Chapter 297 Immortal God
Seeing the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar on Ye Fan's head, he still wanted to kill the Immortal Queen.

"Let him go, the obsession is too deep, the wish cannot be fulfilled, and he will never die." The old woodcutter said, even though this is not the real number one general, he still has terrifying combat power!

The whole field was silent, no one spoke, no one spoke too much, both the enemy and us were in complicated moods.

The number one god general Ning Fei was so gorgeous, but he ended up in such a fate, which makes people sigh, such a generation of arrogance has come to an end.

There are also people who sympathize with the Immortal Queen, and the two of them have been separated for a lifetime. Obviously, she and Ning Fei have a story, but they couldn't be together after all.

The Dao is ruthless, everyone has their own choices, Ning Fei gave up too much for the sake of immortality, and finally ended with such a result, which makes people laugh and cry.

The silver divine brilliance soared into the sky, and Ning leaped across the sky, disappeared from this place, and sank into the deepest part of the universe in the blink of an eye.

The stars were twinkling and moving backwards, and the Immortal Empress was crying. She rubbed her hands on her undiminished heroic face, trembling, she was afraid that if she blinked, she would never be able to see it again.

However, she also knew that this was really a farewell. The silver-robed boy who had protected her for the rest of her life was no longer seen.

Now, everything is history.

In the deepest part of the starry sky, after the Immortal Queen was safe, Tianma stopped, his whole body was burning, and the unparalleled heroic general began to blur, and the silver brilliance boiled, and he would no longer exist.

The Immortal Empress rushed forward, weeping loudly, holding the silver hairpin in her hand, it was a small silver sword, she wanted to merge with the boy.

However, this was obviously in vain. The handsome silver-robed youth quickly aged and then disintegrated.

Even Tianma has experienced a life in the shortest time, from descending like a dragon, to losing its luster, losing its long and healthy legs, and falling down in the dust of the universe.


Immortal Queen Life's shrill cry came, full of despair.

In the silver firelight, an old man in his dying years nodded to her and said his final farewell. At the last moment, his mind and soul revived. Seeing that she survived, he was relieved.

"Ah..." The Immortal Empress staggered forward, trying to hug that figure, but in vain.

In a daze, in the last brilliant silver flame, she saw a young man in silver robes on a white horse smiling at her. He was so dusty, with brilliant white teeth.

The Immortal Empress was struck by lightning. This was exactly the scene when they met for the first time. He was so graceful.

The silver light exploded, and nothing existed anymore.That figure disappeared, but it was imprinted in her heart forever.

There was a heart-piercing cry from this universe.

On the battlefield, Xu Yu and the others looked into the depths of the universe and did not sense the birth of the Supreme. Although they were not completely relieved, they calmed down a little.

Then Xu Yu looked in the direction where the Immortal Queen left, turned into a rainbow light and chased after him. His goal was the immortal Taoist Cannian in the Immortal Phoenix Terrace.

Xu Yu has been searching for the Nine Secrets for a long time, but there are still two secrets that he has not found. As the divine residence of the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Taoist has a gap with the Immortal Emperor in terms of cultivation base and combat power. Both the occult and the ancient scriptures are roughly the same.

Before Xu Yu left, he sent a divine thought to Zhuxuan and the others, telling them to return to the God Realm on their own after wiping out the descendants of the eight generals.

But Ye Fan and the others, seeing Xu Yu chasing after them, knew that the ending of the Immortal Queen probably could not be changed, so they massacred the descendants of the Eight Gods with confidence.


The old god shouted, they and the Immortal Emperor are mortal enemies, and it has never been possible to resolve them. They are inherently opposed, and after waiting for eternity, everything will have a result.

Although there is still the greatest enemy living in the restricted area of ​​life, which cannot be shaken, but now it is possible to end a period of cause and effect.

Not to mention Pang Bo, Dongfang Ye, Ye Tong and others, even the old man with yellow teeth and the old man who chopped firewood all took action. There is no mercy on the battlefield, only life and death.

This was a massacre, the sky was stained red with blood, the sun and the moon were dimmed, and an unknown number of people died. This place has completely become an Asura field.

