When the Immortal Sword cut through the universe and left here, a ray of rainbow light suddenly appeared in the universe and came to the place where the Immortal Queen died.

"It seems I'm too late. The Immortal Emperor's phoenix blood has no chance with me after all!"

The person who came was none other than Xu Yu, who had been chasing him all the way.

Xu Yu's original goal was to follow the Immortal Queen and seize the phoenix blood in her hands.

However, he never expected that because of Ning Fei's fall, the Immortal Empress would have her Dao heart collapsed.

After confirming the safety, he actually directly used the phoenix blood in his hand to summon the remnant god of the undead Taoist.

Xu Yu turned his head to look at the Xianhuang Terrace that was still here:

"Well, it's better than nothing!"

The remnant spirit of the undead Taoist was terrified by him.

"Junior, you dare to bully me, aren't you afraid of being liquidated in the future?"

The Canshen of the Undead Taoist looked at Xu Yu as if he was going to attack him, and said sternly.

"Don't think that you don't know your details. You have been maimed by Emperor Wushi long ago. Even your body was sacrificed to become a fairy road more than 300 years ago. You have no strength to fight."

"As for the Immortal Emperor, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape from that strange world for the rest of his life, so don't worry."

As a prophet, Xu Yu naturally knew that the Immortal Emperor was dragged in the strange world by Emperor Wu Shi,
It is impossible to leave that strange world in this lifetime.

Immediately, Xu Yu stretched out his giant palm and grabbed the Immortal Phoenix Terrace in his hand.

The remnant spirit of the undead Taoist feels like being stared at by a prehistoric beast.

Then he crushed the Immortal Phoenix Terrace that could not be destroyed just now, and extracted the Immortal God of Wealth from it.

"Junior, you dare!"

The undead Taoist Canshen who was pulled out by Xu Yu can only be impotently furious now.

However, Xu Yu would not care about him and directly used the soul-searching method to seize the memories in his mind.


As Xu Yu used the soul-searching technique, the immortal Taoist's shrill voice sounded in the starry sky.

But everything is useless, with the passage of time, Xu Yu has obtained three kinds of nine secrets from the remnant god of the immortal Taoist.

They are "Lin" Zi Mi, "Shu" Zi Mi and Zhe Zi Mi.

After Xu Yu acquired these three secret techniques, he said that the immortal Taoist's remnant spirit was destroyed.

The queen of immortality died.

This woman who has been sealed since the beginning of the ancient times has not realized her idea of ​​ruling the world after all.

It's no wonder that a greedy person like her has great strength, but she doesn't have the will to move forward.

In this dilapidated Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, naturally, he has no chance with the Emperor's Dao.

It's just a pity that a hero like Ning Fei was trapped by love all his life, cut off his own path, and left sadly in this golden world.

Just when Xu Yu was comprehending the three major secret arts, the Immortal Sword summoned by the Immortal Queen also rushed to Ye Fan and the others.

On the other side, Ye Fan was waiting to retreat.Everyone built the star gate and prepared to go on the road.Suddenly, Ye Fan had a bad feeling, an ominous feeling enveloped his heart, making him palpitate and the haze lingered.

"Be careful these days!" He said seriously.

The war is over, and the three parties are ready to embark on the return journey of victory.

The old woodcutter and the old god were also uneasy, thinking what would happen, they didn't lead the crowd to leave immediately, they were deducing and analyzing seriously.

"The Immortal Emperor might still be alive. If he killed his followers and his wife, it must be a catastrophe!"

"I even killed the emperor, if he came after me, he would be the first to kill me!" Ye Fan said.

"Master, the Black Empress was talking about it a while ago, and what she said might really be something to be vigilant about." Yang Xi reminded.

"Set up the formation, the battle is not over yet!" Ye Fan shouted suddenly.

