The six ancient supreme beings, coupled with the Immortal Cauldron, brought the road to immortality on Feixian Star to a boil.

Countless arctic lights burst out, and shadows of gods and demons emerged one after another, striking the six supreme beings crazily.

Suddenly, Ye Fan left the place where he became an immortal, turned around and walked into the universe, speeding towards the Beidou Star Territory Collection.

"That shouldn't be the case. I have conquered the Immortal Mountain. Does he still want to trouble those ancient supreme beings?"

Xu Yu looked at Ye Fan's leaving figure and felt very confused.

Logically speaking, the Immortal Mountain has been pacified by him, and Ye Fan should be here, waiting for the final outcome of the Immortal Road and dealing with the coming dark turmoil.

On Feixianxing, light and rain poured down endlessly, everywhere, submerging it and becoming the most sacred place.

Xu Yu rushed over quickly, and there was really going to be a result in this life.

At this time, there was a catastrophe on the road to becoming an immortal, ghosts were crying and gods were howling, the number of places for becoming an immortal was limited, and they wanted to compete for the only two or three places.

Xu Yu descended on the sealed land and stepped onto the golden avenue. The endless rain of light made him feel like a spring breeze, and he felt as comfortable as if he was about to ascend.

Yes, as soon as he stepped here, every pore of his body dilated, expelling the turbid air of the universe, absorbing the unique energy of the road to immortality, his whole body was light and agile, and he was about to float.

A shattered immortal gate stands in front of it, which has long been smashed.

Going straight in, there are corpses everywhere, all of which are gods, demons and fairies. These are transformed by laws, but they are so real.

In front, there is a chaotic hole, and then there is the reincarnation gate. The blurred fairyland is looming, and the Supremes rushed in, and their eyes were red.

Xu Yu's step marked his participation in the battle to become an immortal. The blurry world of immortality was just a projection. The Supreme broke through the barrier and made a way, fighting fiercely and moving forward on the avenue of immortal light.

This naturally frightened Xu Yu, and she really saw hope.

One person had already died and was brutally killed, and now only the five most powerful ones from the Ancient Master of Xianling, Wanlong Emperor, White Tiger Taoist, Beast God, and Phoenix-winged Gold Boring were left.

Chengxian Ding opened the way at the front, broke through the barriers of the fairyland, and kept moving forward, approaching the world of the fairyland.

Xu Yu's arrival naturally aroused everyone's hatred. Immediately, several rays of fairy light flew towards him. A fierce battle broke out in front of him. The place became a melee. The six people rushed towards the front regardless of their own safety. There may really only be two or three people who can become immortals, and those who follow will have no hope.


Suddenly, a huge wave came from outside the immortal road. It was thunder calamity, and it came here from the depths of the distant galaxy.

"Eighth Heavenly Tribulation of Zhundi, and it's a great chaos catastrophe. This is about to evolve into a giant dragon. It's really a good time."

On the fairy road, there was a supreme sigh.


Another catastrophe came, the vast galaxy shook violently, and countless star fields were shattered.

"Another person is even more terrifying. He is considered a young dragon. He is actually the great master of Yin and Yang. This is the calamity of the Quasi-Emperor Ninth Heaven!"

Taoist Baihu's eyes flickered, and the outside world had undergone drastic changes. Two people went through the catastrophe in a row, using the opportunity when they were no longer to make a breakthrough.

"It's not like people in this world, who endured it in any era, actually survived the tribulation at this time."


In the sky and the earth, there is endless thunder, and people are constantly trying to survive the disaster. It is at this time.Most of them are quasi-emperors in the seventh or eighth heaven, and some are in the vast ninth level of heavenly tribulation.
This is shocking. Nothing like this has ever happened in the past. In one moment, so many extraordinary people survived the catastrophe.

"There are familiar qiji such as Daoyi, Holy Prince, Huangxu Dao, and more mysterious and unknown people."

Xu Yu was shocked.

This is just what they sensed, and the universe is so vast, there are always some people who cannot be sensed, only a little fluctuation spreads, and I don't know how many peerless arrogances use this opportunity to overcome the catastrophe.

The most frightening thing is that none of them are ordinary quasi-emperor tribulations, they are all special divine punishments that shock the ages.
"A group of juniors are really tolerant. They chose a good time!" The Beast God sighed softly.


Suddenly, the most violent sound interrupted the conversation on the road to immortality, and Xu Yu and all the Supremes trembled.

Great Tribulation!
There is actually someone who is going to become an emperor at this time, and is going through the immeasurable divine calamity, and the celestial light is overwhelming, which shocked the ancients on the immortal road.

What kind of miracle is this? After so many years, I silently asked, someone is about to become a miracle, so suddenly.

There was no sales plan at all before, and there were no traces of any remains. It came too fast, exceeding the supreme plan.

"There was no induction before. This man Jingjin. Why did he suddenly become an emperor? He has never appeared in his memory." The battle on the immortal road is no longer so fierce.

