Chapter 290
The sound of thunder from the sky also woke up Xu Yu.

"This is... Zixia's catastrophe!"

Xu Yu, who spun around from Wu Wu Dao, looked at the thunder and lightning that were constantly gathering above Mars.

Looking at Zixia who was meditating on the evolution of Taoism, she understood that this was when Zixia understood the order of the Immortal Bell, she captured the immortal Tao marks left by the two supreme beings in the past, and then triggered the Heavenly calamity.

"To survive the tribulation in this place..."

Xu Yu looked at the meat ball with a heavy face, very worried.

After all, their current location is different from other places. It is a point of confrontation between the Immortal Emperor and the Wushi Emperor.

Although the two of them are no longer here, they are still full of endless dangers.

Especially the flesh ball transformed by the Immortal Emperor, which is undoubtedly the biggest threat to them.

Although the Immortal Emperor is in the process of Nirvana at the moment, Xu Yu knows that the transformation of the Immortal Emperor is the most terrifying in the world.

After all, Xu Yu also mastered the True Phoenix Treasure Art, so he naturally knew that this supreme secret art needed to absorb a lot of flesh and blood essence to feed back in the process of Nirvana.

Both Xu Yu and Zixia were in the quasi-emperor realm, and they were the most powerful geniuses at that time. At the same time, for the Immortal Emperor, they were also the scarcest raw materials in his transformation process.

"You can't cross the robbery in this place."

After a brief moment of contemplation, he waved his sleeves and wrapped Zixia's entire body in them.

Then he took a step across the endless galaxies and came to the edge of the universe, intending to let Zixia survive the disaster here.

In a wasteland on the edge of the universe, a huge catastrophe came, and boundless thunder covered the sea of ​​​​stars. That kind of terrifying aura burst out, so that the powerful people in the entire universe could sense it.

"Is this someone trying to survive the Great Emperor's Tribulation?"

Countless strong men looked in the direction of that star field, and their hearts were filled with shock, as if the heavens had sent down a vast punishment from heaven, which would destroy all living beings.

"This is... the catastrophe of Emperor Zhun's triple heaven!" You Zhun frowned, looking solemnly into the depths of the starry sky.

And the person under that terrifying catastrophe was none other than Zixia, who was brought out from the Mars First Realm Mausoleum by Xu Yu.

She understood the immortal mark of the confrontation between the Shishiless Emperor and the Immortal Emperor on the road to immortality, and incorporated the Immortal Bell built by the law into her own Taoist tool, which can be said to be a huge gain.

Moreover, the forbidden secret technique used by Emperor Wu Shi to imprison the Immortal Bell was also captured by her, and she successfully practiced it and could unlock the seal of the Immortal Artifact of Law.

Although it is just the Immortal Bell Dao Mark constructed by the Immortal Emperor with the law, it is extremely terrifying, equivalent to a super forbidden weapon of the great emperor level. If it explodes, it will destroy the star sea and tear the universe apart, there will be no problem at all.

After all, the Immortal Emperor back then wanted to use this to kill Emperor Wu Shi.

Now this fairy bell that can explode at any time has fallen into Xu Yu's hands and has become his trump card, a trump card that can severely damage the restricted area supreme.

After many years of retreat in Yijie Mausoleum, Zixia's Taoism has advanced by leaps and bounds. After leaving the burial place of that era, he strode towards the realm of the Emperor's Dao on the road of practice, and broke through the realm again, attracting a catastrophe.

The catastrophe of the Quasi-Emperor's Third Heaven was too terrifying, and its vast aura could be felt by the most powerful people in all realms, making it impossible to hide it.

"Om Long...!
The dull sound was like the chariot of God running over the starry sky, rumbling, as if there was an unknown master in the dark, who wanted to suppress Zixia.

The endless thunder and lightning, the billions of thunderbolts from the divine sky, contain the will of the universe, which is supreme, vast and unrivaled.

The catastrophe that just started was extremely terrifying, causing all the big stars in this universe to explode and turn into powder. The scene made people tremble and feel horrified!
"go with!"

With a soft chirp from Zixia, the Purple Gold Pagoda, which she sacrificed, flew up, the purple celestial radiance flowed, and the chaotic air filled the air, becoming incomparably huge. Let this piece of star fall into a short period of tranquility.