The two giants of the Dao Palace and the God Organization also quickly

After giving the order, they were about to withdraw their troops, but the panic in their hearts became more and more intense. With their cultivation reaching their level, they could instinctively and intuitively communicate with the gods.


Suddenly, without waiting for everyone to react, the starry sky was cut open, a huge sky knife flew out, and the stars exploded one after another.

And all the heroes died at that time, this place became a sea of ​​blood, magical artifacts and broken bones flew up together, and many people were shattered before they could even scream.

The attack came so fast that no one could resist it. This knife cut off several quasi-emperor weapons, turning those treasures into powder and shattering them immediately.

"Immortal Sky Knife!" The woodcutter lost his voice.Back then he had seen this weapon guarding a stone egg, and now he finally saw it again in this life.

Colorful, flowing light, sword Qi like the sea, rolled up ten thousand heavy waves, extinguished the galaxy, and pressed towards everyone.

"Woo Ming..."

The emperor's horn blared for a long time, and the old god blew it desperately to counter.The chaotic green lotus crossed the sky, blocking the boundless sword energy of the sky knife, and resisted.

The two treasures were shining, protecting everyone, all the army was covered by the light curtain, and outside this area, the galaxy collapsed, everything was wiped out, and turned into a dead place.

Everyone was horrified, their bodies were icy cold, who could take such a powerful blow?
This is a catastrophe, destroying the star field, the entire galaxy collapsed, turning into cosmic dust, just slashed through it, and everything was destroyed.

Zhu Xiong was in Yanli, his whole body was icy cold, his body was covered with cold sweat, and his body was wet from head to toe. This was terrible. Only one blow had caused such a result.

The darkness and turmoil are nothing more than that!
If there were no Qingdi soldiers and Emperor Zun's battle horn, standing at the forefront, would anyone still survive on the scene?I'm afraid they will all be broken into bones and turned into blood mist.

"It's... so terrifying!" Someone swallowed hard, full of bitterness. Is this still human power? No one in the world can resist such a blow.

"The Undying Emperor... is he here?" Someone said in a trembling voice.

At this level of battle, they have no fighting spirit, and they can only die in vain. The difference is too far.


The first bright sword light struck over again, this time it was even more terrifying, forcing the old god to dance the emperor's horn, whining continuously, and the breath of emperor was flowing out.

The sword light tore open a corner of the defense, and immediately made the place bloody, and the strong man died, and was chopped into a meat paste, accompanied by the obscenity of the stars.

The emperor summoned the general to break free from the shackles with a thumping drum, and the trophy flew out of the hands of the heavenly people. The shocked Yang Xi and others coughed up blood, and almost encountered an accident.

This secret weapon broke free, returned to the undead sword, and was together with the stone egg, surrounded by chaos.

How to fight?All the heroes are not afraid, everyone knows that this is the weapon of the Immortal Emperor, the Heavenly Sword has been born, will the Supreme God appear?
"It is impossible for the Immortal Emperor to come. He was blocked by Emperor Wu Shi on the road to immortality, and he will never appear again in this life!" Ye Fan said, not to make everyone fearful.

He had to admit that the Immortal Emperor had too much prestige, but the recovery of his weapons made everyone pale and lose their fighting spirit, which showed his might.

If this person's real body appears, maybe only Emperor Zun, Wushi Great Emperor, etc. can stop him, otherwise it will be a catastrophe!
"Fight!" the old god shouted.

He, the old woodcutter and Ye Fan all hold the Supreme Weapon and confronted Tiantian Dao. Now there is no way out, only to fight to the end!

The Heavenly Knife is too powerful, there is no one in charge at all, it resurrects itself, everything is under its control, it carries out slaughter, bloodbaths all the powerful, and the blade glows violently.

The old woodcutter fought back with the Qingdi weapon, and there was a terrible collision between the two. Immediately, there was blood and wine, and the old woodcutter vomited blood, his whole body was dull, and cracks appeared.

