Years passed by, hundreds of years in a flash, and Xu Yu turned a thousand years old. He laughed at himself that he had become an older person, but his blood was even more vigorous.

During this period, Ye Fan also successfully survived the catastrophe of the Quasi-Emperor Ninth Level.

He pacified the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, a restricted area of ​​life, and became one of the only digital masters in the world.

With hundreds of years of consolidation and enlightenment, his own state has reached its current peak. He has never been so powerful and can truly be called unparalleled in power!
During this period, he tried hard several times to march towards the Great Emperor's territory. He was not satisfied with half of his body being inserted in. He wanted to squeeze in the other half as well.

Finally, Xu Yu broke through again!
He sublimated to the utmost, reached the highest peak of life, and became enlightened in a different way.

But he still wanted to continue to accumulate more.

Because he is now using methods like the Immortal Breaking Curse to continuously hone every ounce of divine power in his body.

Relatively speaking, he is stronger than he was hundreds of years ago. After reaching the Great Consummation, he has been fully sublimated and truly invincible in heaven and earth!
On the Feixian star, the central seal is torn apart, and there are all kinds of flying fairy lights flying.

Could the sealed demonic land in the mythical age be an opportunity to become an immortal?
"It is said that immortals descended on Feixian Star and suppressed several great demons. Is it about to be born this time?
One wave after another, when Xu Yu had spent thousands of years, a sudden change occurred on Feixian Planet, which attracted the attention of the powerful races in the major galaxies, and the restricted area was no longer peaceful.

The golden age, hehe, haha! Some people laugh miserably. It is ironic that the so-called kings rise together and the golden age comes. It has not been a thousand years yet, and the Supreme will be born again?
There will be a golden age, which will come thousands of years later, and there will be a grand scene of hundreds of struggles. In the end, there will be a competition for the road, a peak showdown, and the emperor will appear in later generations. "Someone predicted.

But this time, the Supreme Being is about to be born again. Who will care about what happens to him thousands of years later? Can he see an immortal after a turmoil?
The only good thing is that there is a powerful Xu Yu in this world, and Ye Fan, the holy body who once killed the extremely sublimated Ancient Tianzun, now dominates the human world and is invincible.

He is a person of this life, his blood is as vigorous as the sea, covering the universe and the galaxy, and he is in the age of fighting. This is far superior to the ancient emperors. No one dares to fight him exhausted. Maybe he can shock the emperors .

However, this is just a little comfort, and most people are still trembling. After all, there are only two people in total, Xu Yu and Ye Fan, while the number of ancient supreme beings is unknown.

Is this battle really coming? Chengxian, Chengxian again, how many people have you killed!"

I hate the Golden World, I hate this fairy road, I hate all enlightened people, you should all die!
All over the world, there are many people cursing. There is a miserable wind and rain, and many people are in fear. The pain left by the dark turmoil has not yet been truly healed.

Mortals have changed many generations, but many monks have survived from that era. Many people have lost their loved ones and have bloody pain.

I hope that in this life, the Flying Immortal Star will explode and turn into the greatest catastrophe in ancient times, bury all the supreme beings, and end the darkness and turmoil in the world. "A white-haired old man shouted with tears in his eyes.

In the battle on the road to becoming an immortal, it’s fine if the Supreme One dies. If you need to replenish your energy due to the catastrophe, it will be unbearable. There was too much blood and pain in the past.

When the immortal road prospers, the low-level cultivators suffer, and when the immortal road declines, the low-level monks also suffer!"

Some people sigh that the visions and hopes of the Supreme have nothing to do with the monks below. When all turmoil occurs, the weak will be the ones who suffer in the end.

The Feixian star has undergone a mutation, and before its mystery is truly revealed, all parts of the universe are already disturbed.

There has never been a life as it is now, less than a thousand years apart, there will be two celestial road chaos, which has created a miracle that has never been seen in ancient times, and in the eyes of low-level monks, this is an unprecedented catastrophe.

People who have experienced tragedy, personal experience, and faced endless blood and bones are still trembling when they think about it, so as soon as the clues appeared, the powerful clans began to move crazily.
We can’t go through another catastrophe!
Which star field is the deadliest, which star field is the most desolate, which star field is isolated from the world will become their target, and an unprecedented cosmic migration has begun.

Many ancient lands of life and powerful ethnic groups have disappeared. Going to the frontiers of the universe and entering dead galaxies where no one has ever set foot, the universe will be in chaos first.

Heavenly Court is not in a panic. Although there have been various rumors from the outside world recently, they are step by step, everything is stable, and no one is panicked.

Xu Yu may not be able to protect the entire universe, but it is enough to protect the heaven. All the heavenly soldiers and generals firmly believe this, and the road ahead will not be bleak.

