Chapter 301 Time Flies

As the phantom of the Immortal Emperor appeared, the Immortal Sword and Stone Egg, which had been broken into two pieces, were successfully taken away by the Immortal Emperor.

Xu Yu and the old man who was chopping wood sighed after chasing him, feeling a little regretful. Since the Immortal Heavenly Sword paid such a high price and summoned a phantom, escaping would probably not be a problem.

At the same time, they were all terrified. What the hell is the stone egg, so that Tiandao cares so much, the undead emperor will leave a shadow to guard.

You must know that even the former emperor and the immortal queen never had this kind of treatment, the difference is very obvious!

After a long time, in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, a quaint pot fell into Ye Fan's hand, and with a light "ding", a ring fell and fell into his palm.

Xu Yu also joined his followers. In this battle, his divine army also suffered heavy losses. Xiao Xuan and others were also seriously injured. There was no shortage of heroes among the ancient tribes. As the middle force to deal with the heroes of the ancient tribes, they naturally Impossible to escape unscathed.

Fortunately, Guxuan, Jinyang, Ning Yi, and Yan Chongtian have set foot in the quasi-emperor realm after these years, and the four of them use the imitated Zhuxian Sword Formation, so they naturally stand out among countless powerful enemies.

Otherwise, they would not be able to fight against the hordes of ancient heroes.

Although it has the support of the two major forces of the divine organization and the Taoist palace, the war department of the ancient heaven was purged by the Immortal Emperor countless years ago.

Although some strong people were lucky enough to escape the pursuit of the Immortal Emperor, those weaker races did not have such good luck, and some races were even directly exterminated during the purge process that year.

Therefore, although the war department left by Gu Tianting will definitely not be less than the number of troops left by the undead emperor, it is lacking in middle extreme combat power and top combat power.

As for the Taoist Palace, as a newly established organization, although there are supreme masters on the battlefield, including several masters from the Quasi-Emperor Ninth Level, they all need to deal with those divine generals.

Generally speaking, the combination of the divine organization and the Taoist palace can equal their top-level combat power to that of the masters who were sealed in Fengchao.

So naturally, the heroes of the ancient clan need Xu Yu's tribe to challenge them. Otherwise, relying solely on the war corps I left behind in the Ancient Heavenly Court, they would not be able to resist the masters of the ancient clan who follow the Immortal Emperor.

A green lotus returned to its normal size and hung in the void.

The battle ended. Xu Yu and the others stood in silence for a long time, then said goodbye to each other and prepared to embark on their own way back.

The end of this battle, the impact is very big!

There was uproar in the universe, and there were discussions everywhere. The mighty Phoenix Nest was destroyed, and the mighty undead queen perished in the starry sky.

These news are too shocking, all parties in the universe, many major forces are throbbing, and the outside world is deafening.

In this battle, Ye Fan killed three great generals in a row. His name spread throughout the starry sky, and he was hailed as No. 1 below Xu Yu on the Great Emperor's Road!
From this day onwards, anyone who wants to step on the road of God has to pass his level. This is a reality that is placed in front of all the strongest people who are interested in the road of emperor.

The rise of the two heavens has become unstoppable and has truly soared into the sky, becoming one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

The Phoenix Nest has been destroyed, and the Heavenly Palace has taken its place. Together with the Dao Palace and the Underworld, it has become a giant in the universe, controlling all realms and commanding all heavens.


Just when people were amazed and sighed, there was a riot from the depths of the universe, and that was the breath of the Supreme Being, which instantly swept the sun, moon, rivers and mountains everywhere.

"The number one general in the ancient heaven!" Ye Fan sensed it immediately.

The decisive battle between the young man and the Emperor Ming has not ended yet?At this moment, everyone's heart was in their throats. If he lost, it might be a dark turmoil.

The aura of the imperial way spread, but soon calmed down again, as if nothing had happened, but people were full of tension and fear, waiting silently.

After a long time, nothing happened.

