Looking at the bloody flesh ball above the main hall, even though Xu Yu's will was strong and his strength rivaled those who would become enlightened, his expression was extremely serious.

Because he knew that the existence in that meat ball was the Immortal Emperor, known as the supreme god of all races, a supreme powerhouse near immortal, and one of the strongest people since this era.

It is an existence at the same level as Emperor Zun, Wushi Great Emperor, Ruthless Emperor, and Qing Emperor, surpassing many great emperors and ancient emperors in ancient and modern times.

Although every powerful person in the way of the emperor has been invincible for a lifetime, but in terms of strength, the Wushi Emperor and the Immortal Emperor are definitely existences above all the emperors.

Perhaps, the god emperor who is invincible through nine transformations and transcends the past and present through ten transformations can rival these existences.

After all, as far as Xu Yu knew, the God Emperor had successfully transformed after a long time, entered the realm of immortality, and was still alive after countless epochs.

Although the current Xu Yu is amazingly talented and is approaching the realm of the Great Emperor, there is a huge gap between him and the Immortal Emperor, and he is not a strong man he can shake. Naturally, he feels unparalleled pressure and fear to the extreme.

"That's...Wushi Bell, why is it here?" Zixia was shocked. At the end of the road to becoming an immortal, everyone knew that this weapon of Emperor Wu Shi had entered the immortal road, but now it was with a person. Meatballs confront each other.

Unlike Xu Yu, she didn't know that the strange bloody flesh ball was the Immortal Emperor. Instead, it was the appearance of Wu Shi Zhong that shocked her.

"The appearance of Wushi Bell here must be related to Emperor Wushi. As for the bloody flesh ball...

Xu Yu stopped talking and said: "I'm afraid it's the same existence as the ancient supreme being dormant in the restricted area!

He did not directly say that he was the Immortal Emperor. After all, it would not necessarily be a good thing to reveal his secrets in front of this near immortal.

Even if the Immortal Emperor is in the state of Nirvana, in the weakest and deep sleep, he is even confronting the Wushi Bell.

However, if the emperor in such a state insisted on making a move, Xu Yu and the two of them would be in great danger, and they might fall into a world mausoleum.

Therefore, even though Xu Yu knew the secret of the Immortal Emperor, he did not dare to speak freely here and seek his own death.

"Let's go, the Wushi Bell and the bloody weak ball are not something we can touch now!" He held the simple Yuanshi Seal and pulled Zixia slowly out of the ancient palace.

Although holding an imperial weapon in his hand, Xu Yu wants to use this to help Wu Shizhong, and force the immortal emperor in Nirvana into the immortal road, and pull him into another realm, but he may not be able to do it.

In the original destiny trajectory, the Qing Emperor Dao Fruit resurrected in Ye Fan's wheel sea, merged with the Qinglian Emperor's soldiers, and combined with the Wushi Bell, forced the weak immortal emperor's Nirvana body into the strange world.

In fact, Xu Yu has some ideas, that is, to disclose the news of the undead emperor on Mars to the Supremes in the restricted area.

However, such a result is too unpredictable. What will happen after the forbidden zone Supreme and the Immortal Emperor meet is unpredictable, and it may lead to another dark turmoil.

So, Xu Yu, who is not strong enough now, doesn't want to act rashly, so let Wu Shizhong and the Immortal Emperor confront each other. This is actually a very good situation.

As for the threat of the Immortal Emperor's successful Nirvana, it will probably be a long time later. At that time, Xu Yu must have entered the extreme state, and his strength is enough to deal with everything.

On this vast land, except for a huge ancient temple, there are only endless bones. All the strong men of the past era are buried here.

The cause of all this is naturally the Immortal Emperor. He is called the biggest black hand behind the scenes by the Supreme Being in the restricted area. He is deployed in it to devour the flesh and blood of the powerful emperor, nirvana himself, and achieve his immortal immortality.

Although he does not directly absorb the life essence of the people and spirits like the Supreme Being in the forbidden area, but judging from the mausoleum where all the strong men of an era are buried, what is the difference between the Immortal Emperor and the Supreme in the forbidden area?
It makes the world full of blood and chaos, and endless creatures weep blood for it!

After exiting the ancient palace where the Immortal Emperor passed into nirvana, Xu Yu's eyebrows emitted a bright nine-color fairy light, overwhelming the sky and pouring into the earth, looking for the true goal of his trip.

Suddenly, he heard a long bell ringing, and felt a kind of immortal breath, coming from the depths of the burial ground.

"found it!

The seal of Yuanshi in his hand was filled with extreme divine power, splitting the earth covered with bones at once, and hot magma gushed out immediately.

I saw a huge cave deep in the center of the earth, shrouded in immortal brilliance, a piece of mysterious and mysterious runes intertwined into an ancient bell, flowing with the supreme aura of the avenue.

