The Central Heavenly Palace is majestic. Even though the ages have passed, people can still imagine the prosperity of the ancient Heavenly Court from the remaining traces.

With Xu Yu's arrival, all the Ninjas present fell silent, because the current Xu Yu was not something they could fight against.

And Xu Yu is also constantly scanning the many arrogances who have gone through the ages. Among these people, there will be many people who rely on themselves to achieve alternative enlightenment in the future.

Now that the central sky has an old firewood cutter in charge, Xu Yu didn't intend to fight with him, so he took Zixia to the side and waited for the opening of the Central Heavenly Palace.

Many Tianjiao present also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Xu Yu did not fight with them.

After all, with Xu Yu's strength, if he competed with them, all the people present would be no match for him, even if they possessed the ultimate imperial weapon.

This is the first time in eternity that so many people have arrived here. In the past, they were all a small group, and they were all the winners of the emperor's battle for supremacy.

This world is very different, and many people are waiting for the opportunity!

The elixir plants flying on the ancient mountain, the bright golden hibiscus and the fiery red rosefinch plant, looked so attractive.

"No, it's probably formed by the condensation of thunder elements. It's not true. You must know that the golden Fusang is definitely not here, and the elixir of the Sun Emperor is buried in the Ziwei star field."

In the crowd, Ye Fan said that he had seen it with his own eyes, and was lucky enough to refine a branch.

In the same way, the other elixir may not be real. It should be transformed by the terrifying thunder element. A great emperor once visited here and was imprinted by this place.

In the ancient mountain, there is a fairy cave, where a piece of fairy rain flew out, turned into various symbols, imprinted in the void, and became the carrier of the Dao.

Buzzing and deafening, it was a kind of Dao Ming, and in just this moment, everyone felt a sense, and they were intoxicated, they realized a kind of sutra meaning.

This is not obtained by one person or two people, but by a group of people, depending on the depth of cultivation and different understandings.

"The emperor's scriptures!"

Some people got a passage of words, such as Daigo empowered, they sat cross-legged directly, and some people realized some problems of cultivating that have been troubled for many years, and danced like crazy.

This is a broad and profound scripture that flows through the hearts of everyone like flowing water. Many people have gained something and immersed themselves in a wonderful situation.

However, few people can get the text, and what they understand is only one or a few pieces of order runes, so everyone's feelings are different.

This is not an illusion, but a real scriptural essence, engraved in the mountain ahead, blooming from the gushing ancient cave, and filling the sky.

One symbol after another, shining with blazing light, shocked the hearts of all the strong and gained a lot.

"Unexpectedly, Emperor Zun Xianjing actually exists in the world, it seems that we can all get it!"

Many people became excited, especially those ordinary monks who were not qualified to come here, but came here because of the specialness of this life and the inexplicable opening of the nine imperial gates. They were all rejoicing.

This is a big surprise!

The runes flickered, the avenues rang in harmony, and passages of scriptures turned into real dragons and dancing phoenixes, no more than an arm long, dancing the wind there, shocking the world.

Is this the means of Emperor Zun?
Endless years have passed, but the sutras he left behind seem to be alive, and they resound here, making everyone have the urge to worship.

"This is just the test of Emperor Zun."

Ye Fan whispered on the Emperor Zhun's warship, telling the truth, alerting Li Heishui, Huahua and others, and then thought about it.

"It's a bastard not to take advantage of it!" Heihuang said, fascinated, thinking about it seriously.

"This scripture is suitable for humanoid creatures." Dongfang Ye reminded.

"This emperor is more human than others, and some people are more human than me. For example, those guys are actually A, B, C, D, but they think that they are detached, but they are just pawns in the painting." Hei Huang scanned the front and sneered.

"Grandpa, that black dog is so cruel, it won't bite me." A little boy not far away said timidly.

"No, it's very obedient." The old man smiled, showing his leaky yellow teeth, holding a five or six-year-old boy and standing outside the crowd.