The scene was so terrifying that if there were any monks here, they would probably be frightened and go crazy. This is such a powerful and heaven-defying divine power that it actually swallowed up the vast sea of ​​thunder.

You must know that it is a divine punishment that represents the will of God. The power that can shatter the starry sky and destroy the universe has now been broken.

One tower suppresses all things and swallows the punishment of heaven. It is completely the method of a supreme being, beyond the understanding of the world!

The catastrophe was even more violent, with billions of thunder bombarding down, destroying everything, turning this sea of ​​stars into a land of disaster and a place of death for life.

Zixia's expression was dignified, and she tried her best to resist. The violent catastrophe was enough to chop Emperor Zhun into ashes. Although he was extremely powerful, he treated it very cautiously.

The universe wails, the thunder roars into the sky, and countless rays of light shine. Every ray of intertwined and spurting blazing electricity is full of the aura of destruction.

The traces formed by the rules of heaven and earth split everything apart, just like the sky was opened, revealing the breath of the beginning.

The catastrophe is not ending, and one kind of punishment after another is coming from the eternal unknown, rolling forward, Zixia's eyes are sharp, her fighting spirit is high, and she is fighting fiercely.

Her physical body is like a bottomless pit, and when she is fighting against endless thunder, she is also devouring the power contained in the catastrophe. Every inch of her flesh and blood is like a big star, and the whole treasure body is like countless galaxies, swallowing heaven and earth, containing Unimaginable power.

His physical body and soul are undergoing astonishing transformations, getting closer and closer to the true imperial body. Every drop of blood contains the mystery of immortality. Any drop of blood flying out can kill the sage.


I don’t know how much time has passed, but just as the heavenly tribulation is about to dissipate, another shocking heavenly punishment comes. It is so big that it is unimaginable. It penetrates all the lightning of the seventh level of tribulation, and bombards with an even more terrifying world-destroying power.

That scene is like the light of destruction descending from the fairy world, obliterating everything and leveling everything in the world.

Zixia's quasi-emperor fourth level calamity has arrived, and she once again takes a leap forward, directly from the second level of quasi-emperor heaven to the fourth level.

"This... the last few catastrophes can be overcome continuously, which is really rare in ancient times." A cold voice sounded in Beidou's life restricted area.

"You are worthy of being an innate Taoist, with divine talents. To achieve such an achievement at this age is not only the only one in ancient times, but it is also rarely achieved."

"Although she is still an ant now, if she goes any further, she may threaten us, and it seems that she will be killed by then!"

There were sounds in several restricted areas of life, and ancient supreme beings were speaking.

Everyone knows that the final steps of Emperor Zhun are more difficult than each other. They cannot be crossed by stepping over the steps, they can only be crossed step by step.

Since ancient times, except for unconfirmed legends, there has never been an instance where no one has ever been able to cross the final level of tribulation. They can only climb up one step at a time.

Everyone needs to accumulate. That is an unshakable myth.

Zixia is now in the middle stage of quasi-emperor,
After two catastrophes in a row, this completely alarmed the supreme being in the restricted area, who was already eyeing him.

While crossing the borderlands of the universe, a huge catastrophe descended, and boundless thunder covered the sea of ​​stars. That terrifying aura erupted, which could be sensed by the strong in the entire heavens and ten thousand domains.

"Is this someone trying to survive the Great Emperor's Tribulation?"

Countless strong men looked in the direction of that star field, and their hearts were filled with shock, as if the heavens had sent down a vast punishment from heaven, which would destroy all living beings.

"This is... the catastrophe of Emperor Zhun's triple heaven!" You Zhun frowned, looking solemnly into the depths of the starry sky.

And the person under that terrifying catastrophe was none other than Zixia, who was brought out from the Mars First Realm Mausoleum by Xu Yu.

She understood the immortal mark of the confrontation between the Shishiless Emperor and the Immortal Emperor on the road to immortality, and incorporated the Immortal Bell built by the law into her own Taoist tool, which can be said to be a huge gain.

Moreover, the forbidden secret technique used by Emperor Wu Shi to imprison the Immortal Bell was also captured by her, and she successfully practiced it and could unlock the seal of the Immortal Artifact of Law.

