Suddenly a piece of news shocked the universe that had been silent for a long time.

That is, the heaven created by Ye Fan disappeared without a trace in the entire universe, becoming another unsolved case in the universe.

Xu Yu, who is far away in the God's Domain, knows that this is Ye Fan's helpless move. Over the years, the grievances he has formed with the ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​​​life have become more and more numerous.

Of course, what is more important is that as their strength has grown over the years, the ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life have also been paying attention to Ye Fan's situation.

They were waiting for Ye Fan's catastrophe to come, but Xu Yu beat him ruthlessly during the catastrophe, completely erasing the only Dacheng holy body that could break the suppression of heaven and earth since ancient times.

"it's time!"

On this day, Xu Yu, who was entrenched under the ancient tree of life in the Divine Realm, stood up and walked through the broken galaxy. A fairy light avenue spanned the universe and reached Beidou. He quickly arrived along this road.

He passed many galaxies on the way, and many powerful races sensed him, and they were all shocked.

The divine light is ten thousand, and everyone knows his purpose. The divine light avenue leads to the eastern wasteland, and he descended in the undead mountain!

"Is the Lord of Heaven going to conquer the restricted area?"

In the Immortal Mountain, every mountain is black and flaccid. Some are like sword blades towering into the clouds, and some are like wild cows lying on the ground. They are shrouded in mist and majestic.

You can see the mutilated stone man picking medicine with one arm missing, and you can also see the stone crow flying without a claw. These are all holy spirits, which look very weird.

"You're finally here!" A deep roar came from the depths of the rocky mountain.

"I'm coming!" Xu Yu shouted, with a different meaning. He stared at the black mountain in the front, with a head full of black hair and gorgeous eyes.

He walked forward step by step. This restricted area was once stained with blood. Emperor Void killed one or two ancient emperors in Undead Mountain in his lifetime, which shocked the world.

At that time, Emperor Void was in a very difficult situation, and he came here with the intention of mortal death, because there were several ancient venerables lingering here, and it was impossible for manpower to resist.

It was during those years that Emperor Void established the supreme majesty of the human race, which would not be violated. Even if it was only one person, he would shock the heavens. He had been fighting all his life.

It's different now, in Xu Yu's age, the supreme being is already old, and the ancient emperors in the mountains have already withered to the minimum number, so when he came in, his mood was completely different.

"Void has also been here, and it has never leveled the Undying Mountain. In the end, when it was dying, its flesh and blood were broken, and it was full of injuries. You came too, do you want to die too?" A loud shout came from the mountain.

"The ancestors of the great emperors conquered the world and almost wiped out the spirit of the restricted area. How many people are left to fight in the Supreme Being? In this life, I thank them for allowing me to enter the Mountain of the Immortal as if walking on flat ground!" Xu Yu Very confident.

The people in the mountain were silent, but angry in their hearts. This was a kind of contempt for Xu Yu. He thought that the Immortal Mountain was not as big as it used to be. Did he even think he could take a walk here?
"Fighting for life in the void, Emperor Wu Shi came here to walk his dog, and now I will completely destroy you!" Xu Yu roared, stating his lifelong wish.

"You dare!" A loud shout came from the mountain, and all the giant black mountains shook and roared like a thunderbolt.

"What dare I not do? Stone Emperor, get out of here!" Xu Yu had an immortal golden tripod hanging above his head, stepped on the golden avenue, and reached the depths of the Immortal Mountain.

There is a huge mountain towering here, surrounding it, no one knows what is inside, and it has become the biggest secret in the world.

And today, Xu Yu is here and will make a strong advance to reveal the final mystery of the Immortal Mountain.


Xu Yu crushed a mountain with one foot, kicked it into pieces, turned into rocks and flew in all directions, shaking the entire Eastern Wasteland.

Once upon a time, someone dared to do this, simply and rudely, directly to flatten the undead mountain and kill the supreme and ruler in it.

What happened here quickly shocked the universe and attracted the attention of the entire universe.

"Sure enough, you are the one who has been secretly peeping at the Immortal Mountain all these years. It seems that you have always been obsessed with the Immortal Mountain." In front, a tall demonic figure stood facing the mountain pass.

"The Immortal Mountain is the supreme pure land left over from ancient times. Unfortunately, it has been occupied by those of you who are still living and has become a miserable land in the world." Xu Yu's eyes scanned every inch of the Immortal Mountain, faintly Said to the Stone Emperor.

