As the Holy Prince revealed his identity, the many arrogances who were fighting fiercely seemed to quiet down at this moment.

Not the descendants of the eight tribes, but the true invincible generals. There used to be eight invincible fighters who fought all over the universe and suppressed the powerhouses of the heavens and the world.

This man was one of them, alive!The news is amazing.

As soon as the monkey's words came out, everyone behind was stunned. Although they couldn't see it clearly, they could feel the turbulent waves, which were too terrifying.

"Sure enough, at the last level, some monsters and ghosts also jumped out!"

Seeing the god general Kun who attacked the monkey, Xu Yu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Facing the ancient god general who sat down by the Immortal Emperor, Ye Fan, who had been walking in the Zhundi battleship, also moved. He left the Black Pearl Zhundi ship with a green lotus in his hand, and sank into the chaotic sea. He was going to fight, Huangchao The person who came here was because he had a monkey and wanted to avenge the emperor.

The Eight Great Generals were truly invincible figures who commanded the universe and ruled an era. In the past, Zou had no opponents when he fought in all directions.

Some of these people are even about to step out of their own imperial way, the horror is boundless.According to rumors, some of them died, and some of them disappeared in their old age.

If it weren't for the monkey holding the fairy iron rod just now, it would be absolutely dangerous, after all, he is a veteran invincible quasi-emperor who has reached the pinnacle and his profound arts have already reached the realm.

However, as soon as Ye Fan entered the Chaos Sea, he was attacked and killed, and a cold sharp edge came to kill him. It was an arrow feather, sent by the Emperor Zhun!
The golden light is brilliant, and the arrow feathers are horizontal to the sky. It can shoot and kill the generals, and it can kill the gods. It is brilliant and dazzling.

"Woooo..." The whistling sound was astonishing, it was obviously just an arrow feather, but there were endless gods and demons coming out all around, all bleeding, and the scene was terrifying.

In the crowd, there was even Ye Fan himself, but he was very old and had already entered his twilight years. He was nailed to death on a wooden stake, and the bright red Dacheng blood stained the ground.

This is... This situation caused Ye Fan's pupils to shrink suddenly, and he felt uncomfortable for a while. The tripod on his head hummed softly, flew away, and suppressed the arrow feather.

"Did you see it? That's yourself. If you escaped this catastrophe, you will perish in the future!" An indifferent voice sounded in the dark.

Even Ye Fan faced the restricted area.

"The reincarnation arrow reflects the reincarnation of all things. That is your doomsday scene. I never thought you could live so far." The voice in the dark said faintly.

Ye Fan's mind was unsteady, a kind of magic sound invaded his mind, it was trying to swallow his original power and destroy his sea of ​​consciousness, it was too weird.


He let out a loud roar, the center of his brows was full of light, and a little golden man stepped forward with one step, punching out with a punch, a cloud of white smoke and a miserable groan appeared in the void.

"The people in the Sea of ​​Samsara have some skills, but they also want to take me down with illusions and mystic paths? It's still far away. I fought with your parents back then!" Ye Fan said.

He knew the identity of the person who came, he was a person from the lineage of the Lord of Reincarnation, he came from the restricted area of ​​life, and his bloodline was extremely strong!

A golden divine arrow shot and hit the cauldron wall fiercely, emitting a terrifying light, sweeping down a piece of stars, and exploding in the void.

Everyone was amazed, the starry sky here is very special, it is embedded in the chaos by the ancient emperor like a decoration, it is all condensed from real stars, more solid and immortal.

But at this time, they fell down and turned into dust one after another, stunned the world.

When a fierce battle broke out, Ye Fan stepped firmly and pushed across. In front of him was a green dragon coiling around, a fire phoenix flying, and a kunpeng shattering all worlds.

His strength and fear were revealed in front of the world, and he was invincible when pushed horizontally. Even the golden arrows could not hurt him, and four of them were taken away by the mother of all things.

In the end, a cyan figure was unavoidable, and struck with a longbow in his hand. As a result, there was a loud clang, and Ye Fan grabbed it and held the reincarnation bow.