"That's...a fairy bell transformed from the god of order!"

Zixia was stunned when she saw this. She didn't expect that there was a mysterious fairy treasure hidden under the mountains of corpses. She said: "It has the same aura as that bloody flesh ball. I don't think that supreme existence has ever existed before. Retreat in it.”

Xu Yu naturally understood the reason. The person who retreated was the Immortal Emperor in the meat ball, and the fairy bell made of order runes was also written by the Immortal Emperor.

At the end of the Age of Mythology, Emperor Zun made his way to immortality. At a critical moment, those ancient supreme beings who joined the Heavenly Court rebelled at the same time and attacked Emperor Zun, hoping to kill him.

As for the specific reasons, it is very complicated. Even Xu Yu can't figure out whether it is the Emperor who wants to sacrifice the Supremes, or the Supremes who joined the Heavenly Court intend to kill the Emperor.

But one thing is true, that is, the Kunlun survivors handed over the blood-stained fairy bell to the Immortal Emperor, and also participated in the siege of Emperor Zun.

It is also because of this that the former Immortal Emperor had been in charge of the Immortal Bell for a period of time, and only then did he interweave an alternative Immortal Bell with the law of order in the seat.

"This is not a real fairy bell, although its body has stayed here once, and it has left an indelible mark!" Zixia looked at the orderly bell and sighed.

Xu Yu stared at the bell body and said: "This is the existence in the flesh ball that has obtained the immortal bell body, and then used supreme means to outline the traces of the immortal bell. It is also a supreme treasure!
Unfortunately, deep in the ancient cave, there is a large bell-shaped cave, inside which is a chaotic passage. It was left behind when the fairy bell left. I don't know how many years have passed, but it still has not closed.

The Immortal Emperor, in the end, did not completely obtain the Kunlun Immortal Artifact and left him.

It has to be said that this mysterious fairy weapon is extremely powerful. Emperor Zun once killed the Kunlun fairy mountain for the fairy bell and conquered the Kunlun survivors, but he never got the bell and was smashed away by it.

Later, the Immortal Emperor controlled this magical weapon for a period of time, but still did not keep it.

"There is still a chaotic hole there, and there is a flow of the northern fairy light!" Zixia was surprised. On the other side of the underground space, there is a bigger chaotic hole, and I don't know where it leads.

"The road to immortality in a short period of time!" Xu Yu stared at the chaotic passage with bright eyes.

This road to immortality is different from others. Although it can no longer lead to the fairyland, it can lead to the strange world. The Immortal Emperor is pulling the Immortal Emperor through it to go to that world.

That strange world of human evolution is vast and vast, wider than the human world.

More importantly, there is a small amount of longevity substances there. Although it is not as good as the real fairyland, it can also make people live longer, far exceeding the human world.

The Emperor Wushi entered that world, and the Immortal Emperor obviously also found out where it was. As for why he did not enter, it is unknown.


Zixia took a step forward and came to the entrance of this chaotic passage, wanting to see what happened. Although it is impossible to lead to the fairyland, there is the flow of the northern fairy light inside, which is also an extremely attractive place.

After all, the Northern Immortal Light is the aura leaked from the Immortal Realm, which contains a small amount of longevity substances, which can make people immortal.

Back then when the Big Dipper Immortal Road was opened, saints from all the heavens and myriad realms fought bloody battles for the leaked spirits of the immortal realms.

When Zixia first landed on the entrance of the chaotic cave, she let out a coquettish snort, her face changed drastically, she was hit by some kind of supreme force, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, and her whole delicate body flew out.

"Be careful!" Xu Yu's expression tightened, and he hurried forward to support her, and asked with concern, "How is it going?"

Zixia wiped off a trace of blood from the corner of her mouth, shook her head and said, "No serious problem!"

It turned out that there were two people sitting cross-legged in the passage of chaos, facing each other, exuding a terrifying aura. It was their existence that made this abandoned road to immortality not closed.

As a congenital dao fetus, Zixia stepped into the quasi-emperor's domain again, which can be said to be extremely powerful, but just now she was just close to the entrance of the cave, and was shocked by the aura emitted by those two people.

Her eyes were full of horror. The two people in the chaotic passage were probably ancient supreme beings.

The road to immortality long ago was stretched a hundred feet long by those two figures. They sat cross-legged at the end, looking very imitated and unable to see their true faces.

"The marks and marks left behind after the confrontation between the Emperor Wushi and the Immortal Emperor!" Xu Yutian's eyes widened. After seeing the two figures, he instantly understood what was going on.

The shadows of two ancient and modern powerhouses sit quietly at the end of the chaos, constructed by laws, each of them is as deep as the sea, just like the true manifestation of the Dao.

