On the road to immortality, it became even more violent with the addition of Xu Yu and Ye Fan.

Just because the two of them are the supreme beings of the world, their blood energy is much stronger than that of the ancient supreme beings, and they have become their main opponents in the fight for the path to immortality.

Nowadays, several ancient supreme beings have already reached their highest level, standing in the most powerful realm, reappearing their strongest state and becoming invincible in the world.

This was a fierce collision. Every time someone fought, someone splashed a lot of blood. Even though they were calm in their words, they had already been shocked by their murderous intentions, and everyone had to be on guard.

The gods and birds screamed, and the universe trembled.

A great emperor is rising, he is suffering, and is struggling to break through. A golden figure in the thunder and fire flies across the sky, flying past the Feixian galaxy, bringing a large amount of light.

"A Golden Crow, someone in this race has become enlightened."

On the fairy road, everyone felt a huge oppression, that kind of breath was too terrifying, so rigid and strong, it burned like a fire.

"I have some impressions. When there was a quasi-emperor who passed through the ninth heavenly tribulation, he made a huge noise and woke up the sleeping people. They wanted to take action against him, but in the end he injured Dao Sendai, and no one touched him. Later.
Later, after suffering for thousands of years, he finally passed away.

"Hehe, haha, what a golden crow. He is so scheming. He actually managed to hide it from the Supreme Being."

"He clearly studied the method of Nirvana back then, and worked very hard to open his second life. He used his life and Taoist foundation as a bet, just to become emperor in this life!"

A cold light flickered in the eyes of several supreme beings, if they were not on the road to immortality, they would definitely make a move.

Among the people present, Ye Fan, who had a deep connection with the Golden Crow clan, now felt a sense of regret. Although the fate of the original work had been slightly changed, Ye Fan did not encounter the golden egg of the Nirvana of the Golden Crow Emperor in Tianbian Guxin.

But there is an irresolvable hatred between him and the Golden Crow Clan. He killed many masters of the Golden Crow Clan in Ziwei Ancient Star, and they have an irresolvable hatred.

Among the people present, Xu Yu was the only one who seemed very calm. After all, he had known for a long time that when the Road to Immortality opened, the Golden Crow Emperor would take the opportunity to break through.

The Immortal Cauldron shook violently, and the laws on it burned, which surprised the Wanlong Emperor and the Beast God. They jointly took the lead, and the gods sealed on it were about to be exhausted. out of their grasp.

The Dao of Immortal Light is resplendent, and there is a figure manifested in the green copper tripod, a bit like the appearance of the God Baby when she grew up, but it is countless times stronger than him, extremely majestic, and shocks the universe.

This is the god in the cauldron, and it is exactly the same as the emperor in the past.

Xu Yu saw the emperor's appearance for the first time. Of course, he knew that this could not be the emperor. Just like the divine residence in his cauldron, it just imitated his appearance.

The green copper tripod vibrated, shattering the barrier in front of it at once, and blasted in.


Suddenly, there was a shock, and Cheng Xian Ding didn't know what it hit, and made a crisp sound that shook several supreme beings.

There is something blocking the road ahead, across the road, in the light and rain, everyone can't help but look stagnant, the confrontation slows down, and they look forward together.

That is a monument, the years are ancient, this is different from the immortal gates, monuments, reincarnation gates, etc. I have seen before. It is not a combination of laws, but a real entity.

A real stone tablet appeared on the road to immortality, which was too shocking and made everyone excited.

"Are we going to reach a real world, not a projection area, because we see a physical monument!" Taoist Baihu trembled, and his white hair stood on end.

This is very suspicious, they entered the fairyland.

This monument is extremely old, and it seems to have run through the entire history for so long, and it has an indescribable charm.There are some characters on it, which are not immemorial gods, but belong to the fonts of the chaotic years and cannot be recognized.

The only fortunate thing is that there is also a piece of imperial script, which is the supreme immortal script that has not changed since ancient times. Only those who have reached this level can comprehend and understand it.

"After passing this monument, maybe you will really become an immortal!"

Even such a sentence, with some doubts and uncertainties, and a bit like a desolate sigh after reaching the peak.

Someone once killed here, so close to the Immortal Realm, and then left this monument. Did he break in? Everyone felt uneasy.

"He is like the owner of the desolate tower, the desolate emperor" because they saw that mark, a tower imprinted on the bottom of the stone tablet. It was like a name, leaving endless reveries to future generations.

