Chapter 292
With Ye Fan running around, the Taoist Palace, the Divine Organization and the Heavenly Court created by Xu Yu decided to unite.

However, it was because Ye Fan's eldest disciple Ye Tong was seriously injured when he encountered the god general Kun, and before all the coalition forces joined forces, Ye Fan broke into the universe alone to hunt and kill the Fengchao people.

A cloudy fog floated by, covering the sky and the galaxy. Ye Fan walked alone, using the secret technique in the Taiyin Immortal Scripture to sweep across the star field ruled by Huangchao.

Dozens of stars in succession, many leaders of Huangchao lost their heads, and there was no single enemy. He did not have a bloodbath, but this method of only removing the heads of important people made people panic.

When Ye Fan came, he first used the Taiyin Immortal Sutra, and then he used the Sun Mother Sutra, the whole body shone with light, and the thunder shot directly to the Phoenix Nest.

News came out from time to time, and the peaceful universe was once again turbulent.

Ye Fan killed 27 masters, all of whom were the backbone of the Phoenix Nest. He had no intention of stopping all the way forward, and his sword edge reached the Phoenix Nest in the depths of the universe.

Clothes fluttered, blood sprayed, Ye Fan had already killed 54 masters of Phoenix Nest in just one day, all of them were from one side.

Some of them were the attendants of Huangchao, and the other part were the powerful people who took refuge in the past and became the leader of one party, but they were mercilessly killed by Ye Fan, and they were completely beheaded.

The news is undoubtedly explosive, and all the big forces in the universe are stunned!
What is Ye Fan going to do, regardless of the consequences, are you going to start a war?After this conflict, one of the two organizations must perish, and there is no way to be good.

In the past 20 years, all parties have been very restrained. Although there is a secret war, there is no sign of a large-scale conflict. Ye Fan's sudden and violent cleansing, marching on the bloody road, shocked the universe.

"Well, I heard that Ye Fan's disciple Yang Xi was killed. He was impatient and desperate to avenge his disciple."

"The latest news is that Saint Physique Ye Fan was ambushed, and the three god generals of the Phoenix Nest were stationed on one side. They have been waiting for him for a long time, and a big battle has started!"

"Ye Fan met Kun Tian and launched a shocking blow. The former Babu God General coughed up blood and nearly died!"

The news came one after another, shocking everyone, especially the last one, which made many people dumbfounded. It's only been 20 years, Ye Fanqiang has reached this point?
In the Heavenly Court of God's Domain, Xu Yu heard about Ye Fan's record and didn't say anything.

As for the other few top powerhouses in the world, they all have extremely deep eyes.

"The Phoenix Nest tore apart the universe, and the Immortal Empress has made a move!"

When the last piece of news came, it was no longer a small disturbance, but a cosmic earthquake. A vast war was about to start and sweep across the world.

Tianhou rushed there with the other two great generals, but it was too late, and failed to keep Ye Fan. He almost killed the general Kun and walked away.

"What a powerful holy body, even the former eight generals of the Immortal Emperor couldn't do anything to him, and he was almost killed. How strong is he?"

After this day, there was an extremely tense atmosphere in the universe. Everyone knew that the war was inevitable, and the Immortal Queen would definitely not stop.

"There are people in the Heavenly Court who make the Empress fear, otherwise they will be flattened." People thought of the former emperor, mobilized the crowd to leave, but returned in defeat.

"What are the empresses afraid of? When accompanying the emperor to fight for the world, what kind of hero has never been seen before? Is there anyone who can compare to the emperor?!"

The maid of the Immortal Queen appeared, beat a divine drum, and began to gather generals. This is the drum summoned by the emperor, which was jointly cast by all races in the universe in the past and dedicated to the emperor.

As long as the drum sounds, all ethnic groups will come and obey the orders.

This drum is too mysterious. As soon as it sounded, the ancestral land of many clans suddenly shone brightly, and the drums rumbled like thunder.

Cosmic riots, no one thought that this drum would sound after eternity silence, and some people embarked on the journey.

Of course, more great clans remained silent and did not follow the summons. So many years have passed. Who will take the oath of their ancestors to heart?

"The immortal queen is not gathering armies of various ethnic groups, but to summon the eight gods!" The old man who chopped wood was bright.

"That's right, some of the god generals have already sat down. I think she is trying to call the number one god general and use him to kill the emperor and deal with that little girl in the heaven." The old man of the god organization looked serious.

If the first god appears, it will definitely be a big storm. He is a person who dares to fight against the undead emperor. Everyone is saying that he can become enlightened!

"Number one general, I don't know, after all these years, does he still have the same demeanor as before?" Only Xu Yu said very calmly.

After hearing Xu Yu's words, the other people present did not have any refutation.