But in an instant, the upper body felt dangerous, and there was a violent wave coming from this bow, which almost swallowed Ye Fan's mind!
"Well, it's so strong, let someone else kill it." Ye Fan said softly, he had fought with the ancient supreme, if he was not sensitive to that kind of fluctuating energy, his consciousness might be swallowed by this blow.

Among them was a virtual god of the Lord of Reincarnation. Although it was weak compared to the ancient Supreme Being, compared to Zhundi, the virtual god of the Supreme Lord of the Forbidden Zone was still extremely strong!

Ye Fan's hands trembled continuously, and he possessed a power to turn decay into magic. This was the greatest achievement of the ancient supreme battle, and his combat skills and physical skills reached an extreme, unmatched by anyone in this generation.

He got rid of the longbow, and the young master of the penalty area who deliberately lost the bow widened his eyes, he couldn't believe it, but he didn't stay, tearing open the void and leaving.

Ye Fan swiped lightly with the other hand, and the chaotic green lotus in his hand brushed on the longbow, and the ray of imaginary spirit immediately disintegrated and dissipated into the years.

And Qinglian's light flashed, shaking the entire Chaos Sea, making this place boil, obviously that ray of False God is a great tonic for Qinglian!
With a bang, the black longbow started again. Ye Fan picked up a golden arrow feather from the mother's qi tripod, put it on the bowstring, and used it to draw the string.

With a sound of "Boom!", an arrow shocked the immortals, and the overwhelming golden light flooded the place, and washed away part of the chaotic sea in front.

This is a set of powerful quasi-emperor weapons!

Blood rained, and the strong man from the Sea of ​​Reincarnation let out a scream, was pierced by the golden arrow feather, and then exploded into the sky, blood staining the place red.

Everyone trembled, this battle was horrific, it really was the blood-stained Emperor's Road, and terrible casualties were about to occur, Ye Fan deserved to be the killer of the ancient prince.

Shooting and killing a young master in the restricted area with one arrow, this battle

It was brutal!What else can everyone do but be horrified?This is not the first time Ye Fan has killed the Supreme Bloodline, is this the sixth, or how many?
The terrible record, the blood-stained road, the glorious past, and the trembling road leading to Ye Fan's feet, many people have to look up to it.

Ye Fan holds a longbow in his hand. It is black all over, but it has a flowing metallic luster and texture. It is refined from a god root growing in the sea of ​​reincarnation, and the supreme Tao was once engraved.

Now it was directly refined by Ye Fan in front of everyone, because the Void God of the Lord of Reincarnation was swallowed by Qinglian, he re-sacrificed this bow and became a big killer in his hands.

He picked up a few golden arrow feathers, plus a few that were collected by the tripod before, a total of twelve arrows, each of which is dazzling and sharp.

Everyone changed color. Just now he shot and killed the heir of the Lord of Reincarnation with an arrow, which left a deep impression on everyone. This is definitely a domineering attack power. Anyone with arrow feathers will change color.


Ye Fan suddenly opened his bow and shot towards the depths of a chaotic mountain, where two figures soared up into the air, crushing many condensed stars, one of which was very blurry, and the other was An Bodhisattva.

With a bang, An Bo held a black halberd in his hand and chopped it on the golden arrow feathers, bursting out a string of sparks, shaking his whole body.A burst of blood burst out, and the arrow feathers were peerlessly sharp. After flying past his halberd, it scratched his arm, dripping with blood.

In fact, it shouldn't be considered a touch, but a murderous aura tore his body, causing blood to flow.

Ye Fan stood still, standing on a mountain, looking down at the world like a demon lord.He bent his bow again, and there were still eleven golden arrows for him to shoot.

The blurry figure disappeared, and disappeared in the silence, while An Bo dodged into the mountains, and tore open the void to hide.


However, at the next moment, Ye Fan's arrow was even more frightening and horrifying. It shot down like a giant golden mountain, not like an arrow feather at all. It shattered the sky and broke through the Chaos Mountain. , forced An Bodhi to come out.

"Brother Ye, I didn't want to fight you at first, but I didn't expect you to start now." An Bo no longer evaded, and stood in the void after dodging the arrow.

He has a morbid beauty, his face is still as pale as before, as if he is sick all year round without sunshine, this is a special demeanor, different from other ancient princes who are strong.

