Chapter 306 Emperor Venerable Means
With the successive birth of ancient supreme beings, important changes have taken place in the ending of the road to immortality.

After discussing to no avail, those ancient supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life teamed up to fight against several supreme beings who were suppressed by the emperor on Chengxian Road.


There was no way to avoid this battle, and it broke out directly.

The seal itself is weird, and if there are three people blocking it, we can only fight over and get rid of them.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm here to wish you a helping hand and step into the Immortal Realm together!" At this time, another figure appeared, walking on the stars and the moon, crossing from the Big Dipper, and entering the Feixian Star Realm.

His whole body is glowing. Although he is in human form, he has various beast features, such as Kunpeng wings, mang ox horns, and unicorn armor. The combination of these looks very weird.

Beast God!

People know who he is, he came from Shenxu, and he gained the Tao for an ancient creature. He is known as the beast god, and his mana is powerful and unfathomable.

The five supreme beings come out together, and they will act together to frighten the world!

However, the number of people didn't stop there. A celestial light pierced through eternity in the ancient mine of Taichu, and another figure broke through the void to kill, and the sound of the phoenix shook the sky.

"My God, could it be the Immortal Phoenix?!"

There were exclamations from all over the universe. People saw a huge phoenix passing across the sky, and the galaxy was completely wiped out. They couldn't stop it from spreading its wings and hitting the sky.

When it descended on Feixianxing, it turned into a weapon—a phoenix-winged gilt mirror!

Its brilliance was brilliant, golden with blood, shining in the sky, the phoenix's cries were endless, shattering the eternal starry sky, and the aura was so violent that Xu Yu from outside the territory was shocked. This turned out to be a weapon.

Another longevity method appeared!
There is a Supreme who turns himself into a weapon. Of course, it is not a complete transformation, but just to live longer, to become a special living body with the primordial spirit and Dao soldiers.

"It turns out that you are a fellow Taoist from Blood Phoenix Mountain. I heard that you have taken a different path, but you haven't had much time to be sober. How have you been all these years?" Beast God asked.

"It's not good. I'm about to become a pure weapon. This life is my only chance. Otherwise, my consciousness will be imprisoned forever, and I'll be ignorant ever since."

The phoenix-winged gilt made a sharp sound. It was the ancestor of the Blood Phoenix Mountain. Later, it embarked on a different way of longevity and entered the ancient mine in the early days. It has never been born.

There was a great shock in the world. Some people who thought they were dead were all in the forbidden zone. Even the Blood Phoenix Mountain itself didn't know that the ancestor was alive.


In the depths of that distant star field, a blurry figure with bloody hair stood and clenched his fists. He was Huang Xudao.

People have to be amazed, the ancient mine in the early days is too amazing, what kind of supreme beings are hidden in it, people can't understand and can't guess.

Here and now, the six supreme beings came to the scene in person, and they formed an alliance invisibly. They wanted to fight together to form an immortal road and confront the three people in front of them.

None of them was born last time and did not agree with the opportunity hundreds of years ago, but this time they all stood up, which in itself also shows that their judgment is extraordinary.

These six people are absolutely terrifying!
At this time, the surge of breath alone has caused many big stars in the starry sky to dim forever, turning into ashes. They are exhaling innate energy, adjusting their own state, and want to enter with the strongest body.

Some people looked coldly outside the territory, glanced at Xu Yu and Ye Fan in the dark, but did not take action. If he did not come down and fight with them, then he was not an opponent.

After the last catastrophe, the number of supreme beings seems to be slightly smaller, but all of them are terrifying figures, and their strength is still extremely powerful.


The great battle broke out, and the six of them culled the snakes, the gods of death, and the prehistoric creatures together, making this place boil, if there were no runes of the fairy road, everything would be ashes.

The sky is falling apart, ghosts are crying and gods are howling, Xianlu is very ruthless, everything is empty, and only strength is the fundamental truth at this time.