The old woodcutter and the old god, these two strong men who are at the same peak as Xu Yu in this world, naturally know Xu Yu's strength, not to mention that Xu Yu is still a generation of geniuses who appeared in this world, and his blood is stronger than those of them who have been sealed from ancient times. People don't know how many times they need to be prosperous?
"Yes, with your strength, you can indeed block the number one general."

After Xu Yu opened his mouth, both the old god and the woodcutter nodded unquestionably. Obviously, the two of them recognized Xu Yu's strength.

"If the ancient supreme in the underworld makes a move, that kid Xu can also resist it!"

The big black dog not far away was humping over a little girl in a pink dress and muttered in a low voice.


"What else, kill it!"

The Heavenly Court created by Xu Yu and Ye Fan's Heavenly Court, Dao Palace, and God Organization, the four major forces are finally united and are about to attack.

"Come on, I'm not late, I've finally caught up!" Pang Bo returned to the Heavenly Court, and there was another beautiful woman, Yan Ruyu.

Last time, Pang Bo and the Black Emperor went out to practice together, and accidentally found the descendants of the Qing Emperor on a star, and saw the demeanor of the Demon Emperor's soldiers in her palm.

Now, he invited Yan Ruyu here and borrowed the second imperial weapon to use in the battle!
"Boom", "Boom"...

The emperor's drum rumbled, shaking all parts of the universe. Those who didn't want to participate in the war found that the ancestral land was about to collapse.

It is a will!
The great clan who swore to follow the undead emperor and sprinkled their ancestral blood on the altars of their ancestral lands were all found by the wish force. If they did not fight, they would have to pay a serious price.

No one would have thought that the Emperor Drum was so terrifying, even in the past, its demonic nature and divine might still exist!
"The situation is not good, there seems to be movement in the underworld, and it means to take action." The black emperor frowned, they were always paying attention to the behemoth and found clues.

"It doesn't matter, the Emperor of the Underworld doesn't come out, the ancient supreme doesn't show up, and they can't change the situation of the battle even if they send out some masters."

"Don't underestimate the underworld. Since they have all moved, and even the Emperor's Drum has appeared, there is no need for us to keep it!" The old god said solemnly.

He knelt on the ground piously, set up an incense table to worship, and then solemnly opened a stone box, took out a dim horn, and blew it himself.


With the sound of the horn, the eight extremes of the universe were shocked. Many people did not know what it was, but they found that the call from the Emperor Drum was cancelled.

Of course, some Xeon races woke up and said, "It's the war horn of the emperor, calling us to fight!"

No one thought that the turmoil was getting bigger and bigger, and a war sweeping the universe was about to start!


The desolate horn sounded, and it rang in a corner of the universe. On a wild star, a young man wearing animal skin clothes and walking in the mountains opened his eyes, looked at the sky, and whispered to himself, saying:
"After so many years, it is really not easy to still hear the sound of the war horn."

Then, he put down the prey on his shoulders, walked to the thatched hut in the distance, took out a black hard bow, picked up a stone stick, and disappeared from the spot!
"Boom", "Boom"...

The dull drums roared, and the four poles of heaven and earth and the eight wastes of the universe trembled again. The emperor called the drums to beat.

This kind of sound is too loud. It was suppressed by the sound of the horn for a moment, but it immediately shook again. If the waves hit the shore, the universe is resonating.

"No way, this is the emperor's call. My ancestors have sworn that the curse is imprinted into the blood of future generations. If we don't go to war, there will be misfortune."

Different voices sounded from all over the place, and they were all shocked. It has been eternity, and the oath once sounded again.

In the ancestral land of the Vigorous Bull Demon Clan, the statue enshrined high above was shaking violently, emitting a mighty light, like a god being angry, and several old cows desperately resisting.

Their blood is burning. If the sword cuts the dead wood, they will disintegrate. An ancient voice echoes in the ancestral land: "Follow your oath, keep your spirits alive, listen to my call, and fight for your life..."

This is like a magic spell. It came from the ancient times, and the sound of ancient meaning is vicissitudes, terrifying and amazing, and people's blood is boiling.

If you resist, you will bathe your whole body in calamity fire, and you will encounter a great calamity of inner demons.

This accident happened all over the universe. The ancient ancestors of all ethnic groups in the past made the divine blood oath to the emperor, which is still indelible, engraved in their blood, and binding on future generations.

This result was shocking and made many clans discolored, gathering in the ancestral land of the clan to discuss countermeasures and fight hard.

How to do?This is a choice that many strong families have to face.

The ancient emperor drum sounded in this era, did the former war department follow or not?This is a difficult decision, and no one wants to be involved in a bloody battle if given a choice.


The sound of the emperor's horn was desolate, and its penetrating power was stronger. It suppressed the sound of the emperor's drum, eased the danger of many big clans, and made them feel a lot better.

Many strong men rushed towards the direction of Emperor Zun's horn to fight against the emperor's drum.