Has the chaos come to an end? What will happen to the gods of the ancient heavenly court? The world is waiting quietly with puzzlement and uneasiness.

However, in the end, there was nothing, the universe remained calm, everything was peaceful, and no dark turmoil broke out.

In the end, I was completely relieved.

However, the underworld is not so peaceful. The Netherland has been ruined and has experienced an unimaginable catastrophe. There are countless stars falling on this black and eerie land, and there are craters everywhere.

Surrounded by mist, under those deep pits, there are burial sites one after another. The entire underworld is a sea of ​​corpses, and now it has been smashed and reappeared in the human world.

It is difficult for people to figure out how this place was formed, as if the creatures of the entire universe were buried together.

The Underworld Emperor held a Zhan Ge in his left hand, a black gold shield in his right hand, and a Dark Spear on his back. He stood on this vast black land for a long time, then slowly turned around and walked into the sea of ​​corpses.


Outside the underworld, a young man was laughing and coughing up blood, but he was still so brilliant, free and extraordinary.

"How can a person like me die like this without burying a forbidden life, I'm sorry for myself." The young man laughed loudly, turned around and left, leaving Netherland.

He was seriously injured, but it could be called a miracle. He had never truly become enlightened, and he was not yet a great emperor, but he dared to make such a big fuss, which almost tore the underworld apart.

The boy was laughing, spilling blood all over the ground, and walked away alone in the starry sky.

In the end, he walked faster and faster until he tore apart the universe, sank into the vast galaxy, and became a brilliant meteor beam.

Xu Yu, who is currently retreating, seems to have sensed the state of the boy from Gu Tianting.

He raised his head and looked at the rainbow light in the endless universe.

He knew that the battle between the first divine general of the ancient heaven and the Supreme Underworld Emperor of the Underworld had come to an end.

"It looks like Ning Fei was tricked by Chuanying!"

"What a pity that Ning Fei is so heroic!"

After Xu Yu glanced at Chuanying, he led his tribe back to the divine realm.After this battle, the heaven led by Xu Yu expanded greatly, and the endless star fields surrendered to him.

Xu Yu also began to retreat after this day, hoping to further advance to the realm of the Quasi-Emperor Ninth Level.

20 years have passed in a flash.

At the same time, he also guided his children's practice during these years.

And the outside world is also buzzing, because there are still five major forces in the entire universe.

As the saying goes, wherever there are people, there will be fights, let alone a world of cultivation where the jungle is strong.

Even if they are all three top forces with supreme power at their command, they are still competing openly and covertly in the starry sky.

"The Heavenly Court of God Realm really goes too far to deceive others. It was clear that Nalan Guxing was the first to express his sincerity to us, but in the end, they picked the peaches halfway!"

In the Heavenly Court founded by Ye Fan, Yang Xi, who was responsible for foreign wars, said to his master very dissatisfied.

"There is no way around this. In the current universe, Xu Yu is the closest person to the throne. Even the ancient Supremes in the forbidden zone of life dare not provoke him easily!"

The big black dog, who had always been arrogant and domineering, seemed unusually calm.

"Before Ye Xiaozi achieved great success, there was no truly unparalleled powerhouse on the battlefield. We were always one step behind among the other three major forces."

"Although we have always kept our distance over the years, the secret friction has never stopped."

"Especially as the Heavenly Kingdom of God prepares to dominate the universe, even the other two independent factions have had a lot of friction with them over the years, but they have been relatively restrained and there has been no fierce battle."

"If this situation continues, it may not be long before the three top forces compete for the right to speak in the universe, and a conflict will break out again among them!"

Pang Bo said worriedly.

"Besides that, there are some supreme descendants of the restricted area of ​​life. They have also been active on the Starry Sky Ancient Road in recent years, and they seem to be targeting our heaven."

Ye Tong also told Big Black Dog and the others some of the information he had obtained.

"Damn it! All kinds of monsters and monsters are popping up now. No one knows where Ye Xiaozi has been in these years. If he were in charge of the heaven, those forbidden areas would not be so unrestrained."

