Chapter 296 The Queen's Despair

The Lord of Yama Luo Palace died. He was killed by Xu Yu and turned into a piece of blood and bones, lying at his feet!
Faced with this result, everyone would be horrified. How can a person who is about to become enlightened die like this?
As the giant of the underworld, he controls the fate of the people in the world. He is an innate yin god, but he has not been able to control his own life and death, and has stepped into reincarnation.

The universe was silent and silent, and the people in the Underworld and Phoenix Nest were cold from head to toe. Now it was even more dangerous for them. Although Xu Yu would not kill them because of his identity, but others might not.

The death spear trembled, pierced the void, and disappeared from this place.No one is going to stop it, it can't be destroyed, if you keep it by your side, you need to consume an imperial weapon to suppress it, sooner or later it will be a catastrophe.

Sure enough, the descendants of the Eight God Generals and the heroes who entered the Phoenix Nest saw this result, and their hearts were greatly shaken. Many people were moving to the edge of the battlefield, preparing to escape from this extremely dangerous battle.

However, how could the descendants of Gu Tianting let them leave here? Coupled with the defeat of the three great generals of Fengchao and the master of Yan Luo, the God Organization, Dao Palace, and Xu Yu's troops all joined in the encirclement and suppression of Fengchao's army.

The Lord of Yan Luo died, the army of the underworld collapsed, and Ye Tong, Xiao Song, Gu Xinao, Yang Xi, Big Beard, Shan Huang, etc. killed all of them, how could the Yin soldiers and war slaves stop them? Their morale was crippled


In the distance, the Immortal Queen confronted the old god, her face was full of anger and resentment, she did not accept this result, but if it goes on like this, it will definitely not change the ending,

Suddenly, a small platform flew out of her celestial spirit cover, which was simple and sacred, exuding vicissitudes of life, and quickly zoomed in.

What is this, everyone is stunned.

"Xianhuang Terrace!" The old god's expression changed at that moment
The people in the God Organization were all in palpitations. They were the descendants of Gu Tianting. Naturally, they had heard the rumors and were extremely nervous, even a little scared.

"Emperor, show yourself. I know you are still alive. Didn't you take action when that person suppressed me in Zishan?" The Immortal Queen said calmly.

Then, she chanted the incantation, one after another ancient symbols flew out, imprinted in the void, and then injected into the quaint altar.

The altar began to enlarge, and stopped when it reached a radius of ten feet. There was no luster hanging in the universe, only a little blood stained on the altar, exuding the aura of the Dao.

This is the ancient Phoenix Terrace where the Immortal Emperor enlightened?!"

This is a psychic fetish, representing the law and way of the supreme god in the past. He spent most of his life sitting cross-legged on it. This platform has extraordinary significance.

The heroes were terrified, and the Immortal Queen's expression was so serious, as if she was talking to an ancient venerable on the platform, as if there was really a person there.

And vaguely, people also seemed to really see a phantom sitting cross-legged, motionless, appearing on the Huangdao stage. This is horrifying. The emperor is still alive, and can reappear in the world? It is incredible.

"Emperor, why don't you come out? I'm going to die. How can you bear it?" the Immortal Queen asked.

As soon as these words came out, it made people even more creepy. No wonder the Immortal Queen said that the entire universe could be buried with her. If the most terrifying Immortal Emperor in ancient times was alive, he could really do it.

However, the Huangtai remains the same, without any reaction, even the blurry phantom has disappeared, no longer manifested, only the rules of the emperor's way are circulating.

"Emperor, why don't you come out? Didn't you take action when Wushi suppressed us in Zishan, is it really so ruthless now?"

The Immortal Queen said faintly, these words are shocking, what happened back then, the Emperor Wushi entered Zishan, suppressed the Immortal Queen, once led to the Emperor?
This is simply earth-shattering!
Everyone's ears were buzzing, and they couldn't believe what she said. The emperor lived in the ancient times, and once fought against the Emperor Wushi?!
This is like a myth, beyond people's understanding!
However, such a world-shattering battle has not been spread to the world, and the whole world does not know about it.

Thinking about it, it must be the most terrifying battle. Emperor Wushi, the most powerful emperor in ancient times, has suppressed for nine days and ten places. Without him, he can't deal with people. He is invincible and invincible in his life. The shocking life forbidden area is silent.

As powerful as the underworld, and inherited as long as the ages, he can only keep a low profile in the face of Wu Shi, and he is self-appointed in the fairy treasure, not daring to fight.

Not to mention the Immortal Emperor, who is astonishing in the past!
No one would have imagined that the Great Emperor Wushi would have such a glorious battle, colliding with the supreme emperor in ancient times, whether he would live or die, win or lose, everyone wanted to know.

It's terrible, the experience of Emperor Wushi has not been fully known to the world!" People lamented.

However, on that Taoist platform, the vague figure disappeared completely, even the law was restrained and nothing came out, and the Immortal Emperor never appeared.
Emperor, you are so cruel!" The Immortal Queen lamented, feeling so unwilling that even her strongest back-up was useless and could not be used, which made her fall into despair.

The emperor is ruthless and devoted to the Tao, nothing in this world can be his bondage, and the eight gods and generals have all heard of it, and at this time they can't help but feel a chill.