This was a great collision of extremes, and even with the protection of Qingdilian, there were still aftershocks, which caused him to suffer heavy injuries.

The sky behind the Heavenly Knife shattered, and the starry sky behind Qingdilian also collapsed, killing and injuring many people. This result is heartbreaking. This knife has a magical quality, which is too terrifying.


A drum sound came out, and the emperor called the drum overflowed with chaotic energy, wrapped the stone egg and flew away, submerged in the sea of ​​​​cosmos, and disappeared.

There is more than one imperial artifact here, and the Immortal Heavenly Sabre is also terrified, for fear of accidents.

"Hurry back!" Ye Fan shouted, the swallowing devil pot on his head ups and downs, and he blocked the front.

One after another stargate appeared, which had been constructed before, and now it is rapidly taking shape, and the army retreated in pieces.

However, the Undead Heavenly Sword was obviously not going to let everyone go. It shrank and became a zhang long. It was no longer so shocking, but it was even more terrifying.

Like a bolt of lightning, it tore open the void and rushed over, preparing to kill everyone in all directions.


Ye Fan stepped forward, full of energy and blood, and the Heaven Swallowing Demon Pot soared into the sky, colliding with the Heavenly Sword, it was deafening!
This blow shocked the world and made ghosts and gods weep. Ye Fan was covered in blood and flew horizontally. Although the Heaven Swallowing Magic Pot blocked the power of the massacre, there was still aftermath after all.


The sky is full of faces, the sky knife cuts through the universe, disappears from this place, and suddenly appears from the star gate. This is a catastrophe.

The coalition army suffered heavy losses, with just one blow, [-]% of the troops were wiped out, and died forever, turning into a blood mist, destroying both body and spirit.

This is also the result of suppressing the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar and Chaos Qinglian at the same time, guarding this world, otherwise no one will survive, and all will perish.

The Immortal Sword goes against the world, it is too terrifying, it can be resurrected on its own, and it can be attacked without anyone being able to fight against it!


Pangbo exploded, and he happened to be near a star gate. Although he was not hit by the blade, he was shattered by the aftermath.

"Ah..." In addition, several of the twelve saints who were brothers and sisters with Ryoma also fell one after another, turning into blood mud.

Ye Fan's eyes were about to burst, and he yelled and rushed forward.


The knife screamed in the sky, turned its edge, met Ye Fan's disciple, and slashed down towards Ye Tong.

The fairy light of the sun flew, and Ye Tong turned into a divine light. Xingzi Mi made him exceed the extreme speed, but he was still swept by the aftermath and exploded there.

The Heavenly Knife never hit him, and the Great Emperor's Law did not fall on him, but the aftermath of such a powerful force was just so terrifying.

Ye Fan felt a great pain in his heart, and he worked so hard to defeat Huang Chao, thinking that he could change the future and destroy the catastrophe, but he still couldn't break free?
Xiao Song was also struck by a gloomy light, half of his body exploded, and the other half floated out, pain was written all over his immature face, and his injuries were horrific.Ye Fan roared loudly: "Swallowing the Heavenly Demon Pot, let's fight, not just recovering, but coming back to life, reappearing your power to swallow the universe back then, and suppressing the Immortal Sword!"


Suddenly, a huge green lotus grew rapidly and took root in the void. The Qing Emperor Bing turned into a living fairy lotus, opened up the universe, covered the sky with green leaves, and submerged this place.

The Immortal Sky Knife was shaken away and left the starry sky, finally resolving the crisis.

"Pang Bo, Ye Tong, Xiao Song!"

Ye Fan rushed forward, picked up Xiaosong, who had only half of his body left, and mobilized all the blood in his body to help him force out the terrifying killing intent in his body.

"Yezi, I'm fine, I'm still alive!" In the distance, a tall and burly man was reorganizing, bathed in divine light, stained with blood, and Pangbo reappeared.

