With a chirping sound, the emperor pointed out a divine light, intending to destroy several people, but the little girl was not here, so he had no scruples.


The woodcutter shifted his shape and blocked his attack.

"You care too much!" The emperor's eyes were cold, and the red dragon armor glowed all over his body, and his aura became stronger.

"Old man, have you forgotten the thing about being frightened to the crap by a little girl not long ago? What's so cool about it?" Heihuang scorned him.

"You all go." The emperor glanced at the bad old man and the big man, and then stared at the old Taoist, saying:
"You also leave and give up this place." Finally, he looked at Ye Fan, Hei Huang and others, and said: "These people must die."

At this time, everyone can see that the old Taoist priest seems to have lost his strength in the first battle, and the situation is extremely bad. The bloody hole in the center of his eyebrows that was shot by the Immortal Queen is deteriorating, and the wound cannot heal. serious.

Now that the emperor has nothing to fear, just threaten him like this and let him go, otherwise there will be a bloody catastrophe.

Many people present looked at Xu Yu involuntarily.

Because besides the old woodcutter, only Xu Yu, who is about to become enlightened, can fight against the emperor.

The emperor also followed everyone's gaze, looked at Xu Yu, and said coldly:

"I didn't expect that you were all here. In this case, the past grievances will be settled today!"

"It's just you, a person who will become enlightened by time?"

"You, who have a crack in your Taoist heart, actually have such courage?"

Hearing the emperor's words, Xu Yu couldn't help but mocked.

With that said, Xu Yu began to step forward, preparing to kill the emperor. With his current strength, he could easily deal with an emperor whose Taoist heart was cracked.

"You're really a slick-toothed junior, and you're also about to become enlightened. Do you think your accumulation can catch up with me?"

After hearing Xu Yu's words, the emperor did not become angry from embarrassment, but appeared unusually calm.

Just like when he fought for the front on the ancient road back then, he used his energy and spirit to the extreme, and wanted to deal with Xu Yu with the most peak state.

Just like what he himself said, among those who will become enlightened, especially those who have touched the laws of the emperor's way, it is hard to say who is stronger or weaker.

Even if it is invincible, there will be fierce confrontation.

"I still have considerable confidence in dealing with you."

Facing the emperor's rebuttal, Xu Yu did not waver in the slightest, and stepped forward without any scruples.

With Xu Yu's strides, the aura belonging to the Emperor Zhun Jiuchongtian began to permeate the Tiangong. Some people who were not inferior in strength were soon oppressed by this unparalleled aura and kept retreating.

"Come on!"

"The imperial war is about to break out!"

Countless great sages, and even some strong men who had just entered the quasi-emperor retreated one after another, wanting to stay away from Xu Yu and the emperor.

Even those ancient princes who had deployment strategies in the quasi-emperor realm retreated one after another, not wanting to be involved in the battle between Xu Yu and the emperor.

Even Ye Fan and the others relied on Qingdi soldiers to block the coercion erupting from Xu Yu and the others.

"Boy Ye, hurry up, a quasi-emperor's great consummation battle will break out here soon, even the extreme emperor soldiers can't protect us here."

Beside Ye Fan, the big black dog was biting the corner of his clothes, constantly urging him to leave here.

Just when Xu Yu and the emperor were about to collide, the old woodcutter appeared between the two of them.

Like a ten-thousand-year-old pine, the quasi-emperor aura emitted by the two people was eliminated invisibly.

Today is the moment for the old woodcutter to build a Taoist palace, which is related to his future reputation in the universe.

Even though the Immortal Queen had been repulsed in the previous battle, in order to maintain the majesty of the Dao Palace he built, the old man did not allow anyone to make a move in his dojo.

Especially the Emperor, a very aggressive person.

If he and Xu Yu were allowed to fight, the two supreme beings would collide, and even the Heavenly Palace built by Emperor Zun would not be able to withstand the tossing and tossing of the two of them.

Therefore, the emperor can die, but only in his hands. He wants to use this opportunity to establish absolute majesty.

Otherwise, I'm afraid some cats and dogs will dare to come here and act recklessly in the future.

"What, are you going to stand up and die?"

The emperor saw the woodcutter lying between him and Xu Yu, and said coldly.

"You overestimate yourself too much. Even if you are also a Taoist, you may not be able to overwhelm me if I am seriously injured." The old Taoist said calmly.

In the rear, Ye Fan, who did not leave, pulled out the green lotus, the monkey raised the fairy iron rod, the man and the devil carried the stone tool, and the black emperor began to arrange a large formation, preparing for an unpredictable decisive battle.

"Then let's all die." The emperor went crazy. Not long ago, he lost everything and his Dao heart was broken. Now he is almost sick, and he will be destroyed if he can't get it.

Emperor Zun's fairy tree is where he put his hope, but now it is gone.

The old woodcutter pulled out the hatchet with a clang. The dark back of the knife and the bright blade cut through the starry sky. The blood all over his body was burning, his soul came out of his body, and his body fell limp.

The entire blade is brighter than the Milky Way, and it condenses the energy and spirit of the old Taoist. The soul is smelted in, and he has no strength to fight and fight. He launched the most powerful blow to resolve the battle in the shortest possible time. .

The crazy emperor suddenly woke up. This kind of battle is the most dangerous. Two enlightened people will fight with their lives, and one of them will perish at any time.

In just this moment, the sky and the earth shook ten times, like ten blows to open the sky. People were horrified to find that this breath was too terrifying, comparable to the dark turmoil more than 300 years ago.