Xu Yu told Zixia to retreat, and he carefully entered the Chaos Passage holding the Yuanshi Seal, stopped thirty feet away from the two shadows, sat down cross-legged, and comprehended the Dao Law of the Great Emperor Wushi and the Immortal Emperor.

The imprint of law left by the existence of the two near immortals can definitely inspire people infinitely, even for a high-ranking quasi-emperor like Xu Yu.

Seeing this, Zixia in the rear didn't bother her, and she also came to the fairy bell intertwined with laws, and carefully felt the dao marks contained in it.

For a real fairy artifact, Emperor Zun would attack the Kunlun Fairy Mountain to snatch it. The Immortal Emperor also retreated and enlightened, which shows the mystery and good fortune in it.

In the legends of the world, the cauldron of all things cast by Emperor Zun contains the mystery of becoming an immortal, and the same is true of the two real immortal artifacts, the immortal bell and the barren body.

Time flies, years pass, and several major forces in the universe are fighting incessantly, causing trouble for the entire human world.

Xu Yu and Zixia, however, were sitting in the Yijie Tomb under the Yinghuo Star, comprehending the imprints left by Emperor Wu Shi and the Immortal Emperor, as well as the Kunlun Immortal Bell.

In the depths of a world mausoleum under Mars, Xu Yu and Zixia have been in seclusion for many years. There are two ancient and modern strongest people with indelible marks and immortal marks that can be comprehended, allowing their Taoism to advance by leaps and bounds. huge.

In the hundred-foot-long chaotic tunnel, Xu Yu stood a foot away from the shadow of the Wushi Emperor and the Immortal Emperor, no longer afraid of the power of the two immortal marks.

"8 years ago, Emperor Wushi, who was already in his twilight years, met with the undead Emperor of unknown number of lifetimes. The imprint of immortality left behind has maintained a certain balance during these tens of thousands of years. If I break them, here I'm afraid it will explode with a power that will destroy the world and everything will be destroyed." Xu Yu stared at the two shadows carefully, and couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

Finally, he left the chaotic passage and stared at the mysterious fairy bell. Although it was only intertwined with the laws of order, it also contained the ultimate secret of the creation of heaven and earth.

After all, there are only a few real artifacts in the entire era, and the Kunlun Immortal Bell is one of them. It is said that it contains the power of time and age.

"Although this bell is made up of intertwined laws, its real power will probably not be weaker than that of a perfect Ji Dao Emperor Weapon!" Zixia has studied the Dao Mark of the Immortal Bell for many years and is well aware of its terrifying nature.

Xu Yu nodded his head when he heard the words, expressing his agreement. The person who started to build this Law Immortal Bell is the Immortal Emperor, who is known as the supreme god of all races. His own strength is already close to that of an immortal.


The Immortal Gold Cauldron emerged from Xu Yu's head, flowing with eight-color immortal brilliance, faintly exuding the power to suppress all things in the world.

The emperor fell at the ultimate emperor pass back then, and the shattered red dragon armor on his body was fused with a piece of eternal blue gold, which was part of his former 33-story imperial tower.

After Xu Yu got it, he smelted that piece of Eternal Blue Gold into his Immortal Gold Cauldron. If he got the last piece of Destiny Orange Gold, he would have all the Nine Great Immortal Golds.

According to the legend, if the nine immortals are combined together and sacrificed to become a great weapon, there is a great chance of evolving into a real fairy weapon.

Now Xu Yu's Immortal Gold Cauldron is only one step away from the unity of the nine immortal golds. It is conceivable that there will be shocking and extraordinary changes when they are truly united.


The Immortal Gold Cauldron flew out slowly, zoomed in quickly, and let down hundreds of millions of brilliant celestial brilliance, slowly collecting the Law Immortal Bell into it.

"Your cauldron is too heaven-defying, it has been smelted

The Eight Great Immortal Gold, even if you don't achieve enlightenment and become an emperor in the future, it will probably evolve into a supreme emperor weapon on its own! "Although Zixia and Xu Yu are no longer separated from each other, she is still frightened when she sees his tripod.

Jidao Immortal Gold, also known as the exclusive sacred object of the Great Emperor, even if it is just one kind, has been the dream of many people since ancient times, and they have never even seen it.

But before Xu Yu became emperor, he obtained eight kinds and smelted them into a peerless immortal cauldron. How could people not be shocked!
If he hadn't been a time traveler with the ability of a "prophet", people below the realm of the Great Emperor would not have been able to gather together.

"Maybe!" Xu Yu nodded, the nine great immortals can evolve into a fairy weapon, but this is just a legend, and he doesn't know what will happen.

