Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 305: Movement in the restricted area

Chapter 305: Movement in the restricted area


The last giant monument appeared on Feixianxing, which was taller than the others. The runes on it were flickering and dense. With its appearance, the entire forest of monuments seemed to come alive.

The earth was rumbling, all the stone tablets were moving, and earth-shaking changes had taken place. Xu Yu sat in the starry sky and frowned, the mountains, rivers and earth had changed.

The forest of steles in the central ancient area moves, outlining a vast territory, in which there are nine dragons, which look like crossing the pass.
The terrain undulated, the mountains and rivers changed, and the original appearance was revealed. Nine dragons were crouching in the ancient land in the center, and countless hills were rising up around it. It was thousands of dragons rushing through the pass, submerging into the ground, and entering another world.

This is the real terrain of the Feixianxing Sealed Land, which is now revealed. The dense air is steaming, and the roars of immortals and demons are faint, shaking the sky.

No one expected that the shock would change so quickly, and that it had continued to evolve for 49 years. The final brake directly opened up the overall situation, and the seal of Feixianxing was about to be lifted.

The demonic energy surged, the fairy energy advanced, and tens of thousands of dragons seemed to be resurrected. They opened their teeth and claws, transforming from mountains and rivers into entities, trying to break eternity and enter the fairy world. .
The sound of iron chains broke the silence and became clearer and clearer. This was not the sound of the door lock, it was as if the shackles were moving and someone was about to break free.

There are living things inside.


With a loud bang, a splendid light erupted from the underground world, tearing apart the void, and a passage appeared, and a large rain of light flew out.

"The Immortal Road has appeared." I don't know who screamed in surprise.

Anyone who has experienced the Big Dipper Calamity knows that it is Xianlu Guangyu, and the passage is the Great Crack of Xianyu.

"It's really related to becoming an immortal. This place is about to open up another path," someone lamented.

Silently, a figure appeared on the spot, and the Supreme One rushed over. His body was very blurry and could not be seen clearly by outsiders. It was obviously the Supreme Being.

The restricted area of ​​Beidou's life trembled and exploded like thunder. Another person was about to be born and was about to rush to Feixian Xingchen.

After waiting for so many years, and finally in this life, they must fight, take their lives to the sky, and strive for immortality and longevity. If they miss this life, they may have no chance.

There was a loud bang, the sound of the ground was dull, and the heart and lungs trembled. Then the rocks pierced through the air, and many huge monuments exploded and turned into dust.

The Great Crack of the Immortal Road is spreading, and it explodes with the central seal as the center, like the explosion pattern left by the bullet penetrating the glass.


Finally, an earth-shattering roar came, accompanied by a huge sound of shackles, a behemoth broke free, and was about to be born and manifest in the human world.

"I want to become an immortal in this life"

This was a huge wave that shook the sky. Xu Yu opened his Yuantian Eyes and saw an incredible picture. Under the bottom, there was a giant snake that looked like a galaxy. It was too huge, and its whole body was bright, but it was
The immortal iron chain penetrated the body and was locked underneath.

In addition, there is another immortal source, which is far less big than its body, but it broke free from it. Obviously, it only revealed its huge body after getting out of trouble.

"Hua Snake, one of the ancestors of the Kunlun clan, is still alive and waiting here," the Supreme Being standing here whispered.


The Big Dipper was turbulent, and in the ancient mine of Taichu, a blazing glow bloomed with immortal auspicious colors, and a big purple dragon soared into the sky, covering the sky, shaking the ancient, modern and future.

Especially the roar of the dragon made the sky tremble in all directions. It quickly transformed into a purple-haired man with a medium build. He was not very majestic, but he was calm and calm, not angry or intimidating.

His pair of purple pupils were as deep as the sea, and then suddenly burst into two bursts of purple electricity, piercing the universe and shaking the vast galaxy.

This is an ancient emperor. Deep in the starry sky, the purple-gold light surges and the bells ring.
In the masterpiece, a big dragon breaks through the endless galaxies, sinks directly into Beidou, and lands down.

"The person who slept the deepest woke up. He has never been born in the past, but he just appeared today, so he is still alive." A strong man in the restricted area sighed.

The bell was ringing, the purple light was boiling, and a big dragon hovered above the middle-aged man's head. It was Wanlongling. It was delighted and excited, and it never thought that its master was still alive.

Yes, the middle-aged man is Wanlonghuang, a person who was considered to be in the history and no longer exists, and now he is born.

This makes people deeply awed. The ancient mine in the early days is indeed terrifying and unfathomable, and there is such a great god hidden, a person who should not be in the world.

"Hey, the Eucharist is in big trouble, since he never
When he woke up from his deep sleep, how could he not take revenge? His daughter was mercilessly killed by the holy body. "The Supreme Being said with a smile.

"The Holy Body probably doesn't care anymore. He is on good terms with the lord of the restricted area. If we really want to fight for the path to immortality, it will be a life and death battle." Someone else sighed.