Many people were hairy, and the hatchet knife collided with the emperor ten times, bursting out the scene of the beginning of the world, and all kinds of chaotic gods roared.

In the end, the red dragon's armor shattered, and a big dragon was disintegrated. Although the Suzaku rushing out of it was screaming and screaming, it couldn't escape the murder and was hit by a hatchet.


A bloody head flew up and fell in front of the ruins of the Heavenly Court, and then it was blown to pieces, destroying the primordial spirit.

When the hatchet fell to the ground, the old Taoist priest's soul was extremely dim, sinking into the limp body on the ground, and flew up to the Dao platform with difficulty, his eyes dimmed.

It was a miserable victory, and he paid a great price.

The emperor died and was beheaded. One of the most powerful people in the universe was killed like this, which made people feel very unreal.

The blood spilled, heralding the downfall of a behemoth, and people knew that the divine court was over, and there was no more hope.

"The Emperor was killed!"

It was a frenzy, and the news swept the four directions, spreading out like a tide, and some people crossed the starry sky and left directly.

Divine Court will be destroyed, it is inevitable, many people have already made plans to go.

The headless corpse was broken inch by inch, then turned into a puddle of blood, and finally burned, leaving nothing, the emperor died.

"The world will be in chaos. The Immortal Empress wants to walk a road of blood and bathe in the blood of all spirits and gods. I want to build a Taoist palace, reorganize the universe, and put down the chaos." With Zhou Yi's support, the old Taoist stood up with difficulty, Said slowly.

His tone was very flat, but it spread throughout the world, like an ancient god returning. The stars in the universe stopped rotating in this short moment, and only this voice echoed.

On this day, the Dao Palace created by the old Taoist was formally established, shaking the universe, with clouds of masters and forests of strong men under his command.

On this day, the Divine Court was destroyed, and the lineage of the Emperor and Lord was broken, and was swept away by several powerful forces, sweeping it clean.

On this day, the Immortal Queen declared to the world that she would build an immortal dynasty.Among the myriad spirits, the powerful like a cloud rushed to the race that once regarded the Immortal Emperor as the supreme god.

On this day, there was a change in the underworld, and many people saw the passages of many Yin soldiers in the major star regions, across the galaxy, as if they were about to go to the battlefield.

On this day, the god organization also made a big move, and ancient statues of gods suddenly glowed in some areas.

After [-] years of success, the Dao Palace was established to stabilize one universe. During this period, there were conquests and bloody battles, but the Dao Palace was not greatly impacted.

In the past 20 years, the god organization has waged war with the underworld. This battle has shown the world the horror of the two inheritances, which can overturn the universe.If there is no enmity between the two parties, either party can rule the universe.

The underworld dispatched several armies, with millions of them, appearing in various places, destroying the dead and destroying many statues, and a war broke out with the gods.

What makes people terrifying is that many of the masters dispatched by the underworld are famous figures in ancient times, and some of them have been recorded in the history books and are still remembered to this day.

Those were their corpses. After tens of thousands of years passed, their corpses developed intelligence, revived their vitality, and became new life forms.

And all of this is due to the underworld. This is a frightening inheritance. They have an important position in the entire history of monks. They pay attention to each generation of heroes and transport their bodies after death. This kind of big move , The big project makes people feel sick.

In this battle, a statue of a god organized by the gods also alarmed the human world. Some people heard that the commander-in-chief of the ancient corpse, who was respected by the underworld, once exclaimed that he was a god in the era of heaven.

A stone man who has been shaped into a stone statue by millions of years of worship and has a spiritual wisdom really shocked the world.

In fact, it was not a divine general in the era of Emperor Zun, but an artificial holy spirit whose body was engraved with various Dao runes. It was originally created to commemorate a divine general in the heavenly court. Divine Consciousness, Mind Power Transforms God.

After 20 years of fighting, the two behemoths fought until the galaxy collapsed, and all suffered heavy losses, and the power and backhand they used were also scary.

There was chaos and blood flowed into rivers.

The Taoist palace is developing, and the dynasty of the immortal queen is dormant. There has never been a bloody battle, but everyone knows that there will be a battle between them.

In the universe, it seems that the five major forces have divided the boundaries, and no one dares to act rashly, and it is impossible to start a war in a short time.

During this period, many five-color altars and ancient emperor platforms were repaired in various places, the star gates rose again, and the exchanges between different places in the universe were no longer so difficult.

Especially the Heavenly Court established by Xu Yu, with the 20 years of fighting, countless arrogances have come to vote, and even some of the most powerful races that have been dusty for a long time have also been included in Xu Yu's command.

It seems that in their eyes, compared to the other four major organizations, the future of Tianting founded by Xu Yu will be brighter.

Not to mention that Xu Yu himself was the unparalleled genius at that time, and his achievements that shocked the universe also attracted a lot of people.

Many people believe that Xu Yu will definitely become an emperor in this life, at least it seems so at present, there is no one in the entire universe who can compare with Xu Yu.

Even among the other four major forces, there are no young Peerless Talents among them, but only ancient heroes who have been awakened from the dust.

But those outstanding figures were not able to achieve enlightenment and become emperors in their own era, and they paid a heavy price to live to this golden age, so it was even more impossible.

Therefore, for the sake of their clansmen or sects, many people chose to come to the Heavenly Court established by Xu Yu, hoping to use the platform of the Heavenly Court to reach a higher level.

Although the Heavenly Court created by Ye Fan is not weak, there is still a big gap compared with the other five major forces because there is no superpower in charge.

They have the possibility of becoming the sixth largest power, but not yet.

(End of this chapter)

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