Chapter 299 Empress Recovery
Everyone was stunned, dumbfounded, unbelievable, this is simply the most incredible miracle, a human being transformed into a tank, and re-emerged in the world.

Even Xu Yu, who had just returned in [-], was attracted by the figure of Da Di.

The figure became clearer and clearer, manifested from nothingness, walked from the ancient times, broke free from the shackles of the long river of time, and entered the present world alive.

With flying hair and fluttering clothes, a slender figure is peerless, as if walking from a mythical world, she is so detached, like a fairy coming to this world.

"The Cruel Emperor," many people trembled, feeling inexplicably shocked.

The legendary man appeared and stood alive in the world.

She has a supernatural temperament, does not belong to this world, has an aura that does not eat the fireworks of the world, and will turn into a fairy at any time and go away, transcending the world.

Everyone was shocked, staring at the most controversial, talented, and most mysterious emperor in his life without blinking.

Her beautiful hair fluttered gently, and her moon-white dress set off her graceful and proud fairy appearance. Her skin was as white as jade, carved like suet jade, and she was magnificent.

A powerful empress, who has been known as the most beautiful since ancient times, created the nine great fairy arts alone, can fight against the highest nine secrets of Taoism, and fight against the nine heavenly gods with her own strength. She is such a woman of supreme elegance.

She turned around slowly, people held their breath nervously, and looked forward, wanting to see her true face, everyone was looking forward to it.

Based on their feelings, people knew that this must be a beautiful woman who crowned the world.

People were disappointed because they couldn't see the emperor's true face, because there was a grimace mask on her fair face, revealing only a pair of beautiful pupils, as clear as autumn water.

That mask is naturally no stranger to Ye Fan. It is the pattern that has accompanied the ruthless emperor throughout his life, her joys and sorrows, her separations, and everything she has.

This is the imprint of the grimace on the swallowing jar, and now it has turned into a mask, covering the face of that peerless beauty, making it impossible for the world to see through and see clearly.

This makes people regret that the most amazing woman in the world is mysterious, there are too many legends about her, and today she finally shows her real body, but she still cannot see her face.

After sighing lightly, the people were also satisfied. No matter how many outstanding people, how many arrogances, they couldn't meet the empress, but they had such an opportunity.

This looks like a suet jade beauty, with a slender figure, crystal clear and white, without any blemishes, standing there quietly, very quiet.

It's hard for people to imagine that this is the powerful empress who once swallowed mountains and rivers in history and shocked the hearts of all races in the universe. She was the one who suppressed and killed the imperial fire spirit.

It was her who slashed the Tianduan Mountains with one sword, leaving the ancestral land of the Holy Spirit Royal Family in ruins, and swept away a restricted area of ​​life with one sword.

It was her who fought against the backs of the Nine Heavenly Venerates alone, and even confronted their living people. She conquered the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths by herself, and created nine ultimate mysteries comparable to the Nine Secrets.

It was also her who entered the Undead Mountain and sat cross-legged under the Dao Comprehension Tea.

It was she who stepped into the Kunlun Immortal Land, shattered it into an immortal tripod with one palm, and killed thousands of ancestral dragon heads.

It is still she who has lived life after life, creating the miracle of longevity, but not to become a fairy, but just to wait for "you" to come back in this world of mortals.

And these are just bits and pieces of her life, and there are too many, all dissipated in the long river of time, outsiders can't know, the truth is buried in the past.

Everyone only knows that the life of the Ruthless Emperor was accompanied by controversies, but it was also full of legends, and his life's experience of becoming a fairy and his deeds against the sky are hard to count.

It is such a person who appears again now
"Great Emperor, a person who has defied the sky, she has created an unimaginable longevity method." Someone said in surprise.

Even the old god was trembling, silently comparing this woman with the Emperor. Is it so outrageous to live forever like this?

Everyone was shocked to the extreme, what they saw and heard was absolutely astounding in the past and the present, and it will be sung in the future.

The empress possesses supreme grace. She stands there quietly, looking down at the world. She is even as strong as the immortal sword. She hesitates whether to attack or not.

It has already vowed to kill everyone and avenge the eight tribes, but the woman in front of it is terrifying and unfathomable.

"You are not the empress, you are just a weapon," Tian Dao said. The whole body was shining brightly, but it did not attack immediately. It was testing.

The woman raised her left hand without making a sound, and there was a ring on one of the slender fingers, made of bronze, very simple, not a fairy, but she cherished it very much.

She lowered her head and looked at the ring. There was a special brilliance in her eyes, which dimmed after a long time. There were unwillingness and grayness, which made people tremble and heartbroken.

The immortal sword burst into the sky, and the murderous aura was billions of millions, like the eruption of mountains and rivers, like the burst of the sea, if the starry sky collapsed, rumbling and roaring, the blazing electricity flooded the universe.

This place has become a sea of ​​laws, extremely terrifying, destroying all vitality, and beheaded by the immortal sword, it is truly unparalleled and unstoppable.

People's souls are throbbing. The power of the Heavenly Sword is too great, beyond common sense.


However, in the face of such an earth-shattering blow, the peerless woman did not make any big moves, but raised her right hand to strike upwards, and lightly patted the Heavenly Knife.

This sound, like a dragon singing in the nine heavens, like a phoenix singing in the fairyland, the vibrato is endless, and all the vast sword energy between the heavens and the earth has disappeared, and it is no longer there.

