Chapter 288 One World Mausoleum
On this day, Xu Yu and Zixia left the star field where the Heavenly Court of the Divine Realm is located, came to the solar system where the earth is located, and landed on a barren star—Mars.

"Is that Ye Fan's hometown?" Zixia asked softly, looking at the blue planet in the distant starry sky.

After passing through the nine imperial passes that year, Zixia, as an innate Taoist fetus, also entered the quasi-emperor realm, no worse than those ancient prince-level geniuses.

Even though she is standing on Mars and is still hundreds of millions of miles away from the earth, with her quasi-emperor strength, she can still clearly observe the star of life and feel the vitality above it.

"Yes!" Xu Yu looked at the earth in the starry sky, with complicated expressions in his eyes, he nodded first, then shook his head:
"I also have a causal relationship with this ancient star!"

Although he is also a person from the earth, but this earth and the other earth, as a traverser, it involves issues such as illusion and reality, or the world in the painting.

Even Xu Yu, who is an unparalleled powerhouse, cannot understand the secrets contained in this.

So, even though he and Zixia are already husband and wife, there are some issues that cannot be disclosed.

...When Zixia heard this, although she was a little confused, she didn't ask any more questions. She glanced at the desolate and dead Mars, which was full of red sand and stones, and said: "Then you come to this star, is there anything special about it? "

On the surface, Mars is a lifeless planet with nothing special about it.

"This star is called Mars, and it was also called Yinghuo in ancient times. It was also a star of life before endless years, but it was destroyed by people later!"

Xu Yu looked down at the desolate Mars, knowing that it was once a glorious place, but unfortunately it was sucked dry by the emperor's control of 99 Longshan, so that it became a death star now.

Later, an imperial figure sealed a broken universe in this star, which was called the Yijie Tomb. It contained countless great secrets. Many powerful people in later generations came here to pursue it, including The spiritual thoughts of Sakyamuni, Crocodile Ancestor, and Dacheng Holy Body.

It's a pity that, for some unknown reason, they failed to really go deep into the Yijie Mausoleum and explore the great secret within it.

Xu Yu knew the situation in the Yijie Mausoleum, so he came to Mars this time to enter it. He wanted to obtain the imprint of the Immortal Bell from here and hoped to find the whereabouts of the Immortal Bell.

Mars is red, with sand and gravel everywhere, and there are large dry deserts everywhere, and there is no sense of life at all.

There was a golden light between Xu Yu's brows, and a huge divine sense rushed out, permeating the power that could make a star sink, completely covering the entire star.

Since the originally dead Mars gave him a faint pressure, it can be seen that it is unusual and must hide a great terror. If anyone acts rashly without knowing it, he may usher in catastrophe, even the quasi-emperor may fall.

With his strong spiritual sense, he discovered a gloomy dungeon under Da Leiyin's foundation.

It is one of the eighteen levels of hell established by Shakyamuni. It is divided into yin and yang prisons, which are divided into upper and lower levels, which are mutually restraining and supplementary. It is a very clever design.

Xu Yu knew that what was once imprisoned here was the god Nian of Crocodile Zu and Dacheng Holy Body.

Shen Di Nian, who has become a holy body, left Mars with Ye Fan when they arrived at Beidou, and arrived at Beidou together. Later, he was awakened in the Tianduan Mountains and awakened the Tao Fruit of his previous life. After regaining his consciousness, he disappeared in this world.

As for the peerless giant crocodile ancestor, the trajectory in the original book is that Ye Fan relied on the ancient human demon to eliminate him.

But in this life, because of the butterfly effect caused by Xu Yu's arrival, Ye Fanzai did not take away the ancient human demons from Wanlong's Nest.

Therefore, when Ye Fan met the earth for the first time, he naturally had no chance to destroy the Crocodile Ancestor. After all, at that time, he was just an ordinary Immortal Er Mighty. No matter how defiant he was, he could not destroy the Crocodile Ancestor.

Therefore, no one knows the trace of the crocodile ancestor at all, and it may appear again in the years to come.

Under the foundation of Daleiyin Temple, Xu Yu found a stone pillar with nine shining stars on it.

"The coordinates of the starry sky of the [-]th hell."

Now that he is extremely powerful, he can see through every detail in a single thought, and every clue can be reflected in his heart, clarifying all the secrets left by Shakyamuni.

The eighteen levels of hell are distributed among the nine stars. Each one has two levels of dungeons, Yin and Yang, all of which suppress terrifying demons. Mars is one of them.

"Suppressing, reducing and not killing, is really the consistent method of Buddhism."

Xu Yu roughly knew that Sakyamuni suppressed all the strong men above the Great Sage, and among them was the quasi-emperor Shan Huang who was cultivated from an old rooster.

But he is not Ye Fan, and he has no interest in managing those suppressed monsters. After exploring the secrets left by Sakyamuni, he soon found the goal of this trip at the North Pole of Mars.

The figures of Xu Yu and Zixia swayed, leaped across the void, and came to the North Pole within a breath.

I saw a huge sea eye there, but it had been dried up for countless years, and there was no water at all, only sand grains and boulders, which turned into a red desert.


As a quasi-emperor, Zixia could naturally discern abnormalities. With a wave of her hand, she moved a boulder away, revealing a dark hole at the eye of the sea, and a cold aura spread out.

"Is this the place you want to explore?" She turned her head and asked.

"En." Xu Yu nodded, and pulled her straight into the depths of the ground, and came to an ocean world, which was vast and boundless, beyond imagination.

The ocean is endless and the water is as dark as ink. Even if the two of them are quasi-emperors, they can't explore the edge for a while, which seems very strange.

