Following Xu Yu's order, the entire Divine Realm started to move, and countless strong men gathered into torrents, marching towards the vast Star Territory.

On the other hand, Xu Yu is standing in the realm of the gods, practicing in seclusion, and wants to go further. At the same time, he also wants to reforge his own golden tripod. In the previous battle, although his golden tripod was unparalleled in the world, Xu Yu was not satisfied. For this, he needs to gather all the nine great immortal golds to forge a real immortal weapon.

At this time, the Starry Sky Ancient Road has taken the battle of the emperor's road to a higher level.

After Xu Yu, a young Tianjiao stepped into the quasi-emperor realm and launched the most terrifying confrontation.

Coupled with the siege of God's Domain and Heavenly Court, the entire universe became even more chaotic.

With the conquest of God's Domain and Heavenly Court, more and more powerful forces began to appear in this world, and the struggle for hegemony on the Emperor's Road began.

God's Court, Phoenix Nest, God's Organization, Underworld, plus the Heavenly Court founded by Xu Yu, there are five major forces in the world, and each force has a supreme ruler.

More and more supreme figures began to step down and began to fight in the ancient starry sky road.

The Heavenly Court founded by Ye Fan has also been fighting against the Divine Court over the years, but at present, the overall strength of the Heavenly Court founded by Ye Fan is still far behind that of the Divine Court.

Fortunately, Xu Yu's Heavenly Court also confronted the Emperor's Heavenly Court, which relieved the pressure on Ye Fan and the others to some extent.

However, with the joining of other forces later on, the time of the war became longer and longer, and more and more star fields were involved.

The constant entanglement between various forces has passed for decades in a flash.

During this period, after all, the Heavenly Court under Xu Yu's command was superior, and many new reputations near the God's Domain were completely conquered by them.

Even the star field commanded by the expression was retreating steadily under the attack of the people in the heavenly court.

Some ancient and new lives that were originally attached to the landlord were taken over by Xu Yu.

Originally, Xu Yu planned to deal with the Lord of the Divine Court himself, but unexpectedly, the Emperor was chased by Ye Fan and the others and fled.

Xu Yu knew that it was the Empress' Dao Fruit who made the move, otherwise, with the three melons and two dates under Ye Fan's hands, it would be impossible to defeat the Emperor and Shenting.

The sudden loss of expression is something that many people did not expect.

In particular, the elders of the God Realm under Xu Yu made many arrangements to target the Shenting, but none of them came in handy now.

After Xu Yu heard the news, he simply smiled. Although he had changed many things, he never thought that the landlord would be chased and fled by Ye Fan and others like in the original book. It is detrimental to the face of those who will become enlightened.

Originally, he planned to suppress the emperor himself, but with the birth of his child these years, he spent more time by Zixia and the child, escorting them.

Because his child is too extraordinary, combining the two origins of the innate Taoist fetus and the eternal immortal body, which made him drain the spiritual energy in the entire God's Domain as soon as he was born. This is the situation after taking a bath and making sufficient preparations.

The countless source stones are simply not enough for the little guy to absorb. If Xu Yu hadn't taken out the divine source for the little guy to absorb at a critical moment, it would have alarmed the ancient supreme beings on the ancient Big Dipper.

What's more, that little guy was born with a chaotic body, and all the Taos of the world were suppressed by him, and countless dao marks gathered on his body from between the heavens and the earth.

Then it seemed that the heavens were alarmed, and the heavenly punishment fell on the sky above the domain of the gods, as if the birth of such a person was not allowed in this world.

However, at the critical moment, Xu Yu made a move. He used the supreme means to wipe out the lightning that landed on the field.

And practiced the essence of thunder from it, penetrated into the body of his own child, and sealed it.

In order to allow his child to go further in the future without being suppressed by the power of his blood, Xu Yu sealed the child's cultivation as a saint.

Xu Yu placed the child in the Five Elements Continent, and used Ziwei Tianzun's Zhou Tian Xingdou array to draw the light of thousands of stars to the center of the Five Elements Continent to nourish the child.

At the same time, it is also for the children to absorb the nourishment of the life essence of the ancient tree of life, so they missed the battle of the gods.

But to Xu Yu, this is not a big deal, after all, the master of the court is not enough to be a sensationalist in his eyes.