This was a very sudden change. Just a moment ago, he was filled with murderous intent. In the blink of an eye, a white palm slapped the sky, leaving the place calm and out

The Undead Sky Knife flew backwards, disappeared from this place in the blink of an eye, and hung in the sky. It was surprised and felt a little danger. This weapon could threaten it.

The empress flicks her hair, the bronze mask is cold, and her face is soft, which is a contradictory combination.She has a beautiful face, only her chin and eyes are exposed, so moving, but the grimace mask is so lacking in vitality.

Time goes by, dust and sand are everywhere, and 10,000+ years are enough to bury everything, but she can still stay in the world, look at the world of mortals, and recall the past like smoke.

Her eyes were confused, sad, and gloomy. Looking at the Big Dipper Star Field, looking into the depths of the star universe, everything has changed, and even the galaxy has broken and broken.

"You are very strong, but I am the will of heaven, and I can't compete." Immortal Heavenly Sword said, the body of the knife is brilliant, almost clear, and then burns blazingly, it is the law and order boiling, it is the immortal principle.

Xu Yu saw the vague Divine Chain of Order and felt a familiar aura. Some of the rules of the Immortal Bell were condensed into the body of the sword.

He obtained the chain of rules and order of the Immortal Bell from the Yinghuo Planet, and now it is imprinted in his Immortal Golden Cauldron. Although he has not thoroughly studied this rule, he can recognize it.

The undead emperor is really scary, and he has already imprinted some of the laws of the fairy bell in the body of the knife. This is to cultivate a real fairy, and the five-color fairy gold is the best carrier.

The immortal sword flew down, and this time the offensive was even more massive. The murderous waves swept the universe, and the sea of ​​​​stars in the distance was collapsing.


This time, two astonishing lights shot out from the empress's eyes, completely different from the quietness before. She seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, no longer quiet, and turned into a war god.

Her eyes pierced the sky, her black hair fluttered, and the empress soared into the sky, taking the initiative to attack, so powerful that it was shocking, she slapped the sky knife directly.

"Oh my God, that's the power of the Flying Immortal." Many people exclaimed, trembling with excitement, and their whole bodies were convulsing.

The light and rain fell, like petals flying, covering the universe, that is the power of flying immortals, it was specially created to fight against the holy law, and its attack power is unparalleled in the world.

Light and rain filled the sky, like a person flying up in the sky, to break through the world barrier and enter the fairyland world.

It was too strong, just that kind of breath made people tremble and couldn't bear it, even the great sage surrendered, knelt down on the ground, worshiped, and kowtowed to the empress involuntarily.

The Immortal Heavenly Sword changed direction. It didn't have a cherry edge and avoided the attack. This was incredible. It was indestructible and destroyed everything, but it took the initiative to retreat today.

However, the empress's power is beyond imagination, her body is like a dream, and the river of time seems to have frozen, and when she stops for her, she turns into a ray of fairy light and passes by.

This is the Immortal Law of Bi Jian Xing Zi Mi. It passed away in a flash. He pursued the Immortal Heavenly Sword and pressed it lightly with his palm.


This sound shook the eternal blue sky, the universe cracked, the undead sword flew out, and the light of the sword in the sky dimmed.

The god inside the Heavenly Sword was shocked. If it had not retreated again at the critical moment, the power of that blow would have been many times stronger. In that case, could it have completely withstood it?
This woman is so evil, an existence that defies heaven

Everyone was stunned, and the empress just made a move, and flew away with that powerful immortal sword, the blade lost its luster and was shaking slightly.

it's shocking

"Is the legend true? She was really able to break through the barriers of the fairyland and control the power of Feixian?"

People have to ask such questions, their hearts are terrified, and they can't believe it.

"Obviously it's just a weapon, but it can't be the same person as before." The Immortal Heavenly Sword said to itself, full of anger and anxiety. It was like a wild beast, swallowing the essence of eight wild beasts, and the universe sea was almost extinguished.
All the lights of the stars are gathering towards it.

The empress didn't follow it immediately, but when she saw it like this, she folded her bare hands and slowly lifted it up, as if holding a vase, aiming at the Immortal Sword.

Slowly, in those crystal slender hands, a treasure vase of the great way appeared, with three thousand and six hundred runes, and the mouth of the bottle was aimed at the Immortal Sword.

The Immortal Sword was as murderous as the sea, but it felt a terrible cold, as if a giant beast was staring at it, without even thinking about it, it shifted its shape to avoid the blow.

However, the queen's speed was too fast, controlling the dragon with her slender hands, and then changed direction.


The sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, the universe collapsed, and the power spewed out of the vase of the great way was as vast as the sea, with billions of runes, it directly submerged the Immortal Heavenly Sword, and the vast sword energy completely collapsed.


The celestial saber flew horizontally and was almost broken. It used a substitute technique, and the other virtual body was blown up there, and it was also severely injured.

Everyone was dumbfounded. All these changes were too fast, which made them a little unacceptable. The Heavenly Knife, who was still invincible just now, was directly suppressed and beaten by the empress.

"It doesn't make sense. She is just a weapon, not a real person. How could this happen?" Tiandao was angry.

A slender and white jade foot fell down and appeared silently in the void. The empress suddenly appeared. She was of ancient age, her hair was flying, and she was unparalleled in elegance. She stepped on the heavenly sword with one foot.

(End of this chapter)

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