"It's fierce." The little boy said fiercely.

"It makes sense, but it's all self-righteous in the final analysis. They are also pawns in the painting. Those who point out the world are like people, and there are also dogs." The old man with yellow teeth laughed.

Ye Fan, the demon, and the holy prince turned around. They didn't hear the discussion, but they instinctively sensed a kind of aura, which was amazing and super extraordinary. It was not a frightening fluctuation, but an amazing induction, which must be A peerless master.

Xu Yu used the innate divine eye to determine the opponent's position.

In his eyes, there appeared a lousy old man with yellow teeth. Although he looked unattractive, he was a real quasi-emperor master, and he was also a high-ranking quasi-emperor.

"Ah, the person in the painting has seen us." The little boy said.

"We are both pawns in the painting." The old man patted his head, then led him to turn around and leave without stopping.

Ever since the old man with yellow teeth appeared, Xu Yu has been staring at the child beside him.

There is no other, because the physique of that child is very close to his, and it also contains part of the origin of the immortal way.

"Is that the Supreme Immortal Physique comparable to the Chaos Physique?"

Xu Yu looked at the child who was taken away by the old man with yellow teeth, and muttered to himself.

"what happened?"

Beside Xu Yu, seeing Xu Yu's expression was not right, so he asked.

"It's nothing, I met an interesting child!"

Xu Yu said to Zixia.


Zixia showed a puzzled expression after hearing Xu Yu's words.

"They're here too!"

Suddenly, Xu Yu opened his mouth and looked into the distance.

It turned out that Zhu Xuan, Jin Yang, and Ning Yi also came here.

Over the years, the three of them have also undergone constant trials in this universe, and they get together less with Xu Yu and the others.

Now meeting again, the three of them are all strong in the quasi-emperor realm.

Especially Juxuan, the power of blood in his body has been further awakened, and he has become more comfortable in mastering the power of space.

Even if he simply stood there, many fragments of time and space would appear around his body.

Because Xu Yu and Zixia didn't deliberately hide their aura, the three of them discovered Xu Yu just after arriving here.

Then the three of them turned into three rainbow lights and came straight to Xu Yu's side.

After exchanging pleasantries, the three of them left Xu Yu's side again, intending to fight for the creation left by Emperor Zun.

Because the three of them also knew that with Xu Yu's current state, there was no need to fight for the good fortune left by Emperor Zun. If they stayed by his side, they would only miss the scriptures left by Emperor Zun.

The emperor's scriptures flickered, and everyone got something, but in the end they all understood that they couldn't get more, and only a small part was shaken out of the fairy cave.

However, this is even more exciting. There is definitely Emperor Zun's footprints here, leaving his indelible mark. There are probably complete ancient scriptures in the depths of Dayue and Chaos, and people don't want to get them.

"That mountain has the statue of the Sun Emperor, and the other mountain has the statue of the Taiyin Emperor!"

"There is a monkey that has been shining golden all the time, it seems to be the Holy Emperor of Fighting, on another big mountain!"

People were amazed that the statues of the ancient great emperors and the ancient emperors appeared indistinctly, and there was a mysterious fluctuation. People believed that there might be a way.

On the Black Pearl, the Holy Prince couldn't be calm anymore, his eyes were piercing, looking at one of the mountains in the distance, his eyes flashed with divine light.

"Someone is doing it again, let's go inside too, maybe we can get the fate of the first emperor, and at least get more scriptures!" Someone wanted to take a risk.

In fact, a powerful war department had been activated long ago, leading the army forward, causing countless ripples.

Several of the great clans were at odds with each other, and they were still fighting fiercely here, splashing blood and blood, making the place even more chaotic.

There are huge crowds of people. Once a big war breaks out, it will be terrible, and it may become the fuse of bloodshed.

Many people retreated, afraid of being involved in the terrible vortex.

Even Ye Fan and the others didn't do anything. The quasi-imperial ship they were driving shrunk, dimmed, and stopped at the edge. They calmly watched everything here.