The galaxy was shattered, light rained all over the sky, the immortal energy was white and spread violently. No matter how strong the snakes were, they could not stop San. However, a sudden change occurred, the sealing formations emerged, and the aura was like the sea.An ancient formation appeared, and the auras produced by ordinary people were swallowed up. The blood of the snakes, the Nirvana Lord, and the prehistoric creatures surged and were extracted away. The three of them were shocked.

"What is this?" Taoist Baihu was surprised.

"It's... the aura of the Emperor!" The gilded phoenix wings vibrated, red clouds billowed, and the blade shone with cold light.

"What, Emperor Zun... is he still alive?" This was an astonishing piece of news.

The ancient land roared, and a vast aura was surging, the world was resonating, the star sea was extinguishing, and all the essence was rushing frantically to fill this place.

"Emperor!" Suddenly, the annihilation Tianzun shouted, frantic to violent, he seemed to have recovered from a little normal to a complete sobriety, full of gray hair fluttering, causing the sky to explode continuously.

A majestic blood energy formed, this place seemed to be resurrected as a supreme ruler!

"Everyone, please take action quickly to stop him from coming out!"

Taoist Baihu roared.

"So what about Emperor Zun, no matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than us all working together? Do you want to wait for the hope of all of us at the entrance of the road to immortality? Kill him!" the beast god roared.

A vast breath is spreading, a phantom is taking shape, majestic, looking down at all things, he stands in front of the road to becoming immortal, standing in the center of the ancient land, as if to accept the bow of all beings and the emperors to worship.

What kind of person is this?As soon as it appeared, it was so powerful, it was just a phantom, and it almost absorbed the essence of nine days and ten places.

At this moment, all things in the universe are withering, and everyone can feel it. The avenue is getting higher and farther, and the essence is drying up. All the marks, laws, and origin Qi are madly rushing towards Feixianxing, where they want to cast a golden body.

"How is it possible, isn't Emperor Zun dead? Why did this happen!" Wanlong Emperor was surprised, but he had to believe what he saw.

The most terrifying person in the world was the last Heavenly Venerable in the age of mythology. Later, it was rumored that he abandoned all magical arts, laws, and even Taoism, and disappeared.

When he reappeared in the world, he was a baby, raised by nature, swallowed the essence of all things in the universe, and was extremely respectable, incomparable, and unprecedented in eternity.

What happened afterwards is known to the whole world. He is invincible in heaven and earth, and he has blazed the most glorious path.

Since then, he has been called Emperor Zun, ending the rule of the age of mythology where the Heavenly Zun is supreme, and he has become the most respected person in all ages!
"Dead people still want to come out and make trouble. There is no real reincarnation in the world. Since they perished, don't come to make trouble. Kill!"

"That's right, since it has decayed and passed away, it should never reappear!" the Beast God shouted, and shot wildly.

Those present were all the most powerful ancient emperors of an era. They never respected the sky or the earth, and they were the only ones who respected me. Even if the emperor was famous in ancient times, they couldn't really be suppressed and chose to fight ruthlessly.

As for Nirvana Tianzun, he was even more insane, with gray hair flying around, roaring in his mouth, all kinds of taboo methods were endless, and he went ahead with a big kill.

"This is the supreme pure land that was sealed in the chaotic ancient times, and it is indeed the land of immortality. Emperor Zun didn't kill me when he broke through Kunlun, but sealed me here for the purpose of resurrecting himself." Hua Snake murmured to himself, he

No longer confused, I remembered the past.

"Everyone in my era is dead. The master of the Huangta suppressed me and guarded the immortal road... Then, the man who was not weaker than the Emperor of Huangtian came and reorganized the layout." The prehistoric creature also muttered to himself, his mind turbulent.
Very unstable.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in a daze. How old is that, and there is still a person who is as strong as Emperor Zun?
That's right, how can the owner of the barren tower not be strong!

These are too amazing, the barren tower is a fairy weapon, and the prehistoric creature is sealed by its owner. These reveal too many secrets, and people would never expect to see such a miracle.

Everything that happened today is too mysterious and shocking.

Emperor Zun passed away and died in the last years of mythology. How could he reappear after such a long and endless time in ancient times and ancient times?This is not in line with common sense.

(End of this chapter)

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