"Master, I'm still alive!" On the other side, Ye Tong appeared.

In their hands, a cloud of ashes fell. It was the incomplete Emperor Chaos Talisman, which helped them prevent this catastrophe. However, the already damaged ancient Talisman was completely burned to ashes this time.

"Okay, it's good for you to live!" Ye Fan's mood was hard to calm down, his nose was a little sore, and tears almost fell down. Just now he felt the parting of life and death again, deeply felt his own powerlessness, and was full of despair.


"The Immortal Sword is different from other weapons, retreat immediately!" said the old firewood cutter, ordering everyone.

Ye Fan also gave such an order. The only good thing is that the Qingdi Soldier and the Heaven Swallowing Can are also extraordinary, and he will fight against the Heavenly Sword with the other two giants.

Qinglian takes root in the universe, absorbs the power of the void, and grows her body. It is bigger than towering ancient trees, and its roots are thick, like horned dragons, sinking into the starry sky.

It is skyrocketing, opening up the universe, as if it is opening up the sky and the earth, and the chaotic energy is surging, and later one after another stars are lingering around, becoming embellishments.

The blue light covered the sky in this place, and a green lotus stretched open the universe, and countless streams of energy fell down to guard it. The Heavenly Knife was forced to retreat and did not attack immediately.

The star gates have been built, and the army left in batches and quickly retreated. This sky knife is too terrifying. If they don't leave, everyone may die here.

Just like what the woodcutter said, this heavenly sword is different from other imperial weapons. It transcends common sense and possesses unparalleled attack power.


The celestial saber was trembling, and the whole body was bright, shining with the splendor of eternity, and it struck again, earth-shattering.

Ye Fan screamed, with his thick long hair standing on end, he took out the Heaven Swallowing Magic Pot, and fought against it. With a bang, he collided with the Sky Knife, and both weapons trembled violently.

In the fierce confrontation, the Heaven Swallowing Magic Pot was still the same, very simple and simple, without any special changes.

On the contrary, the Immortal Sword became even brighter, its light soared, and the galaxy in the distance was completely broken, and the entire star field exploded, turning into cosmic dust.

This scene is like annihilation, which makes people despair!How to fight and what to resist?This heavenly knife is too strong, it really represents the will of heaven, it is incomparable.

Ye Fan backed up, and bloodstains overflowed from the corner of his mouth. This was caused by the divine power of the Immortal Sword, and his body, which was as powerful as him, was also injured.

A flash of glare flashed, and the sky knife turned into a length of one foot, appearing like a ghost, dodging the sky-swallowing pot, and rushing towards Qinglian, still trying to intercept and kill everyone, not to let the heroes go.


The chaotic green lotus swayed, shaking out the chaotic energy that filled the sky. The huge fluctuation shocked the human world, and made the sages far away in the universe tremble and feel it.

The Qing Emperor's weapon was revived and took root here, blocking the way forward. The blow of the Immortal Sword did not work, and he could not attack and was blocked outside.

All the leaves are shaking, the blue sea and blue sky emerge in the universe, this green lotus has a huge vitality, it seems to be resurrected, with life, just like the rebirth of Qingdi.

This strange change made everyone stunned. Sure enough, this weapon is not ordinary, and has secrets that outsiders cannot understand.

In any case, its defense was astonishing, and it temporarily guarded the place, buying time for everyone to retreat. The star gate shone, and the army left quickly.

The sky knife is ups and downs, hanging not far away, confronting the people here, it is looking for openings, it wants to rush in, and start killing!
The green lotus swayed, and the ten thousand leaves shone brightly, like a huge ancient tree, which actually made the sound of pines, like a sea of ​​forest swaying in the wind.

There are wisps of blue light flying out from the leaves, spreading to the depths of the universe, looking closely, it is rushing towards the direction where the emperor summoned the general drum to leave with the stone egg, and it is looking for it.