"Could it be that you lost in the duel with Wushi? It's impossible. I know you're still alive and still in the world!" When such words came out, it made people tremble even more, and even the soul was throbbing. What kind of situation is this? Shocking news? The Immortal Emperor is still alive!
At this moment, all voices are silent, and everyone's heart is full of turbulent waves, and they can't calm down. What kind of big world is this?
"Long live the supreme undead god, the emperor is immortal, and his eternal life is visible. In this life, I will keep my oath and fight to the death for my emperor!"

Suddenly, the eight gods and generals and many powerful clans shouted, like a landslide and tsunami, they were full of confidence, their blood spurted, and they were very encouraged.

Everyone in the God Organization turned pale. This is the most terrifying result. Who can suppress the Immortal Emperor when Emperor Zun is gone? That person is considered the most terrifying in ancient times. Apart from the supreme Emperor Zun, how many people can fight against him? ?
Especially in this life, if the Immortal Emperor returns, it will declare that the ancient heaven is completely over. Even if he has descendants, he will not be able to defy heaven.
If she says she's alive, she's already dead!" the old god said.

But Xu Yu and the old man chopping firewood were unmoved and pushed forward, regardless of whether the emperor is alive or not, they will kill the queen now, and will not give her a way out
Emperor, haven’t you appeared yet? I don’t believe you died. Is Wushi really that terrible? You’ve been fighting until the present, so you don’t have time to do it yourself?” The Immortal Empress shouted, her hair flying, she was unwilling, and didn’t want to end like this.

It's a pity that Tianhuang Terrace is very peaceful, nothing happened

With a slap, she hit the Huangtai heavily, but it never broke.

At this moment, she was in a dire situation. Ye Fan and the old firewood-cutter each came forward with their imperial weapons, trying to encircle her and block all her escape routes. The result was predictable, and there was no suspense.

In the depths of the cosmos, a dazzling light suddenly erupted, fragments of time and space flew around, and scenes of incomplete pictures appeared. A young man with a white horse and a silver robe was unparalleled in style, and was engaged in the most brilliant battle in his life.

He wants to slaughter the emperor and behead the supreme being. If he succeeds, it will shake the heavens forever!
After seeing it, the Immortal Empress looked even sadder, tears rolled down her face, trembling "Ning Fei!" She called out the name of the number one general.Channel:
In the distance, the figure disappeared, it was just a fragment of time and space, not a real person.

"Goodbye, Ning Fei, I have missed Taikoo, and I have no regrets about meeting you again in this life. If we can meet again in the next life, I would like to turn into a flower and bloom beside you!"

The Immortal Queen cried out loudly, and then laughed, crystal tears rolled down, exuding monstrous killing intent, and the war drum in her hand seemed to be shattered.

Wisps of blood overflowed between her eyebrows, and then turned into a crystal-clear little phoenix, bright red all over, spreading its wings and soaring, exuding a terrifying aura.

Everyone's expressions were frozen, and they felt the breath of the ancient supreme.

During this process, the Immortal Queen took off a silver hairpin from her head, turned out to be a small silver dagger, placed it in the void, and said softly: "Goodbye, see you in the next life!"


However, the little silver zhange unexpectedly exploded, burning into a radiant brilliance, piercing the universe and rushing into the distance.

This shocked everyone, even the Immortal Queen herself was stunned!
A silver avenue spreads out, leading from the deepest part of the universe to here, a white pegasus walking on the road, causing a hurricane to blow up in the universe, shattering many stars.

The first god will appear, still as in the past, disdainful of the world, the silver battle in his hand traverses the nine heavens, a silver robe, supernatural and refined, he will come on a horse, surpassing the gods, as if he wants to become a flying immortal.

With a blow from the Tian Ge in his hand, he tore into the encirclement. The old god was so shocked that he flew up. With a loud bang, he struck a hard blow with the Qing Emperor soldiers. The heavenly horses entered the battlefield like dragons. The two most powerful men both Don't stop him even a step!
At this moment, he is like a god descended from the earth, unparalleled in the world, white horse and silver robe traverse the world, and there is no opponent.

The Immortal Queen burst into tears. At this last moment, only this person came to save her, making her cry silently, thinking about the ancient times, filled with too much bitterness and regret.

The first god, Ning Fei, brought the Immortal Queen on horseback, and when he carried her, he was about to rush out, fighting against the cosmic sea.

The old god held the emperor's horn and shot, the old man chopping firewood frowned, and said: "I can't stop it, he has already died in battle. This is just his indestructible obsession. If he insists on taking away the guardian, if the wish cannot be fulfilled, he will never die. .”

"Ning Fei..." The Queen of Immortals heard the words, screamed in fear, and touched the face of the silver-robed boy with her hand, her crystal fingers were trembling, and her whole body was trembling.

"You are dead... you will never come back again, and you can't guard me by my side. Hate, Ning Fei, come back to life!" The Immortal Queen screamed, her beautiful face was full of despair, and her heart was full of endless emotions. sadness and hurt.

The silver-robed boy was silent, his whole body was burning with silver brilliance, and so was the Pegasus he sat down on, one person and one riding as holy as a god, and he wanted to take the woman away.

"Ning Fei, I don't want you to die, as long as you come back to life, I will drop everything and go with you!" The Immortal Empress cried out in horror

It's a pity, it's just an obsession with an immortal soul, although it still looks as if it had gone, but there is no response
The flawless Qingcheng beauty of the Immortal Empress gradually became ferocious, and she hated the result so much that she couldn't accept this result, full of grief and grief.

(End of this chapter)

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