At this moment, the galaxy exploded, and people from Xianling rushed up to the sky, and then came one after another with the Wanlong Emperor, destroying the dead, the breath was released, no one could stop it, and the big stars turned into dust.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived on Feixianxing, and together with the previous person, three figures suddenly appeared in this chaotic land, staring at the fairy road world.

Emperor Wanlong's eyes were cold, and he suddenly looked up at the star field where Xu Yu was. Two beams of purple lightning shot out from his eyes, illuminating the void, but he did not take action and then turned around to look at Ye Fan.

If the road to immortality hadn't been about to begin, I'm afraid Ye Fan would have had to face the liquidation of those ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life.

You must know that many of the ancient supreme instructions over the years were killed by Ye Fan, the forbidden killer.

Although it was said to be a fair stop on the Imperial Road, it was their child who died after all.

Although they have long gone through the dark turmoil and cut off their mortal hearts.

But no matter what, those people are also their bloodline inheritance and the most precious memories in their lives. How could they not take it to heart?

"Hua She is the ancestor of the Kunlun clan. Wasn't he killed by the Emperor? Why is he still in the world?" The Supreme from the Immortal Tomb was surprised.

Back then, Emperor Zun defeated no one in the nine heavens and ten places and then attacked the fairy mountain Kunlun to seize the fairy bell and provoke their self-proclaimed supreme, but they could not stop him.

According to legend, the snake was killed, but now it is reappearing.


The huge underground snake danced and smashed the mountains and rivers. It was about to break free and drank: "I want to become an immortal, and the path of immortality in this world is opened for me."

"It's crazy. Why did the emperor keep it and seal it in the precious immortal source, leaving it to the enemy? Isn't it a waste?" Some Supreme Beings were puzzled.

But no one spoke. These three people were afraid of each other, and they were all separated. They were far apart. In order to fight for the immortal road, maybe there would be an ultimate battle between them.


Suddenly, there was another explosion in the depths of the seal. As the large piece of Xianyuan disintegrated, a disheveled Taoist rushed up, with shackles on his limbs, raised his head and roared.

His hair was already gray, but that kind of power shocked and astonished the three supreme beings present, and an inexplicable power shook out.

At this moment, the mountains and rivers died, all things withered, and the endless grass and trees and the vitality of all spirits flowed out and gathered towards him.


Wanlonghuang shouted, the heaven and the earth exploded, the laws swept across, and the front was cut off, because he found that this strange Taoist wanted to absorb his essence.

This is a terrifying person, which makes the three supreme beings stand in awe. The gray-haired Taoist is a strong person, and he is by no means waiting for an unknown person, it is very dangerous.

"The Celestial Lord of Nirvana"

Wanlonghuang said word by word, just now he made a move, and collided with that person's power, felt that kind of way, and knew who it was all at once.

One of the Nine Heavenly Lords in the Mythical Age, no one dared to underestimate him, not even the ancient emperor. No one thought that there was a person suppressed here.

Supreme, it is unimaginable that even the Nine Heavenly Venerates have been taken down, this is a major event that will shake the ages.

Outside the starry sky, Xu Yutian's eyes flashed and he said to himself: "It's getting more and more interesting. Even Tianzun is still alive here. Is the ancient path to immortality really going to appear?" There were bursts of fairy music, dragons and tigers roared, and the mist was steaming. , there was another strange movement from the deepest part of the sealed underground, and mysterious creatures were resurrecting and were about to appear in this world.

"Is this sorted according to the times? Snake, Tianzun, and then I really want to see the immortal?" The being from the Immortal Tomb said to himself.


The Xeon fluctuated violently and violently, and the immortal mist was boiling, but it was difficult to conceal the breath of the creature below, extremely terrifying and difficult to describe.

"Isn't this really a fairyland creature, but why is it sealed here?"

The void trembled, and in the depths of the seal, dense runes appeared, reflecting on it, and the fairy light broke through the sky, making people unstable.

"What kind of seal is this, it's so ancient!"

"No, this is the original seal. The Heavenly Venerable Nirvana and the Transformation Snake were sealed here later. Before that, the living spirit below existed."

"This kind of sealing method is so powerful. Is there anyone like this in the world? Could it be that the Emperor suppressed it, but the time is not right?"

At this moment, even the supreme being in the restricted area was amazed, feeling that it was too mysterious, this place was beyond their expectations, and had secrets they didn't think they knew.

This is like a fairy well, gurgling and gushing milky white fairy energy, mysterious and unpredictable, the fairy clouds are flying from the depths of the earth, the auspicious light is full of rays of light, and the runes are densely packed, which is shocking.

This is no longer a pure formation pattern, and there is a powerful personal brand. Some people have sealed this place with their own scars, showing their unparalleled power.

It is precisely because of this that Xianjing appears terrifying and boundless. Who is it?The first thing people think of is Emperor Zun, maybe only he can be so heaven-defying.

But in fact, this is not the case. The power of the seal has been around for a long time, and there are indelible traces in the center of the formation, flowing with the breath of the ancient prehistoric, eternal and immortal.