"What a green lotus, you want to swallow the fairy egg essence?!" A cold voice came from the immortal sword, a little ruthless and a little angry.

The atmosphere at the scene was tense, and the two sides were confronting each other.

"As expected of a weapon made of five kinds of fairy gold, do you want to stand shoulder to shoulder with Emperor Zun?!" The old god sighed, his heart was extremely dignified, and the enemy's strength was beyond imagination.

And what he was worried about was not only this weapon, but also the Immortal Emperor. If he was still alive, how would he fight against it?If Emperor Zun is not resurrected, who in the world can fight against him?
The whole world fell silent, the Heavenly Knife was looking for a chance to fight, it wanted to destroy everyone at the least cost, and it didn't want to really fight with the Qingdi Weapon.

Ye Fan was accumulating combat power, the blood in his body was rushing, and the state of divine prohibition had not yet receded. At this moment, he once again displayed the word "Jie", and his body rumbled.

Ruhai's blood was boiling, his whole body was covered by the sun, and even the Tianling Gai was steamed with blood mist, and the holy light outside his body was ignited, and he became a blazing god-like existence.

The old woodcutter stood on the Qingdi lotus, defending. The old god blew the secret weapon - the emperor's horn, which interfered with the sky knife.

Ye Fan made the main attack, and a shimmering glow bloomed in front of his forehead!
Being in the forbidden domain of the gods, his body instinct broke the taboo, his strength increased a lot, and after the secret operation of all characters, he became ten times stronger.


A little golden figure stepped out from the frontal bone. It sat cross-legged in the starry sky, and then moved its hands, wisps of fairy light flew out and submerged into the sky-swallowing pot.

Ye Fan is using the primordial spirit to move the magic jar, to sense it with his heart, and revive it. He firmly believes that the power of this jar is unparalleled.

A bronze ring appeared in the hand of the little golden man in front of his eyebrows, and it burst into brilliant fairy light. He softly called out: "Not to become a fairy..."

There was still half a sentence he didn't say, which was "just to wait for you to come back in this world of mortals".

These words were like a spell, causing the magic pot hanging above his head to vibrate, releasing a huge vitality, and then the sky trembled.The ring in the golden villain's hand was shining brightly. It was made of mortal copper. The reason why it was able to do so was entirely due to the nourishment of divine power, and it was so brilliant.

As the ring flew up and approached the magic jar, the imperial weapon shook violently, and the imprint of the grimace on it seemed to have teardrops rolling down, it was so lifelike, it was shocking.

Before leaving, Ji Ziyue gave this ring to Ye Fan to save his life, because this ring is closely related to the Sky Swallowing Jar.

When the immortal corpse exploded in the Bronze Immortal Palace, this was the benefit that the Ji family got at that time. It was the only weapon contained in the flesh and blood, and it was a fetish that the Ruthless Emperor cherished even more during his lifetime.


When the ring fell into the jar and made a crisp vibrato, the sky-swallowing jar revived completely, swallowing the sun, moon, and galaxy, and all the brilliance of the stars in the depths of the universe gathered and submerged into the jar.


The Immortal Heavenly Knife was blazing with radiance, it had a premonition of something, and it took the lead in attacking, turning into a blazing light, and slashing down, trying to destroy the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar.

The sword light soared to the sky, cut off the universe, and blocked all the stars. It became the only one, fell straight down, and turned into a vast waterfall.

The Heaven Swallowing Magic Pot trembled, as if a person was about to be resurrected, shaking the heavens through the ages, and many powerful people from all over the universe had a strange feeling.

It burst out with a monstrous fighting spirit, this kind of fierceness is definitely not weaker than the sharp edge of the Heavenly Sabre, with thousands of runes on the avenue, hitting the sky.

With a bang, the two imperial weapons collided more violently this time, and the aura of opening the sky swept the place, turning it into a sea of ​​boiling.