Although it is just the Immortal Bell Dao Mark constructed by the Immortal Emperor with the law, it is extremely terrifying, equivalent to a super forbidden weapon of the great emperor level. If it explodes, it will destroy the star sea and tear the universe apart, there will be no problem at all.

After all, the Immortal Emperor back then wanted to use this to kill Emperor Wu Shi.

Now this fairy bell that can explode at any time has fallen into Xu Yu's hands and has become his trump card, a trump card that can severely damage the restricted area supreme.

After many years of retreat in Yijie Mausoleum, Zixia's Taoism has advanced by leaps and bounds. After leaving the burial place of that era, he strode towards the realm of the Emperor's Dao on the road of practice, and broke through the realm again, attracting a catastrophe.

The catastrophe of the Quasi-Emperor's Third Heaven was too terrifying, and its vast aura could be felt by the most powerful people in all realms, making it impossible to hide it.

"Om Long...!
The dull sound was like the chariot of God running over the starry sky, rumbling, as if there was an unknown master in the dark, who wanted to suppress Zixia.

The endless thunder and lightning, the billions of thunderbolts from the divine sky, contain the will of the universe, which is supreme, vast and unrivaled.

The catastrophe that just started was extremely terrifying, causing all the big stars in this universe to explode and turn into powder. The scene made people tremble and feel horrified!
"go with!"

With a soft chirp from Zixia, the Purple Gold Pagoda, which she sacrificed, flew up, the purple celestial radiance flowed, and the chaotic air filled the air, becoming incomparably huge. Let this piece of star fall into a short period of tranquility.

In a few days, the huge catastrophe dissipated, and Zixia completely stood on the fourth level of the quasi-emperor's sky, reaching the mid-stage of the quasi-emperor.

Looking at the entire vast universe, Zixia can dominate a region as long as she doesn't go against the ancient supremes and those strong men of the older generation.

After Zixia successfully overcame the tribulation, Xu Yu took her back to the divine realm.

Nowadays, the four major forces of the Underworld, Phoenix Nest, Dao Palace, and Divine Organization are fighting fiercely in all major star regions, and bloody battles occur all the time.

Especially the underworld and the divine organization, these two forces are inherited from the mythical age.

When Emperor Zun fell and Heaven collapsed, one of them was the Underworld Lord Pluto, and the Divine Organization was the remaining force in Heaven. Therefore, these two forces had an undying hatred, and the battle was the most intense.

On the other hand, the Heavenly Court formed by Ye Fan is also constantly fighting with the Dynasty established by the Immortal Queen.

After all, the Emperor died in Ye Fan's hands. Although the Immortal Queen was not his biological mother, she inherited the power of the Immortal Emperor. Whether it was for face or other reasons, she had to avenge the Emperor.

Therefore, there was constant friction between Huangchao and Heavenly Court, and bloodshed occurred from time to time.

As for the old woodcutter in the Taoist Palace that was established, he seemed very mysterious. Even Xu Yu, a traveler, didn't know the specific origin of him.

Judging from some news, the old man who cut wood probably belonged to the same era as the Immortal Queen, and the two were not very friendly.

When the Ultimate Imperial Road was opened and the ruins of the Ancient Heavenly Palace appeared, one could guess a thing or two about the battle between the Immortal Queen and the old man chopping firewood.

Now is the golden age, with the rise of talented heroes and the resurgence of the once unrivaled heroes, causing the world to be filled with blood and chaos.

The divine realm controlled by Xu Yu was almost the only peaceful and pure land. No one from the underworld, the divine organization, the Dao Palace, the Phoenix Nest and other major forces dared to act wild in front of him.

The general who attained enlightenment in the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor has extraordinary combat power. Nowadays, there is no such thing as a supreme being in ancient times. He is almost invincible in the world.

Although the Immortal Queen, the Old Man Chopping Wood, and other quasi-emperors who have reached the peak of enlightenment are all extremely proud, after all, they are all extremely talented and beautiful people who have been able to reach this point.

However, they had to admit that if they fought Xu Yu, they would probably end tragically.

Therefore, people from several major forces would not easily set foot in Xu Yu's star field, and they were extremely afraid.

Because none of them wanted to take action against the enlightened general Xu Yu. After all, the previous fallen ancient supremes had solid records, so they had no choice but to be cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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