From the time when the Lord of the Divine Court dealt with the ancient Supreme Being whose life was forbidden 300 years ago, Xu Yu knew that he was hopeless in this life as the Great Emperor.

Without an invincible heart, it is impossible to become enlightened in the incomplete nine heavens and ten earths.


On this day, when Xu Yu was still accompanying Zixia in the Divine Realm, suddenly a deafening bell rang in many star regions at the same time.

"That is……"

Countless powerhouses in God's Domain also looked up at the place where the bell rang.

"Someone has reached the last level of the only true path..."

The only true road vibrated, and the long bells rang throughout the world. The sound of bells was heard all over the universe.

"Those people passed the ninth level and reached the ultimate place!"

What's behind the Nine Emperor Passes?This is a question asked by many people since ancient times. Don't want to know that it involves the secret of Emperor Cheng.

The Immortal Queen once fought against the mysterious man behind the Nine Emperor Gates, and in the end both lost, but they never really entered the most secret place.

There is inaccurate news that only after killing the Nine Chongdi Pass can it be truly opened and Ruiguang will appear.

Sure enough, on this day, hundreds of millions of celestial lights erupted from the star fields behind the nine emperor gates, and they exploded loudly, shaking the vast universe.

There was rumbling thunder, intertwined divine electricity, some ancient mountains moved away, and endless chaos surged, revealing a mysterious world in the blazing electricity and mist.

Soon, the elders of God's Domain got the news from the nearby Fifty Levels of Human Race.

It turned out that the ultimate ancient road was walked to the end, and the bell hanging in the ultimate ancient road was rang, so it resounded through many starry skies.

After all, the end of the ultimate ancient road is the most core area in the ancient heaven created by the emperor in the age of mythology.

And the bell that was rung was also a heavy weapon of Gu Tianting.

In the age of mythology, whenever a major event happened, the heavenly court would ring the imperial bell that could resound through the heavens to summon the supreme beings of the major star regions and the heavenly court to discuss matters.

"It seems that the woodcutter has now completely controlled the restriction of the Central Heavenly Palace, that's why he rang the bell!"

Xu Yu who heard the ringing of the bell, naturally knew that the old woodcutter had refined all the restrictions in the Heavenly Court and completely controlled the Heavenly Court, so he rang the bell.

"Let's go, let's go to the Ultimate Ancient Road to take a look!" Xu Yu said to Zixia, although he already knew that the Ultimate Ancient Road is now occupied by the old man.

But today's ultimate ancient road has gathered countless arrogances from all heavens and myriad domains, and it is worth seeing them all.

Even Xu Yu's followers, Zhu Xuan and Jin Yang, have honed themselves on the ultimate ancient road, which is the disciple-level battlefield these years.

Xu Yu took Zixia and took a step forward, like an ancient supreme being traveling, a golden road extending directly from the God's Domain to the ultimate ancient road.

"what is that?"

"Could it be that a great emperor is traveling?"

Looking at the golden road leading directly to the depths of the Tiangong, many arrogances in front of the ultimate emperor pass are talking about it.

"Who is this person, he has reached this point!"

"No, I haven't become enlightened yet, I'm only half a step away from entering that realm!"

In the moving Phoenix Nest in the universe, the people inside also saw this golden road.

In the Feng Dynasty, there was a graceful and gorgeous woman, looking at the golden road going away, she said with a solemn face.

He is the master of Phoenix Nest, the Empress of Immortality, and now that the ultimate emperor pass is opened, she naturally wants to move into the Central Heavenly Palace, so as to command the universe.

"Such a person is basically unstoppable in the current world. Even if the ancient supreme takes action, there will only be one end!"

Among them, an old man with a crescent moon imprint on his eyebrows looked at the golden road and said in horror.

This person is none other than the Sun Moon God General, one of the Immortal Emperor's Eight Division God Generals.

As a former Eight-Part God General, he himself has reached the edge of alternative enlightenment, so he understands the horror of this type of people better than those who are not queens around him.

Alternative enlightenment can be regarded as stepping into the realm of the imperial way.

"A few of you go up together, can you kill him?"

The Immortal Queen realized that Xu Yu was his unworldly enemy on the road to future enlightenment, so she asked the Sun Moon God General beside him what price he would have to pay to get rid of Xu Yu.

"I'm afraid only the number one general can stand against him!"

After listening to the question of the Immortal Emperor, Sun Moon Sheng Sheng pondered and gave an answer that she couldn't accept.