A period of annihilation, longer than the age of mythology, has never been recorded, and no one knows what kind of period it is.

Only the Nine Heavenly Venerates once said that it was the era of chaos that disappeared, a period of reincarnation was forgotten, and a period of glorious years that was annihilated in the long river of time.

A stone tablet is not transformed by laws, but stands on the road to immortality.

Such an entity has never been seen among the ancient artifacts in the world.

Moreover, it was established by Emperor Huangtian, and its influence was too great. It was a period of chaotic ancient times, which cannot be verified or understood. However, people know that the strong men in that period were extremely terrifying. Otherwise, how could there be such an immortal weapon as Huangta left?

"Has the Huangtian Emperor become an immortal?"

This is a question that makes people wonder. That person has been here before, but Huangta is still left in the human world. Did he succeed?

A burst of blood flashed, Ye Fan's left rib was opened, and a bone was torn off. It was the huge white tiger claw. The white tiger Taoist shot him ruthlessly and accurately.

In this place, their attacks continued and became more intense, because if they stepped over this monument, they might become immortals.

In fact, not only Ye Fan was injured, but everyone was already covered in blood. They were all scarred from such a fierce fight, and Mu Yun was furious with blood.

In the attack just now, Taoist Baihu transformed into his body, and his huge tail was broken off, which was caught by Ye Fan and used as a whip at this time.


In a violent collision, Fengxiang Gilded Kai and Zeng Shen collided. Thousands of celestial lights were exchanged between each other, and rain of blood flew.

The Supreme and Wanlong Emperor from Xianling were fighting Xu Yu. The aura of terror was overwhelming and everywhere. Everyone was covered in blood and their weapons were broken.

Suddenly, in an instant, almost five ancient emperors rioted at the same time, killing Xu Yu and Ye Fan, and they all moved in unison to kill them.

"It's time, get rid of him first, and then we'll compete for the spot!"

They are deeply afraid of Xu Yu and Ye Fan, because he is the supreme being in the world, his blood is as strong as the ocean, he is better than them, and he can fight for a long time, but they cannot, their time is limited, and they are afraid that Xu Yu and the others will be in vain in the end.


Suddenly, Ye Fan pulled his hands, and a blazing fairy light burst out, blocking his front. That kind of breath shocked the past and the present, making the five supreme beings eclipse in horror.

It is the Immortal Cauldron.

It flew back upside down, and under the guidance of Ye Fan, it sheltered him. The green clouds towered into the sky, and the laws of immortality flew, almost shattering the heavens and the world.

"You got a big deal." Several ancient saints deduced what happened. The gods in the cauldron transformed into a divine child in the ignorant years. Although he has returned to his place now, he still remembers him.

In the past, no one knew that the God of Immortal Cauldron was in Ye Fan's hands, but now they know it after recasting the Baoding Cauldron.

"You think that with one cauldron, you can defeat the five of us. What a joke. Even if the emperor is resurrected, you can't do it!"

With a buzzing sound, the five most powerful Tao laws swept forward and drowned Ye Fan.

The Immortal Cauldron shook and shed thousands of rays of light, but Ye Fan took action without reservation.

Even Xu Yu is struggling to fight against the Ten Thousand Dragon Emperor, and the power of endless laws continues to spread on the road to becoming an immortal.

Although Wanlong Emperor was extremely powerful, he was no longer in his prime. After fighting Xu Yuli for forty or fifty moves, his body began to crack and he could not withstand Ou Xuyu's attack.


On the other side, because of the Immortal Cauldron, Ye Fan received special care from the Ancient Supreme. Blood rained down on him, and he suffered heavy losses. Although the Immortal Cauldron was in hand, the five imperial masters were dispatched together, and he

I couldn't stop it and suffered heavy losses.

Let me ask in this world, who can fight against the Five Emperors alone, that's untrue, unless he transforms into an immortal, he will surely die if he refuses.

The only good thing is that the Immortal Cauldron floats above his head, which can weaken his attack power and provide defense.

Otherwise, Ye Fan would be in trouble and would have difficulty surviving.

Ye Fan's eyes flickered, the situation was very bad, he rushed in before the closing of the Immortal Pass, the Chaos Cave, and the Reincarnation Gate, already having this kind of awareness, becoming an immortal must be close to death, and he needs to work hard.

However, the alliance of those people is definitely not strong, if given the chance, they will definitely get rid of their competitors.

Without any hesitation, he merged with the Immortal Cauldron, and the green glow soared, rushing to the front of the Immortal Road. There was no way, and he opened up a golden road, breaking through the terrible barrier.