I am ready for a battle, but before that, I will open up ten pure lands for you, which no one can detect or break. The heaven will be transformed into ten parts, and each one will stay within them. "Xu Yu said.

Everyone sighed, knowing that he had made up his mind, and that he was going to fight. Perhaps in the end he would face more than just an ancient supreme being. This would be a great emperor-level battle and bloody battle.

Don’t worry, I will come back alive, because I must not die. The vast battle plan I once said has not yet been finally unfolded, and it will definitely come true! "

Xu Yuxiao assured that this was the truth, he really could not die, otherwise many people would die because of him, and those restricted areas would definitely kill all the war departments in Heaven.

As long as he is alive, it is a kind of shock. In the end, no one dares to take action. They have to keep attacking to protect everything.Feixianxing.

On the big star, there are many desolate beasts, savage birds roaming the sky, dense primitive forests, majestic mountains, and waterfalls hanging like a nine-day Milky Way.

This is a magnificent world.

But recently it has been restless, all the strong are restless, all the beasts and beasts are roaring and screaming, the anomaly in the center is getting more and more terrifying, I directly hear the roar, ancient monuments stand, demonic energy and fairy fog co-transpiration.

The most important thing is that there is the Supreme Manifestation, come here to watch, and prepare for the war in the near future.

Xu Yu's arrival without any cover-up shocked the sea of ​​​​stars. All the spirits on the Feixian Star were greatly touched, and were more terrifying than the ancient supreme beings.

Because he is full of blood, and through actual combat, he has defeated the sublimated Tianzun, his majesty and divine power are beyond doubt.

"These are all sealed monuments." Xu Yu sighed. Now that the seal has loosened, these monuments have risen from the depths of the earth and appeared in the human world.

Obviously, the seal below will not last long, and this secret land can no longer be suppressed, and all secrets will appear.

He didn't recognize the inscription on the stele, and only a few characters were vaguely discernible. Xu Yu stared at it. Those were the characters of "Emperor", which represented the extreme of the Dharma. They were the same in ancient and modern times. They were the ones working to suppress this place.

They are not the essence of the Nine Emperor characters in the Taoist Sutra, nor are they the essence of the Emperor characters in the Taiyin Mother Sutra and the Sun Immortal Sutra. Those characters only represent a kind of sealed way, which resonates with the great road, echoes rumblingly, and is indestructible throughout the ages.

Xu Yu watched for a long time without taking action. He entered space, sat cross-legged in the void, looked at the big stars below, and guarded.

Time flies like this, and 49 years have passed, and he has not moved at all, except for enlightenment and looking at Feixianxing.

During this period, the supreme incarnation came and went, and there were movements in several forbidden areas of life. All the supreme beings came here to watch, and everyone was waiting to find out.

The mountains and the rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings. Everyone knows that the seal of this place will be completely destroyed, and the secret of the center of the earth will be born.

However, no one went to lift the seal first, the emperors were very calm, and they were all waiting, waiting for the arrival of this heaven-defying world, waiting for the immortal road to open.

Not only Xu Yu was aware of it, how could the supreme emperors of the forbidden areas of life be ordinary people if they could reach that state? They also learned about a vague future through secret methods and forbidden techniques, and guessed some of the shocking results. .


The sound of the iron chains shook the sky, as if an immortal demon was about to be born, and it seemed to be coming from the immortal realm to open the locked door.

The world is shocking, this atmosphere is suffocating, all spirits on Feixianxing are trembling, all kinds of wild beasts and raptors are wailing, the holy-level existence leads the clan to relocate, no longer dare to plot, dare not have illusions. .
In fact, most of them left long ago.

Over the years, Supreme has manifested False Gods one after another. To fight here, even if the sages are against the sky and eager to enter the fairyland, they will not be able to compete with those people.

Xu Yu opened and closed his eyes, always sitting cross-legged in the universe, staring at the big star in front of him. This was the third clan he saw moving away from the Feifeixian Star.

The big clan relocated, covered the sky and covered the earth, and rushed to the outer starry sky. There were huge beast statues, and there were divine birds with wings spreading over the sun and the moon.

"Ancestor, I hope you can win!"

Xu Yu was shocked. In the ethereal void, he actually sensed the inner voice of a chi dragon and captured this mental fluctuation. This was surprising.

Are there ancestors of the Kunlun survivors under this seal?
Something is wrong, the time is not right.

He probed out his divine sense, explored several wild beasts, and sensed the thoughts and feelings of other great divine bird families. Unfortunately, he didn't find anything surprising. These bereaved families just thought that this place might be related to their ancestors.

The great migration of all races in the universe, the last group of Qi refiners on Feixianxing and the survivors of Kunlun are the slowest ones. Over the years, panic has spread, and other places have already acted.

(End of this chapter)

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