Ye Fan stepped back and stood on the huge green lotus. Now he doesn't have to push it anymore. The Sky Swallowing Pot was born in a state beyond common sense, and it was truly resurrected to meet the Immortal Sword.

These two are weapons that cannot be calculated by reason, and cannot be speculated.

At this moment, the universe collapsed. This was a fierce battle after the resurrection of the two weapons. Only then did the heroes guarded by the chaotic Qinglian breathe out a sigh of relief and finally blocked the Heavenly Sword.

The ruthless emperor is unparalleled in talent and love, and is the most beautiful in ancient times. It really is not just talking. With a physique that is not as good as ordinary, he has cultivated to the heavens, and at this moment, a corner of the legend is revealed.

The celestial sword is like a rainbow, slashing continuously, intertwined in the sky, lightning bursts, and the falling light rain is extremely terrifying, each of which can destroy a galaxy.

And there is nothing to destroy here, and most of the stars have become dust.


The Heaven Swallowing Devil Jar vibrated, the lid flew up, and auspicious colors bloomed, and the fluctuations of the primordial spirit spread, while the tank body was like a bottomless pit, devouring the essence of the eight wildernesses.

In the end, a stream of immortal light flew out from the mouth of the jar, turned into chains, and entangled towards the Undead Heavenly Sword, trying to pull it into the jar to completely suppress and refine it.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, this sky-swallowing jar is too powerful, it is about to swallow the sky knife, how domineering and incomparable!

"Chong", "Chong"...

The Heavenly Knife vibrated, splitting through streaks of immortal light, dodging this devouring force, and then rushed sideways like a pair of horses, slashing towards the body of the tank, the blade flickered, and the cold air froze the universe.

The killing intent spread, and even some stars in the depths of the distant cosmic sea were dimmed, shattered by its impact, and their energy was exhausted.

The light pierced by the heavenly knife is like a hanging galaxy, vast and terrifying, scrolling through the universe, tearing the darkness and shattering the icy universe.

The Heaven-swallowing Demon Jar clanged and burst out a string of sparks. It was solid and immortal, and it was not damaged in the impact and slashing, and it withstood the power of the Heavenly Sword.

Everyone was very nervous. After all, the Heavenly Knife was made of five kinds of immortal gold. It was smelted into one body and claimed to be able to reach the sky and become a fairy weapon. People were afraid that the Heaven Swallowing Jar would be cut open.

The sky knife is getting faster and faster, turning into a blazing lightning, flying around the sky-swallowing pot, as long as it catches the right opportunity, it will quickly chop down, with a murderous aura.

Everyone's heart was in their throats, but Ye Fan relaxed, because the little golden man sitting cross-legged in front of his eyebrows felt an almost inaudible sigh.

The voice was very ethereal, very illusory, like the sound of heaven, as if it came from the fairy world outside the territory.

The Sky Swallowing Demon Jar is sublimating, and further changes have taken place!

On that day, the knife became more and more flamboyant, sharp-edged, and after the knife was like the sea, it was really invincible in the world, surpassing common sense, just like an ancient emperor shot, more and more powerful.

But at this time, the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar was very peaceful, and gradually blurred, almost invisible, without the shape of the jar.

"That's... oh my god!"

After a while, many people screamed in surprise, all showing incredible eyes, shocked to the point of incomparable.

Even Ye Fan's blood was surging, his face was shocked, and he was speechless.

The tangible tank became more and more blurred, slowly disappeared, and finally turned into a faint figure of a woman. She gradually became clear, standing under the eternal starry sky, looking down on the world.

"The Ruthless Emperor!"

"The most talented woman in ancient times!" Everyone was screaming, and they couldn't believe it.

There is a legend in the world that the Heaven Swallowing Jar was cast by the Ruthless Emperor in his first life. When sacrificed by descendants and certain conditions are met, she will come back to rule the world.

Today, people saw this miracle, and she actually reappeared! (end of this chapter)

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