Not far away, Xu Yu wanted to make a move several times to save An Pu, but in the end he decided not to make a move.

For Xu Yu, An Bo, like him, is a true seeker of the Tao, but because of the drag of his parents, he took another path.

At the same time, Xu Yu also saw clearly who the person in the chaotic mist was, it was the Holy Spirit, the preparation emperor in the Undead Mountain. If he was there, An Bodhisattva should be able to leave here safe and sound.

"I have to fight!" Ye Fan only had these four words.

"I don't seem to be your opponent now."

An Bo sighed, telling the truth.These words are extremely powerful when said from the mouth of the son of the master of the restricted area, and the effect is very different.

There was a commotion in the outside world. This is the frankness of a Xeon blood. Such an admission made Ye Fan's fighting spirit look many times more terrifying all of a sudden.

A veritable killer of the ancient prince, this has been recognized.

The cauldron on Ye Fan's head was up and down, and there was no wave in his eyes. He thought of An Bo's words in the past, saying that the opening of the road to immortality would be the beginning of the greatest turmoil in history.

At that time, few people could understand the meaning of these words, but they verified them one by one afterwards.

He slowly pulled the bowstring, put on the third arrow feather, looked indifferently at An Bo.

An Bo, who was pale and lacking blood, raised his head and said, "This battle is finally here."

An Bo knew that there must be a life-and-death battle between the two of them, and almost all restricted areas of life are Ye Fan's enemies. As long as he reaches the strength, he will definitely kill them thoroughly, which is unavoidable at all.

However, he was indeed not ready yet. How to fight against the Human Eucharist was no longer a problem for one person, but troubled the bloodlines of many supreme beings.

Ye Fan shot the third arrow, the golden light was like thunder, tearing apart the void, it was useless to cross the star field, the opponent had already been locked.

An Bodhisattva screamed loudly, although it looked a little sick, but when the halberd in his hand danced, it opened up the world, split the chaos, and was terrifying.

The clanging sound was endless, the halberd and the arrow feathers bombarded continuously, an arrow was unloaded, and it slid to the side, the luster was dim.

However, when the fourth arrow was shot, An Bo's face changed, and the big load in his hand trembled violently, suffering a devastating impact. This arrow contained the essence of the holy body, and it was terrifying.

As powerful as An Bo felt his arms were numb, and his mouth was bleeding. His eyes burst into divine light, and instead of retreating, he advanced and killed Ye Fan.

"Little master, you go. Now you are not his opponent. He is in a special state, ranking at the top of the taboo field, just like the old master when he was young!"

At this moment, a vague figure appeared, blocking An Bo's body, telling him to retreat quickly, and wanted to take his place and face Ye Fan.

Ye Fan shot out the fourth arrow, the place rioted, the energy of the world seemed to be drained, the blurred figure roared, but it still didn't change much.

An Bo rushed over, shaking the halberd in his hand.They collided one after another, but one of his calves was shot through, and it exploded into the sky with a puff.

"Little Master, let's go!" The vague figure quickly materialized, and the hidden state was lifted. It turned out to be a headless horseman with a huge figure.

"It's it!"

Many people gasped and recognized its origin.

Back then, when this death knight was born with shocking weather, he was a servant of the Stone Emperor. He used to intimidate all heroes in the world in the undead mountain and shocked the world.

The road to immortality was shattered, shattering the dreams of many people. The headless horseman survived and hid in the undead mountain, and now he was born again.

"Okay, you survived, today there will be a liquidation!"

Ye Fan said coldly, the opponent was well-known in ancient times. The Emperor Stone had caused too many turmoil in the past. It once led the army to go out and killed countless people, which was very terrifying.


The headless horseman swiped his hands, and a chaotic crack appeared there, and the dark bodhisattva was swept in, and even Ye Fan's arrow could not break this way of life.

The Headless Horseman used the most terrifying power and law in his life to open up a passage for his little master, making him go home and get him out of this place.

An Pu's pale mouth opened and opened again, but after all, he didn't say anything, and disappeared from the chaotic crack.