At this moment, after he collected the Law Immortal Bell with the Immortal Gold Cauldron, he felt its horror and mystery more clearly.

The Immortal Emperor observes the real fairy artifact and constructs the rune and law chain of the fairy bell. The profound meaning of the Dao pattern surpasses the general emperor artifact, because it is the supreme pattern contained in the Kunlun fairy bell!

This kind of thing, let alone other people, even the powerful emperors want to imitate it, as long as they understand it thoroughly, there will be infinite benefits.

"There is a mysterious force that has imprisoned the Law Immortal Bell!

Xu Yu was surprised. He felt that the Law Immortal Bell had a terrifying power that was about to explode, but it was forcibly imprisoned by another mysterious force, and this force revealed the aura of the Shishiless Emperor.

Obviously, imprisoning the immortal bell that is about to explode is the supreme secret technique played by Emperor Wushi.

With a flash of thought, Xu Yu quickly guessed the reason. It must be that the Immortal Emperor wanted to detonate the Immortal Law Bell, so as to suppress and kill Emperor Wushi.

It's a pity that the Great Emperor Wushi was not inferior to the emperor of all races, and used terrifying secret techniques to ban the fairy bell.

In this way, this fairy bell is a big killer weapon that can explode at any time. It is equivalent to the power of an imperial weapon's self-destruction.
Without the power of annihilation, I am afraid that even a vast star field will be annihilated.

Back then, Undead Heaven was forced to a very difficult level, and finally wanted to destroy the immortal bell rune carved so hard, so as to kill Wushi Great Emperor.

Unfortunately, it failed!
"This is a heaven-defying weapon, if it can threaten Emperor Wushi, then it must be even more terrifying to the Supreme Beings in the restricted area!
Holding this terrifying time bomb, Xu Yu also felt nervous, and he had to take it seriously. It could be used against the enemy, or it could hurt himself.

He sat cross-legged, and Yuanshen stepped out from between his brows, united with the Immortal Golden Cauldron, activated the ultimate profound meaning of the Divine Mark Zijin, and captured the secret technique that imprisoned the Immortal Bell.

In the end, after an unknown amount of time, Xu Yu had an insight into the unrivaled secret technique of the Great Emperor Wushi, called Wushishu.

This is a taboo secret technique created by the Great Emperor Wushi. It is recorded in the last article of the Wushi scripture.

The ancient emperors and emperors would complete the scriptures written during their lifetime in their later years. The so-called "completion" is to add the last taboo scripture, which is the core and essence of their Tao.

Such a secret method will shock the gods and weep the gods every time it is born, and the moment the scriptures are finally completed, all kinds of disasters will befall, and visions will appear, which are extremely evil.

Because the emperor's taboo secret technique is too heaven-defying and powerful.

Xu Yu secretly sighed that he had obtained the Sun Sutra, Sun Immortal Sutra, Xihuang Ancient Sutra, Heaven Swallowing Devil Art and other scriptures, but so far he has only obtained the forbidden secret technique of the Yuanshi Immortal Sutra.

Of course, in fact, the Nine Secrets are the taboo secret arts of the Nine Heavenly Venerates in the age of mythology, and they are the strongest ones, which are the ultimate sublimation of their Dao and Dharma.

There is also the invincible technique that originated from the path to immortality - Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist. It is also a taboo secret technique that is said to have been created by the ancestor of the Holy Body.

Based on this calculation, Xu Yu has practiced several taboo secret techniques.

Now that I have obtained the forbidden secret technique of Emperor Wushi, it is really amazing.

The word "Wu Shi" has been in the spotlight for eternity. How many people have been coveting his scriptures, but no one has ever obtained them in 10,000+ years, which makes people feel regretful.

An existence that can sweep the heavens and is invincible, has been recited by people for thousands of years, but no one can see its way and method.

Xu Yu knew that non-innate Taoist holy bodies could not be inherited by Emperor Wu Shi. Now that he had obtained one of his forbidden secret techniques, it was quite unexpected.

This is a kind of supreme divine art, which is enough for people to spend a lifetime to realize it. Even if Xu Yu is now close to the realm of the Great Emperor, he still cannot comprehend it all.

In this space where the Immortal Emperor once retreated, he moved his body, followed the movement of his heart, used his body as a seal to blend into the universe, and began to deduce the Beginningless Technique over and over again.

He was clear in his heart and devoted himself to comprehension, as if an incomparably stalwart figure appeared in his eyes, that was the root of what he was chasing, and it was also the original profound meaning of immortal art.

The boundless void, the eternal Tao, Xu Yu forgot everything, only the Tao in front of him, he was constantly chasing, trying to catch it in his hands.


Suddenly, a bolt of thunder and lightning emerged in the void, breaking the tranquility of the place and disrupting the order of time and space. (End of chapter)

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