"Ning Fei..."

Like a helpless little girl, the Empress of Immortality staggered towards Ning Fei's side. He never thought that the old general who swept the world with a sword and swept the world without anyone invincible would also be killed by Xu because of the decline of blood energy. Yu hit flew out.

This scene was also seen by the followers of the Immortal Emperor, and they were very anxious. Both of them, who were the most powerful on their side, lost in the duel with Xu Yu, and the eight gods who were regarded as gods by them both lost. The general also suffered blood successively in the battle with Ye Fan.

As for their reinforcements, the many corpse slaves in the underworld were also affected by the "Sutra of Saving People" arranged by Ye Fan, and their combat power was greatly reduced.

Yan Luo of Zhundi Jiuchongtian was also held back by the old woodcutter, and had no time to be distracted.On the coalition side, the old gods have not made a move yet, which is a great deterrent to them.

How to do!
This is the unanimous thought of all the Immortal Emperor's followers. According to the current situation of the war, they, the followers of the Immortal Emperor, are doomed to die, and they will even bring great disaster to their family and orthodoxy.

Suddenly, a baby-faced boy with a bow on his back and a stone stick in his hand appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

"I have been waiting for you, but now it seems that you have not passed the level in your heart. After so many years, your cultivation has not improved."

The young man carried a hard bow on his back and a stone stick in his hand, and said: Back then, I was hunted down by your emperor and the divine dynasty. Now the only one left in heaven is that I can still defy heaven. Has the situation changed now? What's your situation? not too good.Your brothers were also killed one by one.

"They are not my brothers." The First God let loose his white hair and said expressionlessly.

"Oh, that's right, you are different from them, you have no friendship, just for a woman.

Haha, how about I help you get rid of her, and you'll have nothing to worry about since you're dead, so you can focus on breaking the emperor from now on?" The young man laughed loudly.

"You can give it a try!" The first god general's eyes were stunning and dazzling.

"It's really boring." The young man shook his head and said, "After living for so long, I finally can't hold my own. I've been thinking, if you don't show up again, I'm going to destroy a restricted life zone."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, who the hell is this, the tone is really too big.

"He is the number one general in the ancient heavenly court. Unexpectedly, he is still alive in this world!"

The old god's lips trembled, and tears filled his eyes with excitement and joy.

The crowd was in an uproar. Some people knew the boy's background, and they were all shocked. Back then, this was an existence who dared to break into the restricted area of ​​life to kill people.

Everyone was in an uproar, and some people knew the origin of the young man, and they all throbbed. Back then, this was really an existence that dared to break into the restricted area of ​​life to kill.

Because there are too many legends about him!
"The emperor of the underworld is one of the evils that caused the collapse of the ancient heaven. Time is running out. I almost have to go to the underworld to find him to settle the matter, but you also came out. It seems that it can't be sealed."

The young man laughed at himself and said, "It's so cruel for people like us to end like this. It can be regarded as a different kind of enlightenment, like that great holy body."

It's a shame it ended like this. "The first general said softly, with nostalgia and regret.

The young man held the stone stick and shook it casually, very relaxedly, and said: "You also feel it is a pity, then let's have a different kind of decisive battle.

"How to fight?" the first general asked.

"One person goes to a restricted area of ​​life, kills one side, and sees if one or two supreme beings can be slaughtered."

The young man laughed wantonly, but he was very sunny, very bright and heroic, and said: "It is their luck that they did not meet us when they became enlightened, but let them know that there used to be two people like this, if they lived with them , they have no chance!"

The first god general sighed, he was born 9000 years later than the mortal emperor, and when he rose, the other party had already become enlightened, so he had no chance anyway.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go to the decisive battle. The real unrivaled heroes are only people like you and me!" The young man laughed freely and said, "The Underworld Emperor is mine, don't rob me, this old thing is alive!" It's been too long, he should die.

Then, he turned around again, looked at Xu Yu, and said: "You are more against the sky than when I was young, I will not compete with you in this life, this era belongs to you!
Haha" the first god general suddenly laughed, but he was a little desolate, and said, "Unexpectedly, we can also have such a dialogue one day, instead of fighting to the death when we come up. "

Because you and I are the same people, born on the opposite side by mistake.But these days are different. "

The young man picked up the stone stick and said: "Let's go, I can't wait any longer, I will kill the bastard Hades Emperor."

This young man, with such a demeanor, such brilliance, and such boldness is amazing, how unrestrained and powerful, it is so casual to claim to kill the ancient supreme.

This is truly a hero of the world!
Everyone was shocked, and many people's blood boiled

The first general finally shook his head and said, "I can't leave, at least not now, and I can't watch her die."

In his eyes, there was a slim figure, which made his complexion very complicated. Looking at the Immortal Queen on the Phoenix Nest, he refused to leave.

"My daughter, after such a long time, can you still not let go?"

The boy shouted loudly.

"How can you let go of the obsession in your heart? If it has been cut off, you will already be the emperor, and you still can't let go, and blame yourself and sigh for the collapse of the heaven."

