great sage, immediately noticed the aura of Xu Yu who came to the temple.

"See my God!"

After hearing Lin Chuan's voice, several elders in the temple also recognized Xu Yu's identity and bowed down to him.

However, he was lifted up by a divine power of Xu Yu.

"No need to be polite!"

Xu Yu lifted up all the people who bowed to him.

Fast forward a hundred years, and those veterans in God's Domain became even older. Although Xu Yu had arranged a bullying array in God's Domain during the dark and turbulent time, so that God's Domain was not harmed by the ancient self-esteem.

But time is the most ruthless thing in this world.

Those elders in God's Domain were already relatively old.

Some old gods who served him in the early years could not stand the ravages of time and had already passed away.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Suddenly, a huge bell resounded throughout the entire Divine Realm.

It turned out to be Lin Chuan. After seeing Xu Yu's return to God's Domain, he thought it was necessary for Xu Yu to understand the changes in God's Domain over the years, because the leaders of some ethnic groups have changed again and again.

"This is……"

"The Divine Bell is ringing!"

After hearing the bell, the expressions of countless experts in God's Domain changed drastically.

Because this bell is a soldier who proves the Dao of a great sage monk, and it is cast from the god sand of the galaxy. Although it is not a treasure in the domain of the gods, it has a vital role.

That is, if something important happens in God's Domain, the divine bell will be rung to summon many powerhouses in God's Domain.

In particular, the number of rings of the bell also has different meanings.

The bell rang nine times, which meant that some elders in the domain of God were summoned to hold a meeting in the temple.

When the bell rang 33 times, it meant that an important person in God's Domain had passed away, and many powerful people in God's Domain needed to pray for him together.

The bell rings 99 times, which means that God's Domain has invaded by powerful enemies. When it comes to life and death, all the people in God's Domain must be summoned to fight.

But this bell has only rang that few times in the endless years.

Especially after the bell rang 99 times, it was even more shocking.

However, many powerhouses in God's Domain were not shocked yet, and quickly turned into streams of light and rushed towards the temple.

After a while, the elders of the various ethnic groups in the water area gathered in the temple.

"What happened, why did the bell ring!"

"Could it be that an enemy has invaded my God's Domain?"

Because the old man with gray hair came to the hall and faced him.Several of his old gods asked.

This person is the head of the Divine Realm Knights. He was already a great sage more than 300 years ago. After more than 300 years of hard work, he has already touched the quasi-emperor's barrier.

"Without him, God is back!"

Lin Chuan said to the elders of the Divine Realm Knights.


Hearing Lin Chuan's words, many palace masters and god sons of various races who rushed over looked up at the seat of the gods, which no one dared to offend in the past. watch them.

"See my God!"

After reacting, many palace masters and elders saluted Xu Yu again.

"From today, the Knights of God's Realm will begin to expand, form a new legion, and march towards the Three Thousand Stars!"

Although Xu Yu has no interest in power, since he established the Heavenly Court in his early years, he also has to fight for his luck in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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