Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 310 Immortal Road turns against him

"Hahaha!" On Huosang Planet, all the important people of the Golden Crow clan laughed, and some even shed tears. This result shocked them all and moved them to tears.

It's a miracle.

They thought that the old Jinwu had already died, but they never thought that he would become an emperor.

Everyone in the clan thought that the old Jinwu was in seclusion. Only they knew that the old ancestor had disappeared for many years, and there was no news for a long time. Most of them were dead, but now he came back forcefully.

"Now that he has become emperor, let's see how arrogant the human holy body is."

"Yes, the ancestor of our clan has become the great emperor. When the master rises and falls, no one can stop him. He has strong blood and energy, which cannot be compared to those old supremes."

Many members of the Golden Crow clan were gnashing their teeth excitedly, full of hatred for Ye Fan. The other party killed too many strong men of the clan in the past, but they were powerless to resist.

"The glory of our Golden Crow clan will shine through the ages, and no one can resist it!"

All the powers from all over the universe are silent, a Golden Crow Emperor is about to be born, and the entire universe is about to undergo drastic changes.

"Let me tell you, why did a great emperor suddenly appear and reach this level silently? It turned out to be him. He ruled the world in the first life. He fought bloody battles to the ninth level of the quasi-emperor. He waded through mountains of corpses and seas of blood. He had already accumulated enough. In this life Of course it belongs to him, alas!"

Naturally, there are also people who regret it.

Among them, Yin Tiande, Huoqizi, Shenzun, Shencan Taoist, etc. are most regrettable. They also have hopes, and the time does not need to be too long.Unfortunately, it was too late, the rise of the Great Emperor of the Golden Crow tribe cut off their way forward.


The bell rang softly. The Golden Crow refined his weapons during the thunder calamity and tempered his own weapons. It was a big golden bell, the same color as his body, and it was made of gold from the Dao Tribulation, which was very suitable for it.

"So strong, he even forged his own weapons when he became emperor, and even prepared such supreme immortal materials."

People were amazed, knowing that the Great Emperor of the Golden Crow Clan had great courage, perhaps it could be said that he had great ambitions.

Amidst the endless thunder, a big clock took shape, with brilliant golden light, illuminating the 33-story sky, the long clock fluctuated through the ages, and rang from all over the universe.

The big bell is formed, go through the tribulation with him, as long as they survive, they will be invincible in the end.

However, the old Jinwu also has a kind of anxiety. He has become an emperor and is about to achieve great consummation, but he has also sensed the changes in the fairy road, knowing that if the fairy pass, chaotic cave, reincarnation gate, etc. are completely closed, for the outside world, it will never be possible again. There is no chance.

"Becoming an emperor is not my end. I also want to become an immortal and be the best in all eternity."

The Great Emperor of the Golden Crow Clan uttered a rage, and let out a long, high-pitched cry that shook the entire universe. He spread his wings for a few days, carried the golden bell, and rushed towards the Immortal Pass that was about to be closed with endless catastrophe.

In front of Tianmen, Ye Fan, Wanlonghuang, Baihu Taoist, etc. fought bloody battles. They had already reached a fever pitch. Everyone was seriously injured, covered in blood, and even the immortal platform was split open.

Xu Yu and Ye Fan were naturally the ones receiving the most attention, and everyone wanted to get rid of them in advance. However, Ye Fan had the Immortal Cauldron for defense, and he never died.

In fact, there is another important reason. In Ye Fan's hand, there is a blood pill refined from the body of the ancient Supreme Being, which is comparable to a magic medicine. If he hadn't taken it at the right time, he might have died long ago.

In this fierce fight, he was seriously injured several times and was on the verge of death, but after swallowing the blood pill, he immediately recovered, and he was fierce and strong, which gave him a great advantage.

Otherwise, he should already be a dead person, no matter how powerful a person is, he can't stop the repeated bombardment of several supreme beings.

He came back alive several times, but this changed the situation of the battle, because he dragged another person alive and almost died. The supreme master of the imperial way from Xianling was covered in blood, and the fire of life was about to go out.

Because several supreme beings are also scheming against each other and constantly killing each other secretly. This is not a true alliance.

Therefore, "one's own people" are also within the scope of being killed.

In addition, Taoist Baihu also suffered heavy losses.And Tianmen needs to sacrifice the real enlightened person, and these two people naturally gradually replace Ye Fan and become the target.

The sound of flesh and blood splattered into mud and blood splattered, and the Supreme from Xianling was killed by everyone, bloody, and Ye Fan was also responsible for it.

The reality is so cruel, allies attack him, and enemies also attack him. Once he weakens here, it means he will be killed and become the target of everyone.