The descendants of the eight tribes were all killed, and the strong clans who followed the emperor's blood were killed. Even the starry sky turned bloody, which was horrible.

In the end, the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals, the Taoist Palace, and the people from the God Organization couldn't be killed anymore. Ye Fan and the old man who chopped firewood had already stopped, and this was the end.

The leader and others were all put to death, and the rest surrendered and were all suppressed. This place became a blood-stained demonic land, and after thousands of years passed, it became a terrible burial place. Everyone in the world would turn pale when they talked about it.

This battlefield has been preserved and recorded in the annals of history. Thousands of years later, descendants will come here to pay homage and reminisce.

In the depths of the starry sky, the Immortal Empress knelt on the ground, groaning and whispering.

"You are no longer here, I have missed a lifetime with you, what is the point, which restricted area is it, I will avenge you!
She didn't know whether Ning Fei succeeded in killing the Supreme Being, but he did die in battle. Her eyes were full of madness, and she wanted to take revenge at all costs.

"Old ghost of the Underworld Emperor, I can't give you the emperor's blood you want, I want revenge!" The Immortal Empress went crazy, and laughed loudly, as if she was crazy.

Blood dripped from the center of her eyebrows, first it was as bright red as a blood diamond, then other colors appeared, and finally five colors were condensed, brilliant and dazzling, turning into a fairy phoenix in front of her head, spreading its wings and hitting the sky.

This is the blood of the Immortal Emperor, possessing the characteristics of immortality medicine, the murderous aura and law in it have already been purified, and it was refined into the body by her, continuing the life for a lifetime.

However, now she is undergoing a reversal, transforming the phoenix blood again, condensing it in front of her eyebrows, and bursting out with bright light.

Then, she summoned the altar again, let it float in front of her, and poured all the five-colored blood on it.

The quaint Daotai is like a sponge, absorbing all the blood, and then it starts to glow, and the five-colored gods soar into the sky, tearing the universe apart.

A phantom appeared on that platform, terrifying and huge, shaking the universe, possessing a force as vast as the sea.

"The emperor refuses to show up, so I'll call you, a god warrior built of laws and order, to fight for revenge for the Eight Tribes..." Immortal Queen said.Outsiders would not have imagined that there was such a divine chain of supreme order in the Enlightenment Stage of the Immortal Emperor, and it was psychic, forming a vague figure.

"The Queen of Heaven knows very little about me. I have no power to fight. I am originally formed by the power of faith. I am not a god on this platform, but the power of thought has long been ignored and suppressed. Now only the law of God is left. , won’t last long.” said the vague figure.

Even the Immortal Queen was stunned when she heard it, she suddenly thought of a lot.

The Immortal Emperor reigns over the world, with boundless mana, unparalleled in the world, accepting the worship of all races in the universe, and the infinite power of faith gathers to create an immortal body for him.

That person is transformed by the power of thought, and it is also extremely terrifying, even almost comparable to the Immortal Emperor, because what the Emperor knows, the power of thought and body also know, and the two are one person.

"Your divine body has been suppressed by Wushi, you are his remnant god..." The Immortal Queen took a breath.

"The emperor's supreme will left and gave me a new life, but I am ashamed of the emperor, I lost, and I am ashamed for the emperor." Remnant God said.

He was defeated. Although his will was not as strong as the emperor's, the divine body was not much weaker, but he was still suppressed.

"Heavenly Emperor's merits have been involved in good fortune, and he has surpassed the ancients and the present. He has seized so many good fortunes on the road to immortality, and his strength has been one of the best since ancient times. But Wushi is too against the sky, and he can also be against the immortals. If there is a real big showdown, it will probably be evenly matched." Remnant God Said.

The Immortal Empress is silent, she knows that if the Immortal Emperor is not born, it means that both sides will suffer, or they are confronting Wushi, and they may not be able to get away in this life.

Tianhou is aging rapidly, her hair has turned white in an instant, and her beautiful face is also covered with wrinkles. She hugged the little silver zhange to her chest, smiled sadly, and said, "I summon you out!" It's useless!"

"Not necessarily, if I have to fight, I still have a way."