Ye Fan walked forward step by step, without any anger, indifferent and calm, it didn't matter to him to kill one more person or one less person.

The most important thing is that he has locked on An Bo, and he has already left an aura in his body, so he can hunt and kill him no matter where he goes in the future.

"The headless horseman who used to look down on the world..." He whispered, standing at different heights, the enemies he had to face were naturally different.

In the past, this person was born from the Undead Mountain, who can resist, who dares to fight?Even one of the Supreme's servants is the quasi-emperor.

Now everything has changed, Ye Fan can already overlook the world, there are not many people who can confront him, and a battle begins.

The death knight from Undead Mountain is stronger than the current Dark Bodhisattva, and he resists Ye Fan's arrow feathers, but he is still not an opponent after all.

When the No. 12 arrow shot out, he let out a roar, and the lower half of his body was blown apart by the shot, with broken stones flying everywhere, and blood and flesh flying everywhere.

He roared wildly with his divine sense, his body went crazy, and he repeated the same trick, but it was a pity that the chaotic rift was useless when he used it again. Ye Fan would not let it succeed a second time after seeing it once.

A powerful law will fix it there, and chaos cannot be opened!

With a buzzing sound, the cauldron flew up and suppressed it. Finally, the strong man didn't hold on, and turned into a piece of fly ash, leaving a vague mark, which was branded on the wall of the cauldron, barely becoming a living figure. .

After beheading the stone man Holy Spirit, Ye Fan walked towards the monkey firmly. The God General Kun Tian was still there, and he was not afraid of his arrival.

"Well, my lord's heir was forced to death by you like that. It's a pity that he didn't grow up. There's nothing to say, two lives for one."

His figure finally became clear, revealing the black black gold armor, standing there like a demon god, one piece after another of runes flowing here, unexpectedly has the might of an emperor.

He knew that Ye Fan was not easy to mess with, and knew that the monkey had half of the fairy iron rod in his hand and still wouldn't retreat, so he wanted to attack the two of them, which shocked many people.

But at this time, someone understood that he had a battle map in his hand!

Then... Could it be left by the Immortal Emperor?
"In the previous battle, did the queen not give up and still want to take control of this place? But, I'm not dead yet, do I want to fight again?" Suddenly, in the high sky, an old voice sounded.

"Old guy, you're really alive! God General Kun opened his mouth, revealing a mouth of snow-white teeth, and black light flowing from his black gold armor.

He shook his hands and raised dozens of large flags, spreading the power of the ancient emperor, shaking the entire area.

Suddenly, a knife fell from the sky, and the cold light frightened the eternity. With a puff, the sword destroyed the formation and forced Kun Tianshen, who had followed the Immortal Emperor, to flee. It was suspected that the Queen of Heaven's magical powers helped him to leave. This kind of power suppressed everyone.


The long bells rang for eternity, the chaotic mist dispersed, all the mountains began to move, and all kinds of lightning and thunder receded.

A vast fairy palace appeared in the sky, majestic and majestic, magnificent and majestic, and made some people feel familiar.

"Ancient Heaven!"

"It's the palaces of the Heavenly Court!"

Many people exclaimed.

"When is the chaos going on? I would like to pacify the world, reorganize the universe, and end all the chaos." In the central Tiandi Palace, an old voice came, extremely majestic.

"The Lord has appeared!"

Hearing the old voice, Xu Yu also came to the front from the dark, and now all the scuffles of those Tianjiao have stopped.

Even Ye Fan and the others looked at Xu Yu and Zixia intently.

"Why would he make a move at this time? Could it be that he intends to go in and compete with the Gaidai masters inside for the dominance of Tiangong?"

They couldn't help being suspicious, because in recent years, the Heavenly Court founded by Xu Yu can be said to be fighting east and west in the universe, constantly expanding its own power, with a strong purpose, that is, to rule the entire universe Restore the glory of the ancient heaven.

And compared to Xu Yu's current strength, it seems that it is not very difficult to achieve that step, because no one in this world has an advantage over him.

No matter in terms of combat power or age, Xu Yu is the well-deserved No.1 in the world.Even Ye Fan, known as the killer of the ancient prince, is far behind Xu Yu in this respect. (end of this chapter)

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