All of this goes beyond the supreme theme. They are targeting and guarding against each other, but when encountering such a thing, they also feel a crisis.

In this world, there are people they can't count who are beyond control and are more terrifying than the variable Xu Yu.

"Boom!" Infinite divine tribulations are coming to an end, the universe is in turmoil, and in the vast universe, countless galaxies are turning into smoke and dust, and a supreme law is spreading.

At this moment, thousands of people are wailing, and all the gods in the universe will be suppressed, and a great avenue will be achieved. He will be high above and look down on the nine heavens and ten earths.

"Is it done? As long as we get through it, there will be another incredible and supreme figure in eternity!"

Feng Chi Jia Jin Bor sighed softly, thinking about his own prosperous years, and then thinking about his current decline, feeling indescribable sadness and nostalgia.
"It's a bit familiar. It seems to have happened in history, but I can't remember it. It should have changed."

Several Supreme Beings were very sensitive. Some of them caught a hint of familiarity, but they couldn't identify who it was, and their hearts skipped a beat.


The Great Emperor's Tribulation is descending, spreading from the center throughout the universe, and is extremely powerful, spreading its ferocious wine to all places. This is forging the only imperial path to overwhelm the human world.

As long as this person becomes enlightened, all those who come after him will not be able to become emperors in this life. They will have to wait for him to die for 1 years. This is shocking.

All the arrogant people are anxious. In this life, there are princes, the most amazing talents, all kinds of living geniuses and physiques, and the great accumulation over the ages, all resurrected and appeared in this life, and this person's enlightenment is equivalent to cutting off everyone's dreams. road.

"how so!"

Why now!"

"No, I'm not willing!"

In the universe, there are quite a few people who are going through the tribulation, including Zixia, Taoist Shencan, Yin Tiande, and Shenzun. None of these are geniuses in the world.

But now, Tu'er's Great Emperor's Tribulation has happened, which is simply a great advance for them. This makes people despair, unable to see the light, and unable to see the hope.

Their way is broken.

"I will cherish God for another 500 years. God, you are so unfair."

"You might as well give me another hundred years. Why is this happening? I have already seen the light and tried to push open the door, but you closed it for me mercilessly."

There are people everywhere who are suffering, some are silent, and some are crying, unable to bear this result.

The emperor's move was really too sudden. There was no sign of this. If it were his great age, this person must have already become famous all over the world. He plotted the mighty winter and killed a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. But now it suddenly broke out.


The heavenly catastrophe shook the world, crushed everything, and submerged the endless energy system. It was like reshaping the human world.

The rules of the Tao are listed and constantly changing. The Dharma of the most powerful person in this life will become the only one to overwhelm all Taoism and dominate this universe.

The thunder rumbles, the energy rises, and the lightning flashes fly. Each one spans several galaxies and grows extremely large. This is shocking.

Is this the Great Emperor? I'm afraid." In the heavenly punishment, in the endless light of need, there is a golden figure who is independent, fiercely confronting, and conquering the road, in order to realize the fusion of his Supreme Seal and Yuyou and become the only one.

The endless sea of ​​thunder rushes towards me, each layer of it appears to be terrifying.

Comparatively speaking, the quasi-emperor's calamity of those young prodigies is not enough to watch at this moment. Although the fortune is rare in ancient times, how can it compare with the punishment of the great emperor if the position is high.

There was a long cry and a stream of firelight flowing into the sky, and a multicolored figure seemed to have broken through the eternal forbidden hall, passing through most of Yubai, constantly impacting.

"A fairy bird!"

Someone saw an afterimage of the successful person, showing an unexpected look. This was different from the human race. A monster emperor was about to appear.

"No matter who he is, none of this has anything to do with us. He is fighting for the throne of the Great Emperor, while the strong ones are fighting for the fruit of success!"

The battle on the Immortal Road continues, and the attitude of the Supreme Beings is indifferent. Normally they would be calm and capable, but now they can't care about it.

In a sense, what they said is true. With a higher pursuit, the immortal road is right in front of you. If you enter, you will create history and become an immortal creature.


Everyone looked forward and heard that the brutal fighting was continuing.

Xu Yu joined in and became the object of "care" for several people. From time to time, powerful attack beams were fired at him. Everyone was prepared for each other and looked for opportunities to attack others from time to time. Because they were all opponents, it was impossible to do the same thing now. Hatred and anger.

Alliances are volatile and short-lived.


In the outside world, the Great Emperor's Tribulation became more intense and even affected the Immortal Road.This is shocking. It is obvious that this scene of entering the tribulation is extremely powerful and has affected this black people.

"He is moving, trying his best to ascend the thunder method, trying his best to accumulate strength, and wants to get through it." Taoist Baihu said.

Is it strong?He is just barely qualified. If he can make it through, he will be the emperor. If he cannot make it through, he will be nothing more than a pile of dung! "The beast god's voice was very cold. (End of Chapter)

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