Survival of the fittest, the jungle of the jungle, reflected at this moment, is really an indescribable irony.

"Boom!" Large pieces of bone, flesh and blood flew up together, hitting the immortal gate, causing it to shine brightly and vaguely crack a gap.

Seeing this, everyone took advantage of this opportunity to strike swiftly, and jointly blasted towards the heavenly gate, hoping to open it and fly in.

At this moment, the Immortal Cauldron is also slamming itself, no one needs to sacrifice, it wants to destroy this gate of heaven, prove an immortal world, and see what is in that world.

It's a pity that the gap is very bright, overflowing with immortal light, but it just can't be opened.

Some people wanted to turn into a ray of light and go in, but they suffered heavy injuries. It was useless to change their bodies, and they couldn't pass through the portal, which was blocked by invisible laws.

"It's not enough, I have to sacrifice another enlightened person!" Wanlong Emperor said.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Ye Fan and Taoist Baihu. The two of them were the best targets. If these two died, the remaining three could just become immortals.

Taoist Baihu smiled bitterly. He knew that he was more dangerous than Ye Fan, because he was old and frail, and he was about to withdraw from the strongest field by now, so it was difficult to support him for a long time.

"Fellow Taoists, what if our efforts throughout our lives are all in vain? Our performance today is not even as good as that of mortals. What a travesty." The Beast God said sadly.

"Because we have no chance, we can only fight this last fight in this life."

"Some people are very tolerant. It seems that they can't make up their minds in this life and still choose to remain silent." Wanlong Emperor sighed desolately and looked in the direction of Beidou.

This made Ye Fan's heart tremble. It was terrifying that the ancient emperor had not yet appeared, had not manifested himself, and that the restricted area was not closed.What are those people waiting for? Do they still not recognize this life?

The catastrophe was deafening, and the sound of a big explosion came from behind, and a golden light pierced through eternity, making every supreme being's heart beat violently.

"How brave to come here"

"You're just worthy of becoming an emperor. You haven't even reached perfection yet, yet you dare to venture into the path of immortality and harm me and other important things."

"you wanna die"

Several Supremes reacted differently, and their words were very aggressive, but then their expressions suddenly changed.

The Golden Crow Emperor didn't come in at the end of the Tribulation, but he came in during the Blazing Heavenly Punishment. He was very terrifying and might be able to hurt them.

The catastrophe was rumbling, very vast, and they were all in palpitations, their bodies resonated involuntarily, and they were about to fall into the punishment of heaven.

This is a terrible catastrophe. Although they are angry in their hearts, they have to avoid the edge and be aware of the warning signs, otherwise they may really capsize in the gutter.The immeasurable divine calamity spread out and flooded this place. It was boundless and shattered the immortal road behind. It was too terrifying.

Except for Ye Fan, everyone present had spent

They fell into the most terrifying catastrophe of becoming an emperor. If they didn't resist, they might experience the feeling of overcoming the tribulation when they were young again.

But they are already old, even if they are sublimated and are in the strongest field, they can't afford to repeat the catastrophe again.

Because it will last for a long time and will exhaust their last strength. Although they are furious and scolded, they have to sigh in their hearts. This Golden Crow is very calculating. It is really unbearable to choose this time to come in. .

No one thought that a golden crow would change everything here.

The Great Emperor Jinwu was ambitious, unwilling to be blocked on the road to immortality, and became an outsider. He rushed forward before he had fully achieved success. He didn't stop for a moment, and he spread his wings to hit the gate of heaven, showing a power that shocked everyone present.

The blood energy was overwhelming. Even though the Golden Crow Emperor also suffered heavy injuries in the thunder tribulation and was covered in blood, his fighting spirit was unparalleled and he tried his best to hit the door.And the most terrifying thing is that the endless heavenly catastrophes have landed, all hitting the immortal gate, it is so violent that it makes people heartbroken.

God was greatly shocked.

At this moment, everyone was bloodstained, and they passively endured the lightning strike. They wanted to resist, but they were afraid of going through the catastrophe. It would be too uncomfortable not to resist.

Ye Fan took the green tripod, retreated decisively, and left here.

But this piece of catastrophe is too vast. During this process, he was constantly attacked, which made him smile bitterly. In the past, he used this method to attack the enemy and suppress the opponent. He never thought that someone would use this method to deal with him one day. Also tasted this taste.

Even though he had never been afraid of the thunder sea in the past and used the sky thunder to temper his body, he had to avoid it temporarily because this was the Great Emperor's Tribulation, the most terrifying lightning in the world. If it caught fire and burned him, it would be very bad. (End of chapter)

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