The big forces have long since withdrawn, leaving only sects with no foundation, and they have no way to enter the star field.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Yu and Shi Huang crossed countless star fields and entered the wilderness of the universe, stopping one after another.

The halberd fell down, making a buzzing sound, the dragon pattern collapsed, and an ink dragon rose up to kill Xu Yu. The square-shaped halberd was alive, with its fangs and claws dancing. This was the most powerful imperial attack.


On Xu Yu's head, an immortal golden tripod appeared, shining with seven-color brilliance, crushing the universe in all directions and resisting the eucalyptus.

And with a long roar, he also moved forward to attack and came up with the Heavenly Emperor's Fist, killing the Stone Emperor's eyebrows.

Winning or losing depends on ten moves. When it comes to life and death, there is no empty trick to speak of. Fighting and madness must be the trump card.
The Stone Emperor has been strong throughout his life, and has seen ruthless people, voids, and Wu Shi. The years he has experienced are too long, and he has never surrendered to old age. He even clenched his fists when fighting against Xu Yu.

This is a big confrontation that is shattering. This collision alone has destroyed a large area of ​​Xinghai and the chaotic frontier, making this place a source of destruction.

In the sonorous sound, in the advance of the imperial law, there are hundreds of millions of rays of fairy light and thousands of auspicious colors. The two people shook violently, retreating and flying sideways.

The Stone Emperor actually sublimated. When he was dueling with Xu Yu, he quickly climbed to the extreme. This blow was so terrifying that he was shocked one after another. He wanted to beat Xu Yu into a pulp.

This shows that his fear of Xu Yu, otherwise why would it escalate so quickly?
This is tantamount to embarking on a dead end. After the battle with Xu Yu, no matter he wins or loses, he will not survive.

A flower of blood splashed on Xu Yu's body as he stepped back. Shi Huang also staggered and suffered a heavy blow. The blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"I see, you were severely injured back then, your blood was withered, and your serious injuries were difficult to recover from. You could only decide whether to live or die within ten moves!" Xu Yu sneered.

No wonder the other party is arrogant, this is actually a kind of helplessness. The Stone Emperor has a great injury that has never recovered. He fought bloody battles in the world and devoured life forms.

Later, the Lord of Desolation came, defeated all the invincible enemies in the world, and beheaded an ascended ancient emperor, forcing him to decisively return to the Immortal Mountain without replenishing enough life energy.

"The emperor seals the world!" The Stone Emperor shouted, and in an instant, the boiling divine power solidified and all the chaotic energy in the universe was still, forbidden for eternity.

This is one of his supreme taboo secret techniques, which can be transformed from petrification to the utmost sublimation. It can seal up eternity, fix the emperor's body, and carry out killing.

Sure enough, Xu Yu was unable to move, as if she was stuck in a quagmire, and was in big trouble.

"The soul is immortal, my heart is eternal!" He whispered in his mouth, shaking his own laws with difficulty. The strongest body was difficult to understand at this time, but the center of his eyebrows was shining, and the soul merged and broke free.

Xu Yu roared, his soul shimmered, igniting the starry sky. The golden villain was no higher than a fist, but extremely majestic. He held a cauldron in one hand and evolved the power of time in the other hand. He arrived in an instant and killed the Stone Emperor.

At the same time, because the soul broke free from the restraints, his physical body also exploded, shattering the true blood energy and covering the universe, and suddenly leaped out, killing the Stone Emperor.

This is a great showdown of secret techniques. Xu Yu combined the Qian Zi Mi, Xing Zi Mi, Yuan Shi Seal, etc. to create a great method of time. With Yuan Shen as the main attack and the body as the backing, it is extremely strong and invincible.


There was a violent collision, and the place was clanging. Whether it was the Mother Qi Cauldron or the Black Gold Euphorbia, they were shaking violently. Sparks shot out, and at the same time blood spattered from the bodies of the two most powerful men.