"It's... Huangta!"

Several Supreme Beings changed their colors and recognized the pattern, which was the same as the legendary barren tower, and although it was a pattern, it also had that kind of aura.

"Could it be that the legend is true, that there was a period of chaotic ancient times that is difficult to describe and record? There is an even longer fairy dynasty!"

The supreme being from Xianling changed color, his face was full of solemnity, what kind of seal he opened today is becoming more and more unpredictable.

The years are difficult to trace back, and there is no end to it. What happened in the end, and whether there was a fairy coming to this world, can't be confirmed for a long time, but can only be imagined.


The seal in the center was torn apart, the runes shattered on their own, the sound of the chains, the glare flying, and a mass of tattered Roshan flew out.

Moreover, there is a splash of crystal material, which is similar to the immortal source, which was originally used to seal it.

"A Suzaku?"

Everyone was surprised, and felt the scorching temperature, and the meat mountain cracked open, revealing a crimson, flames beating, a Vermillion Bird's head sticking out, eyes fierce, making people's skin like being cut by a knife.


With the disintegration of Roshan, a body that was red as blood was revealed. This was a huge wolf body, but the body was covered with red scales, and the tail was a dragon's tail.

What kind of monster is this? Red as blood, densely covered with scales, with the head of a vermilion bird, a wolf god, and a dragon tail, with a fierce aura rushing towards its face, this is a creature that does not belong to the ancient emperor's cognition.

"Is it really the Supreme Being in the chaotic years, sealed into this life?"

"What era do you come from?" Wan Longhuang asked.

The response to them was a high and long cry, like the roar of a phoenix, and the roar of a dragon, deafening, rising into the sky, the stars above exploded, and the galaxy collapsed.

This is a strong aura, overwhelming and unstoppable!

If it wasn't for Feixianxing's large formation and the presence of three supreme beings, this place would have become dust and nothing would exist anymore.

A few people frowned, something was wrong with some of the most powerful people in the sealed ground, and their primordial spirits had all been severely injured, it was not normal, and it was difficult to communicate and communicate.

"Becoming an immortal, hehe...haha...I am the only one!"

In the end, this prehistoric creature let out a creepy laugh. It was almost crazy like a snake. The only thing that looked normal was the closed-eyed Heavenly Venerate.

What is happening today is destined to shock the universe and, in all likelihood, change history.

The snakes, the gods of the mythical age, and the mysterious creatures from the ancient times broke out together. No one knew what the secret was, and they blocked the road to immortality.

The pattern is shattering, the immortal light is becoming flamboyant, the earth is rumbling and moving, and it is constantly sinking.

The road to immortality reappears!
The light and rain are flying, accompanied by large white petals, crystal clear, this is a dreamy and blurred world, which makes people tremble and intoxicated.

For a moment, the minds of several supreme beings were in a trance, and they became immortal dreams. So many emperors have worked hard in ancient times, but they all failed in the end.

Now is not the time to be in a trance, the real battle is coming, there is no luck in this road, there is no shortcut but to fight in.

"Road to Immortal!"

A giant monument stands under the galaxy, slowly floating in the seal, standing on the light path, it seems so unattainable.

"The law of immortality!" Wanlong Emperor exclaimed in shock.

The only chance to become a fairy may really come. In this life, the three supreme beings in front of the road whispered, their eyes shining brightly.

The supreme being from Xianling was the first to rush in. He saw the abnormality. There was no obstacle on the road to Xianling, so he might be able to break in smoothly.

"This life belongs to me!" The snake yelled, its huge body was as dazzling as a galaxy, and it rolled over at once, coiling around on the road to immortality first.

It was drenched by the light rain of Feixian, and its aura became even more terrifying. It directly attacked the Supreme from Xianling, and launched the most terrifying blow.


The other supreme evaded them, disappeared in a flash, entered deeper, stepped on the golden road, looked at the immortal stele in front of him, with an excited expression.

"Fellow Daoist, you can become an immortal in this life, but you have to pass my level first." Suddenly, Heavenly Venerate Jijie opened his eyes, his gray hair scattered, and the terrifying aura spread, making the world tremble.

Undoubtedly, he was still sober. The Supreme wanted to fight him, and the two sides froze immediately.

In the end, the prehistoric creature stared at Wanlonghuang, no one could calmly pass by, and the fairy road was blocked.

There was a clattering sound, and the iron chains shook the sky. Whether it was the snake or the Nirvana Tianzun, they were all locked up. It was difficult for them to leave this place, but the battle was enough.

In fact, people doubt whether those divine chains can lock them in recovery.

"Do you really want to stop us?"

"Yes! The emperor on the road to immortality is not parallel. With you and without me, it is so cruel."

"Say more, let's fight!" The one who said these words was a white tiger in the starry sky, and it was slaughtered. Another supreme being in the restricted area of ​​Beidou's life arrived and turned into a white-haired Taoist with a strong personality.

(End of this chapter)

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