Because the relationship between the number one god general and her is complicated, and the ages have passed, she doesn't know if she can still find the number one god general.

Therefore, the answer that Sun Moon God will say is absolutely unacceptable to him.

"Other than that, then only the ancient supreme in the restricted area of ​​life can make a move. With their strength, they should be able to fight the person who just passed!"

Seeing that the state of the Immortal Queen was not right, the Sun Moon God General also knew that he had said something wrong.

After all, the things about the Immortal Queen and the number one general are basically spread among these generals.

His words just now felt like adding salt to someone's wounds, so the Sun Moon God changed the topic abruptly.

"Who is that person?"

Immortal Empress didn't intend to continue asking after hearing that Sun Moon God would forcefully change the subject.

Instead, he asked who the figure on the Golden Avenue was.

"The Queen of Heaven, he is Xu Yu, the lord of the Heavenly Court!"

Behind the Immortal Queen, a maid replied respectfully.

"Heavenly Court, you have such great courage, you dare to establish Heavenly Court before becoming an emperor."

Immortal Queen was also shocked when she heard the maid's answer. You must know that the word "Heavenly Court" is overwhelming.

Throughout the ages, the people who established the Heavenly Court have not met a very good fate.

"More importantly, he has only practiced Taoism for five hundred years, and he has become the most powerful group of people in the world. Even in the restricted area of ​​life, he has been beaten several times when facing him. There are three ancient The Supreme fell into his hands."

"It seems that he is the biggest obstacle to my King's Landing Universe!"

Listening to the maid's words, Immortal Queen's face became very solemn.

Originally, he thought that she thought that she would be silent for eternity, and if she was born on the right time when the road to immortality opened, she would surely be able to prove the Tao and become emperor before everyone else.

But I didn't expect that there would be a Xu Yu this time, who had achieved an alternative way of enlightenment after only more than 500 years of practice.

"It seems that we still have to go to the Underworld Emperor!"

The Immortal Queen, in order to remove the obstacles on her way to prove herself, decided to pay a huge price to let the Underworld Emperor in the underworld deal with Xu Yu.

"However, the Emperor of the Underworld has been sleeping in the underworld all the time, and is rarely born!"

"Besides, with our friendship with the underworld, I'm afraid it will be difficult to invite the underworld!"

When the Sun Moon God General heard that the Immortal Queen wanted to ask the Underworld Emperor to take action, his expression changed.

Because he knew that for ancient supreme beings like Hades, the battle for the great way in the world is far less important than the road to longevity.

"I have my own plans!"

However, the Immortal Queen seemed to have her own plan, she believed that she could persuade the Underworld Emperor to make a move.

While they were talking, the golden road under Xu Yu's feet had disappeared, and he and Zixia successfully reached the ultimate emperor pass.

With Xu Yu's arrival, Diguan, which was still noisy at first, became quiet in an instant.

There were even some people who came to Xu Yu's side to salute.

Of course, when more people saw Xu Yu appearing here, their faces were very complicated.

Because they are all peerless arrogances who aspire to be emperors in this world, and they all have the aptitude to prove the Tao.

However, things like proving the Tao do not only depend on a person's talent, but also on the right time, place and people.

They have no problem with their talents. If it was a chaotic ancient era, they would all be able to enter the realm of Daohuangdao, and some of them could even set foot in the realm of Immortal Dao.

But they were born in the extremely incomplete Nine Heavens and Ten Lands. In the current Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, only one person is allowed to prove the Dao in an era, and it is impossible for multiple people to prove the Dao at the same time.

Unless they are against the sky like Ye Fan, they can break the suppression of heaven, earth and myriad ways, and prove the truth against the sky.

But that kind of thing is even more difficult. In the case of the earth at that time, there were only two people in history who continued to prove the way against the sky.

The first person is the chaotic body. Even if someone has already proved the Tao successfully at that time, the chaotic body can still come from behind and prove the Tao again.

The second is to break through the oppression of the heavens, the earth, and the myriad ways with incomparable strength, just like Ye Fan, and go against the way.

But such a thing is indeed very dangerous, and only Ye Fan has succeeded.

For those young Tianjiao.The most desperate thing is not that they can't see the way forward, but that when they are trying to move forward, they have already got the key to open the door, but found that the door has been opened .

(End of this chapter)

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