Aging is intensifying, and the Immortal Queen has no time. After the phoenix blood was forced out, she aged for thousands of years almost instantly, and said: "I don't have much life, please take my bones and bury me

At the place where the first god will die, since you still have a way, go and clear that restricted area. "

"This is against the rules!" Xu Ying said.

"I summoned you out, as long as you do this. Besides, Ning Fei may have killed the supreme being there, and you are only responsible for burying my bones!"

The Immortal Empress said sadly that she has no time left, and her life is coming to an end after being seriously injured and heartbroken.

"Okay, I'll do my best!" said the figure on the Huangtai, and then began to chant an ancient spell, one after another rune flashed, and then turned into the rules of the avenue, rushing towards the universe.

He is summoning a treasure, the most terrifying weapon of all time!
At the edge of the universe, chaotic energy is raging, a heavenly knife is as bright as lightning, piercing through the chaos, all kinds of spirit energy before the opening of the sky surged in, and submerged into the stone egg under the heavenly knife.

If the old woodcutter were here, he would definitely be shocked, because he had seen this scene many thousands of years ago!
He proclaimed himself in this life just to see a result, but in the past 200 years since his recovery, he has not achieved anything.

If Ye Fan were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this Heavenly Sword is exactly the same as the imitation one he got from killing the Emperor, this is the real Immortal Heavenly Sword!

This knife is murderous, and the air is vast. At first glance, it is a whole, a simple color, but when you look closely, you find that it is divided into five colors, and it is actually made of five kinds of divine gold. A whole.

There are rumors in the world that when all kinds of divine gold are melted together in one furnace, and after being sacrificed into a perfect imperial weapon, there is the possibility of turning into a fairy weapon, and the attack power will be unparalleled in the world.

After so many years, the stone egg under the Heavenly Knife has not yet been born, and has not changed in any way. It is absorbing starlight and absorbing chaos energy.

At this time, the incantation of the remnant god on the Huangtai was sensed by the Immortal Heavenly Sword, calling it to let it fight!
"Sweeping out the restricted area...impossible!"

The Immortal Sword is like the first ray of light before the opening of the world. The body of the sword is crystal clear, and the beam of light is extremely bright, shocking people's hearts. The sword energy spreads like the sea, shaking the eternal starry sky.

The name of this sword is too great. It has always had its myths and legends since ancient times. The heavenly sword means the way of heaven.

Remnant God's spell revived it, but it didn't agree with it, its attitude was very cold and ruthless.Why sweep the restricted area of ​​life? It does not have that obligation, nor can it do that.

On this day, the bright sword shines across the sky, cutting through the boundless universe, cutting through the darkness and coldness, the heavenly sword is in the world, and everything is unstoppable!

The most terrifying light swept across, and a hanging galaxy would be dim, and nothing could compete with it. This knife has an indescribable divinity, and all the brilliance in the world will pale in front of it.

It was awakened, took action, cut open the big universe, and came directly to the star field where the Immortal Queen was.

But at this time, there was no queen there, only a pile of bones remained, and the once extremely beautiful woman had disappeared.

Death is the most simple law in the universe. No matter how great a hero you are, no matter how beautiful you are, you will be nothing but a pile of dry bones in the end. All the myths of longevity will look pale in the end.

Some people can survive for a long time, but in the end they can't go against the sky!

"She hopes that you can destroy the restricted area..."

Remnant Shinto.

"Lying!" A ruthless voice came from the sky knife, interrupting his words.

This heavenly knife is really unusual, the gods inside are very clear-headed, if there is a living emperor, looking at all directions, not looking up, everyone must bow their heads.

"Dare to kill the Babu people..." The voice of the sky knife was very cold, it cut the starry sky again and disappeared from this place.

Remnant God sighed all over, he could only do this, the most he could do was to bury the Immortal Empress.

He is a divine body cast by the faith of all living beings, and was given real life by the emperor. He is known as an immortal Taoist. He was suppressed by Emperor Wushi in the ancient times, and only a wisp of the remnant god in Huangtai survived.

And after today, after exhausting the phoenix blood, he will also perish, because he was summoned out of the phoenix platform.

(End of this chapter)

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