He passed the stone monument, and suddenly the light in front of him was dazzling, and a vast world was in front of him. Could it be that he had become an immortal and entered the immortal realm?

The other few people would not let him ascend to the immortal first, they walked in parallel, and also broke in, looking around the world.

Here, there are ancient trees, sky, and surging rivers. It is really a vast world, and there are gods flying around, fairy beasts running and roaring, and the earth rumbling under their feet.

"Have we become immortals?" Taoist Baihu yelled, turning into a huge body, couldn't help but screamed up to the sky, stepped on a mountain, and the terrifying body crushed the world, it looked amazing.

Everyone stopped and stopped fighting. Did they become immortals just like this? It was too sudden. They broke into a strange world.

"No, our physical condition has not improved. Although the aura here is many times stronger, it is not the fairy world." Zeng Shen said.

Several other people even closed their eyes and sensed it with their hearts. After a while, they were disappointed and showed extremely sad colors.

"This is still not a fairyland, it is transformed by the law, but it is too real, almost hiding it from us."

This is a cruel fact. They entered, but did not see the expected results. This is not a fairyland, which makes people desperate.

For a while, people stopped fighting and forgot about shopping, and they were all silently deducing.

"We figured it out, this is in front of the fairy world, we're here!"

Almost at the same time, everyone opened their eyes, bursting with divine light, even Ye Fan was no exception. There was a heavenly gate in front, and you would be an immortal if you stepped in.

They rushed to the depths of this world together, and finally saw a gate of heaven.

Several people tried to break away, but all failed. No one can shake it. If it is an immortal monument, it stands at the end of the world and cannot be opened at all.

"Use the Immortal Cauldron!" Several supreme beings came over and asked Ye Fan to take action.

Ye Fan was indifferent, but he really took action. He also wanted to see if he could open it.

The Tianmen shook in the rumbling sound, but it was not broken after all, it failed.

"Words appear"

"This door will only open if it is inspected by an expert of the Imperial Way. This is the only way to the Immortal Realm."

It was Emperor Wen. Although it was esoteric and unpredictable, it couldn't help them. This made several people look at each other in dismay, and their eyes flashed with cold light. Otherwise, half of them would have to be eliminated.

Ye Fan saw a few people staring at him again, wanting to show him off, and sneered: "Everyone, I haven't truly become enlightened yet, aren't you afraid of being useless? Moreover, do you really believe that the words written on the Tianmen are true? Who knew this wasn’t the biggest scam in ancient times!”

"If you admit to the scam, now that you've come to this point, is there any way out?" Beast God said, his eyes gleaming coldly.

Then, the remaining ancient supremes all focused on Xu Yu.

"What, do you want to sacrifice my blood? I'm afraid it's not that easy!"

Seeing many ancient supreme life symbols flashing on him, Xu Yu opened his mouth and sneered.

Facing Xu Yu's cynicism, the ancient supreme beings were all silent. They had no way out and had reached their highest level. After this battle, they would probably never be able to set foot on the immortal road again. Now was their last chance in this life.

Maybe there are traps in the road ahead, even false, but they have no choice, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will move forward.


When the war breaks out, Xu Yu and Ye Fan are the targets that several people want to kill. However, they all have selfish motives and understand that he is just another kind of enlightenment. They are afraid that his observation will be useless, so they secretly find the target.

This kind of battle, mutual fear, mutual defense, so the fight is quite painful.In the end, as expected, someone secretly attacked the allies, and a melee broke out, and the Supreme from Xianling also became the target of the attack.In addition, Taoist Baihu was having a hard time, almost bleeding.

The melee broke out, the sky collapsed, and the world of laws almost collapsed. If it weren't for the proximity to the fairy world, with that kind of supreme rune flashing, the battlefield and the fairy road would disappear.

In the outside world, heavenly punishments are bursting, the universe is trembling, and various beams of light are flying. At this moment, all races know who is going to become enlightened, and everyone has seen a huge golden crow, gradually melting a ray of brand into the avenue of heaven and earth.

No one can stop him, his Dao fruit has already been formed, and will be engraved in the world forever. After this catastrophe, he will become the supreme emperor.

The great catastrophe continued, and in the endless sea of ​​thunder, a Golden Crow whose whole body was made of gold moved across the universe, striking up at the Nine Heavens and descending at the Nine Nether Lands.

He is creating the myth of enlightenment.

(End of this chapter)

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