Xu Yu's soul and physical body rushed to the Stone Emperor almost at the same time, and at that moment they were fully sublimated and unified, and returned to a whole body. A strange evolution and transformation took place, as if there was a big clock of time. There was a loud sound, and his whole body suppressed the sound.

The Stone Emperor flew out, coughing up blood. After all, he was no longer in his prime, and he suffered a huge loss in this grand duel.
The most important thing is that the wounds in the body swelled up, the old wounds recurred, and the emperor's blood splashed in the starry sky, which was shocking.

He was dissatisfied and even more angry. Back then, Xu Yu was no different from an ant in his eyes, and even with the help of the corpse of the Dacheng Holy Body, he was not worthy of his opponent. He was killed in the bloody starry sky, but in less than a thousand years, the other party came to kill him with such force. What kind of experience made him feel so embarrassed?
"Sacrifice immortals with my emperor's blood!" he roared.

With a sound of Yu, the universe was ignited, and time and space were all within the scope of his forbidden secret technique. Blood dripped from the Stone Emperor's body, dyeing the universe red, and then burned with a roar.
In just a split second, Xu Yu was submerged, and there was no way to avoid it.


Xu Yu suffered a heavy blow and exploded in the sky. This was the most terrifying method of the Stone Emperor, known as the Living Sacrifice to Immortals. It was created in order to one day deal with the immortals who came to the world.

He used his own blood and life as a guide to sacrifice and destroy the enemy.Xu Yu recovered, reorganized his body, and looked serious. This was the third move, and he suffered a huge loss.
Of course, although it is said that the limit is ten moves, we cannot simply say that each move is better than hundreds of moves and is a trump card that can instantly distinguish between life and death.

Shihuang's blood is limited, and he is destined to use this method to fight against the enemy. He can't hold on for too long, and he still needs to save some energy to go to the immortal road.

The blood is still flowing, and the forbidden secret technique of sacrifice to immortals is still going on. The Stone Emperor would rather harm himself than destroy Xu Yu

Xu Yu opened up the vision, disintegrated the world, swept out the laws in the void, and established a pure land for himself without being affected.

At the same time, he waved the Emperor's Fist, rumbling, and all the sun, moon and stars in the universe resonated with it, blooming with precious brilliance, pouring in from all domains. He struck continuously, destroying the remaining divine chain of order.

"Stone Emperor, no matter what methods you have, you are dead today!" Xu Yu drank.

Xu Yu took the initiative to attack and kill, and the vision locked him for eternity, immobilizing the Stone Emperor. He pinched the Zhou Seal with his left hand and the Yu Seal with his right hand. His eyebrows moved in front of him, and his feet were like a rainbow. He turned into a seal, a ball of fire, burning blazingly. massacre

This time Xu Yu won a great victory and defeated the Stone Emperor. So many powerful secret techniques were used quickly, accurately and ruthlessly. The Stone Emperor was so powerful that he couldn't bear it. His flesh and blood flew everywhere.

"Forge immortality with my blood!"

The Stone Emperor shouted, he was not in a hurry to repair his body, he just protected his soul, and then emitted such a magic sound that shook the heavens for eternity.
There is a strange power, a figure like a god and demon comes from a distance, flowing with the breath of time, extremely terrifying and extremely powerful.

"In my next life, show me your ultimate secret and kill him!" Stone Emperor roared, and that man was immediately horrified.

Xu Yu was shocked. He didn't believe in the afterlife, only in this life. How could the other party perform such a skill?
No, it's his "Tao Self" that can be used in this way and show such power!" Xu Yu was greatly touched and had to marvel. Shi Huang, a genius, solved a problem for him, which made Xu Yu feel relieved. clear

Over the years, he has been studying the dead self and the Taoist self, but it has been difficult to transform into actual combat power. The Stone Emperor opened a portal for him.

Although he was excited, what he was facing at this time was also extremely dangerous.

Xu Yu always felt restrained, as if he was sealed. Sure enough, this time he encountered a catastrophe and was directly killed twice. His blood spilled, making the universe scarlet.