"You were destroyed and the underworld collapsed, so I felt relieved. Now your fate has been determined because you met me. Now that everything is over, I will go to the underworld and kill the Emperor of Hades. Then I can become a Taoist and live a better life." Two lives!" the young man said sonorously.

In the distance, the Immortal Empress on the Phoenix Nest stopped beating the drum, and stared blankly at the old face of the first general, whose face was already covered with tears.

The once white horse and silver-cloaked young man is so old that even his pegasus is limping into his twilight years. Such an unrivaled hero back then has come to this twilight day.

The young man raised his head and yelled at the Phoenix Nest: "That woman, he has paid a lot for you, do you want to see him die with regret? If you can think about him, you should die immediately and let him die." Let go of everything and become enlightened, don't be too selfish!"

"Is that so? Can you become enlightened if I die?" Tears were rolling down the Immortal Queen's stunningly beautiful face, and she said in a trembling voice: "If I can, I will help you become enlightened."

The first god general shook his head and said: "Don't just listen and talk nonsense."

True mother, I will help you become enlightened, and then we will go to the restricted area to kill people, otherwise you must be far worse than me in this state!" The young man shot out and slapped Huang Chao with his palm.

Everyone was astonished, what kind of a strong man is this, with such confidence, he can slap the Immortal Queen to death with a single palm?

A brilliant silver spear was raised horizontally, blocking the boy's way, the first general made a move, and gave him a hard blow, the law of the emperor spread, all the heroes crawled, unable to bear it, and couldn't help but kowtow.

The only good thing is that the law is controlled within a certain range, otherwise everyone will die!
"You woman ruined his previous life, and in this life he also has a chance to escape. It's not a problem to go to the restricted area to kill the Supreme, but then he met you again and ruined it again." The young man sneered.

"If I were a burden, I would like to die immediately!" The Immortal Empress wept, no longer looking like a strong woman, but a weak little woman who was at a loss. Thinking of the past, her heart ached.

"Confused, you have fallen under his Tianyin Immortal Curse. He is forcing you to die. Whether you live or die, it has been branded in my heart."

Ning Fei drank it.

Hearing the words, the Immortal Queen felt even more pain in her heart, and she would never leave. The young man in the white horse and silver robe had been guarding her side and never left. pharynx.

"It's really boring. You are so pedantic, no wonder you can't become Taoist. If you leave, I can let them save her life, and they won't kill her. People like you and I will end up hurting each other. It is really a tragedy between heaven and earth. People like us Humans should kill a supreme being and be buried with a restricted area. Life, a wrong era, cannot be independent. Death, of course, must be chosen by oneself, and the curtain will end in the utmost glory."

"You sent down the gods, so we can naturally not kill the queen this time.": The old god said.

"This universe is too dirty, it's meaningless to you and me, let's choose a cemetery!" The young man laughed loudly and cast a great supernatural power. The place collapsed immediately, and the battlefield was forcibly transferred. He and the first general disappeared.

Everyone was in a daze, did they really enter the restricted area of ​​life? They really are the heroes of the world!
Those two had been gone for a long time, and the battlefield was still silent. Once these two stunning figures appeared, the whole world lost its brilliance. The true pride is overwhelming!
I live, I laugh, I am free and easy, I am angry, I am angry, I am arrogant, when I came to this world alive, I can’t choose by myself, when I die, I can’t help it, and the curtain will end in the utmost splendor
They are going to the restricted area of ​​life, laughing, not caring about the road ahead, their faces are so bright, so bold and casual, they are going to kill the supreme.

Everyone was stunned and speechless!
How can there be such a person? Going into the restricted area of ​​life is better than strolling in the courtyard, laughing and singing wildly, holding an iron spear with a bow on your back, and just going to fight like this.

There is no grand pomp, no earth-shattering momentum, it's just that simple, at the end of fate, the splendid fire shines out in the radiance that illuminates the entire ancient history of cultivation.


I don't know where it is, there is a violent wave, like a stormy wave hitting the shore, like a rock piercing through the sky, which shocked the entire universe.

Time and space debris flying.

In a trance, people saw the lame horse transforming into a dragon. Its body was completely white, without a trace of hair. , pointing to the nine days, with high spirits and unparalleled domineering.

On the Phoenix Nest, the Immortal Empress stood there, her body was on the verge of falling, her face was covered with tears, and she fell silently.

Although the blurry picture only appeared for a moment, she could see clearly that it was the number one general of the year, with peerless demeanor and unparalleled in the world, who fought fiercely and broke through the nine heavens alone!
But she knew that after today, she would never see that person again.That white-horse and silver-robed young man, the arrogance of the world, stepped on the pinnacle of his own extreme path, but he would never come back, and he did not appear in this world.

"Haha." In a daze, people heard the hearty laughter of the young man again, and then he entered the Netherland, intending to kill the ancient supreme.

The stone stick crosses the sky, his domineering power is overwhelming, and the momentary brilliance illuminates eternity! (End of this chapter)

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