In the mountain, the chaotic air was tumbling, and the two figures were fighting fiercely. It turned out that they came out of the chaotic fairyland. It was so sudden that it shocked everyone.

"What, they broke out in it, when did they go in, how many years have they been dueling?"

People clearly remembered that in the past few years, people had broken in, but they never came out again. The sudden appearance of two people naturally caused a great commotion.

"It's Daoyi and Huoqizi!" Xu Yu recognized these two people, both of whom had dealt with him before.

When Huoqizi was in Beidou, he wanted to find him to take back the unicorn medicine seeds of the clan.

As for Daoyi, he once set up a shocking layout in God's Domain, trying to take back his father's ancient tree of life, but was blocked by Xu Yu, and his success fell short.

Daoyi, Kongming was born, he is slender, supernatural and refined, just like in the past, his every move has a charm of transcending the world, but his attack power is violent!

Huoqizi's water-blue hair is loose, dancing like a waterfall, his body is tall and strong, every blow is a fairy unicorn rushing up, frightening the human world, and shocking the world with its strength.

These are the two quasi-emperors, and they are extremely powerful, unfathomable powerhouses. After all kinds of honing, they are like peerless fairy swords out of their sheaths, showing the most brilliant edge.

"It's so powerful, those dragons and vermilion birds transformed from thunder elements can't do anything to them, it's too scary, they can come in and out of this place freely!"

Everyone was in a daze. The sons of the ancient emperor had now grown to the quasi-emperor realm. These two were natural enemies. They fought and fought all the way, and became the most terrifying monks today.


In the chaos, a mountain shook, and a graceful figure appeared. Huo Lin'er came out and shattered a quasi-emperor weapon with his palm. Obviously, he had just dealt with a great enemy.

"It's terrible. It was a Quasi-Emperor's sharp blade, and it was broken by her bare hands." People were amazed.

After Huo Lin'er appeared, he rushed directly to his brother, and wanted to join hands with him to kill him.

"Don't come here, this is the battle of the Emperor's Road, I have untied the knot in my heart, let go of my grudges, I will fight this opponent myself!" Huo Qizi shouted.

Huo Lin'er, who has a graceful figure, snow-white complexion, and is as beautiful as a diamond falling from a flower tree, is radiant and stunningly beautiful. Her blue hair flutters around her head, and her big eyes glance around, then she turns and enters the ancient mountain again.

This sparked a heated debate!
"Have all the ancient princes come, and who will reach the summit?"

The Holy Prince, Dao Yi, Huo Qizi, Huang Xu Dao, Shen Can Taoist, etc., too many people have been born together in this life, and there are also emperors who may exist in the human race. This day is destined to be broken.

It can be said that this will be the cruelest battle of the emperors in history. Everyone should be the hero of an era, from different eras, gathered together, and there will be the most terrifying collision.

In a sense, this will be a conquest between the ancient emperors and the great emperors. Their offspring represent their way, completing a peak duel and fulfilling their last wishes.

Sure enough, as expected, the number of ancient princes was not too small. Huang Xudao appeared, transformed into a blood-colored divine phoenix, and plunged into the chaos of the ancient mountain, shaking the place.

With a buzzing sound, a jasper coffin exploded, and a person covered in green clouds rushed into the mountain, shaking everywhere when he moved.

"He is from the underworld, he is a quasi-emperor, and he may be the master of the next generation!"

As soon as this statement came out, many people were shocked, and the horror of the underworld was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.At the end of reincarnation, everything will come to an end, and the underworld is the destination of all living beings. These words have been spread in the world, making people fearful.


A ray of sword light sliced ​​through the sky, cut through the chaos, and plunged straight into the ancient mountains. A man with white hair like snow stepped into the battlefield in one step, holding a black sword, and killed him.

That kind of sword light is peerless and sharp, which is only seen in the world. It makes everyone shudder. It is too scary. Is he a sword fairy? The hair of many great saints is falling down.