However, he finally broke free and shot with all his strength, smashing the "Dao I" demon into flying ash.

Shi Huang was shaken, he had already regrouped, his face was pale, and he was hit hard again. He knew that today was a bad day, and he even used taboo methods, but they all failed

"It seems that there are no more ten moves. It's a life and death battle, the last move!" He shouted without joy or worry.

The last move is out!
The desert is solitary, the sun is setting over the long river, a stone man rises from the ground, roars the mountains and rivers, and the universe collapses!
This was the scene when the Stone Emperor was born. At that time, the heavens shook for him and the universe trembled for him. As soon as he was born, he dominated the ancient world.
He received the blessing of God, and the laws of Shinto are unparalleled. He was born according to the will of heaven and earth. All kinds of secret techniques and taboo magical powers have reached perfection on their own, and his magic power is boundless.

And at this moment, he performed the ultimate magic, and his name was God One by One, recreating the scene when he was born!
He was conceived by the heaven and the earth, he is the heir of God, the ultimate supernatural powers, overwhelming mountains and seas, all things revived and withered, and the universe is in harmony.

The galaxy is surging, and endless stars are coming from all over the sky. Like the turbulent sea water, the law and the divine chain of order are intertwined, connecting the past, present and future. It is like a huge stone man rising from the anger of God, rising behind the Stone Emperor, and then becoming one with him, holding a flash The metallic luster of Fang Tian's painted halberd struck down immediately.
The ultimate blow!
The universe has lost its color and collapsed forever. No matter Feixianxing or all the powerful people in other star regions are shocked, this attack is too fierce and powerful. How to resist?
Naturally, Xu Yu used all his methods, integrating visions, secret techniques, etc., and his place became a golden ocean. The Immortal King and the Emperor of Heaven were present in the dust, and became one with him, blasting forward.

In the end, nothing could be seen, it was blazing and boundless, the sun, moon and galaxies exploded one after another, and the universe was shattered.

The endless light became the only one.

When God said there should be light, this was in the creation of the world!
Chaos exploded, and the universe trembled. In the vast sea of ​​light, two figures gradually appeared. A bloody halberd almost split Xu Yu in half and was embedded in his body.

The emperor's blood filled the starry sky. Xu Yu staggered and almost fell into a pool of blood. The holy blood was like a river, dyeing the place red.

The Stone Emperor stood tall and powerful. Facing Xu Yu, his thick hair was flying like a god.
However, at this time, the eyes of the Supreme Lord in the Stone dimmed. He held a halberd in one hand and struck Xu Yu, while the other hand was bloody, trying hard to grab one of Xu Yu's palms.

The two supreme beings stood facing each other.

Although Xu Yu was severely injured, one hand ruthlessly cut into Shi Huang's eyebrow, and the blood was dripping there, which looked shocking.

His palm was glowing, it was the burning of boundless divine energy.

The stone emperor's immortal platform collapsed, the sound of cracking was endless, the fruit of his life was dissipating, his eyes dimmed, but he was helpless, and finally this life was about to end.


Spewing out the last innate roar from his mouth, Shi Huang's dim eyes burst out with a white wave of air and rushed towards Xu Yu.

At the same time, the big halberd in his hand shook violently, trying to chop the seriously injured Xu Yu to death, and the cold light tore the great universe sea apart!

Xu Yu roared loudly, the sound was vast, shattering the innate essence, and he thrust his right hand forward. With a pop, the Stone Emperor's head exploded, and blood flew up three thousand feet.

Moreover, the precious light of his body bloomed, and the scriptures were endless, and the other hand turned into a Heavenly Emperor Fist and shook it down forcefully.

Xu Yu used his ultimate power to smash Fang Tian's painted halberd into pieces, turning it into pieces of black gold fragments, stained with his blood and scattered in the universe.


The whole stone emperor exploded, turned into a blood mist, and turned into the world's most terrifying emperor's blood rain, about to rush towards the universe.