"It's time to make a decision, there's no delay!"

One is the horn of the emperor, and the other is the war drum of the emperor. At the same time, all ethnic groups have to make a decision as soon as possible, and there is no delay.

"Listen to the call of the undead emperor and go to battle!"

"Kill, enter the cosmos battlefield, fight for the oath of the ancestors, for the promise of protection, and march towards the road to heaven!"

After struggling and thinking about it, many big clans were dispatched, rushing in the direction of the sound of the sky drum, obeying the call, and going to fight the most terrifying and tragic battle.

Teams of strong men pierced the starry sky and flew to the star field where Phoenix Nest was located. At the end, the crowd was dense and overwhelming.

This is a torrent, coming together, the star gates are constantly opening, turning this place into a sea of ​​strong people, and the atmosphere has been suppressed to the extreme before the real battle begins.

The huge Phoenix Nest was bright red as blood, built of Phoenix wood, and stretched across the universe. A beautiful and coquettish woman stood on top of it, guarded by several gods. She was unparalleled in elegance, and her cold voice could be heard all over the place.

"The glory of the undead emperor is immortal, but now someone tramples on it, what, what should we do? Naturally, the battle will be fought to the end, and the dignity of the emperor will be protected!"


Below, the mountains are overwhelming, endless roars sounded, the universe was shaking, and it spread to the distance, the endless star field, and many creatures were shaking.

Countless powerhouses roared loudly, and the sounds together exploded like thunder, earth-shattering, and the entire universe was roaring!

At this time, the undead queen on the Scarlet Phoenix Nest began to beat the drums and gather generals in person.She is graceful, slender and beautiful, with a pair of lotus roots and white arms, and she plays the drums earnestly there, with a special charm.

The sound of the drums was dull, like a billowing ocean tearing apart the sky, swept up, and spread to the eight wastes of the universe.

This kind of rhythm is terrifying, making all the powerhouses in the vicinity glow with their souls, their blood is rushing, and all of them are full of blood. I can't wait to fight immediately!
And at this moment, the reaction from all parties in the universe was even greater. They were summoned by war drums and attacked by divine sounds. Potentially self-destructive.

"Fight for the undead emperor, blood splattered outside the realm, cut through the sky, fight!"

Like a rushing flood, the powerhouses from all over the place couldn't help roaring wildly, and there were hordes of extraordinary people who embarked on the journey, and couldn't bear it any longer.

The Immortal Emperor was once regarded as the supreme god by many great clans all over the universe, omnipotent, sitting high in the ninth layer of heaven, and now all of them have come out. In the ancient past, there were really too many people who respected him.

On a desolate star, a white-haired old man in sackcloth sackcloth and sackcloth who was farming, sighed leisurely, dropped his work, walked to a stone village not far away, pulled out a lame horse, turned over and sat on it. A ray of light erupted from the ground, and the old man and the sick horse disappeared together.

Not long after, he appeared in the army near the Scarlet Phoenix Nest. He was very inconspicuous, with nostalgia in his turbid eyes and the imprint of the past years. He looked at the slender figure above the Phoenix Nest, and his expression was a bit complicated.

The Immortal Queen seemed to have a feeling, Huo turned back, but there was a void there, there was no shadow, and the people nearby didn't have any special feeling.


Emperor Zun's war horn is like a strong wind crossing the border, like a hero's roar, soothing throat and screaming, there is a kind of vigor, there is a kind of majesty, just like the ancient gods are calling the heroes, coming from the end of the ancient vast land, with a wild atmosphere.

The sound of the horn is getting louder and louder, which naturally cancels out the sound of the drums of war in this universe, and many people flock here, throwing themselves here, seeking shelter.

Moreover, there are many ancient war divisions gathered because of the horn. This is the tribe of the gods in the heaven back then. They were awakened, and many people were excited.

"The brilliance of the emperor, the invincible glory, can not be desecrated even after the eternity, no one can provoke, the sinner of the undead emperor will be punished!"

Someone roared angrily and shouted unwillingly, wanting to fight to the death, sweep away the humiliation of the past, and let the heaven shine brightly again.


Thousands of troops and horses are galloping, and the number of strong men gathered here will never be less than the people gathered in front of the Phoenix Nest. The wild horses roar, the iron armor clangs, the war spears shimmer and shine coldly, and millions of lions gather together.

One of the young men in animal skins, carrying a black bow and a stone stick, stood in the crowd with clear eyes, looking at the war horn blown by the old god, with a strange expression, falling into memory.

Wan Gu turned his head empty, and the world smoked several times.After endless years, the Immortal Emperor's summoning drum sounded, and Emperor Zun's war horn sounded, shaking the starry sky, and the whole world was in chaos.

Everywhere is boiling, and many big clans have embarked on a journey to go to war!

(End of this chapter)

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