The cold murderous aura swept across, bloodstains appeared on many people's bodies, and they almost collapsed!

And this is just the aura that naturally flowed out when he rushed past, not the attack power or the divine power of the sword.

"It's him, God!" In the distance, Ye Fan was surprised that he saw him again after so many years.

In the past, when he was going to the Eternal Starfield, he saw a lonely ancient star on the way. There was a sky-opening giant, surrounded by the sun, moon and stars, as small as an ant. God-like creation, but unfortunately failed to prove the Tao, and died there.

At that time, there used to be a terrifying white-haired god who worshiped there.

"It turned out to be him!" Xu Yu also thought of him.

300 years ago, when the Road to Immortality was opened, this white-haired god also appeared, holding a third of the green copper tripod, and threw it violently, smashing the Road to Immortality, and almost burying the Immortal God in it.

Now, this person reappears, he is definitely a master of Gaidai, he is very hostile to the underworld, and now he rushes in, naturally for the successor of the underworld.

A few figures flashed together, and several people disappeared, each with mana power like the sea, and the sun and the moon can be picked up by raising the hand.

Not long after, Ye Fan and the others also entered the ancient chaotic mountain, looking for their enemies to fight.

The holy prince took the first step, and went directly into the chaotic ancient mountains. He wanted to have a look at his father's statue, and his wish came true.

Before long, the place boiled.

No one thought that when many arrogances entered, they would inevitably fight for supremacy, and a great war broke out suddenly, which was even more terrifying than they imagined!
The battle between queens and queens is an alternative evolution of the decisive battle that the ancient supremes once desired but never fought!


Suddenly, an old sigh resounded, shocking everyone present. It originated from the Chaos Mountains, where there seemed to be a great emperor looking down on the descendants, showing vicissitudes and exhaustion.

In the mountains is a battle for hegemony, the stars are shining, each one is a hero who shines in an era, but they are gathered together and appear together in the same life.

Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles, for a while there is a sword light breaking the dawn, and for a while it is suppressed by the tower of the gods, and there is boiling.

In the battle between the princes, whoever is fighting for the front, people who are not of this level will die if they enter, at least they must start with the quasi-emperor, otherwise they will not be opponents.

A flash of golden light flashed, and the monkey confronted someone violently in the mountain, a dazzling light erupted, and a violent rage erupted from there, flying up into the air.

With a sound of "buzz", the sky trembled, a piece of stars exploded, and the weather was astonishing!

No one could see clearly what kind of person it was, who could fight the monkey and die in a flash.

The mountains are scary, and danger can happen at any time.

With a whistling sound, a golden crow streaked across the chaos, bringing up a stream of flames, burning out a piece of ashes, and some people's magic weapons were destroyed.

"That is an artifact, it turned into a Golden Crow, not a master of this race!"

There was chaos inside, and Huo Lin'er was fighting an old Zhun Emperor. It was indistinguishable, and it would appear occasionally, so it was impossible to stay in people's sight for a long time.

In the outside world, many people are desperate, they are too far behind, not an order of magnitude at all, there is no way to go in and compete with those people.

This is a new era, they belong to the peerless arrogance, or it can be said that they are the strongest from different eras, and there will be a big collision that shocks the ancient and modern.

Ye Tong represents the Sun Emperor, Huo Qizi and Huo Lin'er represent the Qilin Emperor, the monkey represents the Fighting Saint Emperor, Dao Yi represents the Dao Yan Emperor, God represents the descendants of the Heavenly Court, and the man in the coffin represents the underworld...

There are not a few people here, there are also Huang Xudao, Yin Tiande, Shencan Taoist, Shenzun, Zhonghuang, etc., who also came and fought non-stop inside.

Everyone was astonished. If these people were in other eras, only one of them would be enough to aspire to the top of the world, but now they are just one of the emperors fighting for supremacy.

With a loud noise and black light flickering, An Boli split the Chaos Mountain, confronted one of the mysterious people, and then disappeared quickly.