Although this battle was only a few short moves, it was extremely fierce. Xu Yu suffered severe trauma. Who is the emperor weaker than the other? Once he fights hard, he will be invincible in the world.

Xu Yu said nothing, sitting here cross-legged, quickly healing his wounds, and moving his hands, he drew back all the blood that was about to be washed away by the Stone Emperor, drowning him.

This is the spirit of the emperor's blood, the most powerful fairy treasure in the world, and he uses it to heal injuries.

Even if a supreme being is old and weakened, the blood essence left behind is not trivial. Xu Yu was bathed in the blood light, his whole body glowed, and he was recovering quickly.

Then, the mouth of the cauldron was chaotic, turned upside down abruptly, and took all the blood essence into it, refining three blood pills almost instantly.

Xu Yu swallowed one, and there were endless scriptures in the world, and he seemed to be soaked in blood, red clouds filled the sky, various Taoist symbols emerged, and the treasure looked solemn.

Finally, he stood up and recovered completely, his eyes like two rays of cold lightning.

He put away the fragments of the black golden euphorbia, strode away from the frontier of the universe, and rushed to the Big Dipper again.

With the last move just now, all parts of the universe trembled, and almost all the monks were terrified. They felt a breath of the coming of the Dao, and the destruction of the world, but they didn't know the final result.

At this time, Xu Yu appeared. Obviously the war had the final result. He slaughtered the Stone Emperor!
"Xu Yu killed another supreme being!"

The Age of the Stone Emperor has come to an end. Unexpectedly, the Supreme Emperor in the Stone ended his life like this, and was finally beheaded.

The whole world was shocked, especially in the Beidou Star Region. People were shocked beyond measure. A generation of supreme stone emperors were wiped out in this way.
Xu Yu's majesty and fighting power shocked everyone, and everyone felt their blood boiling. What a great achievement. He killed the person who was most harmful to the dark turmoil.

The Stone Emperor was slaughtered!
This loud roar resounded throughout the Big Dipper, and the land of the Eastern Desolation trembled, and everyone cheered.

Xu Yu came to the Undead Mountain, collected the results of the battle, and avoided being taken away by others, because the entire Undead Mountain will become a land of no man! In fact,
There is a holy spring here, and a fairy tea tree of Enlightenment, which is a treasure in the world and the elixir that Xu Yu has always wanted most.


He tried to take it away, and found that it was very special, this undead mountain could not enter the magic weapon, it was very strong.

"Don't enter reincarnation, immortality is the foundation!" A huge monument floated up.

Xu Yumo thought that the undead mountain has a mysterious origin, and it is the same as Kunlun and Mount Sumeru, which is the origin of the universe. It is fundamentally different, and it is one of the strangest places.

"It's a good treasure. No wonder this place is the only place that can support the Enlightenment Tree. It originated from here."

Xu Yu roared loudly and pulled up the entire Immortal Mountain with one hand. With a roar, he left the Eastern Wasteland and soared directly into the sky.

"Good weight!"

He was very surprised. Only he could shake it. Any quasi-emperor might not be able to lift it. This black mountain was heavier than many galaxies.

The world was shocked. One of the seven forbidden areas of life was eliminated again! This time it was still done by Xu Yu. He was actually an unparalleled god and man, killing the supreme being, which shocked people.

"From now on, there is no longer a Stone King in the world, and there is no longer a forbidden life zone in the Immortal Mountain. This has created a history that will forever be recorded in the annals of the War of Gods!"

The whole world was shocked and countless people were talking.

Xu Yu didn't care about these things, holding the undead mountain with one hand, a few flashes disappeared, and disappeared in the universe.

After a while, Xu Yu, who was carrying the Immortal Mountain, returned to the divine realm.

It's getting more and more difficult, and I almost want to change the map.

Then continue writing from another angle.

I don’t know if you readers can accept it?

The currently tentative worlds include God's Tomb, Prehistoric and Perfect. (end of this chapter)

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