Thinking of this, the big black dog was itching with hatred. After all, they were fighting to the death with those in the restricted area of ​​life.

"Now, we can only endure silently. In terms of our overall strength, there is still a big gap between us and the natural enemies created by Xu Xiaozi. Whether it is the extremely powerful emperor soldiers, unparalleled powerhouses, or middle-level combat forces, we Neither side has as much as the other side.”

Although things like this happen in the Big Black Dog department, people have to bow their heads under the roof. There is still a certain gap between their overall strength and other major forces in the universe.

Especially Tianting founded by Xu Yu. Although the two have fought side by side before, their actual friendship is not much.

Especially in these years, the two families have not visited each other. The most recent visit was when Ye Fan joined forces to deal with Fengchao in the future decades ago.

After that time, there was a short honeymoon period between the two, but now Xu Yu's voice in the universe is getting louder and louder.

Those who support him, in order to obtain the power of Conglong in the future, will naturally have friction with other major forces in the process of conquering the universe.

And this time it was like this. The two were fighting over the resources of an ancient star. Although at the last moment, the main person in charge of the star field took the initiative to stand up and surrender to the heaven founded by Xu Yu, which calmed down the conflict. A battle between two heavens.

"Ye Tong, you have fought against several great generals in the Divine Realm. What do you think of their strength?"

"The strength of the five great generals in the Divine Realm is unfathomable. Even the fifth general, who is at the lowest level, I don't have much confidence in winning."

In Ye Tong's mind, he couldn't help but recall the previous scenes of competing with several great generals from the Divine Realm.

Especially the four of them, Zhu Xuan, Jin Yang, Ning Yi and Yan Chongtian, made Ye Tong feel scared regardless of their combat experience or state of mind.

After all, Ye Tong is always one day behind them in cultivation, so when fighting them, he can't compare with them in terms of realm.

"The fifth divine general, who is he? How come I have never heard of this person?"

Hearing the sudden appearance of a fifth divine general, Laheigou couldn't help but interrupt Ye Tong and ask him.

"The fifth divine general was originally an elder in the Divine Realm. After Xu Yu took control of the Divine Realm, many elders and palace masters in the Divine Realm immediately turned to serve under him!"

Seeing this, Ye Tong was also very helpless. After all, the big black dog could be regarded as his elder, so he could only tell the truth.

"Those aboriginals in God's Domain, since they obtained a lot of ancient scriptures from Xu Xiaozi, their strength has grown rapidly over the years, and many strong people who have been stuck to the peak of the Great Sage have also continued to push forward over the years. Guan Chenggong, for a powerful quasi-emperor!"

"In addition, some heroes from the ancient tribes have also been recruited by them, which has made their overall strength even further. If it weren't for the number of powerful men from the quasi-emperor of the ninth heaven in the Dao Palace, I am afraid that the Divine Realm Heavenly Court would have already become the number one force in the world! "

As Ye Tong's words fell, everyone around the big black dog fell into a state of calm.

Although they had already expected that there was a big gap between their power and the heaven created by Xu Yu.

But I never expected that the gap would be so big.

"This is the appeal of the unparalleled powerful. Now some powerful casual cultivators or clan leaders in the starry sky, after seeing Xu Yu's righteous appearance, decisively led the people behind them and turned to Xu Yu's side. Inside the Heavenly Court. Contribute to the construction of the Heavenly Court!"

The big black dog understands very well.This is because many people in the universe have seen Xu Yu's invincible posture, especially on his hands, which have been stained with the blood of more than one ancient supreme being. His sturdy record has inspired some hesitant people.

In this way, time keeps passing.All the outstanding figures in the universe are constantly increasing. After some young supremes with outstanding talents set foot on the ancient road of the starry sky, many of them joined the divine heaven founded by Xu Yu.

Even now that a mountain like Xu Yu is blocking their way, they can only move forward bravely, hoping to break the eternal curse.

(End of this chapter)

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