There, great battles are unavoidable, sometimes involuntarily, as long as you go in, if you want to find the emperor's celestial scriptures, find the great secret of enlightenment, etc., you will inevitably run into other people.

Many people in the outside world feel disappointed that they have nothing to do in this kind of battlefield, and they can only be killed if they go up, and those war departments have also stopped, and everyone is disheartened.

This is a duel between the emperors and the descendants of the emperor!

"We can only be spectators." Someone sighed.

"There should be people coming in, this is not just their feast." Someone replied with a very positive tone.

People thought of some names in an instant, and their hearts were shocked.

"In the ancient times, there was a person who single-handedly beheaded all the competitors who had reached the only true path. His name was Emperor. Will he come again?"

In the ancient times, he once stood in front of the first emperor pass to block everyone and killed them all.But he himself did not move forward, sighed lightly, and turned his back to the only emperor road.Such a thing happened, so that no one entered the customs in that life, which shocked the human world.

People are listing the overlords of the current era. In this era, there is no shortage of masters, let alone genius kings. Ye Fan is rising strongly, Taichu and Zhang Bairen are mysterious and unpredictable, and the unknown quasi-emperor is astonishing and eye-catching.

"In the golden age, hundreds of ships compete for the flow, and ten thousand ways live together. It is bound to break the world and fight in a blood-stained universe."

"The chaotic body has never appeared so far!"

There have always been rumors, and people are looking forward to it. Maybe he will appear in the final showdown, and maybe even today, he will bloom the most brilliant brilliance at that time.

In addition, there is the stone egg under the Immortal Sword, which has been seen by more than one powerful monk in the universe, but it is a pity that it seems to be drifting in the long river of time and cannot be traced back.But in the end, he will be born and fight with others.

There was a loud "boom", as if a world had been broken through.

The golden light soared into the sky, and the monkey reached a big mountain and stood in front of a statue with tears in its eyes. This statue was so lifelike and lifelike, it seemed like the resurrection of the fighting saint emperor.

Suddenly, a big black hand slapped it from behind. It was so rigid and strong, it was as big as a millstone, and it covered the monkey below.

Everyone was terrified, that hand was terrible, smashing the chaos, there was a piece of runes flickering, vaguely composed of little dragons and Suzaku, representing a kind of extreme power.

In a trance, stars are shining one after another, and galaxies are lingering between his palms and fingers. This kind of supernatural power is really amazing!

Who is this?Everyone was shocked, it was simply breaking the world, it was incomparable.The palm that looks as big as a millstone actually accommodates the universe and melts the stars of the universe. What kind of supernatural power does it take to do this?Who the hell is he.

Everyone is horrified, what is the identity of this person?And everyone on the Black Pearl broke into a cold sweat for the monkey, deeply worried.


The monkey yelled loudly, he had a keen sense of spirit, and naturally sensed the murderous intent immediately, more so than the others, and a half-section iron rod appeared in his hand in an instant, and he swung it backwards.

There was a slight tremor, and then a cloud of mist collapsed. If you look carefully, it is the essence of chaos. There are many fragments of stars in it, and one part of the universe was pierced by the monkey.

The immortal iron rod was bright and murderous, and the monkey held it, with piercing eyes, and retreated separately from the man.

It was a blurry figure, the whole body was hidden in the chaotic mist, but it was able to fight against the incomplete imperial weapon by itself, how strong was it?
It's not a physical fight, just now it was a kind of great supernatural power, mastering the universe, refining all things and stars, this method shocked the human world.

"People from Huangchao?!" Monkey asked.

"Of course!" The visitor's pupils were like blades, and the beams of light were astonishing, but the whole person was blurred and dim, forming a stark contrast.

"One of the eight great generals who followed the ancient Immortal Emperor!" The monkey's eyes were frightening. As an ancient man, he had heard many legends and guessed the other party's identity.

(End of this chapter)

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