"Unexpectedly, under this withered star, there is a big world sealed!" Zixia said in surprise.

"The strong men of an era were once buried here, and there are many supreme beings among them. Be careful!" Xu Yu reminded, but he knew that the Immortal Emperor, who was known as the biggest behind-the-scenes man in ancient and modern times, was Nirvana here at this moment, so he must not be careless.

"When we get here, we will work together. You must explain clearly what you know in advance, so as not to cause major problems." Xu Yu said.

This black ocean is lifeless, lifeless, not a single creature can be seen, and it is silent.The two headed towards the depths of the sea, and at their quasi-emperor's speed, it was enough to cross a vast star field, but they still didn't reach the end of the black ocean.

The name "One World Mausoleum" is indeed not a lie, this place can be described as a big world.

After crossing for an unknown amount of time, Xu Yu and Zixia finally saw an island, but when they got closer, they realized that it was actually a spine stretching across the sea, stretching tens of thousands of miles.

"A star beast. They live by eating star cores. I haven't seen many of them since ancient times. I didn't expect to see a corpse here."

Zixia was surprised. This kind of giant beast that was born and lived in the starry sky had unlimited potential. If it grew to maturity, it would be enough to reach the quasi-emperor state. It once stirred up huge storms in the universe.

However, this family is similar to the Douzhan Holy Ape that the Holy Prince belongs to, and the number is extremely rare.

"Is the place where the Immortal Emperor Nirvana is at the bottom of the ocean?" Xu Yu whispered in his heart as he looked at the boundless ocean.

Although he has the advantage of being a "prophet", he only remembers some general information here, and the details have long been forgotten.

"It's a bit weird here, and the divine sense can't do it all.
Detection, there is a mysterious fluctuation interference! Zixia looked around and frowned slightly. Xu Yu looked down at the black sea water and suddenly said: "Let's go underwater." "

He pointed at the same time, and the bright sword light shot up into the sky, split the sky, and divided the vast sea into two.

...At this time, Xu Yu's attack seemed to startle something, a terrifying breath gushed out, and a huge tentacle stretched out from the sea. is disgusting.

"A weird octopus full of death energy?" When the sea water rose and fell, the two saw a mountain-like gray octopus, surrounded by rich black death energy, and an aura that corroded all things.

This is not a real octopus, but a dead spirit. It is composed of the body of the great sage and the fragments of the quasi-emperor's weapons. It is more powerful than the ordinary great sage.


It's a pity that facing the two powerful quasi-emperors, this Yin spirit was nothing, Xu Yu reached out a hand at will, and completely shattered it, turning it into monstrous Yin Qi.

Then, the two of them opened a passage, cutting off the sea water and going straight to the bottom of the ocean.

I don't know how far they sank, but the two actually passed through the water layer and came to a huge space. There is no water here, and the vast ocean seems to have an invisible force that isolates it above.

And the ground in this mysterious space is covered with all kinds of skeletons, stretching as far as the eye can see. It’s a real mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​bones. It’s unknown how many strong men had to die to create the current scene.

"Is this the battle of gods from the ancient times?"

Xu Yu was amazed, not knowing how fierce the battle was back then.

He lowered his head and looked at the endless battlefield, feeling the endless Yin Qi and a wisp of vitality, knowing that there was great danger here.

He took out the seal of Yuanshi and held it in his hand, just in case of any accident, and then he took Zixia forward.

Along the way, what I saw became more and more frightening. There were countless broken soldiers and flags on the ground, and there were many broken quasi-emperor weapons among them.

A big world back then became a cemetery, terrifying and boundless.

"All of this is probably the work of the Immortal Emperor, who is absorbing the divinity of countless strong men."

Xu Yu frowned. He felt a strong vitality. Although he was overwhelmed by the thick ocean of death energy, he could still perceive it with his spiritual sense. He guessed that it might be emanating from the Immortal Emperor.

When we arrived at the core burial place, there was a palace, which was extremely grand. There were many corpses of flesh and blood around, but there were three very special ones lying in front of the palace door.

Among them was a divine tiger, exuding the aura of a quasi-emperor, who must have been extremely powerful during his lifetime.

"The strong man who came out of the fairy mausoleum!" Xu Yu was amazed. He had seen this divine tiger in the quasi-emperor realm. It was the mount of the Immortal God. In a world mausoleum.

Its blood was dry, and its essence was gone.

Next to it, there is also a powerful quasi-emperor's corpse, with the special imprint of the underworld on his body, obviously a war slave of the underworld!

Now the underworld is fighting for hegemony with the other three major forces, and wars start from time to time. Xu Yu has naturally seen their war slaves.

The last quasi-emperor also had his essence and blood drained, just like the previous quasi-emperors.

Xu Yu cautiously stared ahead, gently stroked the Yuanshi seal in his hand, broke through the thick fog, and came to the entrance of the main hall.

In the majestic palace, there were three severed arms, half a head, and many pieces of flesh and blood. The frightening thing was that they exuded an aura of a great emperor.It can be seen that once high above the ancient emperor, he was swallowed by something.

In the void above the palace, there is a blood-colored flesh ball, which looks like a big cocoon. It is pulled into a void door and will disappear from this world at any time.

Behind that door, there is a big chaotic clock, and there is a suction force, and it is it that pulls the meat ball in.The two sides have reached a stalemate, and this state should remain for quite a long time.

"The Immortal Emperor!" When Xu Yu looked up and saw the meat ball, he showed a shocking expression. This is the supreme god of all races, the emperor who stands aloof.

(End of this chapter)

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