This is the deepest part of the Undead Mountain, which is beyond people's imagination. It is not a terrible magic land, but a paradise, pure and natural.

A piece of peach orchard, colorful fallen petals.A few thatched huts, back to basics.An old turtle was crawling, walking slowly, and fled towards the back of the hut. It turned out to be the long-lived magic medicine-Xuanwu.

A crappy old man was leaning against the wall, very old, but at this moment his hands were quick and his eyes were quick. He held down the basalt medicine to prevent it from slipping away, and then put it into his arms.

In the Undead Mountain, there are two undead supreme beings, one is the Stone Emperor, tall and mighty, standing in front like a demon god, holding a black Fangtian painted halberd, full of murderous aura.

The other one was the old man, his old eyes were dim, he stood up slowly and said: "You fight, I'm gone, life is limited, I don't want to step into this storm again, I just want to leave a way for some children and grandchildren to survive."

He actually wanted to withdraw, but Shihuang remained expressionless and did not express anything.

Xu Yu squinted his eyes, and his immortal pupils shot out wisps of light, and he saw the truth. The old man was in the process of transforming into a Tao. This was the extinguishing of the soul. Even if he was given the magic medicine and all the creatures in the universe to devour him, It is also difficult to reverse.

This person has lived for too long, and there is no way in the world to stop his decline and death.

Perhaps, it can be said that this is a dead person, with a lifespan of only a few years or even a few days at most, and will inevitably turn into dust, leaving nothing behind.

Xu Yu didn't stop him. A dying person was meaningless, and the opponent didn't have any supreme combat power. He could be given a chance to choose the tomb.

"Hey, I once said, don't be too murderous. There will be retribution in the end. Do you understand what I said?"

The old man shook his head and walked towards the peach forest with a helpless sigh.

There were more than a dozen people there, all very young. Some were sealed in the source, and some stood dumbly, staring at Xu Yu and Shi Huang.

"Let's go. From now on, there will be no more immortal mountains in the world. The general trend cannot be stopped. The old man is about to die and has seen a glimpse of the future. From now on, you can live a normal life and it will be a good life."

With a flick of his sleeves, he took everyone in, and then went away without looking back, and then put away another hill outside, where there was a green and golden light of fairy tears, and he has never appeared in the world since then.

This was a supreme choice, and it turned out to be like this in the end. It was beyond Xu Yu's expectation, and he finally looked away.

Shi Huang didn't say anything. At this level, he naturally understands what he doesn't understand and what he doesn't understand, but it's different from person to person.

"It seems that you are bound to win the Immortal Mountain!" Stone Emperor finally spoke, coldly and conceited.

"Hahaha..." Xu Yu laughed and pointed at him with his finger, "Do you really think it's the time when you rule the world? As an ancient supreme being in the past, you should understand that when you don't have enough strength, but you are When you are pregnant with a treasure, even if you are not guilty, you are guilty."

"Hundreds of years ago, when the void returned and Hengyu reappeared, it was still full of blood. Today I don't want to entangle you too much. The limit is ten moves. If you can't kill you, I will kill myself!" Stone Emperor said coldly.

"How arrogant. Even the Lord of Shenxu wouldn't dare to do this to me. Are you worthy of an old stone?!" Xu Yu didn't take the Stone Emperor to heart at all.

He has such self-confidence and this ability. Hundreds of years have passed and he has made great strides forward, reached the pinnacle, and can be called invincible in the world.

In the past, he and his partners entered the restricted area of ​​life tremblingly, cautiously, and did not dare to be careless, but now everything is different, and it is possible to fight against such a person.

"Hahaha!" The Stone Emperor laughed, arrogantly, his hair flying wildly, his eyes so cold that they could freeze the universe, and he slashed forward with a big halberd in his hand.

Xu Yu soared into the sky and entered the universe. He did not want to destroy the Beidou Star Territory and had too many feelings for it.

The Stone Emperor also followed Ling Tian up. The direction of the euphorbia in his hand did not change, and he always struck Xu Yu. The black light cut through eternity and illuminated the galaxy!

"Fight in the restricted area!"

The people in Beidou trembled, and the little monks at the bottom couldn't escape their homes. Seeing this scene, they all felt cold.

"I believe that the Lord of Heaven can defeat him!" people prayed.

The big forces have long since withdrawn, leaving only sects with no foundation, and they have no way to enter the star field.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Yu and Shi Huang crossed countless star fields and entered the wilderness of the universe, stopping one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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